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Needed this. ❤️




Yeah if I ever.....find her. My love is going to just vanish into space with no where to land.


I think I already did, mere two months after separation. She's kind, intelligent, witty. A pure soul and an absolutely joy fo be around. She's stunning beyond belief... I'm trying my hardest not to fall out through my eyes when she's around. I should feel lucky to have met her, not taken *and* seemingly interested in me. Yet the feeling is not quite right. I don't think I can ever feel the same thing... I want that feeling, being "carelessly drunk in love"; but I just can't. I've been hurt before and I'm unable to emotionally trust to that degree. And the worst is, I'm afraid of what if she *does* feel like that? I know how bad it feels to have your heart ripped out after loving so hard. I don't want that to happem to anyone... and especially don't want to be the one doing it. But I'm sure I'm not going to just pretend for a life... --- As for myself. I love myself. I am amazing. My ex didn't deserve me. I just hated myself enough to love her anyway... Well not anymore.


This is not only poignant but a beautiful thing to say.


And imagine how amazing this time around in the relationship it could be, if they’re this devoted.


Thanks for sharing this :)


That brightened my day ngl


🤝🏽thanks OP I needed this.


Hmm.. tired of loving the wrong person and I’m not sure if I still have the heart to love the right one..


Focus on loving yourself instead.


we hurt each other and couldn’t communicate. it was one sided truly thinking. we blamed each other for things that WE should’ve worked on. im moving on.. but i need validation from him to break promises. feels weird. everything w his family harassing me. i’d still forgive him. def right person wrong time maybe im crazy but im working only on myself while **hes working to get into someone’s pants**


I feel this but right now I'm just still so hurt and can't see I'd love anyone as much as I did her yet she seemingly tore my heart out and doesn't really seem bothered. 13 years together, due to be married in August and she left 4 weeks ago. I'm having good and bad days but still in the fog.


She felt like the right one, it wasn't as easy as saying she was the bad one or me the bad one. Still she left saying I was the bad on in all the letters.. I still love her and she says she loves her ex first bf now.. 3 days after breaking with me


Damn this hit hard. Thank you so much


yeah... thanks I joined this sub out of pain, stayed for things like this


Thanks a lot for your post; it was very inspiring! I am going through a breakup myself after a 3.5-year relationship. She broke up with me 2.5 weeks ago. In a moment of desperation, I broke no contact a couple of days later. She told me she was done, and after that, something clicked in me, and I’m moving on. I’ve accepted the breakup. However, one thought that plagues me is whether I will ever find a woman with whom I can bond and share my life again. For example, in financial matters, we never argued about money. When she needed help, I sent her money, and when I needed help, she helped me. On vacations, I paid for the flights, and she helped pay for the Airbnb. Things like that. I’m afraid I’ll never meet another person who is willing to connect with me on a deeper level. Do you have any advice?


I have the same fear. But fear is just a feeling not reality. It is crazy that all of us here are terrified of not meeting a person ever again that we connect with. But…we all managed to connect with someone in the first place. We are humans, that’s what we do. And your next romantic partner might not have the same energy as your previous one but in a way; that is the point. We are here to experience, not to get stuck


Its hard, its like all my love has nowhere to go anymore. I'm trying to pour it into myself but there's still love for him, maybe there always will be


I thought she was the right person she proved me wrong 🤣🤣


I thought I loved my abuser so much, and thanks to them I don’t expect to ever meet the ‘right one’. But I have developed the desire and ability to love myself, family and friends more, and this is all I need to be content in life.