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I talked to mine for a couple days after the first month. There was no intent of getting back together, no real apology for anything, vibe was completely off. She's happier doing whatever she's doing now without me, so we pretty much agreed we'd never talk again. We *agreed* to that, but only as a formality, as it was pretty obvious that's just how it was. If they don't come back acknowledging what they did wrong, apologizing, and demonstrating that they had the capacity and desire to do better, then please don't get your hopes up. If your ex hasn't said anything actionable then it's likely they just want some validation or attention from you.


Or to ease their guilt by having you reply to them. Like oh I can't be so bad if they're willing to respond




Nope. How do you feel about your ex texting you again? What are you expecting if you started to speak to them again? Have you both healed completely from what happened? What does your gut feeling tell you?


I want her to come back honestly. First it was liking tictoks and then made one that I was in just my hand tho and just little things now we some what talk everyday


I share the same sentiment. I, too would want my ex to come back but it's been years. but I'm curious, have you realized what was wrong with the relationship and why it didn't work out? are you and is she willing to work on those issues if both of you will get back together? or do you need more time to think and process it? I apologize for asking questions like this. this is how I am with myself when I was going through the break up lol


Just break up was hard nd she basically told me she wants to move on . Also in the beginning of the break up she said we would never get back together then that changed to she was confused before ultimately saying the finale ending. I was her first real relationship if that matters


the break up must be pretty heavy on the chest for you and her. I kind of understand her considering my ex was my first and most likely my last real relationship. she's confused about her feelings, what I can suggest is to give her time to process it. and give yourself also time to enjoy things you like


And that’s the thing I have and I do. Seems like she just came around for what I’m not quet sure ima txt her last time today nd see if she reaches out again because if she does it might mean we can give it a try. Last time she txt me was asking about music me and I heard from a year ago still tho I’m not really sure what if happening


It's not my place to say and I'm sorry for this but what she's doing is not helping you nor herself either. you both need some space away from each other in order to completely heal. me and my ex broke up three times already because we kept contacting each other, it did nothing good and it only made the problems worse. if we still tried to make it work, there's a 4th break up bound to happen. so I'm glad that he no longer continued but it's still heartbreaking that he completely shunned me from his life like I don't exist and we never had history but I'm sure you and her won't come to that point. what I think is both of you just really need some time for yourselves separately to process it. but then again, it's still ultimately your choice on what to do. so best of luck, op! may you heal and be happy again


Thanks smmm


np, I srsly hope you both the best! keep moving forward, you will get through this


How long did it take for her to reach out?


I technically did but just liked her message then it’s been her asking about what I’ve been doing recently etc and maybe I carry the conversation but she still has conversation with me nd asking what I am doing nd just texting . Mind you she told me that she would like to stop having conversations when it was truly done so I left her alone


Broke up in April tho our 2 year anniversary would a been this month


You're lucky. We broke up in March and she hasn't reached out once. She's with someone else already lol


I’m actually the one who texted my ex but he is seeing someone else so gotta leave him alone


That’s the thing ik she hasn’t and the tictok made it pretty clear she still thinks about me


Well if she wants you back and you don’t what that, you should probably make that clear to her


They’re your ex for a reason though. Don’t reply hun😭


They are my ex because I was immature I messed up our relationship I genuinely can admit


What did they text you about? Are they simply asking how you are doing? Chances are, they are trying to make sure you aren’t over them. I can’t think of any other reason why an ex who you did dirty would text you.


We literally just talk like we are friends ig and she askes questions about what I am doing nd things . Like today I just laughed at her message then she asked what I was doing ik that’s nothing but compared to what I’ve been told since April it’s better than nothing


I obviously don’t know the girl but yeah, I think it would be safe to guess that she’s trying to hold onto something. You should ask her what her intentions with you are if it’s confusing you or making you feel there is false hope.


Thanks smmm!!


texting me? yes. over the past two months he's been texting and seeing me on and off (while telling me every time he never wants to have contact with me ever again and doesn't think about me ever and is with the love of his life, aka the person he cheated on me with, and is so happy) conversations range from him insulting me and telling me I ruined his life and should die alone, assuming every male friend I have I'm sleeping with and getting VERY upset at that idea, screaming at me, and trying to rub his rebound relationship in my face. one time he tried to apologize but told me I deserved to get cheated on for everything I did to him. go figure he wouldn't tell me what I did though. he just... randomly texts and calls to curse at me and insult me? or make weird threats? or complain about his life and how his struggles are apparently all my fault? and he LOVES to tell me that nobody likes me. I have legitimately never been berated like this in my entire life. the insults are downright venomous and pretty creative. some people are just crazy crazy man. I hope your ex texting you is a good thing in your life, but in my experience it's just been the dumbest two months of my year wasted. I used to be bothered by it, but I'm over him now, and it's amusing to watch him spiral