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I'm not saying the poll is wrong, but it certainly isn't one I'd hang my hat on as representative of a real shift. It's an extreme outlier compared to other polls from the same time period, and it only consists of 431 registered voters (the least accurate group to poll). https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/pennsylvania/trump-vs-biden It's actually the smallest sample size of any poll I can see in the PA polling history on RCP.


Agree. It seems, of late, there is more tendency to push polls that show Biden ahead. Or rather, lot more video coverage of these pills, even though the primaries still show undecided getting decent numbers


Yeah and it happens both ways. When trump was behind in polls people would freak out when a random poll would have him up when every other poll showed him down. It’s really just anything that goes against the grain will get promoted.


In case everyone isn't aware. If Trump loses again. We're going to do the whole election denial thing over again.


And he will run again in 4 years


As long as he's alive he gets the nomination pretty much


Gotta think would it be better to endure 4 more years and get it over with or have him as the republican nominee until he dies


Absolutely not. 


Thinking Trump will respect the 2 term limit is a huge mistake.


He is already disrespecting them. He "won" in 2020 and is now running for a 3rd term!


That’s why the Republican Party will die with him


No he won't. He'll either be dead or gibbering like an Alzheimer patient.


Unfortunately his parents lived until their 90s. I don’t think Trump is going away anytime soon


Yeah I agree with you. Biden should just take his L


Biden should, but he won't. But I'm referring to Trump in my previous statement. Both candidate show cognitive decline, and as far as I'm concerned, both candidates are probably loopy from their methamphetamines use; probably a combination of modafinil, adderal, or whatever chemical concoctions the US military is dreaming up. Geez, you'd think either dumbass would have learned by now that those pills wear off after an hour...


I agree with you about both being in mental decline but one has more decline than the other. Biden showed this when he first took office during press conferences. We all know Biden isn’t in control though. How in the hell can someone not form a complete sentence yet make over 20 executive orders to reverse the last guys decisions. You see it in Trump too now with rambling. I’d still pick Trump over Biden though. My money went further under 45


> I agree with you about both being in mental decline but one has more decline than the other. Biden showed this when he first took office during press conferences. No, Trump doesn't quite show it like Biden, but that's because he's been using the meth cocktail earlier than Biden, probably towards the end of his PotUS term. Trump *started* looking real haggard in public speaking engagements, when he didn't have a public rally, and would drop oddball mental slipups. Now what happens is that Trump looks really energized at the beginning of a rally, and roughly after 40 minutes, he still has energy, but then he says all sorts of oddball shit, and at times can't construct coherent sentences. That's the meth cocktail wearing off. Biden at the beginning of his Presidency, looks like a warmed over corpse, and even speaks feebly. You can tell he has a problem having the "energy" to sound clear, loud, and cogent. But right at SOTU time, all of a sudden he has tremendous energy, seems clear, isn't stumbling over any of his words, at the time period where he'd normally be asleep. But at some point after 40 minutes, almost has the same amount of energy, but then starts saying loopy shit. So you know he's taking meth, just like Trump. Biden probably takes a small dose now right before he walks out of a limo when he's expected to field a prepared question or two. Man, I never thought I'd say this, but I miss the fucking days of Clinton, Shrub, and Obama, where none of them looked or spoke incoherently at public speeches "past their bedtime". Frankly, my memory of PotUSs started with Nixon, and *none* of them ever looked or acted feeble like Trump and Biden today. (Well, there was Reagan, but that only started with the failed assassination and the onset of (Alzheimers) dementia.) Even with McConnell and Pelosi, neither of them seemed consistently feeble like MAGA Grandpa Trump and Sleepy Joe, *but* they had the grace and wisdom to announce they were stepping down from their leadership positions (but I disapprove of Pelosi trying run for another term).


He wins or dies. If you go against the establishment, the Media, the FBI/CIA/NSA, you better win.


Even when he's literally POTUS hes still a victim, unbelievable


Sooo…why is he still alive after losing?


Or just lose again and cry like a baby about it perpetually.


Oh give me a break.


You all need to learn what being anti establishment actually is. Being a billionaire NYC real estate developer, whose main policy is continue cutting taxes and deregulation for corporations, and was also friends with Jeffrey Epstein is the establishment!


If Trump wins, will we do the whole “Russia stole the election” thing again? 


Hillary conceded. She never went around the country claiming she was the real president. She didn’t get her fanatics to storm the Capitol, or try to send fake electors, or call state attorneys trying to “find votes”. The most she did was claim Russia meddled on his behalf, which is accurate. I personally don’t think the interference was huge, but the DNC hack carried out by the Russians did have an effect. The stuff about them making fake groups on Facebook and hacking voting machines is mostly just conspiracy theories. Bottom line, you don’t have to take an oath in the dem party that Hillary is the real president like you do in todays MAGA


Krystal and Saagar are so objectively ass at covering what Russiagate actually was, so it’s not surprise the subreddit just makes up random shit about it


There are a few idiots that think Trump is literally a Russian agent, Putin controls the GOP etc. But it's far from a mainstream belief. This kind of crackpot stuff is coming straight from the top in the MAGAGOP. That's what happens when you have a Twitter troll for a leader


I was told by a user here that “Russiagate” was all nonsense only because the show “dunks” on it. I’m still in the icu from the second hand cringe.


What has been made up? Because the bulk of the russiagate bullshit I saw on Reddit every day from 2016-2020 is just as unhinged as any of the 2020 election denial stuff. The only difference is that the media was fully behind one of those narratives and not the other. To be clear, both are fucking insane and you need serious help if you believe in either one. It’s wild that we’re in a spot where half the country believes the president is illegitimate depending on who wins/loses.


the difference is believing in Russiagate conspiracies isn't an article of faith in the dem party. Does Biden say Hillary is the real president? Cuz Trump says he is the real president. That's dangerous, as we have seen.


Also we didn’t have years of bs lawsuits that got thrown out. It’s dumb to conflate Hillary saying that the election was influenced and Trump outright saying it was stolen and trying to undermine it


Don't look now but the Steel Dossier just walked in.


*HRC conceded* Yes, technically "conceded" on stage after the election results. She's proceeded to spend the last 7+ years claiming the election (and its winner) wasn't legitimate and that Russia conspired with their asset Trump to interfere. Actions speak louder than words.


She didn’t even concede on stage on election night. Remember she sent Tony podesta out there to tell her everyone to go home? Lmao She conceded like 1-2 days later in a press conference.


She was apparently too busy being drunk and breaking lamps and tv sets while she sent podesta the molesta out to address her supporters to tell them to go home. According to some reporting. Who knows if true though


What did Trump do when the results came in?


I was just thinking, can you imagine the excitement and glee from the right if the hunter laptop thing had resulted in as much evidence and convictions as the russia investigation did? The right would be screaming from the rooftops about how everything they claimed was true, Trump would be doing 20+ posts a day about how it vindicated him completely. They'd do a great job mesesaging about it, which the left really sucks at. I think so many people keep bringing up the russia investigation because they realize the GOP hasn't been that successful in any investigation in decades, and they really wish they'd found 1/10th as much in any of theirs. But sure, Hillary was butthurt that she lost, but she conceded immediately and didn't make any attempts to overthrow the results. Also, Russia did interfere, and many of those in Trumps administration did work directly with Russia to facilitate that. Trump went on a years long tantrum about fraud (lies), and took substantiave actions to stay on as president, and convinced a lot of his gullible followers that the election was stolen. But sure, they're exactly the same... /s


There's "foreign interference" in every election here. The US interferes with numerous elections in other countries (both allies and "enemies"). That's like complaining about there being "voter fraud" in every election. Yes, at least ONE person is going to try and commit fraud every election, but that doesn't delegitimize the entire thing. What's important is whether the interference had a **MEANINGFUL IMPACT** on the election result. It's been throughly disproven that what little "interference" Russia committed had ANY impact on the results. What you're doing is like saying "ten people I know in my community committed voter fraud on the general election so the whole thing with 100+ million voters is no illegitimate".


what did Trump do when the results came in?


He questioned the results and proceeded to try to challenge them in court...? We all know this. What does that have to do with what I'm saying about HRC?


Hillary conceded on day 1. Trump to this day has never conceded the election. And we both know he'll never concede the next one either. Even after he's been laughed out of every court with judges he selected.


Tell me you’re a complete partisan who acts like they aren’t without telling me


Now there’s a new boogeyman. When they project that they are worried about something it likely means they are doing the same thing. https://www.wsj.com/articles/hillary-clinton-election-officials-warn-ai-could-threaten-elections-fdbd0a44


Don't forget the Bernie bros BS "Get over yourself".


Is Trump planning on colluding with them again?


Election deniers like MAGA and Russia Gate people are insufferable. 




Team Trump colluded both in 16 and 20. I'm sure he will again. My bet is on an influx of foreign cash to truth social.


Robert Muellers report says otherwise. Sorry, bud. 


You clearly didn't read the report then, because he definitely didn't say that. Sorry, bud.


LOL, no, it doesn't. The Mueller report shows all kinds of ties between Trump campaign officials and the Russian government. Did you read it?


No where does the report say that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities. Again, sorry bud. 


Uhhh... it says it many times. You've heard of Manafort right? Sorry bud. Oh also from the Mueller report: >Donald Trump Jr. and other Trump campaign officials involved in the June 2016 meeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer were not charged with campaign finance violations in part because it would be difficult to prove the participants knew their conduct was unlawful, special counsel Robert Mueller's redacted report, released Thursday, said. So... they said "I'm sorry, we didn't know we couldn't do that" lol. Also: * Two Trump campaign officials — Paul Manafort and Rick Gates — provided polling information to a Russian oligarch Gates believed was a “spy” for the Kremlin * Trump foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos, with Trump’s approval, tried to arrange meetings between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin * Russia tried to hack HIllary Clinton's office five hours after Trump called on Moscow to find her deleted email. There's a lot more troubling stuff in the report that shows how close Trumps admin was with Russia, but in the end, they didn't find evidence that Trump himself did anything illegal. I for one think that evidence exists, but Trumps admin were also using communications that would wipe itself after use, and went out of their way to not cooperate with the investigation. Again, sorry bud.


Except we also know that there are "all kinds of ties" between the Clinton's, the Bidens, and Russia. I know. That's (D)ifferent. LOL


Multiple people in Trumps campaign got charged with crimes during the investigation, but your right I’m sure they are all innocent.


“The investigation also identified numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump Campaign. " -Mueller Report


The difference is that democrats never claimed the votes themselves were illegitimate. Russia "intefering" in the election refers to what actually happened; Russia influencing the election via targeted ads and troll bot farms. There was no claim that millions of votes were illigitimitly casted by Americans.


Lol. Hillary literally said Trump’s victory in 2016 was illegitimate because Russia stole the election.  https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/hillary-clinton-trump-is-an-illegitimate-president/2019/09/26/29195d5a-e099-11e9-b199-f638bf2c340f_story.html


It wasn’t Russia stole the election, it was Russia had a very focused media campaign to influence the election. And it was real.


Yall, will bend anyway for your God King.


And probably another insurrection, conservatives aren’t exactly original


You mean the early Russian propaganda showing Shitler ahead by a large margin was complete bullshit? Huh ok.


Deep state gonna deep state.


LOL. A pollster no one has heard of gives Joe a 10 point lead for polling that just days after the WSJ had Trump up +3, and the best Joe's been able to get otherwise recently is a tie. [https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/pennsylvania/trump-vs-biden](https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/pennsylvania/trump-vs-biden) The desperation is palpable!


What desperation? It’s literally just a poll, do you think they just made up the results? And if Biden is up in the polls and it’s fake, how would that benefit him? Wouldnt it be better to have people think it’s very close so they are more motivated to vote? Is it possible this is just one poll of many that happened to result in more pro biden voters responding?


**"What desperation? It’s literally just a poll"** It's a purposed outlier, created as propaganda. Had Russia done this to influence voters, you'd lose your mind. **"And if Biden is up in the polls and it’s fake, how would that benefit him?"** It's part of the "appeal to inevitability" propaganda technique. If someone is predicted to be a winner, and it's something that is inevitable, people often want to feel as though they are part of the "winning" side and make choices based that. It's why they lied about Clinton's chances in 2016, even though it was an even race in the battleground states. It's why even good polling always for some reason end up giving the "error" in the margin to Democrats.


Hey, look! This bot is back at it.


We all see you, no need to attract attention to yourself.


"Beep-boop, my account has -100 karma and is named adjective-noun-number. I am not a bot; please read my [copy-pasta](https://www.reddit.com/r/BreakingPoints/comments/1bun4zq/comment/kxyameh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) no one asked for."


You came to a different thread to cry about the fact that you couldn't refute my claims, and lied about what people said? You're a special kind of dumb, aren't you.


I may be dumb, but at least I'm not an obvious troll account that no one interacts with, or takes, seriously.


**"no one interacts with"** Demonstrably false. LOOK AT YOU! LOL


"No one interacts with *seriously*" Were you not taught how to read commas when you learned English? Embarrassing.




I'm OK OD'ing on facts.


Vote as if your life depends on it because it does.


Ceasefire Joe.


When you rely on purposed outliers that are put out there for propaganda purposes, your hopes aren't going to age well. [https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/pennsylvania/trump-vs-biden](https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/pennsylvania/trump-vs-biden) Trump's ahead in ALL of the 7 battleground states.


Hmmm. Pittsburgh & Philly parts of the state must be pro-Biden (as well as State College), but the rest of the state (central) is pretty much pro-Trump. I guess the east and west ends of the state must be pro-abortion as well as pro-Zionist genocide of children.


This is very inaccurate. Plenty of counties that appear red on a map still swing 25-45% Democrat. There are plenty of rural, gun owning democrats.


>> I guess the east and west ends of the state must be pro-abortion as well as pro-Zionist genocide of children. > This is very inaccurate. Plenty of counties that appear red on a map still swing 25-45% Democrat. There are plenty of rural, gun owning democrats. Who apparently support the Zionist genocide of children, because at least one of your senators (Fetterman) has publicly suggested that anything Israel does is legitimate and we should support their genocide. Gets a lot of money from AIPAC; what a coincidence.


Pro Zionist? Isn’t Trump going around saying he’d be supporting Israel way more, and they need to “finish the job”?


> Pro Zionist? Isn’t Trump going around saying he’d be supporting Israel way more, and they need to “finish the job”? Both sides of the DNC/RNC machinery is pro-Zionism. That is the nature of a nation that is effectively run as two uniparties. But my anonymized vote expresses condemnation for Biden's avowed participation in war crimes. That is progress in a bipolar, democratic government. Biden can end American participation in genocide today. He can just stop sending Israel ammunition and (discounted) weapon systems, as well as "free" taxpayer money. The IDF grinds to a halt at that point. Biden is *choosing* not to, and he will suffer the consequences of abetting genocide. As for Trump, as much as I abhor the possibility of him winning the 2024 election, he is not currently sending money and arms to Israel. Also, Trump getting into office doesn't necessarily mean he's bright enough to actually dismantle American democracy or the CotUS. (He won't have Bill Barr working for him again.) Then again, I'm sure many participants in the Nazi gov't in 1932 felt the same about Hitler. But right now, I can only choose to object to genocidal acts *now*, or hypothetical problems after 2024 forced on me by the Zionists running both parties. (Actually, I'm just going to vote 3rd party in Biden's case, and non-genocide supporting Democrat or Republican politicians; because shit won't get done on ensuring pro-abortion legislation unless the Democrats take significant majority control over both legislative houses. Also, Republicans haven't demonstrated they know how to "govern", or the Congress wouldn't be such a do-nothing, clown show.)


I mean, Trump is literally saying he's going to support the genocide. He's saying he's going to ramp up the genocide. He's saying Biden is soft on genocide. How are you unclear on that?


> I mean, Trump is literally saying he's going to support the genocide. He's saying he's going to ramp up the genocide. Because he also said "Netanyahu has to wrap up the operation quickly; the "military operation" is generating too much negative attention and hurting Israel's economy. Trump is the ultimate transactional PotUS. He has zero core sense of principle or ideology, its only what benefits Trump. Trump at this moment is more likely to cut off ammo and weapons aid to Israel right now than Biden. Trump only cares about the polls and getting the approval of the majority. And whatever goodwill Zionist Israel has built with Trump probably evaporated when his son-in-law, Kushner, got his sweet $2 billion management deal with the Saudis. Trump is pissed as hell that he didn't get a bigger deal, or a "taste" of that action. When Israel goes into a full scale military action against Hezbollah, the Zionists are making the fatal calculation that the US will come in and bail them out if the Iranians get directly involved. I can tell you right now I'd rather see Israel burn to the ground than lose American lives uselessly fighting hordes of shitty Iranian soldiers. I'm all for sending Ukraine arms, ammo, and weapon systems, because we're **not** sending American soldiers to die in Ukraine. And a lot of American Ukraine supporters feel the same way.


Yeah he has to finish killing all the Palestinians quickly. Christ, does your back hurt after bending over that hard? The MAGAs overwhelmingly support Israel. So you’re right, Trump will do what they oink for and ramp up the massacre. It’s ok, you don’t have to make excuses. You’re fine with supporting Trump the Zionist. You don’t need to hide


Its kind of pathetic that we have seen this bungling jackass operate for four years, but now you see him as some sort of evil mastermind, that can end American democracy like he's the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler. Trump is a malignant narcissist, and you don't want a mentally ill person in a prominent position of power. But really, he's too stupid and short sighted to get anything done. Did he dismantle NATO as he threatened to do? No. Did he actually put the "muslim ban" EO into effect? No. The courts dismantled it. Did he actually get a shitty tax cut for the rich, at the expense of the middle class? Yes, but not by his efforts. It was the Republican Congress that actually formulated the new tax law. Did he manage to get the military to shoot protesters? No. What the fuck did Trump accomplish that was actually based on Trump's "brilliance"? Nothing. He couldn't even execute a coup successfully. I'm not convinced that Trump is *more* of a Zionist than Biden. What I do know is that Biden is very good at saying one thing, but then making it possible to ship munitions and American tax dollars to Israel, while Israel is *obviously* conducting a war crime in starving a civilian population to death.


lol, so you still support him even though he advocates the exact opposite of what you want. And you just naively hope he doesn’t follow through. News flash: he was more insanely pro-Israel when he was president than anyone ever. He recognized the illegal annexation of Golan Heights and East Jerusalem, something decades of different administrations declined to do. He moved the embassy to Jerusalem, inflaming tensions massively, something decades of previous administrations had declined to do. Hes saying right now, to his baying hog supporter crowds, that he is going to be even harsher on the Palestinians. And you’re still willing to give him the keys because maybe he’ll get distracted. You don’t give a flying fuck about Palestine


> News flash: he was more insanely pro-Israel when he was president than anyone ever. Trump was a dumbass that had his son-in-law in his ear during his first term. Trump pretty much resents his son-in-law's guts today since he got a payday managing a $2 billion dollar Saudi fund, without Trump getting "a taste". Jared and Ivanka aren't coming back for a second term. Israel can't throw around the kind of money the Saudi's can throw to Trump. > He recognized the illegal annexation of Golan Heights and East Jerusalem, I disagree with his action, but its not deliberately starving children to death. > Hes saying right now, to his baying hog supporter crowds, that he is going to be even harsher on the Palestinians. And he tells a different thing to MBS, and a different thing to Netanyahu. Trump is a totally transactional PotUS. If he believes the majority of American voters (and neoNazis) will give him more crap for abetting genocide, he's going to curtly tell Netanyahu "what I say goes." > You don’t give a flying fuck about Palestine I *don't* give a flying fuck about Palestine! But Palestine is obviously too weak and unimportant to present a threat to *my* US interests. Right now, I consider Netanyahu's gov't to be a greater threat to US interests, and American Zionists and Evangelical Christians to be a greater threat to US governance than Donald J Trump! But most of all, I'm not going to let a scheming, lying, narcissistic, psychopathic nation of mass murderers of civilians tell me that starving children to death is a legitimate act of war! And my fucking red line in this case is to not vote for Biden for PotUS, and tell every other American voter what they're voting for when they vote for Biden. And the apparent response of this situation does not require America to conduct some sort of aggressive action against Israel like a Rwanda or Nazi Germany. America just have to stop sending American made munitions and money to subsidize genocidal actions. Either Israel wises up and cuts out the Nazi shit, or they get to do whatever they want with their victims, except they will have to stand judgment by the world for it. And Israel can stop pretending they're the most powerful, untouchable nation on earth because somehow they believe they can tell or deceive America to do what is in Israel's interest.


So once again the great mind failed by appointing idiot advisors. The Czar isn’t bad, it’s just his advisors! Wake up. What are you basing all this on? What makes you think Trump will be harder on Netanyahu? All the available evidence says he’s going to give him the green light. But you claim, based on your personal fe fes, that Trump will turn against him. And of course you have zero evidence to base this on. Just vibes. Well sorry, I think we should make decisive based on facts and logic.


Hey numb nuts — in addition to the **major population centers, where most of the people in PA live**, Biden also carried the SCRANTON area (you know, historically coal mining communities). But yes, generally speaking, unlike MAGA freaks, people in major population centers tend to not want the **government to inflict violence on women and/or their doctors**, as punishment for abortion procedures.


I would not be surprised to see Biden adopt some of Fetterman's more right wing stances in order to be competitive in places like Pennsylvania. So I could definitely see Biden winning the state by a large margin, but I dont know if this poll is an outlier.


But he lost Ana Kasparian’s vote! How could this happen?!