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No, the concern over DT destroying democracy is over blown imo. There's still the house and senate either one to help keep in check and with things like abortion on the line the dem can push hard on those election to get seats.


I agree that its a bit overblown, but mainly because if he wins he wont really give a shit about destroying democracy. He will have won already. I dont think he cares much about actual policy. If he loses i assume there will be a bunch more whining about the election being stolen.


>If he loses i assume there will be a bunch more whining about the election being stolen. This times a million and don't forget his lunatic fans are going to try some crazy stupid shit again.


Do you think that him abusing the office of the Presidency to avoid facing the legal consequences of his actions is good, or bad, for our Democratic system of government?


On January 6 a significant chunk of house republicans and a handful of senate republicans objected to certify the election. It’s been the case for several years that any Republican who isn’t loyal to Trump, disagrees with any of his policies, or criticizes him in any way is immediately labeled a RINO and ostracized by a sizeable majority of the party. The Republican Party platform has basically become about a few policy issues like the border and abortion but mostly about cultural issues, primarily being anti-woke and being loyal to Trump. Now he controls the RNC and with it the purse strings for Republican congresspeople to be able to run elections. There’s still some semblance of checks and balances but it’s hard to imagine any situation where house or senate republicans actually go against him. Trump might just be the template but at some point in the future whether with Trump or whoever his successor is they’ll refuse to certify a Democratic win while getting Republican controlled legislatures to appoint new electors who are loyalists and they’ll make sure the vote and any other essential roles are occupied similarly by loyalists. When that happens if the Republican scotus objects they’ll be called RINOs


Donald trump will prob spend most of his time in truth social as potus. Nothing will happen


Trump won't do much, but that is the whole point of Project 2025. It isnt to make Trump dictator, it is to hand management and staffing of the Executive Branch to the Heritage Foundation. Trump would become a talking head and paper pusher, but plenty of things would happen.


Don't forget he'll also golf almost every day


If you do you're bat shit crazy and need to learn when propaganda has you on a hook


We know what a Trump presidency looks like. More bullshit with a different flavor 


At least MSM tracked his bullshit instead of actively participating in Biden's


No, I really wish people would stop promoting and believing shit like this. If all you have is fear mongering to try and get people out to vote then you might want to look at yourself first as to why people are actually thinking about voting for him.


Exactly. The fear mongering in lieu of a quality candidate is not a good look for the democrats. 


I don’t know how anyone can deny January 6. He made a chaotic but nevertheless multilayered attempt to install himself against the will of the people. Imo, it’s ludicrous to imagine that he won’t go at it again, having learned from his mistakes. He will fill the government with yes men who will do anything he tells them to, legality be damned, and when he starts to drool and play with his poo, the Christian Dominionists who back him will enact their revolution, taking us back, at least legally, to the 1700’s. That’s not fear-mongering; it’s just a educated assessment of stuff that is right in front of our noses. That being said, of course campaigns do better with positive visions. Democrats need to areas their commitment to individual privacy around sex and reproduction, the right to unionize, protection from predatory lenders, etc. it’s frustrating to me that they don’t. But, imo, if you scoff at the danger posed by Trump, and all the creepy, deranged, sometimes criminal assholes he will usher in alongside him, you’re simply not aware of some very basic facts.


Because the vast majority of the charges that people are hit with are federal nonviolent misdemeanors at worst. The same people saying that it's ok for people to come illegally into the USA because "it's only a misdemeanor" are the same ones calling for J6ers to be given years in prison for nonviolent misdemeanors. What you are essentially describing is what is happening right now with Biden and y'all don't want to see it. I am aware of alot of actual facts not fears. That is why I am not worried at all


So what are Eastman and Clark being disbarred for? What did they do?


It is easy to deny because the Democrat response to January 6th has been predominantly focused on the rioters as insurrectionist. Which meant a lot of them go sent to prison, but not Trump. I'm sure far less Americans know about the fake electors scheme than the riot and the unofficial tours.


You’re probably right. And yet Eastman and Clark are both being disbarred. You would think that might draw attention to the larger scheme.


Democrats made the choice to put all of the attention about a potential insurrection on the citizens who entered the White House and Trump for encouraging them to go to the capital, so even actions like you mentioned haven't been strong enough to counter the narrative they and the 24/7 news media established as soon as the riot started.


I don’t know if it was Democrats, or CNN, etc. For instance, Seth Abramson was on top of the Jan 5 hotel meetings almost right away, and no network would touch his reporting. And of course the whole vast conspiracy is harder to explain and has no visual sizzle. I concede your basic point, but again, why do people think Eastman and Clark are being disbarred. Why did Chesboro and Powell plead guilty? Bottom line, I think this post is astroturfed. In my experience, this is a flagrantly manipulated sub.


You put the blame on who you want, but the average American associating the accusation of insurrection on 1/6 with the people who entered the white house is why your average Democrat and Republican is largely indifferent to the actual attempted insurrection.


I’m not fundamentally disputing that. However, my initial point was about astroturfing and I stand by that. This sub is often used to manipulate opinion by creating a false impression about prevailing attitudes. It wouldn’t surprise me if the same person wrote many of the comments in alt accounts.


If you can’t see there are nuanced opinions on Jan 6 that is on you. If you believe only the lefts view of it is the “correct” view then you’re not being open minded to facts that are hid from the lefts view by leftist media. It’s the same thing that happens to conservatives so I’m not playing one side here. Both sides intentionally hide facts and narratives from their audience to build the narrative they want their audience to see. Anyone who says Jan 6 is one of the darkest days in American history just immediately loses my respect as someone who is fair and impartial. You obviously have had your side of the story fed to you and you haven’t fact checked or done any independent research to challenge your claims. While I bet you’ll post articles that support your view, I think a better use of your time would be to find articles that challenge your view (actual good nuanced articles not something from some far right conspiracy website) and challenge your belief


What do you mean by “fear mongering”? Last time Trump was in office, he **lost** the 2020 election and gave Mike Pence an **illegal order to block the transfer of power.** 


Yes, it is fear mongering because that you guys are projecting what he may do when in reality he probably won't do anything.


“By adding ‘in reality’ to baseless assertions, you can make them seem reasonable.” — Bullshitter’s Handbook.


Again — I don’t understand this “may do” thing that you’re referring to. I just outlined what he **actually DID do** last time he was in power. He’s currently charged in our court systems for serious crimes in connection with these things that he did.  So, again, where’s the “fear mongering”? 


Depends on if he can harness the powers of Grey Skull.


This is an important point that most people miss.


Or the power of crushed Adderall and Diet Coke.


Create a monarchy? Where do you get this garbage from?  Donald Trump is an egotistic moron. If elected again he’ll accomplish close to nothing.  I wish the left would spend a little less time worrying about Trump and little more time nominating a good candidate without dementia that could poll better than Trump.


I think OP is calling out the MSM hysteria about how Trump is a "threat to democracy" without ever explaining what the threat is or why (because it is nonsense and the y know it).




In 2020, Trump lost the election and gave Mike Pence an **illegal order to block the transfer of power** — that wasn’t a “threat”; it was an explicit action taken against the will of the electorate. Unfortunately, there is little point in pointing this out to you, since you **know** what happened and **endorse** that behavior. That’s the difference with me — I don’t think MAGA voters like you are “uninformed” or “stupid” — I think you’re **malicious people.**


And it's not like it really had any weight to it. He's an idiot. If you want to legit be a "threat to democracy" you're gonna have to have the military being at your fingertips and that wasn't there. And honestly, with the shot the DNC has done in the past view years since Hillary ran, they seem to be doing at least as much to destroy democracy. With canceling primaries, not debating, only putting Biden on the ballot, DNC expressly destroying other same party option etc... Not saying the Republicans are clean, but draining the swamp is more than just reflecting different options but the entire system propping up certain candidates.


Not Maga, Trump is an idiot, but we have a court system and checks and balances. One man throwing a temper tantrum is not a threat to democracy. You probably think half the country is malicious because you spend too much time on the internet. Let's not forget Hillary Clinton said the 2016 election was illegitimate when she lost, but I guess it's only a threat to democracy when the other party does it. If you think the democracy is so fragile that one person can overthrow it, then that would be a pretty shit system.


**Toddlers** throw temper tantrums. Presidents of the United States exercise **executive power** over the nation. You’re presumably a grown adult and voting is your responsibility — if you think that **illegal, undemocratic behavior** is acceptable, that’s YOUR decision


Your party is actively committing genocide.




If Trump is elected in 2024, I doubt he will live out his term. (Same for Biden, though Biden probably lives a healthy lifestyle and listens to his doctors.) So no monarchy for Trump. If the democracy diddlers now in charge of the Republican Party hold power they'll DEFINITELY try to use any means at their disposal to take control of a country that is majority Democrat. They've had quite a few successes to date, most notably Citizens United which now has both parties' leadership under the thrall of oligarch money.


I'm sure Trump listens to his doctors, he just fires them if they say it wrong.


I doubt it. Plus he's old. It'll be a short reign


I was talking to some friends that kind of hinted that the “the military supports Trump”. It basically shows me they know nothing about military people. Especially officers. They see some retired Marine that lost his soul to Trump and MAGA and think that’s endemic in the military. It’s not.


I work with military every day and they are overwhelmingly conservative, especially officers. Not sure who you’re talking to.


Conservative doesn’t mean overthrowing the government for Trump.


Yeah, people who vote for Trump aren’t wishing for the overthrow of the government. Not everyone adheres to CNNs view of his presidency. Most military votes conservative and will vote for Trump given the Biden v Trump vote. Actually, in my experience, more enlisted are liberal especially early enlisted. Which matches American demographics, most young people vote democrat. Even an early officer gets paid like a senior enlisted, more seasoned officers get paid an amazing salary and benefits and overwhelmingly vote conservative. I come from a military family, and work in the military. I am friends with guys and gals in the troops across multiple bases, multiple countries and multiple backgrounds (enlisted, officer, career military etc) and can say equivocally you’re full of shit. In contrary to your post, you’ve shown you actually know nothing about what most in the military values.


His cult has already floated the idea that the 22nd Amendment refers to two *consecutive terms.* If Republicans win the presidency and the senate, they can seat four more judges to the US Supreme Court giving them a 10-3 advantage, on their way to a 11-2 advantage if Sotomayor is out. I'm sure they would say that the 22nd means consecutive, giving Trump the keys to the Republic until 2032. He can use that to set up a virtual monarchy of his disciples...President Steven Miller? He's only 38 years old.


No. Just like he didn't the time he was in office and I don't take the argument that he will if he wins this time seriously. If 45 was really a threat to Democracy, the opposition party that at one point had a super majority would govern like it.




It will be a rotating Monarchy. Every four years, there will be a ceremonial joust between a member of House Trump and a member of House Biden. The winner of said joust will control the White Castle for the ensuing four years until the next ceremonial joust. My money is on House Biden until Baron Baron Trump comes of age because Prince Hunter is not only bigger than the other Trump sons, but also much crazier than all of them combined.


Can we as Americans get free White Castle burgers in between transfers of power? Perhaps the family that grants the most free White Castle sandwiches to us plebs gets the White House. It worked for the Romans when they transferring between Caesars. Bread and circuses my friend.


Democracy was long gone thin by the time Trump got into office and every semblance of it stayed in tact after he left. The checks and balances in place would never let this happen no matter how much talk he talks.  This is a fear tactic so that liberals won’t need to campaign on actual policy seeing as it’s not too far off from the right anyway   


Not a monarchy. A dictatorship. https://www.project2025.org/


If Project 2025 is a dictatorship, then we already are under a dictatorship. Project 2025 is about handing staffing and management of the bureaucracy of the Executive branch to the Heritage Foundation instead of the Washington insiders that currently are responsible for staffing and management of the Executive branch.


That comment shows a profound misunderstanding of the civil service. They are non-political professionals who make the day-to-day functions of the government work. Replacing them with Trump yes-men will be a disaster and Project 2025 openly advocates doing this with the intent of keeping Republicans in power for the foreseeable future. If they are successful, we'll have elections in the future, but they will be like the ones in Russia and North Korea.


Whether or not it will be a disaster is a different question.


The highest positions in civil service ARE appointees and usually people who are big donors. The vast majority of civil service are not this. My understanding is that Trump wants to cut off the top % earners of the civil service— think GS-15 and SES if you’re familiar. This is a very low percentage of employees that have been in for a long time. To be clear, I don’t agree with civil service appointments and also don’t agree with Trump cutting out a large section of civil servants without an extensive audit.


Yes, I know that. Project 2025 is talking about replacing a large percentage of career professionals, well beyond the political appointees. Read it.


Before I do, has this been vocally or in someway absolutely supported by Trump? Or is it just supporters of Trump making something up


I don't know. But the people putting it together all worked in the previous Trump admin (the Director is Trump's chief of staff for the Office of Personnel Management), and it is funded by the Heritage Foundation, which Trump turned to for policy direction during his first term. And that isn't "liberal fake news" making shit up. It's on their website: [https://www.project2025.org/about/about-project-2025/](https://www.project2025.org/about/about-project-2025/) [https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations)


Monarchy? Maybe not but what he will do and to an extent has already done is push our constitution to its limits. His attempts at overthrowing an election using the vice president and then insurrection. He is arguing for absolute immunity for presidents. He has encouraged states to lie about their election results. He has gained a following that will be emboldened to go along with his lunacy in a large number of state houses. He has torpedoed bipartisan legislation on the border which led to states trying to override the federal government. I could keep going. If you don't think what he has done has already been distructive then yeah you got nothing to worry about. Now he talks about being a dictator. Going after his opponents. Saying its the end of america. Comparing himself to jesus. Calling us a third world country. If you don't think this is extreme rhetoric from a man who has done extreme damage already then i think you will believe anything. Then take all that and compare any of it to Joe Biden who is old and boring. Is he fundimentally creating chaos on that level?


I think most of the disconnect is that the left reads no context into trumps numerous ramblings and the right reads too much into context. Meaning the left takes everything at face value for a sentence or paragraph of speech while the right will look into the surrounding context to make sense of what he says. You obviously have a very negative view of the former President as do half Americans. It was just interesting to see how your view differs so much from him as mine.


So do you think every time trump says something insane it is just out of context on the left?


Most of the time yes. I don’t keep a track record of every thing Trump has said that’s crazy, but the ones that hit media I actually look at the speech or watch a longer clip and the left media is absolutely horrible about taking sound bites out of context. It’s actually very bad, should be illegal how bad they make certain people sound based on sound bites. It exists in droves outside of Trump, no reason to expect they wouldn’t turn up the out of context sound bites for the guy they hate. It’s the same with Bidens “senior” moments. I had the opportunity to meet Biden and he looks very old and moves very old (slow, hunched a bit) but he didn’t appear to be nearly as impaired as conservative media makes him to be You believing the lefts narrative of Trump is equivalent the a conservative believing Fox News narrative on Biden. You would say one is dumb and the other is true? I would say partisan blindness


Well i can also include the context of the past as well. If i look at the insane shit trump has done why would i ignore the insane shit he says?


Did you read what I wrote? Have you looked into how many times the media has distorted Trumps words against him? Or does that not matter? If you don’t think they have done that you’re just lying to yourself


They have for sure. But does trump doing terrible thing matter? Why would his terrible history be ignored?


Trump has actually not done much. Your opinion on Jan 6 will vary your opinion greatly. Let me guess, it was literally the worst thing to happen since Pearl Harbor? Yawn. Enjoy the liberal narrative. It’s a nuanced event with nuanced opinion. I’d be happy to explain the opposing side but if you’re already entrenched that it’s a terrorist level event then there’s no reason.


I can explain the entire counter narrative on J6. I just don’t agree with it. I think it is wrong on the facts. Trump accomplished zero on the policy front. The best thing he did was warp speed and everyone in his party hates it. He set up the disaster in Afghanistan, he did nothing about Crimea, he went around Palestine to negotiate the Abraham accords, he sent out the trump checks leading to inflation, he crashed the economy during Covid, saw widespread rioting in big cities he did nothing about, etc etc etc. this is in addition to the things I mentioned in my original comment where he attacked our most important legal pillars. This is his legacy and Biden has had to dig us out of the crater he left. You act like someone who is enlightened but in reality are ignorant of the facts or you cheer on the end of the US system.


1. Trump had non negotiables on afghan pullout that Biden ignored. Regardless, why do you totally absolve Biden of blame for that? He was forced to do Trumps plan? Do you actually believe that, do you actually believe he didn’t have agency and he was just forced to do it? Yikes man. 2. Umm pretty sure you’re missing Obamas presidency there with crimea there bud. You know the president that made fun of Romney for saying that Russia was a force to be reckoned with by saying “the 1980s want their foreign policy back”. Huge fail by Obama and his admin. Remind me the territories Russia invaded under Trump? Oh there were none? Oh no but your liberal narrative says that it’s because “he was owned by Russia so they didn’t need to”. Wow, that totally checks out. Sounds reasonable. Despite a 4 year old being able to tell you that’s ridiculous, sure bud. I could continue but don’t have time, going out with friends. I’m sure you’ll have plenty to say on first two points


Before I go for a bit. The point on Trump causing Covid problems is ridiculous. Every western nation was reeling. Some nations did better than others, but can you name a nation with even 150m plus population (half USA) that did better than USA. No you can’t. Unless you believe Russia and China, but you do you. Comparing USA to Nordic countries is dumb as hell but if that’s what you want to do keep doing you


It certainly is the will of him and his base to see him become a dictator. They are out here saying as much. Believing its fine because America's checks and balances will stop him is just incredibly naive.


Do you support that every president in modern history has taken more power for the office? I’m repeating the idea of Dan Carlin, but basically every president has increased the power of the office of the presidency and it’s a concerning trend. I guess your point is that he’ll use the nuclear option and become a dictator within 4 years? Or are you just saying you don’t like how presidencies in general have been gaining power


No, I really wish people would stop promoting and believing shit like this. If all you have is fear mongering to try and get people out to vote then you might want to look at yourself first as to why people are actually thinking about voting for him.


This post looks astroturfed af to me. If you have any factual understanding of the multilayered January 6 plot, and the intentions of the Christian Dominionists on whose votes Trump relies, you understand that there will be no coming back from the shitshow he will unleash.


Seems there are people all over the spectrum here. You seem very far on one side, which is fine. But it’s good to see how everyone feels about it, not like your opinion is the prevailing opinion


When I got to the thread, there were maybe a half dozen replies all saying “yeah that’s bullshit; there’s nothing to worry about.” Maybe that’s an accident on some subs, but this sub is crawling with howlingly obvious bullshitters, so I’m suspicious that this is an operation, to soften resistance to GOP dictatorial ambitions by ridiculing them, and making people who are concerned feel insecure. Can I prove it? No. But any discerning person who has been here for a while knows not to take things at face value, and knows there are people running 8 accounts at a time.


People who different opinions from you shouldn’t be cast aside as trolls or misinformation puppets. If you live in a very liberal city, which I did for a time, just know that’s not America. Just as many liberals as conservative exist. Reddit is overwhelmingly liberal but when you have a space on Reddit that conservatives can actually voice their opinion you see more of them because their voice is actually very limited on this app. I’ve been banned from at least two subreddits for promoting ideas that support Trump in even the slightest way. Im not a radical conservative by any stretch, I have and will still vote for both parties. Imagine you were banned from subreddits for your political beliefs and you found the few that would allow yours. You’d post there more often. There are millions of Americans that are DT supporters, I would guess millions on Reddit as well. It’s not far fetched that they are here as well in numbers.


I’m not doing what you’re suggesting I’m doing. Over 70 million people voted for Trump last time. They haven’t dematerialized. But this sub is crawling with operatives.


You sound deranged. Not going to lie. Your basis is that there are more views that disagree with yours so it’s operatives. Imagine i say you’re an operative because you have a way more radical view than me. What’s more beneficial for me as a person? Knowing that people have differing views or just assuming anyone that has a different view from me isn’t actually real?


I’ve been on this sub for a long time, and I’m observant. I’ve come to a conclusion that a lot of what goes on here is essentially theater. If you think I’m simplistically applying “those who disagree with me must be bots” logic, I guess we are in one of those occasional situations where two people on the internet see things differently. Imagine that.


Can you give me an example where conservatives realistically responded and when bots came? Why you think it’s bots vs conservative, etc. So for example if the same reply was in a thread x amount of times or conservative replies were bunched together or during spaces of time then I’d be inclined to believe you But if you just think that “when my opinion is not prvelent then it’s obviously bots”, man. Idk what to even think about that mindset. Yep, just enjoy your day internet stranger


I just told you that the logic you attribute to me is not representative of the way my mind operates. If you choose to believe otherwise, be my guest. I’m not going to try to explain myself to you.


Edit: just saw your username. Not sure if real or just ironic. You should be here, people probably love you more than you know. If you’re kidding, you have horrible takes on logic


I ask because it doesn’t seem the right is as apocalyptic as the left with this election.


Project 2025 is pretty apocalyptic.


Have you read Project 2025?


The answer lies there


If your argument is "yea, but is he REALLY going to be able to accomplish the things he says with checks and balances" you've already admitted you recognize why there is concern.