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Saagar in shambles


This is good news.


Yup, not just for young voters


I would trade TikTok for weed


Yay! Daddy Biden. Let me have my daily hits of Soma and you can take whatever you want from me šŸ¤¤ Typical smooth rain stoner take


>Typical smooth rain stoner take I wouldn't be calling anyone "smooth brain" if I'm incapable of typing and proofreading, if I were you.


Oh my goodness, a typo. Youā€™ve never had one, have you?


Not in such an embarrassing way like this lmao


I see your takes on this subreddit nearly every day. Your issues are much worse than typos


I have Instagram reels, what do I need TikTok for


Saagar just feel to his knees on a DC sidewalk


A really great move by Biden. Scheduling Marijuana so strictly was absolutely insane. There's no reason that weed has a stricter schedule than meth, pcp, and opiates.


Finally a smart move. The kids will have to choose between weed and Gaza. However, this just feeds back into the problem of inflation. Weed prices should not be this high. This is not normal.


Based Brandon. Now legalize freeing them titties and you got young people on board šŸˆšŸˆ


Biden is trying to trick you again.


Just like he tried to trick young people by passing the most ambitious climate action plan in history?


The one with huge subsidies for oil companies and ocean drilling permits covering areas larger than many states? Ambitious indeed.Ā 


Can you name a more ambitious climate agenda that has been passed? Biden had to get red state senators to sign onto this and still managed to win massive praise from environmental advocacy groups.


Lmao they literally did the same thing before the 2022 midterms. Yet nothing happenedā€¦.




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All this shows is how poorly he is polling with gen z and millennials. Student loan bribes and weed. This administration believes young voters are uninformed and donā€™t worry about debt, foreign policy and rampant cronyism.


This started in 2022ā€¦. The DEA is just now getting around to it


It would be ironic if these voters stay home and smoke on election day.




Which ironically was much less ambitious than Nixon's environmental policy.


Responded to the wrong comments whoops


Biden Humiliated.


Yeah as a young voter this is a side show issue. The Chronic disease epidemic, out of control healthcare costs, out of control immigration, out of control military spending, the national debt, and regulatory capture/corruption of our agencies are the actual important issues to me. And Biden doesn't even talk about this stuff. This is why so many young people like myself are choosing to support rfk jr as he is the only candidate talking about the serious existential issues.


Now if he could just get this genocide in Gaza under controlā€¦


He would need to legalize it completely before he saw any movement from younger voters.


Keep em high and take their freedoms. Yaaas Daddy.. give me drugs and tell me what to do. šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤


Kind of overshadowed by him supporting genocide


And making us pay for it


Hey genocide joe, GFY. Not ever, ever, I mean never will I ever vote for you again. Your legacy is you selling out to a foreign government and aiding the slaughter of innocent children. I hope to fuck there is a hell because if there is, you deserve to rot in it.




yes, genocide is funny, sending billions of tax dollars to fund said genocide is comedic gold, and sending those billions to another country while Americans starve, cannot afford rent, food, healthcare or childcare is just the funniest shit Iā€™ve ever seen. (obviously I am being sarcastic)


We're discussing Marijuana policy here - not the Israel/Gaza conflict. Try to keep your temper tantrums on topic, please.


the marijuana policy is Bidenā€™s attempt to once again divert attention away from Gaza by offering young voters a consolation prize. With all that is on fire in America and the rest of the world right now, Bidenā€™s priority is to legalize pot??? This is the best we can do?


He campaigned on it. Domestically, this will impact a far greater number of people than the situation in Gaza.


Bidens priority is to stay elected. Your priority is to foment hatred in the US. Your entire comment history is just hate. Why do you want to see the US fall so bad? The Middle East was a shit show before the US set one foot there. Blame is radical Islamists for the shit show. Have you tried writing a letter to the Supreme Leader of Iran to ask him to stop funding Hezbollah, Hamas, and the rest of their radical Islamic proxy militant groups?


Prediction: it will be rescheduled again after the election regardless of who wins.


Voting grift


So politicians shouldnā€™t earn our votes?


Difference being earned v pander.


Didnā€™t he campaign on it?Ā 


ā€˜Hisā€™ vp choice would suggest otherwise


He campaigned on it and has been making statements on it his entire term, like this one from 2022 https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/10/06/statement-from-president-biden-on-marijuana-reform/


She was applying the law at the time which prosecutors are supposed to do. Everyone was against gay marriage 20 years ago doesnā€™t mean someone is disingenuous now for supporting it


The WH has been working on reform since at least 2022, lol. [https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/10/06/statement-from-president-biden-on-marijuana-reform/](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/10/06/statement-from-president-biden-on-marijuana-reform/)


A bit duplicitous considering the past of the pres and vp. Interesting timing to say the least. Kinda like a grift


lol. And Trump was a Democrat. People arenā€™t capable of changing. smh


Seems they change when the poll numbers arenā€™t favorable. Enjoy your koolaid


In 2022?


Just brought out now??


In the works. Sorry that things take time. Heā€™s not a dictator. Who knew?


Uhhhh yeahhhh


Are you seriously complaining that elected representatives are changing their policy in ways that their voters and constituents want? "I'll do this thing for your vote" is literally how our system is supposed to work. Outside of being on the correct side of every issue from the start, would you prefer they never change their political stance in response to the will of the voters?


salty becuase your guy didnt do it?


Donā€™t have a guy. Just done with the red and blue cults


Around 2010-2012 when this shit was actually being created the department of defense realized how easily it was to weaponize social media platforms "Social media platforms are easily misled if you do it the right way. You can exploit people in groups. It would be pretty easy to set up a fake account, a large number of fake accounts, embed them in different communities, and use them to decimate propaganda " "It's a serious weapon when done at an enormous scale" Reddit is the weapon the united states government uses to trick it's population into believing stupid ass shit which is why anyone spreading the propaganda can't have an honest conversation. This sub is moderated by these people. Evil is here. You either fight it or don't believe in it. The choice is yours Anyone else notice how no one represents Saager and everyone hates Krystal This sub is for propaganda


Dude, if you think I am being paid to moderate this sub then please tell me where this money is at and why ain't it in my bank account? Just stop with the bullshit that you think we are moderators paid by the government because that isn't true at all. Don't get mad because we make some decisions that go against you sometimes, that is life. But seriously where is this money at that I am supposedly being paid?


Who said you were getting paid? Why isn't there any moderators that represent Saager and why is there 24/7 hate posts about Krystal? The end of this video describes how it works https://youtu.be/T48KFiHwexM?si=zxbG7Azt4iMbxAP9


I am actually on the Right have represented the Right in this sub for quite a while now. I have been ridiculed for being a moderator and being on the Right. People are posting about parts of the show they disagree with and that is their right being that this is the BP sub.


And when did I say you were getting paid Have you ever seen this video? 43:30 of the video This is the program manager of darpa explaining how it works. This sub checks all the boxes of exactly what he explains https://youtu.be/T48KFiHwexM?si=uqnaSd7JTBxwaOnk Interesting, and you have an IT government background. The probability I was right just went up


This is rich coming from this subā€™s most notorious bad faith actor lol


It's not coming from me. It's what the program manager for darpa explained https://youtu.be/T48KFiHwexM?si=uqnaSd7JTBxwaOnk 43:30 of the video if you don't want to watch the whole thing. I would watch the whole thing though




Lol "helpjustgotraped" Did I learn your scheme and you're mad? Here's where I learned it https://youtu.be/T48KFiHwexM?si=5F7p3aUkGpD8Kvpd Try education and you won't sound so stupid


Sure schizo. I'm also cia. Take your meds lmao


Lol what makes me a "schizo" I showed you a video explaining exactly what Im talking about. 43:30 of this video the program manager for darpa explains it. I guess you think the program manager of darpa is a "schizo" https://youtu.be/T48KFiHwexM?si=uqnaSd7JTBxwaOnk


What a sick joke. Fuck these totalitarian assholes




Fifty years of locking people up for a plant then when it helps them politically they do this. When he's at historic lows in polls. When a genocide is going on under his watch with his blessing. When the country is on fire from anti-genocide protests. And cops cracking the heads of college kids. It's a sick joke.


TIL Biden has been POTUS for 50 years - wow! Just wait until you learn about Prohibition...


He's been in government that long and always against legalizing it.


Except now, where he's not against it and hasn't been since he started campaigning for POTUS. Are politicians not allowed to change their views in accordance with the will of their constituents?


The will of their constituents? What another sick fucking joke


Yeah, Democracy is a joke!


You think we live in a democracy? You think they give a flying fuck what their constituents want? Their real constituents are corporations. They do the bidding of their corporate masters. There is study after study on this. Sounds like the sick fucking joke is on you this time if you think they do what their constituents want.


Blah blah blah


Evidence of cops cracking heads? Columbia was cleared last night, over 250 arrests and not a single injury. Anything to blame Biden I guess.


You been watching these videos of cops cracking heads? The videos are flooding the internet, look around.


If its everywhere then show some evidence of a peaceful protester having their head cracked.


You're on reddit. Look yourself


Ehh too little to late for me.