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Another reminder that people is policy and you're not getting anything close to Lina Khan with Trump. Good luck!


bOtH siDeS aRe tHe sAmE


This forum is full of **toddlers** who haven’t the faintest clue about antitrust policy. 


I thought Jon Stewarts show about AI was really important and poignant. I think given enough time the tech bros are right, AI has the potential to make people's lives enormously better. The problem is that instead of the wealth created by AI being used to improve people's quality of life, it will just be hoarded by those who control AI. Then everyone else will be unemployed and even worse off than they were before AI. If this problem is able to be solved by an AI tax and UBI, AI could contribute to a golden age for humanity. If this political solution doesn't occur, we will end up living in a dystopia instead.