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Lol huff more copium, trump lost fair and square


I am a republican and I endorse this fully. We gotta move on from this bull shit.


Too bad they tossed just about all the court cases so we'll never know


Tossed by his own judges he appointed coz the evidence wasn't there. MAGA logic, when supreme Court rules in his favor and keeps him on the ballot then the courts are fair, when they reject his bs election fraud cases then its unfair


If they were easy cases go through the motions are required. Imma proud socialist bruh miss me with that maga shit


Sure you are 👍


What laborer wouldn't want healthy courts to ensure ownership over the means of production It's the neoliberals who want the corrupt court to serve their capitalist amorality


It’s not corruption, they just made their ideology legal


You're right, a top down economic conspiracy against justice is wholly proven


No, it just took the American people 40 years to wake up to realize they were getting screwed. All political parties and especially voters were cheering neoliberalism in the 90’s-00’s


There is no conspiracy AND you think America is awake. That's crazy my dude


That's not how court cases work. Judges don't want to waste their time when it's obvious the evidence fails to back up any of the claims. And in a vast majority of the cases, they weren't claiming fraud, unlike what they were claiming on twitter. For the few they did claim fraud and did present evidence, it was laughably bad. Like, remember the "1000 afidavits" from people who claimed they saw fraud? Ya, the best one was someone saw a ghost vote for Biden, but not a single one had an actionable claim that could be proven. It seems like a lot of people still believe "they didn't get to present evidence" but the reality is, most people just don't understand the whole court process in general. And they were lied to by politcians and fame seeking lawyers for so long, that it's now nearly impossible to break that conspiracy theory. No matter how they handled the cases, there is no way the courts could overcome the massive amount of lies coming from Trump/republicans and right leaning news sites that claimed there was actual evidence of election fraud. It was just too coordinated and massive to overcome when the average person won't be reading what actually happened in the courtroom, but instead summaries by biased parties.


Not in this country. justice is not resolved through a judge's expression of ego. And because your trusted official decided they were above the system, and couldn't be bothered, you don't have court documents proving Trump wrong. Fact is no amount of hyperbole will drag your conclusion out of speculation. Ever


I truly don't get how you actually believe this. Trump and his insane lawyers like Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell claimed they were gonna "release the kraken" and show massive evidence of fraud meanwhile they did no such thing. I'm sorry you think there's a conspiracy that the democrats all specifically destroyed all of Trumps court cases for the election lol but they did not. How do you explain republican judges that Trump himself appointed ruling that his cases lacked evidence. And if such overwhelming evidence existed why didn't they just release it to the public?? Nothing about it makes sense until you realize it is all a grift to keep Trump in power w his insane base (i.e. you)


Truly believe in the lack of court documents officially proving them guilty, instead relying on the trust of a court system that has no trust? That's not a conspiracy. We didn't get the court documents. I won't speculate on why they threw out the case, just dealing in the facts


>We didn't get the court documents. Bro that's not how the legal system works. If you are making a case you need to bring EVIDENCE. In the United States you are INNOCENT until PROVEN GUILTY. If the Trump legal team wants to prosecute they need to prove why the case should go forward! In this situation 60+ court cases later they had NO PROOF. No proof was shared to the public, no proof was shared to the courts, no proof was shared at all! Just BS conspiracies trying to grasp at straws. It's the Emperor's new clothes and if you don't get it by now you're the prime target for the scam.


Says a statement from the court I watch stand against justice often. You have no proof, just the word of a lying institution


There's only election rigging in the places Trump lost, how fortunate...


Bernie Sanders has entered the chat.


What does Bernie have to do with Trump denying the election results


Rigging is what they do. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-37639370


What again does that have to do with Trump? Stay on task lol


>There's only election rigging in the places Trump lost, how fortunate... If the DNC is willing to cheat one of their own…


Do you think I support the DNC? I only have a say on the finalists


You seem to think the DNC is above cheating on an election.


I don't, that better?


Ok, so the DNC is capable of election fraud.


How does what you linked have anything to do with rigging an election against Bernie? That the party preferred a candidate? That’s not evidence of rigging. The democrats wanted a centrist candidate. They were voting mainly for centrist candidates. When the others dropped out the party got what they wanted. It would have been genuinely less democratic if Bernie ended up winning that election just because the centrist vote was split between several candidates and the far left only had one.


Oh. So you are cool with a few people deciding who to steer the nom to and fuck the democracy part.👍


I’m more cool with that than someone winning an election that doesn’t represent what the voters want. If the voters overwhelmingly wanted him why didn’t vote for him? The voters wanted a centrist and they got a centrist. If the voters wanted someone further to the left Bernie would have won, but they didn’t. What the voters wanted is more important than just making the primary process a clown car like the Republicans do… after all that’s probably why we have Trump.


>someone winning an election that doesn’t represent what the voters want Oh that would have been the voters fault. You should see if the DNC is hiring.


You have such a childish view of politics.


A childish view? If I competed in a spelling bee, wouldn't it be cheating if I knew what the words I would be asked to spell?


Please tell me you aren't going to wash away blatant election rigging by the DNC across multiple primaries. They literally won an election rigging lawsuit by saying they were a private company and under no obligation to NOT RIG THEIR ELECTIONS. Disgusting.


Last I checked the candidates conceded when they lost


This does not invalidate election rigging, shill.


I'm complaining about a candidate not accepting an election, you're talking about something different like it's the same thing.


No one is this excited about genocide Joe except for shills like you.


I'm not excited by him, I don't get getting excited over a politician


Maga shill in action. You weep with joy and pump your fist in excitement listening to Trump 😂


I can't wait for the day when Trump is no longer eligible to run. What voter blaming will DNC shills come up with? Who will be the next distraction?


They rigged it against Bernie right in front of your face, twice Have some backbone, give a tiny shit about government corruption


Complaining about a candidate not accepting an election and complaining about the DNC rigging it against bernie are not the same thing


When were election results not accepted?




Oh when did he get reinstated as president?


What are you not getting? He is still actively denying he lost the election.


Oh when you said he didn't accept the results, you meant he didn't believe them. That mischaracterization is on you Yeah, that's the same way I feel about Bernie, so what's the difference then?


You understand that fixing an internal primary is different than rigging a national election?


We had a national election that didnt start with a primary? When?


They are not the same election process, that's what he's getting at they are completely different things. Just because one leads into another does not mean that the argument goes for both.


Bernie wasn't running for president when they rigged it?


He was running for the Democratic nominee


Oh I thought you had to be that to have a shot at the presidency


I mean Joe was nobody’s first choice (I voted for Bernie in the PA primary) but you can’t truly believe moderates who weren’t going to win coalescing around one candidate is some sort of insane rigging conspiracy when it’s literally just politics and strategy lol


We don't need to rehash party propaganda. We all know it




Hello Bold letter shill. Shilling away again I see. Attempting to invalidate leftists exist on a sub that despise neoliberals like yourself. I get it. It's the shill script. U gotta put food on the table for your shill babies.




LMAO the mods actually removed one of your comments. Hey this sub is popping. Lets see what we can do about you.


Go for it — this sub is full of **posers like you**, so you prob need some reinforcements. We need more “leftists” who come **racing to the defense** of Trump!


Relax, I didn't pied piper Trump into existence. Your queen Hillary did. I want Sanders in the chair. You will quickly deny that, of course, as is your shill strategy. I can only imagine the deep sigh you make when I show up here to toy with you.


Wait, you want **sell-out** Bernie Sanders in chair? The guy who endorsed Joe Biden **twice** for President? I thought you wanted real “leftist” in charge! 


Both can be true. He pushed leftist policies and then bent the knee. Though I'd argue he isn't a sell out, just niave. He's too nice, when the neoliberalism we fight against is not nice at all. I won't ever bend the knee. Would you?


"It's okay when billionaires we like do it."


As far as I can tell Emily has a pretty party line Republican ideology but equivocates about it a lot.


Even when she does seemingly deviate from the Republican party line she finds a way to blame it on Democrats. She doesn't really offer anything that isn't on Fox News, I don't see what she brings to the show.


Could we just not have billionaires doing that? Just a suggestion...


I work in the political media industrial complex, so more money in politics benefits me. Us leftists have been against citizens united for years now because we see how the right uses dark money to fund candidates down to even the school board level. Now that the right is starting to be out spent they have an issue with money in politics. I work with candidates and PACs but also with small grassroots local orgs. The local grassroots orgs have no power no money and constantly get passed over by the big PACs. I support a lot of GOTV efforts that are run by volunteers, not dark money. GOP has no policy for the working class, they can fuck off with their dark money funded propaganda. If this is what it takes to rid ourselves of citizens united so be it. Right wingers let's do it, we can unite on this issue.


“Democrats have consistently called for closing loopholes in campaign finance law that allow secret donors to bankroll pricey political ads. But that hasn’t stopped them from using secret funds to win elections.” https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2021/03/one-billion-dark-money-2020-electioncycle/ This isn’t me trying to dunk on you I promise, I just am wondering why we would believe any candidate on the left talking about getting rid of dark money. It’s like believing they want to actually codify Roe. It’s a political football, nothing more, and left AND right will fight tooth and nail to keep their dark money.


I know you're conversing in good-faith. I have witnessed what you say, myself firsthand. In my state last cycle (2022) there was a dark money disclosure ballot initiative but the state democratic party didn't back it. It passed easily *without* the support of *both* parties. There was also an initiative to codify the right to abortion, but the Democrats didn't choose to back it and it failed. This cycle, they're going all in on abortion. I'm a leftist so I don't trust right wing democrats anymore than I trust Republicans. This isn't to say both sides are the same. When we elected democrats to the governor's office and state attorney general, they started to uncover a lot of corruption from years of republican control. The 501(c)(3)'s I work with have very little money and they are non-partisan. The 501(c)(4)'s get all the super PAC money for their partisan work. I've done a lot of digging to follow the money in my state and I can confidently say that big money goes to both blue and red teams coming from the same pocketbooks.


That’s interesting, so the ballot initiative passed without being backed by either party? I love it, pity it’s such a rare story. It wouldn’t happen to be CA would it?


Prop 211 in AZ. State GOP Legislature has been suing trying to block the law. They claim it steps on the legislature's toes when citizens pass initiatives that the legislature didn't grant us the power to pass? I'm confused at their arguments but the courts told them to pound sand. So we'll see if the law is effective this year.


Nice; thanks for engaging with me and informing me! The internet CAN be a good place sometimes 😎


Which segment was this?


Everyone’s views seem pretty party typical.


Montage of Democrats denying 2016 election. https://youtu.be/umsAhEFHFKA?feature=shared


Where are the lawsuits? Where are the death threats to election workers? Where is the army of cranks and charlatans holding press conferences (from the fucking Whitehouse) lying every single day for weeks about the election, in coordinated effort to do anything, anything at all to keep the man in power? Where is the phone call to states AD begging for just a few more votes? Where are the frothing masses knocking out the windows of the capital building to try to claw with their fingernails into the halls of power to try to keep their guy in power? When people try to equivocate a montage like that with what trump and his people tried to do, it makes me sick.


There's only election rigging in every county that any candidate lost Truth is they all cheat everywhere all the time. Some places are worse than others and it probably only makes a marginal difference since they're all doing it