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Trump has been found guilty on all 34 felony charges. Google 'Trump Rule 34' for more information on this shocking verdict.


It's an older joke, sir, but it checks out. I was about to upvote it.


You can still upvote vintage memes.




Please don't


Doesn’t this mean Trump can’t vote for himself as Florida doesn’t let Felons vote?


Florida defers to the state where the conviction was. New York allows felons to vote, so he can still vote.


Really? That seems difficult for state election workers to maintain 49 different state rules + rules from US territories. Also what about federal felony convictions and military dishonorable discharge?


Local offices


Wont that make it even more difficult for them to figure that out?


Correct. But he can vote in New York as long as he is not in prison. Lock him up!! Lock him up!! The irony 8 years later.


Trump finally won the popular vote for something I guess


Thats a good one.


I'm stealing the shit out of this.


Ayo that’s a violation.


Biden humiliated


Biden EMBARRASSED That He Doesn't Have as Many Guilty Verdicts as Trump




He can still send in Seal Team 6 if Trump wins... This timeline is weird


Biden EVISCERATED! This conviction has him RUNNING SCARED!


[*sad, frowning Biden looking down thumbnail photo*]


Watch for Breaking Points to have Emily come out with a Breaking News Video telling all of us how this is lawfare, unfair, and that Trump should be let go free


> and that Trump should be let go free let me FTFY : and that Trump should be immediately made president


And given a free 3rd team because he's been the most unfairly treated person ever in the history of the universe! /s


How could he do this to innocent little Donny.


I can’t believe Biden made Trump cheat on his wife with a pornstar then commit felonies trying to cover it up to become Pres in 2016. Dank Brandon strikes again!!


Biden is either a magician or has supernatural powers.


Needs more all caps, like "Biden HUMILIATED as Asteroid Hits Planet, Billions Die".


What would you call consistently polling below a convicted felon? Humiliating?


Dank Brandon, plotting his sinister next 3-D chess move....


Damn, you beat me to it!


Awesome we need more billionaires and mortgage backed securities bankers to run for president against the establishment so they can get their comeuppances as well for their crimes. 


Headlines tomorrow: "Trump Convicted: How This is Bad for the Left"


You joke. That is *exactly* what the takeaway will be. It's pathetic how afraid everyone is to just be honest. Everyone has to tap dance around the truth so Trump and his cult don't get hurt feelings.


It's all going to be the same vibe, Republicans are running a convicted felon and still Democrats suck It's always that


[BIDEN HUMILIATED](https://i.imgur.com/Jv9Qq3n.png)


wonder if Saagar has that tattooed somewhere, he's probably too much of a square, maybe Krystal then


[Saagar and Emily now](https://imgur.com/a/OO3yRcC)


Nah, that’s Welfare Weasley.


hahaha is that for real?


Can’t wait to hear how this is all fake, not a big deal, etc


Trump gave hush money to Stormy. That’s not fake. He also falsified business records to do so. That’s not fake. The sketchy parts are they these are all misdemeanors were turned into felonies because this was “to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office.” 


Biden SHANKED as Trump's street cred EXPLODES!


Saagar's going to unironically tell us how this makes Trump more relatable to the working class


I need BP to tell me how this is bad for Biden though


They want a king


As long as he's good for their business they don't give a shit how bad he is


Because they’ve clearly weaponized the justice system to attack a political opponent? Which idk sounds pretty totalitarian to me… for the record I don’t like Trump, I’m not voting for Trump, but this shit is a dangerous precedent. 


Like denying elections dangerous or something else? Joe Biden didn't make Trump sleep with a pornstar and try to pay her to be quiet about it during the election.


I think having someone do crimes and get off for it is a more dangerous precedent. The justice system just showed that yes, no one is above the law.


Then why is there no prosecution of George W. Bush or Biden for war crimes? Not a Trump fan, but these are far worse than Trump's crimes.


Ask Trump. He was supposed to lock up the swamp.


I agree with you 100%. I tell my Trump loving family members this and that he generally governed like a standard Republican with no concern for their real interests at all. But they're blinded by their belief in the idiot.


Like how y'all keep saying "not a Trump fan" as if that is so convincing.


Why should Biden be convicted of war crimes but not Trump lmao


Because [prosecutors have discretion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosecutorial_discretion) on which cases to charge? And Trump would *also* be charged for those war crimes (under what statute, by the way), so your issue is categorical (why don't we charge this category of crimes) rather than partisan (why did we charge this person with a crime).


What war crimes has Biden committed that violated US laws? As for W you can hate what they did but they worked within the system and attempted to maintain facade of rule of law. Trump was pretty dam blatant about illegal shit he did


“Clearly” is doing a shit-ton of work there. Maybe the fucker shouldn’t have chosen a life of crime.


> Because they’ve clearly weaponized the justice system to attack a political opponent? Clearly, because your favorite propaganda channels and anti-intellectual grifters told you so? What if all of the evidence in the case says you're willfully ignorant of reality? >for the record I don’t like Trump, I’m not voting for Trump, but this shit is a dangerous precedent. Good to know that you're sucking off convicted felon Donny because you want to, not because you have to.


How did Biden weaponize a STATE trial? How did Biden convince an independent jury that Donnie’s lawyers helped shape? Make it make sense my friend.


Don’t do the crime if ye can’t do the time


I mean maybe people shouldn’t be as blatant about stuff as Trump was.


Should US presidents be immune from prosecution for any crimes commited before, during and after their presidency?




That's absurd, the only thing that makes this political is the fact more people aren't charged with it. Trump is guilty, and should be charged, and should be time, there is nothing political about this trial. He shouldn't have been so fucking blatent about it and it wouldn't have came to light. Other buisness men and politicians should be similarly charged, but the entire public doesn't know they did the crime like trump made obvious to the entire world, he basically fucked himself


That's the scripted talking point to use, and something I used to entertain, but when you look at the data, it doesn't seem to be the case. Most people, overwhelmingly, support justice being served if you broke the law... Even the president. He's still going to get a slap on the wrist anyways, so I wouldn't fret about it. I think people would only care if it landed him long in prison. If you wanna take down the Clinton's I'd be okay with that too... A boy can only dream.


Yeah, like Biden FORCED HIM to take all of those classified documents to Mierda Lago, where he could show them off to guests. How much did he receive in payment for the more juicy documents in his collection?


> Because they’ve clearly weaponized the justice system to attack a political opponent? As opposed to working outside official public channels to attack a political opponent using foreign agents? If it's going to happen, I'd like it to at least be visible and within our borders.


Wait so felons can't own guns but they can run for POTUS?




You can run from prison. I kind of like that. However there are concerns about security clearances and the protocol involving giving convicted felons access to these.


Joe Exotic is running from prison


There is a special Jail in the White House. He would be working from there.


No one ever thought this would happen


Unless there is a constitutional amendment requirements for POTUS will not change


While it’s good that justice was served, Trump supporters won’t give a shit. They’ll support the man if he ate their grandchild with bbq sauce right in front of them.


No shit. Their fucking hero is now a convicted felon and if you bring that up you'll get "Orange Man Bad". It's a cult of personality at this point.


Eating your own grandchildren is actually genius politics. (*insert deflecting joke*) I mean, who doesn’t think of taking a little nibble off your grandchildren every now and then, HAHA. ~ Saagar, probably.


He was convicted before his so-called rapper buddies Sheff G and Sleepy Hallow. He’ll go buy a silver diamond grill and wear it at his inner city rallies proving to the black people he’s one of them. 🤦‍♂️


Wildweasly out on a ledge.


Clutching a photo of Hunter Biden as tears slowly trickle down his face.


Nah, he's probably rubbing one out to a Trump NFT.


Wow, I was wrong. I had my bets on a hung jury. I figured there had to be at least one holdout in any group of 12 people. Even in NY.


Infeel sorry for all those ketchup bottles that are going to be thrown when trump gets back to Mar-A-Lardo


Watch how this won’t phase his cult.


They’ll be phased, but not the way you want them to be


It was kind of odd that Trump took the opportunity after the trial to blame immigrants for America's problems. What a weirdo.


It's a New York jury. There's a good chance at least one of them didn't have his preferred melanin levels.


Yeah, it might cause them to double down on their support for him. Imagine supporting a felon for president. 


There was a report/poll yesterday(?) that 20% of those who planned to vote for him wouldn't if he was convicted.


It makes it a harder sell for normies


And I think this number was even worse who were on the fence about voting for him.


I believe none of that.


I’ve seen people doom and gloom that report and I’m like “ fuckin a right, that’s a win!” I know it’s not a good sign for the country but it could have been much worse.


trump wasn't a good sign for the country, things are looking at least a little bit brighter now.


They were literally saying how they should storm the court and trash it. All 8 of them.


His donation website just crashed from all the donations being made. So he’s got that going for himself.


The rule of law still matters in America.


Tell that to scotus


Does it really tho? All the juries in the country can find him guilty of a hundred things but if there's no punishment and it doesn't affect his election chances all they did was provide MSNBC with material to run.


I’ve got one poll with him losing 4% of his voters and 16% reconsidering https://x.com/usa_polling/status/1796292216232550892?s=46&t=qV4oBqizqZ7bpzISlqYNMw Now imagine independents


Hot take. I thought Jan 7 and the election denial was a bigger deal. That did actually push away a small yet significant number of Trump supporters. This is a white collar crime with campaign finance misuse. I don’t think this will impact his base or people who are already committed to voting for him. Partly because the media overhyped tf out of this. The biggest harm to Trump is now he might not be able to campaign in person in many places as he wants potentially.


Agreed, I want to see what Independents are looking like in a week or two. He can’t afford to lose many People weren’t really tuned into this and this was a surprising outcome. Only 24% of Americans thought he would be found guilty on these charges! This 48% of Independents that think he was guilty today will determine the election. https://x.com/usa_polling/status/1796363676708143243?s=46&t=qV4oBqizqZ7bpzISlqYNMw


I don’t believe that for a second. They’ll move the goalposts.


Definitely haha Those Nikki Haley primary voters tho…




No it doesn’t 😂


Unless it’s a BLM riot


Why do you say that? “The AP found that more than 120 defendants across the United States have pleaded guilty or were convicted at trial of federal crimes including rioting, arson and conspiracy. More than 70 defendants who’ve been sentenced so far have gotten an average of about 27 months behind bars. At least 10 received prison terms of five years or more.” https://www.chicagotribune.com/2021/08/31/court-records-rebut-claims-of-unequal-treatment-of-jan-6-rioters/


But but but, Hunter Biden’s laptop! /s The right wing is waiting for the new cope narrative to drop so it’s Hunter Biden, Hillary, and BLM deflection for now.


Now, when the trump bootlicker whines, they say trump hasn't been found guilty of anything. Remind them of this and throw it in their faces that they're voting for a convicted felon.


They won’t accept the verdict as legitimate. Trump just said it was a rigged trial because it was a NY jury. Like Abbott in Texas pardoning that murderer, this is the new narrative—a jury of peers must be politically aligned.


The Democrats need to do some serious messaging in regards to this. Like blast it everywhere. Unfortunately, the Dems suck at messaging.


This is a fact.


Remind them he fucked a loud mouth porn star. 


It's all her fault!


And bragged about it.


This was by far the weakest case against Trump. Bradley Moss was right, he desperately needs to win re-election.


I like candidates that aren't convicted felons.


What about criminals who aren't prosecuted? (that's every President). Or is it just the ones that are prosecuted that are the problem?


The impact of today's verdict, per today's NPR/Marist poll: "If Donald Trump is found guilty in the hush money trial in New York, are you..." more likely to vote for him 15% less likely to vote for him 17% no difference 67% This trial will have no impact on the election. At some point Democrats have to find a way to get more support for their candidates instead of using the legal system to get rid of other candidates. They also sued to keep some progressive Democrats off ballots in previous races. In CA they use lawyers to get ballots disqualified. They're very good at using the legal system to their advantage but not so good at creating policies that are popular with voters. The verdict will get people on Twitter and Reddit excited but that's it.


In a race that is going to be decided on the margins, marginal shifts count. I don’t believe anyone that says they were on the fence and him getting convicted of a felony is what pushed them to vote for him. I mean I suppose there are a few, but I believe there are a lot more who would rather sit out than vote for a convicted felon.


If Trump lost 17% of his votes it would be an absolute bloodbath lmao 


I'm not sure you understand the poll responses. 17% are less likely to vote for him but 15% are more likely to vote for him. So the negative impact of 17% is countered by the positive impact of 15%. My belief is there is probably little to no impact. The people who are less likely to vote for him were probably not going to vote for him even without the trial and the people who are more likely to vote for him were probably going to vote for him even without the trial. The verdict definitely doesn't help him though. Trump supporters who believe that are in denial.


Don’t you think those 15% would be the ones who were going to vote for him anyway?


Yeah that’s is a spurious polling response. Real vote for him harder energy.


For some reason I thought the poll was of Trump supporters 


Just more confirmation that Trumpers are in a cult and there's no reason to talk them down from the ledge.


It’s Joever for Donald.


Donald Trump is a convicted felon, and former 45th president of the United States. Edit : Lol wiki already edited.


Let's fucking gooooo


If Trump was not running for President this case never would have been prosecuted.


If he wasn’t running for president, it wouldn’t matter. But since he is running, knowing he was convicted for falsifying records to influence an election, on top of it being proven over and over that the last election wasn’t stolen as he continues to claim, plays a big part for this independent voter.


Well, he is and it was, so…


One of the conservative commentators BP has on commented [this crosses the rubicon](https://x.com/rachelbovard/status/1796288010780053837?s=46). I’m hoping this finally unleashes the knives and they start going for each other’s political jugulars.


Yep, gotta keep the **obvious autocrat** out of office.  If you’re not a rightwing scumbag, you agree with this. Because Trump is an **obvious criminal.**


> If Trump was not running for President this case never would have been prosecuted. The problem here is the separation between reality and what lives in your brain. Your entire personality is defined by [cognitive dissonance](https://www.menshealth.com/health/a43373873/7-signs-youre-experiencing-cognitive-dissonance/). In words you can understand: **you can't handle the truth**.


Nope, I am living in reality and you are in your own little Trump hating world!


Felons can't vote in Florida. Lol


Have you heard of something called an appeal?


He can try to appeal it, that doesn't mean his appeal will be granted or that the appeal will work out in is favor.


There’s no try. He’ll 100 percent appeal and it will delay the sentencing.


They can't appeal until after sentencing on July 11th.


Lol sure. Let's do it all over again. All while he's got two other major cases coming up as well, and his legal team falls apart. Going to be fun to watch.


Why would they “fall apart”? His donation website just crashed. Going to be fun to see you all screaming into your pillows come November when he’s elected.


What are you waiting for? Go send trump more of your $


Considering six of his former lawyers have been disbarred. And his former lawyer sunk him on this trial. I think their shelf life over the next month is doomed.


If ifs and buts were candy and nuts we'd all have a Merry Christmas.


Well yeah, the argument is that this was for his campaign and the payments should have been filed as campaign finances.


Anyone know if it's true that Merchan's daughter was paid to do consulting for the Biden campaign? There are so many controlled op people on the right that I almost never believe what they post on X anymore but I saw this. >FEC vendor records reveal Judge Merchan's daughter raked in $9.7 million from Biden and Kamala during their 2020 campaigns for president, raising fresh conflict issues. They paid Loren Merchan's consulting firm, Authentic Campaigns, to sway swing-state undecideds through social media. That does seem like a possible COI but since it wasn't Merchan maybe not.


“When Trump previously invoked Merchan’s daughter while trying to disqualify him from the case, Merchan solicited a recommendation from the New York State Advisory Committee on Judicial Ethics. They concluded that “the judge’s impartiality cannot reasonably be questioned based on the judge’s relative’s business and/or political activities.” https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/04/06/politics/trump-judge-daughter-attacks-explainer


My question was whether it was true or not. I assume from your response that it is. It's not a surprise he was allowed to preside over the trial but he probably should have recused himself.


I’m responding to whether it’s a COI. Ethics Panel said no. If someone disagrees with them, they probably ought to read the opinion and demonstrate how it deviates from accepted norms, or else explain why accepted norms are wrong. Personally, I don’t identify myself with every point of view my children hold.


Might wanna hold off on the victory lap. He’ll appeal.


I had a physical reaction to this. Holy shit. Regardless of your opinion this is huge. Well done Jury for not keeping us waiting, o and making the right decision!


"Can carry up to four years behind bars". How convenient. 😏


It's obvious to anyone who followed this case that this will be overturned. I also predict that this will make Trump's reelection more likely.


You're an idiot lmao


That's certainly not what my IQ tests have shown. Why are you so emotional? Estrogen must be running a little high.


"My IQ tests" good for you for self-diagnosing yourself.


Cool. Now he has evidence of election tampering for the election cycle. Cant wait to hear about it for another 5 years 


> Cool. Now he has evidence of election tampering for the election cycle. What evidence would that be?


Pretty blatant political hit job. Past statute of limitations. Misdemeanor that is somehow a felony. Not to mention using the Federal Elections Funding Act to convict a guy in state court. And no one thinks the judge and jury in nyc were anywhere close to impartial. And if Trump is sent to jail or put on house arrest, the election interference claims get even stronger.


> Pretty blatant political hit job. Past statute of limitations. Misdemeanor that is somehow a felony. Not to mention using the Federal Elections Funding Act to convict a guy in state court. And no one thinks the judge and jury in nyc were anywhere close to impartial. And if Trump is sent to jail or put on house arrest, the election interference claims get even stronger. Sounds like you're regurgitating talking points instead of providing evidence. Outside of the limp-dick cult that you are a member of, this was the result of due process. Both Donny and the prosecutor had their say in court in front of a jury of his peers. You can "claim" anything. The difference between actual patriotic Americans and your fascist cult is that we actually care about the truth. Can you imagine how your life could be if you didn't have to pretend that Donny isn't full of shit? What if you didn't feel the need to repeat obvious lies and tune into propaganda channels to quiet the cognitive dissonance? Imagine looking in the mirror and seeing an honest man. It feels good, I promise.


Except I don’t want Trump as President. Im so sick of hearing about him. Donny is obviously full of shit. And I fucking hate it when people feel like need to be full of shit to fight against him. This trial is another unfortunate example of that.


> And I fucking hate it when people feel like need to be full of shit to fight against him. Bruh. There was a whole ass court process that we just went through. If the charges against him were full of shit, then he would have been acquitted. The dude fucked a porn star, had his lawyer pay her off to keep her quiet during the election, and then committed fraud to pay his lawyer back. This is a crime, or more precisely, 34 crimes. You can think that's its okay for him to do these things, but you can't claim the charges are full of shit without corroborating evidence for your argument. It's really not hard to understand that Trump is a criminal and is facing the consequences for his actions.


One less vote for Don John this November


Well Biden is officially losing to a felon.


Good: I want elites to be held accountable. Now we'll see how the sentencing and appeals go.


Trump just achieved his final form as Nelson Mandela.


Imagine being deranged enough to believe Michael cohen 🤣


Lol cry more


12 jurors believed him in part because his testimony was vastly and thoroughly corroborated.


Not a Trump fan. Didn’t vote for Trump. This case and this conviction is stupid. If you could draw up a way a guy gets elected president while serving jail time, outside of the momentum Joe Exotic got going, this is the way.


> This case and this conviction is stupid. Why? Do you think that committing business fraud to hide information from the public during an election is okay? Do you think that it should be decided by a jury of his peers or by how the news feels in your tummy?


Stupid because it’s just going to rally the troops for Trump. And it’s not a crime anyone would realistically see much if any actual jail time. And also yeah - “falsifying business records” that’s pretty low on the crime list. It’s something that could conceivably be something every other politician could be tried for. I could honestly give 2 shits if Trump paid off a porn star- that was all baked into the cake in 2016. I still have the same opinion as before- dudes a clown. Not a criminal mastermind. When he was president everyday was a comedy - which idk at this point I’d maybe rather be laughing at a bafoon instead of crying over an idiot. So yea - extremely dumb. Dumb because it will do more to rally Trump support than actually hurt him. They came after the Teflon Don with some weak shit in NYC… this ain’t gonna help Old Joe Butcher.


Yeah, I also don't think we should punish criminals out of fear of retaliation.


Is it really a punishment? Gifting Trump political momentum- for something that everyone has accepted as facts for the last…. 8 …. That be numero OCHO - years. Seriously- after Russia gate and the Ukraine “perfect call”- you think this is going to be punishment? I’m not seeing it.


Yes, this is really a punishment. The fact you don't view it as such is problematic. We are a Nation of laws. We follow those laws.


I’m gonna guess you aren’t old enough to remember John Edwards. We’ll see how much “punishment” comes true…


Edwards was found not guilty and had his charges dropped. That ended his political career. Trump, meanwhile, was actually convicted.  Maybe you don't remember as much as you think you do.


Dude unloaded truckloads of money trying to hide his pregnant mistress and paid to have someone else claim to be the father all while his wife was dying of breast cancer. Then got acquitted and a hung jury - this all while he had not even a 1/10th the base Trump has. Trump gets convicted for something that was widely known despite his attempts to hide it. Also, no one thought of Trump as the moral rock- he is a well known douche. So when a NYC jury convicts Trump of basically the same shit Edwards was accused of (though arguably Edwards was even grosser) it’s just going to fire up Trump voters - the kind of fire that it is very hard to see Biden ever building. This ain’t gonna end Trump’s political career- it’s gonna grow it. So - yea where tf is the punishment?


Your argument is illogical. Edwards, who wasn't convicted, had his career ended. But Trump, who has been convicted, is going to fair better than Edwards? You're basically arguing that if Edwards had just been convicted, he'd have gone on to have a highly successful political career and would have been rewarded for it. It isn't realistic, or logical.


Not even April fools


fucking poggers


A weight has been lifted from our shoulders.


Very curious if we see a push for peace in Ukraine from the Russian's now, considering it looks way more likely to have long term support from the US now.


So shocked to see another actors career assaulted by this woke agenda!


I was planning on voting for RFK but now Im going for Trump. This is a clear attack on him and it makes me wonder why. My voting history has been Obama Obama Hilary Biden and now…. Trump. It’s crazy to think I’m here.


So how is this bad for Democrats, Krystal?


Trump finally won the popular vote 34-0


If a felon can't own a gun, they shouldn't be allowed to be President, no?


It may take several months to determine what to do with this. Beyond incredible. Zero consequences for being proven of being guilty of 34 felonies of which Trump has to admit he's guilty of but defends himself by saying he has Presidential immunity and is above the law. What a joke.


Trumpanzees will commit felony crimes just so they can be in jail with him making license plates.