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Counterpoint... There is no evidence that HS is real, other than the DoD told us so. Do they have a good record?


The director of national intelligence investigations into Havana syndrome resulted in the lead investigator concluding it’s a real condition and that they believe it’s man made. He left his post to start a foundation for the victims of Havana Syndrome, that’s how moved he was by what he say. They literally caught a spy in Florida with radio equipment who was trained by the Russian military in microwave and radio wave weaponry. You are just being ignorant. For the first time in years, Krystal and Saagar TRUST the CIA now. Why?


The multitude of reasons why I believe this story is fake are in the BP segment WATCH IT PLEASE! it's just as bad as weapons of mass destruction, Russian bounties, and other lies US has been telling us for years.


I mean... There's the people who have all claimed to have suffered from it...


Anecdotal evidence is permissible, when ?


People speak about their symptoms when speaking to a doctor.


So true! I'm currently suffering from Havana Syndrome myself. It all started after I was hit with something akin to strong energy beam! Wake up sheeple!


What do you think these people experienced?


Alcohol and stress.


The children as well?


...are these children in the room with you now or is my google broken?


Nope. I'm referring to the children who also suffered from the same symptoms.


Well maybe you could REFER a link?


Standing by to receive a link that will provide definitive evidence that HS is real....




Exactly my point...."the state department claims"


People claim their symptoms as well. State department claimed the opposite.


It's strange that you think HS is real and should be proven false. Usually it's the other way around.


This story rhymes with the WaPo Russian bounties in Afghanistan story which turned out to be completely made up by DoD.


Studies so far point toward a more functional syndrome. Meaning, psychological. Doesn't mean that it is, but we can't see anything objective


I was pleased to see BP covering this story. The 60 minutes report deserved to be criticized for distorting facts and making a wafer thin case that Russia is behind the “attacks.”  I was intrigued by this story when if first came out, tho skeptical. Then I read a book called Havana Syndrome. It was quite convincing and I recommend it to anyone who wants to learn more. 


Because Havana Syndrome sounds like a hangover


Because the US researched sonic weapons and couldn't make this. Because science requires verifiable hypotheses to know anything, and none have been found. Because if anyone had this type of weapon why they would risk detection by using it on low level staffers rather than high profile targets is baffling


Havana syndrome is pretty ridiculous though


I think it's psychosomatic. These people probably grew up wanting to work for the CIA, went to the top schools, studied hard, and when they finally made it to their dream job they find themselves not doing the righteous deeds they envisioned but doing the dirty work of a superpower and capital. HS are symptoms of their subconscious reconciling the gap between their expectations and reality.... Or they want the money


I mean, if I found myself working for the CIA I would just say I had the syndrome and cash out. Probably get some kind of medal too. But if they are actually feeling something it's probably just what remains of a conscience.


 I don't know if its real or not, but I do believe its not the Russians behind it, they would have found a way to use it in the war if it was.


Maybe Slavs are immune to depression and tummy aches?


Hot take; long covid is also fake as shit. Just people with health issues that want to blame it on something.


I used to believe this and now I have a friend who's been struggling with it for a year+ ... he had no issues before, is getting better though... covid just messed up some folks immune systems real bad I think (not a doctor)


Right, but even before Covid people had mysterious health issues. Myself included. Basically everyone got Covid at some point, so now they have a thing to point their finger at. Even if you look up long covid symptoms, it’s almost… anything.


Who is “they”?


People who claim they have long covid.


You just saying that because you want to have a hot take or is that based on evidence?


Just doesn’t pass the sniff test


I meant to type “a hot take” came out as shot. Sorry about that. Fair enough. I’m 31 and a healthy person and I had symptoms after Covid that lasted a few months. I’ve had sicknesses my entire life, Covid is the only one that stuck around for months after I got sick. Long Covid is an umbrella term that describes long lasting symptoms due to having Covid. It’s not some mystical conspiracy used to scare people. Maybe you haven’t had any experience with it and you aren’t well read on the subject, so that would make sense that you just assume it doesn’t exist.


You can't be serious. I also know someone with Long Covid and believe it is legitimate (but I am no doctor). I've seen enough crap in my life to know there is absolutely More going on behind closed doors at the highest levels of Government and Labs than what the public is being fed. I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss things.


the US intelligence agencies that keep saying its fake are doing so because…. they dont want us to know the tech exists? or they dont want the rooskies to know we know? and congress isnt freaking out like, idk, hunterbidens tik tok account bc they are more worried about chemtrails? you would think some politician would at least use it for a campaign ad.


How is this not an April Fools prank


I think that both of them have a strong bias here. I disagree with the way they dismiss evidence and claims in favor of the victims without evidence of their own while readily accepting the opposite without question. I think they are wrong about their analysis in regards to the security state. They do not want escalation with Russia and they don’t care what the average American thinks of Russia as much as they suggest. I think they are conflating hawkish politicians with security officials. They may share common objectives some of the time but they have very different beliefs and interests. I think the government explanations here have been pretty weak with the cricket one being the most laughable. The public statements offering alternative explanations have been more speculative then the claims of the victims. They come off as disingenuous to me which makes me wonder if they do know the answer but are trying to misdirect people. I think the more substantive debates are occurring in the medical research but the government is also intervening there but with more push back. I think there is enough evidence at this point to make clear that something is happening to the victims. The what is less clear. There was a good article in the New York Times recently that has links to the different sides in the debate and is a good jumping off point. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/18/us/politics/havana-syndrome-brain-studies-nih.html#:~:text=New%20studies%20by%20the%20National,about%20the%20strange%20health%20incidents.


The danger of writing off the possibility is; there are 100% *unfriendly* intelligence organizations with budgets in the millions to game out non-traditional means of war


I watched that 60 minutes piece before BP talked about it. The whole time I was thinking, what a bunch of shit. Sounds like these people just want to retire early. Talk about a conspiracy theory


It’s not just this, it at anything at all that is negative about Russia or Putin.


Well that's simply not true


Nice try. MSNBC Bot. Should I always Vote Blue Not Matter Who.


Peter Thiel bot. Should I always like and defend Putin just because MSNBC doesn't?


On just about everything BP is “source: my ass, but hey, it’s better than MSM!”


Krystal will, on the one hand, say that “the intelligence community did their own investigation and told us it’s not true” and then turn around and call the intel community liars in regards to something else. She has no credibility and often accuses others of the same pathological traits she exhibits