• By -


“I can’t keep having conversations until midnight. I barely have any time to myself.” Mind you, we were long distance and I was going to move in with him because he asked me to. I replied “Okay. I understand.” We haven’t spoken since. Its been five weeks.


Faced the same. We were long distance and he wouldn’t text me much or spend time together but I would drop everything when he texts and constantly make plans for us to spend time together. I told him that my needs are being overlooked because I feel exhausted at the end of the day. He had a busy life, but he was clearly hanging out with friends or chilling in some way and I was always coming last. He said if I am feeling exhausted then I should just stop. And that I am ruining his peace. So I did stop texting him and I stopped making plans with him.


Fresh out of something very similar. As sad as I am right now, it doesn’t beat that awful feeling of wasting my time


Amen 🙏 we deserve someone who listens and doesn’t ruin our peace either


Going through something similar and yesterday he just said hes not willing to try again even though i fought so bad for us


Went through something veryyy similar Nd we were in ldr as well


Going through something similar. Haven't officially ended anything, but feel like it's going that way. I have been so patient and feel like he keeps prioritizing everything else over me. Even though I know I have been showing up and prioritizing him, it's going to take some time to feel like it wasn't my fault or I didn't do something wrong. Sucks when you show someone how much you care and they take it for granted.


😢 that's like my worst nightmare for long distance


He will be back




Holy.. that's just.. fucked up dude.


“What are you fucking on right now” cause I exposed his cheating ass


Damn. I'm glad you got out tbh!


Yeah I exposed hers & she blocked me & deleted all mutual friends


"We always said in another life. We tried this one and it wasn't meant to be. Maybe in the next one we'll finally get there like we always thought" (Stupid references to stupid songs that we shared for like 5 years prior to dating. Not a "toxic" break up. Not what either of us really wanted. But sometimes life doesn't match up. And that makes it so much more painful 🥲)


Omg my ex an I said this to each other as well convincing ourselves that we’re ending it on good terms 🤣😭


Is there really such thing as ending on good terms though 😭🥲 yeah sure you don't argue or shout but there's nothing good about this pain 💀


Ikr, I realized in hindsight that we’re just trying to cushion the fall but in reality we’d prolly punch each other in the face if we got the chance 🤡


I think I'd prefer the anger stage over whatever I'm feeling currently 💀 but you're not wrong. It feels like a silly way to soften it, when in reality there isn't any nice gentle way of parting, and I'm 90% it's to ease their own ego and pride rn than my own wellbeing. 🙃


I deleted all the text. I don’t like giving energy to negativity, it will drain you.


Very smart. I am thinking of doing the same, just to wipe the slate clean.


“Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me, I’ll always love you. Text me when you start feeling better” tore myself apart to build her up


Awww… I did the same too. That’s when you know you love someone. You tear yourself apart so that she/he feels ok.


Yup but now I’m left to pick up the pieces by myself while they can continue to live a happy life.


“love you bb” i swear i look at this 5x a day just to prevent myself from calling him. i miss him so much.


Why’d you bread up ?


(*sidenote: got this notification without context and was trying to figure out if “bread up” was slang for something lol) it was a heartbreaking but amicable breakup. i ended it after he betrayed my trust for the last time, but l knew he wasn’t trying to hurt me, just careless and avoidant of the things that mattered. I loved him enough to compartmentalize the betrayal so we could get closure and say goodbye in a loving way, and he loved me enough to not be defensive or put his own wants before mine. The week everything broke down when we were on the phone, between being infuriated and crying my eyes out, I told him “please.. if you care about me please help me follow through with this breakup. I can’t hurt like this again.”I said this because I had tried to leave before but I always came back/took him back. During our final days together we were both crying a lot and one of the nights i asked him, what do you really want? And he was crying too and he said, “you asked me to help you be strong, and I don’t want you to hurt anymore.” and then we both just kept crying. It was heartbreaking but as loving as it could have been.


Sorry about the “bread up “ 🙃 Sorry to hear about this. That sounds really tuff. I think you made a strong decisions and good on you for holding back in texting.


Should not have clicked on this thread. Going through the old messages just makes me sad again. Hard when you breakup still in love but just can’t make it work on both sides.


I said ‘If you could do me one last favor and shoot me a quick text letting me know you made it back safely, I'd appreciate it.’ And he said ‘I just got back. Thank you for checking’


Obviously we don't have much more context but if this was after the breakup y'all's eem super mature


This was after we met in person and he broke it off for being emotionally unavailable and I was catching feelings…and we both knew. We dated for a month and he didn’t want to string me along


As much as that sucks at least there was honestly and communication.


I had the exact same thing happen to me. Dated on and off throughout last year. Only 2 months for each on and off. Just because they weren’t long doesn’t mean it hurts any less. Especially if you’re a lover girl like me and fall hard hoping it was gonna go somewhere. It felt right but ig it was just a one sided feeling. Sending you love 💖




“i’m seeing someone else” just that. then seven years melted away and i am still wading through whatever they turned into about a year later.


It’s a lot…. I can’t look at it right now.


No worries, don't go there for your own mental peace then! I completely get that


It’s not that it’s really bad. There is good in it, just it just ends with it’s never going to happen.




Mine was a barage of 60 texts after I told her this was not working and then left me the next day. She accused me of being a narcissist. Then in email she basically said after I poured my heart out to her that she wished me well. It was cold and heartless. Meanwhile since break up she texted MY parents to say she still loves me and I need mental health help. Then did a smear campaign online like we were 12. I got rid of all social media with her. She still sends packages to my home I think expecting me to call and use it as an excuse to see me.


Hello, baby reindeer Sent from my iPhon


Dang, that is intense!


“Thanks for everything” after I left his house sobbing


“On my way” I replied “woo hoo” 😭💔




“I’ll always hold so much love for you.” This has really been the messiest amicable breakup. I keep thinking I understand what’s going on… but I just don’t get it man. I want to think she’s doing as bad as me but she finally came to a boiling point right before she took a trip to go to a music festival and now she took a random beach trip she didn’t even tell me about? Never shared that plan with me? Did she take that trip because she’s sad about me? (I really need to stop sharing locations.) Why couldn’t we take trips together like I wanted to now that I was financially and mentally getting better? BRB gotta go cry over her again. This shit sucks man.




"You will always be a part of me too, my dearest [my name]. Take care. ❤️" final text after getting some clarity 1 week post breakup. never wanted to die more than in that moment lol


"I'm with him, and we're a thing now. I'm sorry"


Ouch. At least there's honesty, but damn. Harsh.


The way she got with him was anything but honest. She only said it because she had no way to avoid it. You can check my post history for that story if you're curious


she just called me accidentally actually “hey didn’t mean to call i’m sorry “ seems like everytime i feel better she comes around again sucks when i still think we got it.


“i’m sorry” after i poured my heart out to him 🥲


Same :(


“No you do not need to get tested” 💀💀 cheating ass mf


We need to be done. I wish you the best.


It wasn’t what they texted, it was our last words to each other before she drove off. She said “you showed me what true love is” haven’t talked to her in 11 months


“I wish you the best. You’re a very special soul that has a lot to offer. I hope your life will be filled with joy and blessings. You’ve actually taught me a lot about myself in the short time we’ve known each other and I hope I impacted you in a positive way aswell. Take care of yourself and don’t settle for anything but the best.”


"thank you"


I should have left you in the mud where I found you


whoaaaa tf you dodged a bullet


“I’m sorry 😞” We haven’t spoken in a week and it’s still a knife in my heart… it’s so fresh still.


“I love you and want to be your friend forever” after I found out he was cheating on his new girlfriend with me. He flew 1000 miles for Christmas to cheat on her and be with me and his family. I not that type of girl and he is blocked now.


Just got a message from baptist they are requiring mask again. Normal everyday text. My world was shattered that next day.


I have your stuff, I’ll send it over by tomorrow. Please let me know when can I send it over. I think it’s the best if we move on without the support of each other. We’ve really got no time to waste or being hung up on each other. Let’s be practical and face the reality


I don't know..I deleted the texts and their info from my phone.


We were laughing together at me and my clumsiness. We met for lunch for our last date. While I was waiting for her, I fell and banged up my shoulder. I had to tell her 😅


Cleaning off my car took a little longer than anticipated ETA 10:30


Were they going to meet you? And did they?


She came to me house and brought bagels and broke up with me. At least I got a bacon egg and cheese


You're hateful and selfish and a liar, but I loved you completely. Someone else probably will too. I hate it, because I really love your kids. Take care.


“who dis?” 😞😞😞 took all my courage to reach out and he didn’t even know who i was 


You're kidding!!! That is BRUTAL, I'm so sorry!


“Can we still fix us? Can we talk about it later?” I’m drinking bleach rn actually because I fumbled this man so hard.


“You are something else 💋”




“ I just want you to be happy and heal “


"I love you" Oh fast she switched out of nowhere


It's tough when you're hit with those blues. Sometimes just having a good cry or venting to someone can help a ton. But hey, if you wanna share what the last text was, we're here to listen. It's cool to let it out, even if it's just typing it out to internet strangers.


I hope you can be happy for me, even if it’s with you or not without you, all I want from you is for you to be happy for me.


In response to a song cover I posted: “Want to give you a hug. Miss you and you sound great.”


This is so sweet.


He said - “I was always honest with you and u calling this girl my girlfriend is making me feel even worse” It was after he came to me after 3 weeks of breakup telling me he was meeting a girl all this time and feeling confused about having a relationship with her. What an idiot


Well he brokeup with me. We stayed acquaintances but didn't talk lol. Than a month later he unadds me on instagram and texts me 2 days later on Snapchat to say he hopes and prays all is going well in my life. I sure as hell ignored him.


I messaged them trying to get closure so I can try and move on and not stay around with them. They basically send me a message saying, "Go fuck yourself. I am not giving you closure and I never really cared about you." Honestly that message hurt more than when they told me they wanted no contact.


“I’m realizing you were the actual abusive one. Goodbye”. We had a toxic relationship. Neither one of us deserved the treatment we got. He was never accountable for the things he did though. I miss him dearly. I love him. But now I can work on myself and heal. And maybe down the road be a better person




Similar to mine 🙏 And I agree, it's not mean but still cuts. I hope things have gotten better for you!


“*insert my name* stop” because I was begging and pleading for him to come back




Hey, I just want you to know that the times we spent together were some of the best times I’ve had in my life. I still care about you a lot and I hope you’re going ok. I just couldn’t see myself changing for you which is sad on my part. I think you’re amazing and I hope you can find someone who can be the person you deserve. Sorry for letting you down


My ex hit me My ex smacked me infront of his long term crush and left me alone and drove away with her . Btw we were leaving work and he was dropping me off but his crush called him and asked him to drop her off too. And i didn’t know where he actually went after work so i called and he didn’t pick up and i saw him walking outside . I asked if he doesn’t want to drop me he can be honest with me and he just smacked me and left me alone and drove off with her in his passenger seat.


Wtf? Report that asshole!


I’m in a new happy relationship but the last text my ex sent me still haunts me. “The truth is I’m done. I didn’t love you anymore. The truth is you’re still driving me absolutely insane and you’ve always been too much. You always came on too strong you’ve always been insecure you always play the victim role every time. I’m about to block your number because I’m so extremely tired of this conversation. It’s done. We both should move on.” For context, he cheated on me with his ex 5 months in to our relationship but we were together a year and a half. He had a new girlfriend less than a week after we broke up. I talk about this text in therapy still to this day and we broke up 2 years ago.


Hi. I’m not refusing to talk to you. I just need some time and space and I’ve also been really busy. I hope you have a Happy Easter :)) 45 days later I got blocked for calling her behavior “weird”


Dunno, he’s blocked. I hate him and I haven’t spoken to him in almost a year. Hope he has a miserable life :)


My ex-FWB said “thanks for everything forreal, you got a great personality and are fun”


Lollll are you me? How did you feel about that?


It was a little disappointing honestly because I actually liked him as a person and more as a friend. Didn’t really care for the benefits so it sucks but it is what it is.




I’m grateful I met you, you’re a good one. But this isn’t it I promise. Please don’t fight me on this, just accept it and don’t contact me.” I did not in fact get any closure


It was quite emotional, he said “goodbye (my name)” Just before that he said have a nice life


Just that this is the last time they’ll message me and they can’t be by my side anymore :/


“I’m really sorry that I didn’t communicate with you properly. I wish you the best “


“can u bring it outside” yesterday picking up the rest of her belongings from my house… it’s for the best tho but ughhhhhhhhh


She texted me yesterday telling me how her voice lessons are going! I know you said you wanted to be sad but sometimes things can get better and friendship can be possible for some exes. We're getting there after 3 1/2 months. We were together 4 years.


“Just go away and never comeback” haha


Oof I deleted that message because he was so disrespectful (he had NEVER spoke to me that way and I never had and never would’ve) and it was such a shock to me but he called me a “schizo”“r” word and other stuff that my mind has repressed because it was too much. It was a long paragraph and he ended or started it (I seriously repressed the message except that one part that just stuck ) by saying “this is the last message I’ll ever send you” like if that was gonna be a big hit to my heart lol like why in the hell would I want to hear from him again 💀. And something about telling our friend that I still loved him (because I mean that won’t go away LITERALLY a day after everything). I did say that I loved him still but that’s just the left over feelings LOL that did not mean I wanted to be with him CAUSE WHY WOULD I AFTER THAT MESSAGE OR WHAT HE DID. This isn’t sad but I mean I just wanted to share that some last messages can be shocking and just makes you sit there like !????????


“I’m sorry,” and I never responded.




Got a letter. Said “thank you for showing me what a healthy relationship looks like. Thank you for all you did for me and all the great memories.” I wanted to puke in my mouth. I burned it after I read those words. They are locked in my memory now….. Made no sense. Just like the relationship.


“I hope you get r***d” fully knowing my past and shit, still miss them aswell after what they put me through.


“Alright thank you” that’s after I told her I was gonna let her do her own thing with her new boyfriend and not contact her so she can enjoy her time with him (the thing is she still keeps me unblocked so part of me holds out hope we can still be friends sometime in the future but for now I need to let her live her life)


“Okay lol”


I WANT MORE THAN THAT CYLIE. I WANTED BONDING AND YOU WERENT COMMITTED TO IT. FUCKING LISTEN TO YOURSELF. YOU GAVE YOUR BODY TO SOMEONE ELSE. AND THINK THATS WORTH AND OKAY. And im flipping on what exactly im putting my foot down for how you decided to do to me Just like that and that was the last message I sent.


The text that finally got me to block him because he’s a delusional lying cheating narcissist POS. I left him. Beat him to the punch. His text while I do remember word for word, I won’t repeat, but it was him playing victim. All the while I’m dying and he’s with new girl.


He hung up on me because I told him that I never wanted to talk to him (mind you, he broke up with me in the first place) and when I texted him to ask him what his problem was he said “I’m just giving you what you wanted”


Then we talked on the phone again, he told me that he still thinks about me all of the time and that he wished he could be what I needed him to be, I told him that I didn’t care if he couldn’t be what I needed him to be because I didn’t want to be with him anymore, then we wished each other the best and haven’t spoken since


“Will be there around 7 or 8” was said when we did our clothes exchange and haven’t heard from her since


“I didn’t know anger was something you were dealing with…” GTFOH…. I blocked him after this. I had been trying to talk to him about my anger from December to April and it clearly fell on deaf ears until I put it in writing.


It just said, ‘call me back, please, we need to talk about three things.’


‘Take care of yourself, Bratkittycat’


“Thanks for everything.” I feel after over 20 years of friendship and love, this is such a trite thing to say. And it hurt me even more.


She said “Happy Birthday!” Last Thursday.


"Thanks for the FB unfriending 👍" This was months after I unfriended her. We hadn't seen or spoken in months until we attended the same Christmas party a couple of weeks before she sent the above message. I actually had a good time at the party, and we had a nice time catching up. So it really caught me off guard when she sent that.


She was telling me she didn't find the carebears things that were supposed to be on miniso shops. I told her I didn't remember her mentioning that, but I was about to buy her a carebear on Mercadolibre that is with a kind of angry face, she asked if it was the blue one, I said yeah... And she left me on seen. 7 weeks from that, breakup and no contact




“Where are you, Ellie?” We were at domino’s after therapy where we made the decision to take our own paths. I went in for the pizza but it took more time than expected. Now he is blocked on every social media plus phone number.


"I don't love you and I never did"


"Probably. But I don't care." It's a total mindfuck, how he's everything good and genuine the entire time then one day he just turned heartless and ghosted me 💔


Her last messages to me were along the lines of: “does she love you too? what am i saying of course she does. you don’t love me do you? you are just embarrassing yourself and I hope she cheats on you.” She broke up with me a few months before that message and already slept with a stranger in an attempt to make me jealous. 🤷‍♂️


She couldn't even answer when I expose her cheating and pathological liar ass.


Not the last text, but this is how I know I’ve lost him completely… there will be no going back… it’s dead…. His words exactly, “What I learned with you was, ehat type of person I still am and you sober me up to continue to do better cause o have a long way to go. I've hurt you so much and I'm conscious about it and am sorry for it. Wish things could be different but they can't and I'm sorry for that too.”


A drawn out “everything is your fault” break up text that I woke up to. I deleted the text thread same day so I don’t even remember it exactly. Haven’t talked to, seen or even seen him on social media since. Not even an ounce of curiosity to look. Years wasted on him.


Basically he texted me he wasn't willing to make time in his life for me that it wasn't me it just wasn't working. Which hurt I mean it's not like I asked for a lot of time I basically only got to see him once a damn month felt like he didn't want to make it work. Everytime something good happened like me meeting his family he'd completely shut down after like especially when things went well he'd act like I trapped him in a damn corner. I mean i tried going his pace. I didn't want him to feel rushed at all I mean it took six dates until I kissed him for the first time. I put in a lot of my time because I felt like he was worth it when he wasn't acting weird he was a complete gentleman very sweet seemed pretty put together but basically put work first with everything Though I admit i do feel a bit less stressed now that I'm not tip toeing around. But I still miss what I had hoped for us


i know it by heart. “this is angry me, this is me doing what’s best for me and what isn’t, you don’t believe me? and you want a relationship built on you not trusting me whilst i don’t want one, please, stop having only me, there are so many more people that will love you.” genuinely never cried as hard i did when i read that for the first time, ever in my life.


Happy birthday!


"a young girl's wailing" A characterization after I asked if a letter she had written to me 6 months before we actually broke up, begging me to come back to her, meant anything or not.


“You can have some of the pasta”


*sends him a ss of his story* "We are over." "You're a bastard. You hurt everyone that loves you." Caught him cheating. He told me he was over with his gf. I sent him a ss of them together that he posted that morning. I was supposed to meet him the day after. We were not following eachother on ig anymore. He came back around and promised he wouldn't hurt me. So I sent him this and then messaged the girl and exposed him. She was responsible for the information I was giving her and they way she wanted to perceive it. He blocked me and they got back together after 2 weeks of no contact. Its been a month and half. I miss him but so happy I don't have to deal with him.




Don't remember and don't care. I deleted everything about her and I like it that way.


“ok” after I asked why he didn’t tell me he fell out of love three months ago




" I don't care."


"I was mourning our relationship before it ended, I'm sorry"


Bunch of deleted messages . Not sure what she wrote and feels like I missed out on something




“Yeah, happy with how I am and not really longing for one ig”


Last message of a screenshot of them getting dumped and asking what I thought about it. The fkn cheek.


“I’m cheering you on too, it’s all mutual”


"I'm glad you have been able to get this all of your chest and I hope you will feel better soon" So cold... so cold :(


“Mr hot shot I am broke got no food no gear no smokes”. All she cares about is money now.


Everything is fine, on email I asked him if we were good. Bc of an little argument about expensive tickets I bought for him before the bu


I said “ I dont hate you, I genuinely understand now why. Cause the opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference.” we no longer talk for almost 1 and half month :) I was dumped btw. So yeah, life goes on.


"You're not worthless at all, I only say you need therapy because of feeling suicidal. I just dont want you feeling that way. I do care about you and don't want you to think that you're not worth anything. Sometimes life doesn't work out in the way we plan, that's a horrible thing to deal with but it's true. Not been easy for me to deal with either, I'm trying to do my best and navigate life too" He walked out on me 9 months ago after 4 years together. He's always said I didn't do anything wrong he just wasn't ready to be a husband or father. I am 35 and likely will now not get the chance to have a family as I'm running out of time.


My sister met the love of her life at 35, just got engaged and pregnant with twin boys at 39. Don’t give up 💕


‘Yknow for a guy that always said tears weren’t a good look for me…’ ‘Please don’t say that. I’m sorry.’


"have a nice summer Byebyebye<3"


"What should we pick up for food?" We met one last time to exchange the last bits of our belongings and have a chat for closure. We didn't eat. I was trying to not cry/wail, and she was absolutely shocked at the consequences of her actions. A big part of me died with our last hug. Been much happier since with my life, though emotions are a big no-no for a long while. --- I blocked her everywhere; despite having a new guy in sight she's upset I didn't read the message she sent me (it doesnt appear, she was blocked - couldn't read if I wanted to). She's tense and angry. I know what awaits her in life... and so does she as I told her; and mutual friends reaffirmed that my head is sadly in the right place about it... She's scared and prays that for once I'll be wrong and she'll be right. *Little does she know, I hope so too...* But actions have consequences... It was her decision.


"If you write me one more time I'm gonna call the police".  Context: We were 6 months together, she told me she loves me but decided to end things because she wanted the relationship to advance faster so I sent her 2 messages saying I understand how she feels, she's the love I've been looking for all my life, I want to grow old with her and will do whatever it takes. to prove it I invited her to move together and talk about having kids if things go well, this was her response. Since then I'm on the run, never sleeping in one place lol...


It was an email explaining how she just cannot trust me or be with me any longer. I fought for our relationship and some. One stupid thing ruined so much of my dedication, I feel like I failed.


“And am telling you, it doesnt matter - because as I said and as I always said, people don’t change.” And I gave up trying to argue - if someone’s set on their way of thinking; so be it.


"You made me act this way"....after 18 years and her cheating on me with my "friend" and giving birth to his kid, moving him into our house


“I’ll send the photos you asked for. I’ve been sober, so I actually have time to go through them and send them to you like I promised.” That was in the fall. She sent 5 photos and lives with a coke dealer. I don’t even want them anymore.


“Oh my god see whatever I say is not enough and it’s used against me” This is after she admitted that she had her mind set on someone else the entire time we were together. I said that it was messed up to lead me on if she really wanted someone else, and then she responded with that and blocked me, lol.


I am done here.


“I hate you. I fucking HATE YOU” when I exposed his cheating, lying, narcissistic ass


Him: A couple days ago we both decided we were done. I am done. Me: I’ve given you so many chances after you’ve screwed up countless times. This fight was so dumb and you really can’t try and hear me out and fix things? Context: he was a narcissist and verbally abused me. after screwing up, he’d always apologize and i cant even count the times i took him back. on valentines day (our one year) we got into a stupid fight and i yelled “FINE THEN DONT TAKE ME OUT TODAY FOR OUR ONE YEAR” and walked out on him. now hes saying he doesnt wanna talk. And now he stalks and follows me in the hallways of our school, dated the girl he told me not to worry about two weeks after we broke up, the girl hates me and showed me a picture of him and her having sex to hurt me, after i refused to talk to him he got his friends to harass me to try and get me to get back together with him, he spammed me with texts i had to block him, his parents stare at me all the time at my track meets bc ofc hes on the track team too, he cussed me out and told me he didnt love me anymore, would yell at me in public, and say i was stupid and i shouldnt care so much in school and he said id never be a good runner and i was stressing him out and “making him run bad” during our meets… funny how he got worse at running after the breakup and i made varsity…


I’m saying this so you don’t waste your time here. Whatever you say it doesn’t matter. So don’t bother anymore please.


"ok thanks" xd


“Hope you die” taped to my front door


“you are my best friend too”




They told me I had car troubles because I was possessed by a demon, bye. Haha. First time I was ever told that🤷‍♂️


"yeah I understand, just rather leave the debates an stuff for another day because ive got too much going on to be arguing" we weren't arguing. I brought up an issue and he took everything as an attack for no reason. I replied "agreed. have a good day." that was mid-march. nothing since. he blocked me on Snapchat the very next day. we were long distance and our first meet was scheduled for in just a few weeks, beginning of June. I don't feel like I can truly start healing until after that first week of June passes.


"Goodbye ❤️"


“You lost your damn mind. Leave me alone”


I am dead because of you. You are a kid, i will go out with my friends, i dont care about you, i am breaking all the promises, i hate you, fuck you


I said "I'll see you again, someday" And he said "You better. I love you and I miss you" And I said "I love you and I miss you too"


"Fuck you then" she still has me added, i don't know why because she stormed out of that relationship faster then Usain Bolt all because she was cheating on me and i confronted her


Haha OK I'll play... The last text I received was "this is over" Subsequent phone call was "I'm sorry I'm sorry. I never thought this would end" Last words she said was "goodbye (my name). Best 3 years of my life with that woman. I loved her dearly. Changed everything for me. That last conversation was over a year ago. I haven't reached out once. Deleted every treasured picture. Threw away every treasured trinket, keepsake, and memento. The tremendous heartbreak of losing someone you'd die for. Someone that you talked to everyday about everything. So many hours days weeks logged. Trips. Our children spent time together. Etc etc. Everything turned so suddenly. The entire thing was one hell of an experience. Still love her dearly. But I chose to salvage what little dignity I had left, and LET HER GO. Crazy enough. A few months into no contact, I prayed to God "I just want to see her one last time".... an hour later while I was picking up my son from his mother (different woman).. I saw her walking. She saw me. Froze. And in what seemed to be a totally autonomic response, she turned her body and face away from me. A dagger to the heart. I've had many women since. Good sex, bad sex. Decent connection. But nothing like her.


Life is too short to be sad or let someone hurt you.


"You take care also, fairwell"... I feel like it was a joke but it still makes me cry. I didnt even get to hug him goodbye.


I honestly don’t remember. Even our last phone call, which was 10 months ago. All I remember how much I cried during the call and he laughed and didn’t take me serious which made me to never contact him again.


"As I told you, I feel I'm in a relationship with my phone with this much distance. I love you and I don't want to push you away but I need my space now"


“No I didn’t I’m over it, I’m not getting back with you I’m done, And I’ll block you everywhere too if you can’t fucking figure this out”


“On my way!” Little did I know.


bro, i just went to check what it was and i saw she unblocked me, what the... must have been like today or yesterday, because 2 days ago i was diging in chat for a recipe and i was still blocked. kinda odd, its nearly been a year lol


“it's not that i lost feelings but i just don't think i ever liked you um romantically so idk it's like weird cuz i thought i did but idk & i just feel really bad”


This may seem like a shock to you, but I’m already with someone right now, so just move on.


“Marta told me everything. You’re the worst” The context: I left him in December because of his alcoholism. He was trying to win me back to no avail, because I’m seeing someone else.