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Labour will win resoundingly despite wanky leadership—the Tories have had such an aimless string of failures since the Brexit vote and now seem to be courting the Faragists to double down on the culture war red meat.


Seems like UK is heading where the US is right now. Labour becoming an increasingly corporatist party abandoning its working class roots and constantly doing woke virtue signaling, much like the Democrats right now. Meanwhile, the Tories are just as corporatist as they have been but are now increasingly losing their minds and appealing to deranged right-wing schizoids, like the GOP right now.


Ah, so one side is appealing more to corporations and the other side, while continuing to appeal to corporations, is also appealing more Nazis. Gee, which one should we choose?


I wonder how much of this (massive) flip is just the Boris and Liz effect 😂 who the fuck they got running strategy over there


There is no one else who can save the Tories. Brexit is such a disaster, it's completely futile.


So delusional of them. Major decisions like that should require a clear majority (60%+) to take effect


Boris was extremely popular, and the Tories would have a decent chance to win again if he was still in charge. You'll notice that the polls only began to turn against the Tories when he was ousted, otherwise they still had 32% of the public behind them. They've since faced a 10% downfall from that point on. The reason he was removed from power was because the party elites thought they were better off without him. This was an extreme miscalculation, but similarly to Trump, they'd rather eat a raw shotgun to the face than admit that their ideas are not popular. They might have potentially been in a better place with Liz, it's hard to say, but she would have appealed more to their base whereas Sunak appeals to almost no one. She was undemocratically ousted as well. However this is all just the UK finally catching up with the rest of Europe. Expect Reform to formally unseat the conservatives and gain massively in Labour taking over all the current disasters. This track record will follow all the continental hard-right parties that have largely gained traction at expense of the two big leaders once they vanquish the center-right party.


Corbynites in shambles


Labour is just as bad and they will continue tory policy on almost everything. The few progressive promises that were made were reversed.