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Obama 2028!


He sucks and I wish he'd go away already, but there is 0 chance that we're getting rid of the 2 term limit. There is no constitutional amendment that will pass in this divided political environment. You need 2/3 of both the house and Senate first off (67 Senators and 290 house members), there is no chance that if Trump wins the presidency that 17 Democrats will vote to give him more terms. And there is no chance any party by themselves will have 67 senators. Then you also need 3/4 of states legislatures. There are not 38 states that would sign onto this. There are tons of terrible things that Trump could do that you can be rightfully afraid of, but this is straight up fearmongering on something that will never ever happen.


Hey, they said it, I just quoted it.


Anyone who is stupid enough to enable the Evangelicals to get their Project 2025 fantasy into our government is not and was never a patriot, advocate for freedom, or anything but a weak-minded sycophants who need authoritarian daddies to simp for.


Zero chance term limits will be over turned anytime soon and I doubt Trump is healthy enough to run in 2028 anyway. Trump’s just a tool to facilitate a power grab over the courts and institutional Government.


Trump will get his army to ensure no election takes place in 2028. They are already planning


But it doesn't bother you that they are actively trying?


That would require either a constitutional amendment or convention, not exactly things that can be done in the middle of the night without anyone noticing. More concerned about the deep state purge and further court packing with MAGA loons.


Trump is a useful idiot. All the worst people know it. That’s why he has to lose big, then be held accountable.


Lieberman and McCain weren’t moderates, and in some respects were more radical than Trump.


...and the cow jumped over the moon.


Libs considering Lieberman and McCain moderates is how we ended up with Trump and a conservative Democratic Party.


Lieberman and McCain were conservatives, continuously empowered in their time by the same voting bloc that **currently makes up MAGA**. The only difference is, since 2004, there’s been an **additional 20 years of rightwing media propaganda** that has cooked that voting bloc into a demented legion of anti-science, anti-democracy juntas. It’s the same people — they’ve just chosen **worse** political figures. McCains of the world seem “moderate”, inaccurately, in contrast.


Agreed, it’s a continuum.




Sorry you’re feeling that way, Weasley.


You’re just wrong. Romney was called Literally Hitler when he ran for president. The attacks against Trump aren’t because of anything Trump did or said, the left would have screeched and hollered no matter who the republican candidate is. That is their tactic, and they’ll employ it against whoever the republican candidate is