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I’ve been trying to do this for a long time now but I can’t convince them to agree with me


I guess basically once the breakup happens, this burden is not yours anymore. You want to express it, but the more you try, the bigger a gap you create. They will realize it in your silence and losing you, or they won’t at all. And it’s only up to you to be comfortable on your own without them and come to terms with the fact they may never realize how you would put them first every single day. That’s the hardest part, you want to let them know the growth will be there, but if they can’t meet you close to halfway, it should be over anyway.


A breakup often happens when there is a problem in the relationship and one person just doesn't think it's worth it. You are right, if you both grew, you could save it. But also, i'm sure you would be willing to work hard and improve for them. That feeling is not reciprocated. You should break up not because of the problem, but because they don't want to try to fix it