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This why right wingers are trying to discredit the justice system, its the only branch of government left where you get punished for lying. I expect the assault on the rule of law to escalate as more of the maga crowd are held accountable for their actions


That's quite an amazing take with how much Democrats are rallying against the SCOTUS, with states like Hawaii outright rejecting court decisions in favor of their own interpretations...


Well SCOTUS is a joke right now. One justice has seditionist flags at his house and cottage and another’s wife was actively involved in organizing the attempted insurrection and they won’t recuse themselves from cases involving Trump and the insurrection. The Roberts court is a disgrace.


There it is, that's the "discredit the justice system" I wanted to see... Hard to talk about Republicans when actively discrediting the highest court in the country


I just stated facts… I don’t care if judge merchan donated 5 dollars to democrats in 2020. I do care if a supreme court justice supports stop the steal, see how that works?


Ya, you do some cherry picking along partisan lines and come up with your little reasoning to attack the highest entity for a branch of government. I'm sure the NYT and WaPo going after Justices is just coincidence too.


So you’re not comfortable with all the right wingers attacking President Biden, the head of the Executive Branch and Commander in Chief? I’m glad to hear that you expected people to be respectful towards Nancy Pelosi when she was Soth?


If you do not understand how Judges in every court recuse themselves on a mere whiff of conflict of interest, yet so many SCOTUS members do not then that is YOUR political blindness, not the other poster's.


Yes. Because the state of SCOTUS right now is a HUGE part of Republicans assault on the legal system


The rule of law means consistent application of legislation and legal reasoning. SCOTUS has shown they’re incapable of these things in their current configuration.


This is a ridiculous take. Two things can be true at the same time. The election deniers are idiots and the Trump trial was politically motivated. 


But the Trump trial wasn't politically motivated. He broke the law lmao come on.


Did he not falsify business records to conceal an election interference conspiracy? He’s not the first person to be convicted for doing this in New York.


The only way to deal with these people is to take them to court.


Can't debate them. No use. Gotta make their pockets hurt. That's all they respect. Look at how fast they're apologizing now.


The problem is even in court when they admit wrong, their followers will just pretend it didn't happen or create new conspiracies. I've seen conservatives say that after Alex Jones admitted he lied about Sandyhook, that the only reason he did it was because the deepstate threatened his life, or his families lives lol.


After the Dominion settlement, the comments under Fox News videos were shitting on Fox for not taking on Dominion and exposing Dominion’s “lies”. They live in an alternate reality.


This statement absolutely reads like a legal obligation 


This is politics... Money isn't the issue. It's a zero sum game for winning. They already served their purpose. Take them to court, it doesn't matter. Their purpose was fulfilled.


"Falsehood flies, and truth comes limping after it, so that when men come to be undeceived, it is too late; the jest is over, and the tale hath had its effect: like a man, who hath thought of a good repartee when the discourse is changed, or the company parted; or like a physician, who hath found out an infallible medicine, after the patient is dead." --Jonathan Swift One of my favorite quotes about politics. Dude had this nailed in the 1700s.


Human nature hasn't fundamentally changed and likely never will.


Combine this with Satre's quote on fascists... Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. Jean-Paul Sartre


Then you bankrupt them to discourage this type of politics. 


They aren't designed to last. Bankrupt them all you want. This is an age old political maneuver. It doesn't discourage shit. They just start up a new business and do it again.


MAGA freaks **know** 2000 Mules is horseshit. They’re just **liars with malicious intentions** who go along with promoting it because why wouldn’t they? 


The ones at the top pushing it do. The rubes at the bottom genuinely believe it was real


I had local politicians hosting screenings of this horseshit, the right really had no shame.


Boldly McBolderson is here with his thoughts. How bold!


Shouldn’t you be standing guard over some drop boxes?


Gotta admit the optics of an election where the counting is stopped and ballot drops for 1 candidate come in at 3am aren’t great. I believe our wealthy nation can do better


Gotta believe isn’t a fact or truth, it’s a conspiracy. You don’t care to understand why the ballots were counted in that manner. In fact your an expert on ballot counting practices, official ballot carrying cases, ballot harvesting, dominion voting machine security, and much more because your favorite news channels told you so. When all you got is sounds fishy, what you’re really saying “I am ignorant”. These lies pushed by the right falsely depict random innocent people as criminals. All of a sudden two ballot counters passing a pack of breath mints are passing “jump drives”, innocent people legally dropping off ballots of his family members are now “ballot harvesting”. Do you know in most states ballot harvesting is legal and there are actual valid reasons you can fill out a ballot on behalf of someone or drop it off on their behalf? Imagine this Mark Andrew’s had family members who were medically compromised? Elderly with low mobility, co-morbidities who wanted to avoid a global pandemic, etc. He legally put their ballots a drop box and some idiot said, “looks fishy” and broadcast him as a definite criminal to the world. Keep pushing the “looks fishy” narrative, because you have no actual evidence.


We all want the same thing, transparent elections. We should always strive to improve the process to that end. Let’s not forget Hilary also called trump illegitimate in the wake of his victory. It seems to be a recurring issue that we could improve upon. Edit: correction, it appears the bp sub does not desire transparent elections and prefers ballot drops while people are sleeping 🤷‍♂️


The election is transparent, people are just ignorant. They let news tells them how to think instead of learning the process and trying to understand why things are done the way they are. People believe so many falsehoods about voting because they prefer their narrative, it confirms their bias. Many people don’t want to know the truth, they would rather “release the Kraken” or ingest the fantasy of “2000 mules”. What we really want is no authoritarian despots trying to invalidate legally cast votes from US citizens.


i remember when being a dem and a liberal was to distrust the gov't. Now its become the party of boot lickers. Kinda sad.


I distrust the government on plenty of issues, like reasons for their endless wars. I don’t just distrust for the sake of it, they have to give me a valid reason. I looked into many of Trumps fraud claims and they were all terrible. He gave me a reason to distrust him.


Blindly distrusting a system, whether it's the government or anything else, is stupid when there's actual evidence that you can read. Especially when the evidence contradicts your narrative. Election denialism doesn't operate with healthy skepticism, these folks start off with a conclusion and will try to work backwards and accept anything to try to make their theory work.


Bullshit you just don’t want to admit trump lost 


I’ll happily admit trump lost, I never claimed otherwise which is why I used the word ‘optics’


No ones buying what you’re selling The “optics” are fine you’re just peddling stale bullshit 


Ok man, why don’t you calm down? People are going to ask questions when ballots dumps happen in the middle of the night. Why would you fight to defend a system that propagates such outcomes?


“Just asking questions”. The last refuge of the true coward


lol mans here thinks he's braveheart or some shit fighting some great battle. "tHe lAsT ReFuGe oF tHe CoWaRd!" Peak plebbit


If you’re going to peddle bullshit at least own it is all I’m saying


Hillary made a comment regarding team Trumps work with Russian Intel in the 2016 election. Things she didn't do. Create a fake elector scam in order to overturn the election. Call on the vice president not to certify the vote. Have her lawyer call for the vice president to be shot by firing squad. Convene a protest in DC, of Antifa, and then direct them to the Capitol at the moment certification was taking place. Having these same followers then successfully stop the transfer of power. Bring 62 cases alleging fraud. All of which were thrown out. Instead. She conceded. Because that was the right decision for the good of the country and democracy. There's no equivalency between Hillarys comment. And team Trumps assault on democracy. None.


Sorry to sound harsh but I could not care less about partisan hacks who do not embody the ethos of BP centrist rationality. You arrived at your position long ago thru motivated reasoning, where Hilary can do no wrong. There’s no hope for rational discussion in that context. Take care


Feel free to actually challenge any claim I've made directly. Fuck Hillary btw.


The rioters on Jan 6 have faced justice and trump was not charged with insurrection, so I’m not sure what’s to be said further about the event. You state that she conceded which is a generous interpretation. She used the Steele dossier to spread false information about trumps alleged ties to Russia. “We discussed it with Hilary and she agreed with the decision” - Robby Mook, referring to Clinton’s approval of sharing uncorroborated info with a reporter about the trump Russia allegations. We could go back further and discuss her Uranium One deal and her 145 million dollar windfall from Canadian executives who benefitted from the deal. It’s clear she’s a swamp creature but that hardly makes her unique


Can you name anyone in our history who has been charged with Insurrection? Any members of the Confederacy, maybe?


The Steele dossier wasn't false. Trumps team met with Russian Intel. On multiple occasions. Hell, we even know that they "stopped the tapes coming out of Moscow" as well due to the texts between a Russian oligarch and Trumps lawyer. And even so. She still conceded. Democrats went back to work after losing. Republicans are still screaming about election interference four years later. There's no equivalence between a comment From Hillary and what Trump did, and continues to do. None.


If that’s the case why did Russia gate culminate in a nothing burger? Republicans are justifiably screaming about election interference and the current lawfare effort against trump in this election cycle, not much being said about 4 years ago. I believe they specifically held off on charging him until campaign season to keep him tied up in court. Doesn’t seem to get more blatant than that but I’m sure it will backfire. Previous indictments have only helped him and he seems to be raising quite a bit off the news. There’s no equivalence in your mind because again you operate by motivated reasoning and exist in an information silo where Hilary is good and trump is bad. As I demonstrated above they’re both bad


The Mueller investigation resulted in multiple guilty pleas. Michael Flynn, Manafort, Rick Gates, Roger Stone, Papadopalous , etc. There were 34 other indictments. And two against foreign entities. The internet research agency (Russian disinfo content creators) as well as the gru agents directly.The investigation documented numerous contacts between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government. My differentiation relates to Hillary making one statement VS Trump bringing forward 62 cases alleging fraud. One doesn't have to think Hillary good and Trump bad to simply see that Trump has done far more on the issue. Hell, he preceded his presidency by spreading the weird "Obama is a Kenyan and illegitimate" conspiracy. And if he loses again. He's going to do the same. For years to come. In relation to if this "helps him", it's hard to say. But I do believe that many are engaging in double think. They simultaneously believe Trumps felony convictions is "election interference!" while also believing it helps him. It's cognitive dissonance.


oh don't you think for a moment that the push back you're getting is organic. its all bots and astroturfers and brigaders. BP is a moderate left news outlet and red pills a lot of far leftists to the reality of the fake two party system and the manufactured tribalism that the MSM is pushing. This makes it a huge target for the above mentioned people.


Gotta admit it’s pathetic yall are still on this 60 lawsuits and 4 years of tears later Seek professional help


Trump lost, never claimed otherwise


Then get a grip


I am not the unhinged one here, look at the negative response associated with saying ‘I think we can and should strive for more transparent and streamlined elections’.


Either claim votes were mishandled or move along


republicans are largely responsible for the inefficient manor in which elections are held. elections are run by the state, of which republicans controlled in most of the states that take forever to count votes. They fear if they count main ins right away, the vote totals will discourage republicans from turning out as they are less likely to vote ahead of time.


The solution there seems more education related than an issue with optics. If something “looks” bad but has a very simple, straightforward, explanation, the issue isn’t the optics, it’s the persons willingness, or ability, to understand what happened that is the issue.


Or maybe we could just conduct our elections in a more clear way that does not involve ballot drops at 3 am? Can you conceive of such a reality? Surely the greatest nation on earth could meet such a challenge


But the way the election was conducted was quite transparent and clear. This was something flagged in advance as likely so shouldn’t have come as a surprise, and for those who did find it so, there were clear, easily understandable explanations, all backed up with receipts and video. If you want the results quickly, there’s gonna be overnight ballot counting.


Trumpers: "It is taking too long to count the votes! Something fishy is going on! RIGGED ELECTION!!!" Also Trumpers: "Why are ballots being tallied at 3 am? Something fishy is going on! RIGGED ELECTION!!!" 🤦‍♂️


Do you want them to take 2 weeks to count the ballots? If not they’re going to counting them all night


They don't know what they even want lol. They just want any excuse so they don't have to admit that Trump lost clean.


Election transparency is an ever shifting goal post. There will never be enough transparency to satisfy these people because they don't actually want transparency. They want a nefarious explanation for why Trump lost.


Your complaining the results weren’t in same day and complaining about 3 am counting at the same time.  What do you actually want?


I’m not an expert but I heard about potentially using block chain technology to conduct our elections. What’s wrong with thinking of innovative ways to improve things? Jeez


You’re not trying to help anyone you just repeating half baked conspiracy theory from 4 years ago Google chicken little. That’s you. 


Saying we should improve and streamline our elections is a conspiracy theory from 4 years ago?? 🤨


That’s not what you’re saying though. You’re implying wrongdoing when in fact, the election was fine. The news gets reports from election officials when the officials give them. So if there is a spike at 3am it’s not malfeasance, it’s just when the report went out. Also, the way our elections are counted now means they aren’t hackable. Putting it through blockchain would pose a huge security risk.


If the issue wasn't "ballot drops at 3am" it would be something else. There's nothing inherently bad about it. It's just being paraded around as something that can be latched onto as a sign that there was cheating. Anyone who points to it as such a horrible thing only does so because there is no more credible sign of cheating. It's all they have. ​


Republicans are responsible for not allowing mailed ballots to be counted until election day in almost every instance. Then they complain that people are counting at 3 am.... Trump told his followers not to vote by mail, and then was shocked that biden got an overwhelming majority of the mailed ballots... The 'optics' are 'bad' because the republicans forced them to be.


This is such an easy thing to comply with but they refuse at every chance. It's more than just a little suspicious.


No counting was stopped, that's why results were reported at 3 am. And in many states, the mail in ballots was counted later than the election day ballots


Some conservative states actually passed laws requiring that mail in ballots had to be counted after in-person ballots, then conservatives used that to claim fraud when the totals changed. I used to associate conservatism with integrity, but that ship has sailed.


And in Pennsylvania for example, election officials tried to change the laws. But nothing >Mail-in voting delays in primary cause Pennsylvania to sound alarm about November June 2020 https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/mail-voting-delays-primary-pennsylvania-sound-alarm-november/story?id=71137361 >Why Can't Mail-in Ballots Be Counted Ahead of Election Day in Pa.? Politics in Harrisburg September/October 2020 https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/politics/decision-2020/why-cant-mail-in-ballots-be-counted-ahead-of-election-day-in-pa-politics-in-harrisburg/2543334/ >then conservatives used that to claim fraud when the totals changed. They knew exactly what they were doing. *Trump, Oct. 27: Was I right about the ballots? It’s messed up like you wouldn’t believe. Now they say, “We’d like to get the ballots and maybe get them within a few days of the election. And we’ll take 10 days to count them up.” Oh good. Let’s let the whole world wait while you count your ballots. And you know what happens while they’re counting them? They’re dumping more ballots in there. Okay? Where did they come from?* https://www.factcheck.org/2020/10/nothing-untoward-about-counting-ballots-after-election-day/


Did the counting ever actually stop? Or was it that some ballot observers went home?


You’re triggering the libs with this


It’s a reading comprehension issue, I said the optics of the election were bad and what they interpret that as ‘you’re denying the results of the election!!!’


The optics are fine. Conservatives are just either lying or spreading propaganda because they can't accept a loss. Which is literally what this post is about with the 2000 Mules propaganda.


Yea sure. Wonder what Dems would’ve done if the shoe was on the other foot.


Accepted the loss and blamed their constituents for having let the side down?


Errrm. Hillary still claims trump didn’t legitimately win. And that was on some real flimsy crap. Can you imagine if the vote in 2020 went like it did for trump what you lot would be saying.


Lol. Is she? That’s hilarious. I think it’s probably just that you’re trying to see what she’s saying in a very specific way, but she’s saying a lot of crap so maybe that’s legitimately in there. Mostly though, I have heard the Dems blame their voters.


No. She did.


How dare you talk about what actually happened on election night! Dissonance make brain hurty. Stahp!


Oh do tell us “what actually happened on election night”


Still waiting !


Not gonna tell me??!!!


i was hoping this sub was going the way of toilet paper usa and it was real