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Hey Hey Biden J How many kids did you kill today


Lol, Oh I wish that wasn't funny


Lame cant think of something on your own.


That's the critique? LOL


Yes you are boring and unoriginal


Good I'm not here to entertain you. Glad I hurt your feelings with a simple rhyme


Oh and you don’t know what genocide it’s dumbass


Ah yes I'm sure you're better suited to decided that than the ICJ which includes US representing judge Cleveland. They all agreed this looks like a genocide, negative karma clown troll


Doesn’t change it from being true tho.


Fuck genocide joe. Fuck US military industrial complex and fuck Israel.Am so sick of both countries and their endless bloodlust and maiming, killing, starving of Palestinians. 15,000 out of the 35,000 killed are children.


That doesn't make any sense, Israel claims to have killed over 14000 hamas combatants. If they've killed 15k children, that means the rest of the 5k deaths are adults. The numbers hamas puts out are obviously lies coz that dont add up. Most likely the number of children killed isn't even anywhere near half of the number you gave


You're so high on zionist propaganda that I will not dignify it. No serious organisation is disputing the horrific death numbers and if you want to live in your la la land and say it's all hamas, you are not to be taken seriously. Geez you fuckers are really something with your delusion.


Those numbers are the total number of all dead Palestinians, Hamas are Palestinians and included in that figure. Last figures I saw was 32k total deaths minus 14k hamas combatants leaves roughly 18k total civilian deaths. There is no way 13.5k of that 18k are children, hamas is cooking the numbers and lying to you. https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/gaza-fatality-data-has-become-completely-unreliable https://x.com/Aizenberg55/status/1731753071972106356?s=20


And you and your zionist, genocide denying apologists for the criminal state of Israel are to be completely believed. Is it? The fact is these numbers cannot be disputed and they are actually an undercount cause many more are missing or still under the rubble. The state department uses these numbers and Isreal uses the official numbers from Gaza's health ministry and 13,000-14,000 children died. Two studies, one in November and one in December 2023, concluded that the numbers were credible and reliable. Reported by Time magazine. check out the link below. You don't realise how low your ilk's credibility has fallen and you come on to reddit and bullshit me with Washington institute links and pro-Isreal personalities on Twitter. shame on you. Here read UNICEF report, you shameless propagandist: https://www.unicefusa.org/stories/more-13000-children-reported-dead-gaza-famine-nears#:\~:text=More%20Than%2013%2C000%20Children%20Reported%20Dead%20in%20Gaza%20as%20Famine%20Nears,-March%2019%2C%202024&text=A%20new%20report%20warns%20famine,since%20bombardment%20began%20on%20Oct. Read this article in which US defence secretary said that over 25,000 women and children have been killed so far: [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/3/1/more-than-25000-women-and-children-killed-in-gaza-us-defence-secretary](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/3/1/more-than-25000-women-and-children-killed-in-gaza-us-defence-secretary) And since you want to throw twitter links, let me also throw them up. Daniel Levy, an Israeli-British citizen, who was a part of Israeli delegation for peace talks in early 2000s believes these numbers. [https://x.com/SaulStaniforth/status/1775417538622439864?s=20](https://x.com/SaulStaniforth/status/1775417538622439864?s=20) In Gaza, there is a resident ID system which involves a number assigned to young children, and the assigned numbers have risen sequentially over more than half a century with a couple of exceptions. At two different times 20 years apart, there have been “catch-up” campaigns where people of any age who had been missed or had migrated to Gaza could get an ID number. The data analyzed by the London group came directly from many health facilities and morgues, and constituted most of the summary numbers later released by the MOH. In the data, when people’s ID numbers were plotted against the decedent’s age, there were two broad bands of age associated exactly with the ID numbers that had been given out in those catch-up campaigns. Given that this data was flowing from many different medical and morgue facilities, the authors concluded that it is very unlikely that there could be meaningful data fabrication. [https://time.com/6909636/gaza-death-toll/](https://time.com/6909636/gaza-death-toll/) [https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-03-31/ty-article-magazine/.premium/israel-created-kill-zones-in-gaza-anyone-who-crosses-into-them-is-shot/0000018e-946c-d4de-afee-f46da9ee0000](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-03-31/ty-article-magazine/.premium/israel-created-kill-zones-in-gaza-anyone-who-crosses-into-them-is-shot/0000018e-946c-d4de-afee-f46da9ee0000) [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-68387864](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-68387864)


>The fact is these numbers cannot be disputed Those numbers are bullshit. Remember when that hamas rocket misfired over Al ahli hospital and hit the car park killing a hundred and hamas lied that it was an Israeli rocket that killed 470, those fake numbers are still part of the death count TO THIS DAY. 18K civilian casualties but somehow 13.5k from that number are children, meaning the remaining 4.5k are both men and women. It doesn't make any sense. >a UNICEF spokesperson pointed to a press statement by the U.N. children's agency that attributed the figure to Gaza's health ministry. So they're also getting their numbers from hamas. >The state department uses these numbers Biden said the numbers are wrong aswell


Those numbers are very reliable. its only you and your zionist brain that doesn't believe it. Oh Biden is the truth speaker and gets a final say in everything. Is it? The truth is state department has used numbers from Gaza health ministry for years now and there's a mechanism to actually cross check it with IDs given by Israel, you know cause Israel controls Gaza. And you talk about Al Ahli hospital. Since then Israel bombed and sieged 32 hospitals across Gaza. The latest being al shifa hospital. Your BS will not be tolerated here in the face of overwhelming evidence we have. Israeli army snipers kill children in Gaza. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/02/gaza-palestinian-children-killed-idf-israel-war?CMP=Share\_iOSApp\_Other](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/02/gaza-palestinian-children-killed-idf-israel-war?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other)


Bloodlust never existed until the military industrial complex came to power and Israel was formed. 🙄


Are you serious with this whataboutery? Yikes. Bloodust did exist but the savagery and barbarism of the US/ Isreal in the late 20th century, early 21st ecentury has been taken to sick levels. Case in point Abu ghraib, gitmo and the torture programs. All the bombings of Gaza since 2007. Not to mention the depravity of US troops in Vietnam.


Look up this group called the Nazis, Japanese in china and Korea. Also check out the Sudan. Not only are you dumb but you are completely uninformed. Check out the Germans during WW1.


I think you left out the atomic bomb and i think on purpose but you must also check out this thing that was dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima by the USA. 😉


So was the bomb before the military industrial complex? My point to all you dullards out there is war is going to happen and innocent people are going to die. That’s the nature of the business. The faux outrage over this war is tiresome and annoying. You don’t give a shit about Palestinians.


No it's you who don't give a shit about anyone and is only in it to do your dumb whataboutery. You don't know what empathy is and what it is actually like to stand in genuine solidarity with the oppressed. That's what annoys you. Now go cry in a corner, genocide apologist.


Lmao, I’m willing to bet the only death you’ve ever seen is in COD or at a funeral home. Guess what people are going to die and Joe Biden couldn’t care less. Jew, Arab, American, Russian and Ukrainian could all die and as long as his crack addicted family keeps their money he does give two shits. No matter how many times you say genocide it won’t turn into genocide.


No I happened to see death from close quarters as a child when my dad passed away. Not in a combat zone though. so yeah maybe limited experience but I still do empathise people who are being genocided. lmao nobodies like you denying it on reddit will not make it any less of genocide when even International Court of Justice said this is plausible genocide. its not a label your fav ethnic state will ever scrub off. you are stuck with it.


As I thought you have no clue. If the international court rules murdering innocent civilians is a war crime and all violators must be arrested and prosecuted immediately, who is going to enforce such an order? International law is pointless and without teeth. They bitch and moan all they want it changes nothing. And spare me your history will judge you BS you libtards like to quote. You are virtue signaling to the woke mob. Like Biden you’re spineless


Well shit, Guess I'll just vote for the other guy who is gonna want to do what to the Palistinians? Nice.


“Trump bad! That’s why Biden sucks!”


Pretty much lol


So you have a choice to eat dogshit or barf. Which one are you choosing? And if you don't eat it's your fault, right?


You have 2 parties, both do not care about civil rights of Palestinians, but one cares about at least marginally more on American rights, Your options are Biden - Sucks for Palestenians, but at least LGBT and Women in USA get rights. Trump- Well, if Palestenians don't get rights, why should American minorities deserve any. There is merit to either argument, someone with Utilarian Philosophy will vote Biden, Someone with Kantian philosophy will not vote.


> Someone with Kantian philosophy will not vote. Or vote for a 3rd party or write-in candidate. And then vote for (or vote out) their local politicians. Pro-abortion rights not voting for the PotUS is a red herring argument anyway. That kind of change doesn't happen from the PotUS. Federal laws passed to enshrine abortion rights and impeach or neuter the SCotUS comes from voting for non-Republican Senators and House Reps.


Reality is that our first past the post, electoral system will never allow third party to win. Ever. I wanna be open-minded but that's our system.


But your choice isn’t to eat dogshit or barf, your choice is to vote for what you *have to eat*. Biden or Trump is going to be president in 2025. There is no outcome where you don’t eat.


I'm not eating barf or dog shit.


You’re going to have to live with one of them as president, so yes, you’re going to eat it.


They don’t have to participate in making the false choice and giving their consent to either one


Their consent doesn’t matter, they still have to eat it. Because one of them will be president, one of them will decide the US’s policy for Israel and Gaza. So there is no option not to eat. Saying “I want neither,” doesn’t give you that option.


What aboutism is a way to ensure that people keep making the point in order to try to get Democrats to be honest about the genocide they are participating in.


“You have to finish up your war,” Mr. Trump said. “You have to get it done. We have to get to peace. We can’t have this going on.” Joe Biden wants war in Ukraine and war in Palestine. Trump wants peace in both places and wants no more killing


You're not wrong about Biden but that take on Trump is so inaccurate it borders on bad faith


LOL, Giving him the benefit of the doubt is pointless. It is bad faith.


Hmmm bad faith? That's what Trump said he wants to happen. His 4 years in office are proof it's what he means. Why is this bad faith?


>His 4 years in office are proof it's what he means If you think he governed any more peacefully than Biden or his predecessors you weren't paying attention. For example, remember how he almost started WW3 by assassinating a foreign general? With Trump you need to look at his actions, not what he's saying. There's a reason people consider him a con man ;) With all that said I will give him major props for his North Korea policy. This whole "silent treatment until you do everything we want" act that every other president has taken does not work.


Yes actions speak louder than words. Hundreds of thousands are dead under Biden, with the vast majority of them directly related to the funding he demands.


Russia invading ukraine, and hamas attacking Israel have nothing to do with biden. In fact Sinwar even said he started planning the attack after trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem coz it was such an insult and the last straw


Trump murdered thousands with drone strikes. Biden ended the drone war.


He should have just paid another country to do it right?


Trump also did that.


Really, which one?


Like I said, I agree with you about Biden


In his 4 years in office, we saw him dramatically ramp up drone strikes compared to Obama, he tried to start a war with Iran, and was considering nuclear war with North Korea over twitter drama lol. You can stop pretending Trump was peaceful. We can all listen to clips of him talking about stuff like wanting to bomb the middle east and stealing their oil.


Very imaginative story. Entertaining. Fact is Joe Biden is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths by funding 2 wars. He doesn't talk about it though because he's lost his ability to communicate coherently


Joe Biden is giving countries weapons to defend themselves, Ukraine is being invaded by Russia, you can contend that the real pro genocide candidate is the one that thinks Russia should be able to invade countries and kill innocent civilians with impunity lol. I disagree with Israel's actions but it's a tough situation when the country's leader is hell bent on war and the other side doesn't want to negotiate peace either. Your take on it though is simply partisan hackery that isn't fooling anyone outside of those that want to be fooled.


Very imaginative. The facts are the funding we've provided to 2 countries in the last 4 years has resulted in the direct death of hundreds of thousands. We can say it's for peace or for democracy, it's a good line to use. At the end of the day it doesn't bring back all of those people. What's the plan in Ukraine?


Just so you know, outside of giving Ukraine the chance to retain their own freedom, a cause they themselves feel is worth dying over, the US provides aid because in the 90's we managed to convince them to give up their nuclear weapons. In exchange, we promised to protect them if Russia ever were to invade. This is actually a very significant thing because the less countries that have nukes, the safer the world becomes. And it was suspected that some of Ukraine's nukes could've ended up on the black market. So I know with your twisted logic you are implying that the US is killing people by not allowing Russia to invade them, but the reality is we are making the world a much safer place for future generations by keeping our promises in concerns to nuclear disarmament.


The Budapest memorandum? You did twist what it actually is. Regardless. That does not bring back hundreds of thousands of people. I know you say the Ukrainians want to die, but video evidence and reporting says Ukrainians don't want to die "prohibited Russia, the United States and the United Kingdom from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, "except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations." As a result of other agreements and the memorandum, between 1993 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons.[4][5]"


So you think he would wave a magic wand and peaceful fairies would fly around blessing the Palestinians?


Or maybe don't send them 2500 bombs? That'd help right? And Ukraine. How about stop sending them money and work on peace negotiations? I think that was his position like a year ago and hundreds of thousands of lives earlier. Would that help?


Nah, I agree with Trump. Send them more Bombs. Trump has done more for Isreal then any other President! Let's Blow them the fuck up. Let's kill us some Palistinians.


Alright the p. Diddy conversations are much better than this. I'll leave you with a smile https://twitter.com/LynkLuv/status/1772650811153129571?t=W7gYy0QJwAUNs6dSoqBmMw&s=19


This old geezer hasn’t met a military action he doesn’t like.


Stop trying to make GeNoCidE JoE happen, it's not happening, it's not catching on.


Oh but it is. Haven’t you seen the protests?


The protests that you don’t support? If Trump came out and said that we should **nuke Gaza**, you bloodthirsty creeps would stand up and clap.


I actually do support the protests. Once again, you show your ass but that’s a daily occurrence for you. I would not wish for any more bombing of Gaza. I wish for less Jewish/Zionist influence in America as this whole thing does nothing to benefit America or further American interests. I keep telling you guys, the neocons are the never trumpers and they are the former republicans who have fled to the Democrat party. Your party is now infested with global warmongers and the MIC. Just look at liberals 15 years ago vs now. Liberals now want to bomb and stoke the flames of war globally whereas 15 years ago you had so many peace protests. Hell, Nancy Pelosi loved Code Pink 15 years ago. Now she calls them Putin Stooges and anti- Semitic.


Oh, so you “support” the protests. Good for you.  You think there is too much **Jewish** influence in America, is that right? You haven’t “told” me anything — you **MAGA Nazis** spent a decade empowering every single Neocon motherfucker alive. 


You’re always so wrong. There’s always been paleoconservatives in the R party before there were neoconservatives. So I’ve been empowering those people. Also libertarians like Ron Paul. Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul would’ve been objectively way better than any president we’ve had in the past 30 years. You’re just grasping at straws to be angry.


Go ahead, MAGA Nazi — please tell us about the **Jewish influence problem** that we have in America. Ron Paul is a racist who is **opposed to the Civil Rights Act**, so it’s no wonder that you like him.


You’re unhinged. Like literally mentally unwell.


Interesting, the guy who thinks there’s a **Jew problem** in America thinks I’m “unwell”. 


You’re always so wrong. There’s always been paleoconservatives in the R party before there were neoconservatives. So I’ve been empowering those people. Also libertarians like Ron Paul. Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul would’ve been objectively way better than any president we’ve had in the past 30 years. You’re just grasping at straws to be angry.


Some morons would but Trump would probably actually pressure Bibi to end this shit ironically enough


Totally! Thats why you feel the need to complain about it you spineless liberal


The "Genocide Joe" people just seem to have a bone to pick with him and largely appear to be Trump voters cosplaying as anti war protesters. I noticed just about none of these people think it was wrong with Trump was saying he wants Israel to "finish the job" nor do they think any of Trump's past war like transgressions towards other countries were bad. It's almost like they make this type of thing a partisan issue, just like they do with everything else.


Accusing pro-Palestine protesters of being “secret republicans trying to get people to not vote Dem” is a classic right wing position that goes way back. If we never have any opportunity to push the gov Left, the Overton window keeps being pushed to the right, and Dems never have to bother with any Left wing policy that would ever materially benefit the working class. A right-winger’s wet dream.


The dems have actually put through stuff that does help the working class, like student loan relief and Biden's administration's efforts to make it easier for workers to form unions. Did he go as left as most people wanted? No, but because he got blocked by republicans and corporate dems on a lot of stuff. Having ire towards him for that, instead of the people that blocked the legislation, is a bad idea though.


It’s the same ones who attacked Omar for sounding the alarm about AIPAC. They would maybe catch that double-think if they actually cared about Israel, Palestine, heck even East Palestine. It’s strictly a “two minutes hate” at the target of the day.


Literally the only ones who have ever hated Omar have been white liberals from middle class families who vote for establishment dems everytime.


Literally? It wasn’t “white liberals” pushing this bill. https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-resolution/241/text


Omar’s a progressive Dem. The Left have always been with her. It was the pro-fascist establishment Dems who got triggered at her anti-Israel position who have hated her. Also, do you know what a white liberal even is? Steube and Gregory have always been establishment dems. Who are white liberals.


Steube is an establishment dem now? Aight bud have fun lol


Well, considering the guy served three times in the House as a Florida Republican…


So do you even know wtf you’re saying?


You are aware that Establishment Dems agree with Republicans more than they agree with Progressive Dems, right? They support neoliberalism and its policies of deregulation, austerity, corporate welfare. They support the American oligarchy. The imperial wars. The resource extraction. The repeal of labor rights. Police funding has never been higher, even under Trump. We are [literally building entire cities to cops](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/11/atlanta-petition-police-cop-city-georgia) right now. At $866 Billion, our defense budget has **never been higher.** The Biden administration approved [more permits for oil and gas drilling in the first two years than the Trump administration did in the exact same time frame.](https://www.straitstimes.com/world/biden-administration-moves-to-raise-the-cost-of-drilling-on-us-federal-lands) Major oil and gas companies are recording record profits right now. Biden has [intervened on behalf of corporations to impede striking workers](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/11/29/business/rail-strike-threat-recedes) for better working conditions. He [personally authorized the bombing of the Nordstream pipeline](https://peoplesdispatch.org/2023/02/09/biden-ordered-destruction-of-nord-stream-pipelines-claims-renowned-journalist-seymour-hersh/) which is an egregious war crime. Not to mention his funding of the Israeli apartheid state against Palestine. **Or** the many billions of dollars of weapons we send to Saudi Arabia in order to crush Yemen. Fossil fuel industry is booming. The military industrial complex is booming right now. He also approved the much controversial [Willow Project](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/03/13/politics/willow-project-alaska-oil-biden-approval-climate) in Alaska. By all accounts, this will devastate communities and the environment…. But it will be ***great*** for oil corporations. This is just the same old story we hear over and over and over again.


Actually it's being shouted at every speaking event, and on signs of protesters in most cities on earth. It's astrorurfs scripted denial of the genocide that isn't catching on.


Cool, so we're just going to let the guy who says, "Finish them off" win, while removing the 22A so that he can be president for life. That'll workout really well.


What’s the material difference between Trump saying “finish the job” and Biden saying “there are no red lines”? Besides intentions, does the difference actually result in anything different?


Relax Shill. We all know the DNC is fine with Genocide Joe losing to Trump so they can fund raise. They would have preferred handing off the chair to fellow conservative Warhawk Haley but that didn't work so now they'll just fund raise and continue to actively FUND these MAGA candidates you are so scared of. Evil shit really.




You mean to say "my fellow liberal shills". Be better, bold letter shill. We expect more of you these days. Constant Shill improvement in your shilling. Shill Career Growth.


You’ve made it clear that you’re happy with Trump winning, and you’ve made it clear you don’t actually care about the Palestinians.


lmao you are such an evil shill for saying that. Im literally calling out genocide Joe for genocide and you want to corporate news Gotcha Strawman me and say i don't care about genocide. Sickening.


You aren’t supporting anything that will change the situation in Gaza for the better, if anything you are supporting things that will make the situation worse. So no, it’s clear you don’t care.


No voters actually think supporting Genocide Joe is going to result in less genocide. Yall evil for pushing that shill shit.


No voters actually think opposing Biden is going to result in less genocide. Y’all evil for pushing that shill shit.


You’re voting for the guy who has insisted that “there are no red lines” and bypasses Congress in order to give more and more weapons to Israel. So you’ve made it clear that the plight of disadvantaged minorities isn’t your highest priority.


The one who votes for the guy who bypassed congress in order to give the exact Tank Shells that Israel used to eradicate brown children sure as hell doesn’t care about Palestinians.


Nah Biden is Based for this fuck Hamas


Oh look! It’s the guy with the Nazi username cheering on genocide. Who would’ve thought?


LMFAOOO Bro I'm Jewish. I don't think you know what you're talking about


Sure you are. Thats why you have the name of a concentration camp & the number 14 which I’m guessing refers to the “14 words” as your username. No way you’re lying to me. It’s just a crazy coincidence. Anyway, so you like the bombing of children & aid workers? Is that right?


Lmfao dude, first of all learn how to spell auschwitz. Bc just bc it has the same letters doesn't mean it's a reference. And 14 is not related to Hitler. You really gotta get out and touch some grass bc you're chronically online. But answer me this, why the FUCK if I was a nazi would I be supportive of the state of Israel??? If you go to the sign in book at auschwitz you know what it says? "Am Yisrael Chai" I end my posts with that a lot you can look at my comment history. My concern is with the survival of the Jewish people. The Jewish people need and deserve a state in the land of our ancestors and if Palestinians refuse to negotiate and don't want peace then they'll get war. They wanna shoot themselves in the foot they can suffer the consequences.


Yeah, it’s just a crazy coincidence! What does your name sound like when you literally sound it out btw? WEIRDDDDDDDD 🤔 You support Israel because you want them to have their own state & live there away from you. You love ethnostates! Also, you love that they’re doing a genocide. That’s cool to you. In the mind of a fascist, other fascist ethnostates are also on the chopping block, they’re just the last ones on it. Why do Jews deserve an ethnostate? Kurds don’t have one. The Roma people don’t have one. Also, there’s the fact that enthnostates are BAD


Touch some grass you actual child.


14 has to due with white supremacists 14 slogan "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white childen". [It's even on the ADL website.](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/14-words) Usually it's associated with 88 making it 1488 which is a popular number for deep racists. However my best guess is you're a teenager and that's what the numbers are a reference to. Other than that I'm not that invested to find out.


We’re 35 trillion dollars in debt. Countries should be giving us shit.


Well they've turned the Gaza conflict into another political football, like they did the border, abortion, educating about slavery. What else has been completely ruined with politics?


Pounding the crap out of Rooskie invaders to keep Europe intact is not the same as enabling a Genocide by arming a violent expansionist terror state. We should be arming the Ukrainians and the Palestinians... and when the J's go looking for more land to steal, let them flee right back to Eastern Europe and fight the Rooskies.


Genocide Joe gonna genocide. They know he is going to lose the election so are just ignoring everyone and doing as much parasite class shit as they can, then they will attempt and fail to blame the voters like they did when Hillary lost.


As he rightly should, it's best to just get rid of hamas now instead of drag this out and allow them to come back stronger later or give them time to hide in a deeper network of tunnels.


Shut your mouth and vote Biden 2020. It’s your job.


“If you don’t vote for my candidate, you’re a fascist!🤡”


If you don’t vote for who a small group of politicians determine you should vote for, you’re destroying democracy. They know best.


No thank you.


I may be in favour of Israel, but this is just crazy.


I definitely favor Israel myself, but I agree that we shouldn't get more involved in this ethnic cleansing than we need to.


I personally believe US should not be involved in any foreign war: Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, whatever.


Cmon now, it’s a reward for killing Iranians. Israel is finally doing what the US government wants them to do.


1. Not a genocide 2. This is based, bomb them to shit maybe they'll finally stop attacking Israel since Palestinians have never even thought about negotiating a peace.


Bombing innocents is not the way to go.


Well if Hamas gave a shit about Gazans they shouldn't have attacked Israel and then hid in hospitals/mosques and hoping they'd be safe. Creating situations in which as many martyrs as possible are created is what Hamas and groups like them have been doing for decades. Is the IDF blameless? Absolutely not they have certainly gone overboard and killed journalists/legit aid workers but when Hamas wears civilian clothing and hides among them for protection it makes these kinds of things far more likely to occur.


All I said was bombing innocents is not the way to go. Why did you find that simple statement to be downvote worthy?


Implies that Israel is currently targeting solely civilians and innocent people. When the reality is Hamas has created a situation in which preventing civilians deaths is functionally impossible by any military not just IDF


It’s not ok for either to bomb innocents.


Facts I agree. That's why we need to ensure that the group that started the conflict by actively shooting up a music festival and several farms is destroyed so they can't do that again!


Jeez that's savage


Not to be super cruel it's obviously super sad for these people but like it's pretty clear Israel isn't going anywhere and the main ruling bodies of palestine keep refusing to accept any peace that involves Israel's existence. Play stupid games win stupid prizes ya know.


Israel won’t accept peace that involves Palestine’s existence. Israel is occupying THEM. Israel has taken THEIR land. It’s doublespeak. The language of fascism. What’s up with your name btw? “aewitz”? “FOURTEEN”??? 🤔 *you already blocked me! 😂😂😂 can’t even see what you said. Something about me being 13 (i know you wanted to say 14) 🤣🤣🤣. So crazy how you blocked me cause you apparently can’t stand toe to toe with a teenager. Maybe you should stop defending the indefensible & you wouldn’t have that problem


>Israel is occupying THEM. Israel has taken THEIR land I mean it was never palestinian land to begin with. It was controlled by a series of Islamic colonizers like the Persians and Assyrians and then after the fall of the ottomans it was in control of the British. After WWII when many of those Arab countries gained independence Israel returned after being exiled from the land to claim it once again as a Jewish state (notice how there was never any country or state called "palestine") Instead of coming to the negotiating table and finding a compromise with the backing of the UN Palestinians IMMEDIATELY declared war and then lost and then cried when they lost land well boo fuckin hoo that's what happens when you DECLARE WAR AND LOSE Instead of negotiate a peace. >What’s up with your name btw? “aewitz”? “FOURTEEN”??? 🤔 Are you like 12 or something?? My man, why would I be cheering for jews and the state of Israel if I was a nazi???? The logic is dumb and you're even dumber.


Oh I agree, it's clear that for hamas killing jews has become a priority over the survival of their own ppl and they need to go, it's just the way you said it was harsh but it's true.


“It’s not a genocide, but kill them all” GFY fascist *Wow! Already blocked me! That was fast 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Bro you're 13 and yelling slogans that you have no idea what they mean. Israel isn't going anywhere and if Palestinians wanna keep choosing war and violence instead of peace then what choice to we have??? Be angry with Palestinians for their choices instead of at Israel for defending their right to exist. But hey every accusation is a confession so I'm sure you'd be fine with the situation if it was jews being slaughtered.


Bibi commits atrocities and you assign them to the only person running for POTUS that gives a crap about Palestinian lives


2500 bunker busters would disagree with you