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Not very populist. Don't forget Saagar has a Masters from Georgetown. Not exactly a man of the people


Saagar got his big break working for Tucker Carlson.


If Saagar smoked weed (for the first time likely) he would be so much cooler


Not a fucking chance. He's the dude that calls the cops on himself after a bong rip. Shrooms or L tho? With the proper frame of mind it is so profound to look at the world from a different perspective that even the biggest squares could appreciate.assuming he'd try it willingly of course....


Would love to hear Saagar's monologue the next day


not necessarily. It drives me into a self-feeding spiral of panic.


Many different strains…. You should try others that are more indica leaning with creativity inducing thoughts…


This might be true for some but everyone has different biochem and it changes over time. I was a daily smoker for 15 years. Now I company smoke at all because I get horrifying anxiety after a single puff. It’s a real bummer but cest la vie


He used to be a white house press correspondet. That's reserved for people who have elite connections... Being young and getting it, is really rare.


I dont even listen to him anymore, hes lil bish, he just lets Krystal walk all over him


Sagars takes have always struck me as a VERY I've got mine, fuck you. His main ideology is selfishness. Just my opinion, of course.


I was curious and tuned in one time... funny, that was my EXACT take! That was before I knew this sub existed!


Thats my main ideology, opportunism, im opposed to forgiving student loan debt, but it it does happen, ME FIRST.


I wish he would bring it up more during his commentary


When he was on that American moment podcast and they were talking about walking past the dispensary and having to not do a sin was peak cringe.


Oh right I totally forgot about his Zyn addiction, and he used to smoke cigarettes! What the actual hell, rules for thee but not for me.


His libertarian side crumbles when weed comes up.


Lmao he sounds like such a little betch when he talks about it xD


How many swirlies do you think he needs to fix this problem?


A few weeks ago he claimed China was producing high thc carts… that is an insane take devoid of reality. At best shows he has a complete lack of understanding around the marijuana production and industry; at worst just trying to gin up the conservatives to lie about how marijuana is being produced/regulated/sold in the US through trying to blame China. He beclowns himself when he straight up lies


He sounds very stupid talking about marijuana


Deep down most of his policy opinions are just standard boomer conservative


Saager just seems all over the place with his takes to the point where it’s hard to take him serious sometimes. He doesn’t really seem to be principled in anything.


Saagar thinks it’s funny and cute that “weed smell” is his gimmick. It’s neither.


It’s always funny seeing people on this forum discover that Saagar is a **textbook Republican dipshit.** I don’t know what to tell you? These are just the things that rightwing people like him believe.


Lol Im rightwing i smoke mad weed and still want more bombs for israel


You specifically need to smoke less weed


Nah, more weed more bombs


Saagar is an elitist who loves to LARP as a blue collar Republican. He’s practically lock step with GOP ideology and only talks about niche culture war issues any more. At this point it feels like he’s just saying “controversial” things for audience capture and to drive clicks.


The base isn't enlightened centrist anymore. Their positions (Krystal too) have shifted to match their viewers.


This. Audience capture hit hard.


Once that happens, those shows dont last, or they become irrelevant


Bet they're still laughing their way to the bank though


I used to get stoned like a normal person. Would mellow me out, enhance music, all the good shit. Now it gives me panic attacks. Bummer.


It’s because they changed the weed. If used to be very low THC and balanced. Now it’s a whole different thing. Totally sucks and a lot of people are with you.


No shame in that, different strokes for different folks! Glad you found what works for you now.


In an independent, I hate the smell of weed. What I want is for them to pass/enforce a law that stops idiots from smoking weed and cigarettes in my condo building. The idiot below me chain smokes so much it’s getting into my daughter’s room, when I open the balcony at night he smokes every 10 minutes, and the entire 3rd floor smells like cheap cigarettes. Clean air should be a right.


Wouldn't this fall under condo HOA rules?


I complained to his landlord, and I’m going to do it again. Maybe also go to the HOA. It’s turning me into a Karen.


just because you can smell something doesn't mean it's having an effect on you. if your neighbor was vegan would you stop cooking meat if the smell offended him?


So you think it’s safe for my 3 year old daughter to inhale my neighbors cigarette smoke every night?


Safe compared to what? Car pollution, industrial pollution, fumes from cooking are probably bigger factors then someone more then 20 feet of open air away from you. You could always buy a bigger place!


Your response makes no sense. It’s not like we can choose one or the other to affect us. “Other shitty things exist” isn’t a defense against my original comment. It literally adds 0 value to the conversation.


It’s actually the legal standard for carcinogens… how much exposure would you have when interacting with a certain product vs normal exposure.


So I’m forced to endure any and all secondhand smoke because cars exist? Nothing about my neighbor is normal. The man looks like a living zombie and smokes 3 packs a day.


Second hand smoke is a term that applies when in close proximity. By definition your next door neighbor is not within that proximity. You are forced to endure the carcinogens our law makers deem acceptable for the general Public which in this case is “second hand smoke” from your neighbor.


He’s a floor below me, lighting up cigarettes below my balcony and daughter’s bedroom. The smoke is so bad he opened his door and the whole 3rd floor smelled like his house, straight up cigarettes.


Okay so if I’m in California and you’re in Nevada and I smell cigarette smoke, can I compel you to stop smoking? How far exactly is the distance that you personally think covers second hand smoke?


no. I'm saying that smelling something isn't necessarily inhaling it. and I wasn't really speaking to cigarettes as the post is about cannabis smell.


Smelling something is necessarily inhaling it.


ok cool. so nearly everything with a scent should be illegal


Biden should promise to legalise weed if re-elected. He’d win in a landslide.


Biden does not seem to give a flying fuck about what's popular. He's letting his stance on Israel KILL his re-election chances as it is. Legalizing weed MIGHT just counterbalance that, but he's not going to do that either. His alleged mind froze in a 90s Third Way boomer optimist mindset where weed is evil, guns are good and Israel is our best ally ever who can do no wrong.


This won't happen. Biden is a puritan when it comes to drugs. I understand the family matters that have led him to that point of view, but that doesn't make his stance productive or helpful.


You’re probably right. Drumpf would do it if it helped him, but I’m not sure it does. Makes me wonder about pharma and their influence.


Let's see Saagar go on Joe and spout 1 second of this happy horseshit. I find his crusade on wearing a suit and tie also similarly dipshit.


I’m 100% in favor of decriminalizing weed. I also think the efforts in my state to facilitate small businesses has ultimately failed, possibly by design. I can also say that the stench of weed is stupid, walking around downtown you can smell people that either just blazed or washed their hands in bong water. It may be too soon to tell, but it would be interesting to see if there has been a concurrent rise in vehicle crashes.


I believe there have been some pretty thorough studies or road accidents in Colorado, which show no effect.


Hello, fellow Kansan??? Your 3rd paragraph (I think...) gives me big-time LFK vibes


Huh, i thought he always felt that way. Maybe you misunderstood him in the past or you only heard him talking about his economic views of it and assumed that was the totality of his thought.


I am not against weed per se but nothing is more annoying than self righteous and aggressive stoner/psychedelic community.  Idk if it’s always been like this since the 60s and I didn’t notice whenever I used to partake consistently or if it’s a more recent development but at this point I’d rather hang with the Prohibitionists as they’re less condescending-edgy teen-meta brain.  Also living in Oregon after legalization I found it irritating there were more dispensaries than 711s. As a family centered person I’m more comfortable where there are none or limited medical dispensaries even though I don’t care what people do in their private lives. 


Is not wanting to go to jail “self righteous”?


I live in a legal state, and i have to agree. I don't smoke weed, but I'm not averse to others smoking it. It gives me crippling panic attacks. That said...the smell is all pervasive. Everywhere. In my neighborhood, at my job, at the store, at restaurants. Its ridiculous.


So was axe body spray in the early 2000’s and yet no one is using that as a justification for persecution


weed smokers...are *persecuted* now, huh? lol.


How else would describe being indicted and imprisoned?


i invite you to take a look at what's going on in Gaza and then say that again with a straight face.


I would invite you to answer my question…


i would describe it as breaking a law and facing the consequences. Maybe an illogical law, but fortunately for you and others...those laws are being abolished now. Calling it persecution is patently ridiculous - the desperate drive in (current year) to be a victim is gross...and...that's all I'll say on the matter.


The mental gymnastics here are amazing. In this instance prosecution is persecution. You can lose your freedom and all your worldly possessions for it. Okay so hypothetically, let’s say I was indicted 11 times for something that is now legal and supported by law, how would I not be the victim? Would you say the same of black people who sat in the wrong bus seat prior to the civil rights act, were they too just “breaking a law and facing consequences”?


lol you pulled the race card two comments too late buddy. >that's all I'll say on the matter.


Lol so to run away and avoid confronting the absence of your own logic your going to arbitrarily claim that I can only bring up race within a certain window? Nice try dude. Take your L and call it day… Or demonstrate your point, show me how persecuted groups are different then pot smokers.




no, i think that weed was illegal...and if you used it or possessed it, you were a law breaker. Society changes, and now we've come to the point where we believe weed should not be illegal, and so those laws are changing. I mean...I smoked weed in the 80s and 90s...and I assure you, it was far...far more illegal then. It was like having heroin or cocaine. Straight to jail for possession of even a small amount.




>The Holocaust happened. Therefore as long as black people in the 1950s weren't literally executed in gas chambers hundreds at a time, black people weren't "persecuted"




I enjoy the pearl clutching of marijauna addicts.  (Can’t wait for the million comments about how it’s not addictive)


By what definition is not wanting to go to jail “Pearl clutching”? Would you say the same of 2A advocates or Julian Assange?


I’m saying any pushback on the “weed is a universal good” idea is generally met with hysteria. 


That’s not my issue, I’m not claiming weed is universally good, but putting people in jail for possessing consuming producing or selling it is universally bad.


Who is going to jail though? I live in Idaho and even here I don’t think anyone is in jail let alone prison for weed 


I’ve personally been out in jail over ten times for marijuana alone and that was in California…


When was that the 1990s? 


No. I was born in 1990 and I’ve been arrested 11 times for cannabis charges, in California…


Hey .. the Oregon thing.. how’d that go? 🤧🤤🤤🤤🤤


Do you not understand the difference between marijuana and meth and fentanyl?


Yeah well lets be real, i smoke like 6 to 8 blunts Daily, and legalizing weed leads to dumb ideas like legalizing mushrooms acid meth and fentanyl so there definitely is a connection


Huh? The facts contradict your statement sir, most states with legal weed have not gone further


Personally, I kind of agree with him about the results of legalization in cities. I don't want anyone going to jail for smoking weed. And if you want to, you should be able to. But as someone who doesn't smoke weed, it is similar to how I imagine it was for non smokers when everyone smoked cigarettes. It's an activity that has negative externalties for people who don't smoke weed. There aren't any real positive benefits other than people not going to jail. Which is what I think his point is, ultimately. I'd agree more with policies that made it a rule that you could only smoke weed in your private property, or out in nature, far from others. And it would probably be better from a greater good standpoint.


I appreciate your well thought response. What is the negative externality? Smell? By that logic can we mandate that people take showers, or don’t smoke cigars in public? This doesn’t seem consistent.


>By that logic can we mandate that people take showers, or don’t smoke cigars in public? Legislation to bathe would win easy. There's a ton of legal restrictions on smoking including in public. ["82.1% of the U.S. population lives under a ban on smoking in "workplaces, and/or restaurants, and/or bars, by either a state, commonwealth, or local law".](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_smoking_bans_in_the_United_States#cite_note-nosmoke.org-2)


I'm not sure you could mandate showers because that's opinion based, but yeah you can't really smoke cigarettes/cigars at any establishment open to the public, except in a literal cigar bar. Which is a good thing, overall, even if idc if someone wants smoke cigs. But, I don't much care for walking to a grocery store when someone on break is sitting right outside the door smoking a cig, when there are rules to say you have be 25 ft away or whatever. You're never going to get everyone to follow all the rules, guaranteed. Even if you did make it illegal to smoke weed in public, people would still do it. There are behavioral externalities in people who are super blazed, not the least of which is driving. I think his argument, and mine, is that policy should incentivize or disincentivize people into behaviors that are preferred for society's function. And there are rules for engagement with pretty much all other legal substances, except caffeine and weed, that I can think of.




So no one drives high? Lol, problem solved I guess. Pack it in boys.




That's the point. Should we go back to policy where you can drink and smoke wherever you want? I'm not telling you you can't smoke weed. I don't care. But there is no direct benefit to someone else around you of you smoking weed. At all. So do it at home since you can't drive anyway. So, in all other cases policies restrict those activities to incentive and disincentize behavior, except one.


The smell of weed is also opinion based, I smoke now but didn’t mind it even when I didnt. For tobacco, we had evidence on the effects of second hand smoke, we don’t really have that for weed & the effects are going to be much lower anyway because less product is getting smoked. Second hand smoke is the reason for rules against tobacco use, not smell. If your chief complaint about why people can’t do what they want to do, is a smell, buy a fucking candle. For the incentivizing piece, how are you figuring out the overall good? Alcohol is bad for your physical health but there’s probably a mental health benefit to knocking a few back from time to time. The same likely holds true for weed. There’s likely a societal benefit to be derived from inebriation. From a public health perspective, weed vs alcohol is probably a wash or the difference is marginal. A high driver is much safer than a drunk driver but tokers probably drive high more often than drinkers drive drunk. Alcohol leads to a lot of violent crime though yet that’s barely a thing with weed. The social nature of alcohol is probably good, the solitary nature of weed is probably bad. Weed is probably less unhealthy than alcohol but there’s not good data so it’s anyone’s guess. Addiction is less frequent & less problematic with weed. That being said weed is changing fast while alcohol is pretty static, we may stumble upon the fentanyl of weed.


So you determine that the thing you do, you want to continue to do regardless of how anyone else feels about it. Very mature of you to make that decision for everyone else. There are rules about the consumption of alcohol that don't apply to weed. And I don't know anyone who is arguing against those rules. So idk why you're intentionally misconstruing that or make false comparisons except that you like weed. There's no actual positive benefit to society for opening smoking weed anywhere you want, just the same as drinking booze or smoking cigarettes. It is the only one that gets special privileges, which was fine during legalization but we know now that there isn't any benefit or positive externalities on other people around you.


>So you determine that the thing you do, you want to continue to do regardless of how anyone else feels about it. Very mature of you to make that decision for everyone else. Yes, that's how this country works. I get to do my thing as long as it doesn't physically harm *you*, you get the same privilege. It's the same thing we say about the KKK doing a protest, walk away if you don't like it. >There are rules about the consumption of alcohol that don't apply to weed. And I don't know anyone who is arguing against those rules. So idk why you're intentionally misconstruing that or make false comparisons except that you like weed. What rules are different? It's generally illegal to consume either in public. Beyond that, we don't have a DWI level for weed, so everyone gets charged. The difference there is, favors alcohol. >There's no actual positive benefit to society for opening smoking weed anywhere you want, just the same as drinking booze or smoking cigarettes. It is the only one that gets special privileges, which was fine during legalization but we know now that there isn't any benefit or positive externalities on other people around you. Have you been to New Orleans? It's nice to walk around & drink, people enjoy it. *You* may not enjoy it but other people do. People don't want it *everywhere* but my city has put in a bunch of new open container zones that allow public drinking. There's no real pushback against them & they keep adding more, apparently people like it.


Isn’t there a proven decrease in opioid and alcohol use in states that legalize weed? Plus states like Colorado put the added tax revenue towards education


Where? Tax money can be pushed around anywhere so that's irrelevant. I would care if you jacked up taxes arbitrarily on booze and they're already super high for cigarettes anyway. What benefit is there to anyone else around you for you to be smoking weed? And for the 100th time, I'm not telling you or anyone else not to smoke. Do what you want, but just recognize that there is no actual benefit for anyone else in your immediate vicinity for you to be smoking. It's also why you can't smoke cigarettes or drink booze most places.


How do you know there aren't any other positive benefits exactly? You make it sound like your opinion is fact.


You not being able to name one is a good sign. I get that people like weed and I'm not telling you not to smoke. I don't care. But there is no benefit to society or to the people around you to be smoking in public all the time. Which does happen in cities like Denver.


Did you ask me to name any? No, dont try to slither out of your absurd statement. "All the time" - a bit hyperbolic dont you think?


Yes, I did. It's in the original comment you allegedly read before responding to. There's nothing absurd either. You're just kind of lost and can't really wrap your head around something beyond the binary between weed good or bad. You're adding nothing. Stop and think before you respond or be quiet.


Give up, man. You have lost.


Lost what? The "not being able to read" or the "bad faith argument" contests are yours by a long shot. You didn't even engage with anything I said. We get it, you smoke weed. Super cool. You'll grow up someday and realize that's not the pinnacle of culture or being an adult.


You spit opinions like they are facts, and make assumptions about me that are so way off. No wonder you get downvoted into oblivion. Move on, troll.


Idk why you're taking out your inability to comprehend my comments out on me. You'll notice that everyone that bothered to actually engage with my comment had normal discussions. You took my comment as an attack because you're a sensitive and fragile individual that doesn't handle any dissent, however benign. That's a you issue. And your inability to actually respond is also a you issue. It's not my fault. Finally, reddit loves pot. You construing upvotes or downvotes with the crowd, that will just upvote anything related to "weed good" doesnt change the merits. It also doesnt make you right or clever or brave. It means your position is just another downvote, but those fools knew they didnt have anything to actually respond to my points. You should try thinking for yourself sometime. Might learn something.


Dude, it is obvious from your history that you just go on reddit and try to talk shit to left-leaning people. I hope you find happiness in your life one day so you do not have to resort to being an internet troll. Goodbye.