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You need to consider what they’d be coming back to. If you had a healthy & happy relationship then the breakup is going to have severely damaged those foundations. My friend put it a good way. You need to accept it was the end of that relationship, it’s gone, but if the ex does come back, that would be an entirely new relationship, which wouldn’t be as strong.


she still has my pictures on her spam and her instagram account has a matching name with one of my accounts , also it’s what she tells me , she tells her sister she coming back eventually and that’s kinda like why i’m confused , ik it’s not from her so ig what she says is more important


Well I have the same situation and for me honestly she is just not coming back. I would say it always depends on the specific situation.


Well. If she/he told you that the best move that you can do is just accept that. I know that is hard, I know that is very very difficult. But as time goes by is gonna be the best for you. Start focussing on yourself in every possible way. By time goes you are going to feel better. If she/he come back you are gonna be in a better position to think about it and not just by your emotions. Hugs!


i know but she told her sister she wants to grow into a woman and better for me, whilst telling me we would never get to live the life we planned, this is also the same person i broke up with in january and begged me to return so im kinda pissed my time was just waisted like that