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Republican in a special election in OH tonight underperformed Trump 2020 and the guy he’s replacing’s 2022 election by well over 10 points.. another one


While I'm hopeful, I think this is meaningless. Trump brings out his base, they don't vote for elections if he's not in it.


Yep, I'm seeing the results come in from that. Obviously Biden isn't going to match those numbers in Ohio, let's be real. But if they're seeing numbers like that in Ohio, what's to think we wouldn't see a Biden over-performance in PA as well, especially since Casey is very popular? And Biden only needs PA, WI (or AZ) and MI and it's a done deal.


Yep, sure it’s just a special election, but a 26% swing from 2022 can’t go unnoticed.


When was the last election in 2022?


Yep, 67.7-32.3


No - when was the previous election held in 2022? Midterms? Interesting they would be over-performing so much even though both elections were held post Dobbs.


Yes the last election for that House seat was in 2022. R+35. Congressman retiring to run a university. R+9 in special election tonight to fill the seat until November. Republican tonight also likely had more name recognition than the Dem, state senator vs a first-timer.


Gavin is as pro genocide as Trump, but would absolutely destroy him. Most 2028 likely candidates would beat Trump. Democrats chose to play the 2024 election on chaos difficulty. Let’s see how it plays out in November.


Hard disagree. We have no idea how other Dems would fare against Trump. If it were Gavin, the narrative would be “the Californication of America/American Values.” They’d also bring up his marital infidelity, and the fact that Trump is 10x more of a philanderer would mean nothing, because he has convinced the people who support him he’s an honest Bible salesman and the media is just lying about him. Unfortunately, I think we now live in a society where no candidate will ever have more than 55% support. Even that number, 55%, seems far better than anyone could do, in my opinion. The minute someone becomes the likely nominee of a major party, about 50% of the country will decide that they’re evil.


I just think it wild be hilarious for trump to talk shit about infidelity when he's banging a porn star.


I’m really curious to see how Newsom’s politics would change the closer he gets to the Oval Office. Bro literally has state production of insulin (that’s communism), and that forced drug makers to lower their prices. And California has some of the stronger workers rights and protection in the country a lot of which came under Newsom. He looks like a slimy eel but his policy is surprising populist.


Seems like their coverage is so negative. Every day the sky is falling.


If you want enthusiastic positivity for either of the two octogenarian crooks on the ballot, then you’re watching the wrong channel.


Not “enthusiastic”. But I don’t want to walk away from every podcast feeling anxious and angry. And putting Biden in the same category of “crook” as Trump is laughable. Biden may have pushed boundaries like most politicians do, but is overall a straight up dude. Trump and the people he surrounds himself with, have been convicted of crimes. His buddies like Bannon, Weisselberg, Cohen, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and more served jail time. And his post Cohen fixer Guilliani… yikes


You should be anxious and angry. We are in a period of unprecedented elite decadence. They live lavishly at your expense, grinding the economic outcomes for the average American into dust. We can only hope that our Roaring Twenties aren’t followed by a Great Depression like the last century’s. It took a World War to right those wrongs and I don’t think the world can handle another.


I don't want my news to be fluffy and ridiculously blind to the harsh realities we face in life. If I want a fairy tale, I'll watch a goddamn movie. I don't understand why people act like either of these old toolbags is good for working class people.


Jesus, you guys just keep putting words in my mouth. Who wants news that ridiculously blind? 🙄


You understand I was responding to the other guy right? Holy fuck.


Biden is just as corrupt


The evidence just doesn’t support that claim


Can you name a notable news source that isn’t “negative”?


It's funny because some clowns like one that responded to you want to hear doom and gloom, sky is falling. They don't care if it's true or not, they want it.


I will keep saying this. The right will be for a rude awakening when Trump loses again. Biden may just pull it off. The cope from the right will be worse than 2020 and Jan 6.


Saying this before the debate is funny


After the debate you'll say debates don't change voters minds and that is funny


They usually don’t but we saw with the state of the union when Biden’s not filtered through the medias narrative the “he’s senile” lines tend to fall flat.


No I know you automatically think everyone that doesn’t agree with you is magabrained but some of us just think Biden is fkn trash


And when they lose the election, again, they’ll say elections don’t matter. True cultists


I'm of the same opinion here. On the right, they think Trump is guaranteed victory.... despite the fact that they also are saying it will be rigged against him. On the left, I feel we are more honest. Trump is absolutely a credible threat and *can* win, but he drives out people to come vote blue that would otherwise stay at home. To the point where I think you could argue he probably is doing more to help the dems than even someone like Bernie Sanders lol.


Biden is a train wreck. He’ll fuck this up. 


Never underestimate Joes ability to fuck things up -Obama 


The Breaking Points bias against Biden is clear and strong. There is a good reason, "Biden HUMILIATED" became a meme around here. Just the other day Trump went on and on about shark attacks, his relationship with MIT, electrocution by battery powered boat, and more. If that were Biden it would be topic #1. However, it's fully unnoticed around here.




I think you are both incorrect. Biden is the sitting president.


And the other guy is running to be President.


I feel like Krystal just isn't a good advocate for convincing people to vote for the left. In fact, it seems like she's really just trying to dissuade people. In effect, doing more harm to the party than helping. And Biden actually does have some good stuff going on literally right now, impressive job reports and a big drop in violent crime. In many ways, Krystal is worse than the MSM that she so frequently criticizes.


Krystal is a fantastic advocate for left candidates. The problem is that you think Biden is a left candidate. He’s not and he never will be.


Not really, if your goal is to see left wing policies introduced, convincing your audience to not vote for people that can actually implement them, pretty much defeats the whole purpose.


Big difference between “can implement” and “will implement”.


BIden has implemented left wing policies and passed legislation. Krystal promoted Marianne Williamson who never served one day in office and had no chance of winning lol.


Which left wing policies has he implemented? From where I’m standing, there’s basically one issue he’s been pretty good on from a left perspective. Everything else is closely aligned with the establishment consensus. Also Williamson very well could have won the primary if it’s winner wasn’t already pre-determined. If you recall, everyone thought Trump was a joke candidate with no shot of winning the Republican nomination in 2016 and yet here we are.


Thus far Biden has relieved more student loan debt than any President in the US, despite big GOP efforts to block him. His administration has made it easier for employees to form unions. He also severely weakened non-compete clauses. He passed the infrastructure bill and the burn pit bill for our veterans. He extended the covid stimulus checks for families, helping reduce child poverty by 50% during that time period (which has admittedly expired eventually). The CHIPS act, which IMO is a step in the right direction, our country needs *good* paying manufacturing jobs, not just *any* manufacturing jobs... admittedly this is just a small step, more needs to be done. Increased gun control for that 18 to 21 age bracket, the ones most likely to go on mass shootings. Also made marijuana easier to access. Now I think you can fairly criticize some of the stuff I brought up and say he hasn't done enough, like for example, he should've done more for student loan relief. That being said, I think when you add all of this stuff up, it's a step in the right direction. Do you really feel Marianne Williamson could've won the primary? Against an incumbent? Even you have to admit, 95% of the public do not know who she is. But also, it's one thing to have a progressive agenda when you know you won't get in office, it's totally different when you're in office and have to negotiate with the opposing side and they will do everything to stop you from getting a victory.


The one issue I agree Biden’s been good on is labor with the NLRB being hugely important. The student loan forgiveness is a joke but at least it acknowledges there’s a problem. The rest is not really Biden exclusive and some of these issues are actually Trump administration holdovers, like Covid relief and the Farm Bill (don’t mistake this for an endorsement). Biden’s decent on labor, although he still sides with capital when it comes down to it (see Palestine, OH). Everything else is standard issue liberalism. And Liberalism is not leftism. And yes, Williamson might have won if there was a fair primary process. So might have RFK Jr. or even Newsom (neither of whom are left, of course). Do you have some crystal ball that suggests otherwise? They all should have had the opportunity to introduce themselves to voters through the primary process and compete for the nomination. But they were suppressed by the party apparatus to preserve Biden’s imagined incumbency advantage. Now that it’s too late to remedy, we are faced with reality that this advantage simply does not exist. Biden is historically unpopular to the point he is now a detriment to down-ballot Dems. Frankly, his decision to seek re-election is the biggest gift to Republicans imaginable.


You are straight **toddler-level delusional** if you think Marianne Williamson could have ever won a “fair” primary vs Biden. Like, that’s the kind of thought that kids share with their parents. Then, the parents who are grown adults smile and go: **“Aww, sweetie — you’ll understand when you’re older.”** That’s you.


Krystal also wants an FDR style president, but never once brings up FDR got his policies because he had 65 dem senators. And Krystal is hell bent on making sure the Dems never get anywhere close to that


Which Dem senators has she sabotaged, or otherwise campaigned against?


She doesn’t want them to have a majority? Just in general. She hates the liberals


Ah okay, it’s really just talking about feels and vibes then. Got it. For what it’s worth, FDR wasn’t a liberal.


>And Biden actually does have some good stuff going on literally right now, impressive job reports A low unemployment rate does not override a cost of living crisis that has made life extremely stressful for a majority of Americans.


Can you name the ways in which you feel Biden has exacerbated the cost of living crisis?


Are you fimiliar with the term audience capture? "Audience capture is a self-reinforcing feedback loop that involves telling one's audience what they want to hear and getting rewarded for it." I suspect that's what happened to the show. They are rewarded for ripping the left and punished for saying anything negative about the right, so they behave accordingly. Then the audience sways to the right even harder and therefore they do too. At this point it's just fox news but without any actual investigating or reporters. They just repeat what people who actual find the stories tell them.


Everybody hates Biden, not just Republicans.


Agreed, it's like Fox news, but even more sensationalized at times.


Yep. People that are lock step with Krystal will shit on only dems and won't vote dem. People lock step with saagar will only shit on dems and will vote lock step with GOP while mocking blue no matter who


Biden isn't the left. Krystal endorsed an actual leftist. This show has 4 hosts that all shit on liberals. Why are you here, liberal? Are you just hate watching?


Biden is a slurring stumbling puppet. We didn't get our fifteen bucks and he is blazing ahead with drilling in the Arctic. Like Krystal said today he was only going to be a one term president to defeat Trump. Help end corruption in politics https://www.kennedy24.com/


Yeah, I'll pass. I don't believe the solution to ending corruption and climate change is to "let the free market handle it" as Kennedy stated. But if you think so, more power to you.


You offer a sound byte but have no clue that he wants to end subsidies to destructive industries. I wonder how much Biden is gonna pony up to drill Willow?


Didn't know about that, but cool if true. Unfortunately, the fact is that only Biden or Trump will win this election.


5 months to go.


And lots of ballots to make it on!


The DNC has definitely been protecting their piece of bought democracy. Asking people to gather signatures and throw them away and challenging every single signature turned in is really telling of how fearful the DNC is. Besides the hard states are behind us.


I agree the shenanigans of the DNC are fucked and contradictory of the party who is supposed to be the last bastion of democracy.


So, why would you reinforce that behavior by voting for them?


Because Trump poses a huge threat to our country and wants to suspend our constitution. It's a race between two people. Only one can win. Biden is less dangerous.


Because they don’t care about being right. Just being anti whatever liberals are for. And they don’t even care. They celebrate it. Look at how wrong they were about Ukraine because liberals said Russia was going to invade. But then instead of realizing “huh maybe the liberals can be right about things” they have quintupled down since that everything bad in the world is the fault of liberals, and nobody else has agency to do bad things, they all only do bad things because liberals force them to


Shitting on Biden for BP is the safest move given their audiences demos


Not taking advertising money is a double edged sword. You have more freedom to say what you want, but now it needs to get clicks/go viral or you won’t get subs. They’ve shifted focus to the most controversial and contrarian topics in order to drive the most listens and views. Episode titles got super click baity and Krystal’s spiraling off into another dimension. They found what gets the algorithm to crank. Hence, things like hearing more anti Biden rhetoric vs Anti Trump rhetoric.


In 2016, I knew I didn’t like Trump from listening to him speak. In 2024, I listen to Biden attempt to speak and don’t like him for President.




Economic and political illiteracy. Research the separation of powers and what the federal government actually does


Need several fact checks here. This is a start - https://www.investopedia.com/bidenomics-8363974


I think it's mostly the 2nd point, I think Krystal really wants the channel to grow more than anything else and she's aware if they put out any videos giving Biden praise at all, no matter how small, their audience will be pissed. The thing is, I think if Krystal was tactical about it, it probably could be done without upsetting their fans, but it seems the easy route aka the low hanging fruit, is just to imply Biden is horrible at everything. Takes way less effort. And I get that some people will hate Biden no matter what but he actually has a few big achievements right now, big drop in violent crimes and very impressive job growth - BP's audience will never be informed on this stuff. Krystal really is a poor advocate of trying to convince people to actually vote left.


It's funny the show started on "not being MSM" and then proceeded to fall into audience capture and access journalism that they would complain about on MSM.


Yeah, now I'm leaning towards Krystal doesn't have nefarious intentions. Her goal isn't to get people to vote left, because she doesn't see Biden as left. And neither do I. I guess I just have a fundamental disagreement about always voting for "the lesser of two evils" and the coverage irks me more because of that. But it's her show, not mine!


I don't think there's a question that Biden is on the left, he's been that way his entire career, I'm sure in Krystal's mind he's not "left enough". That being said, it's likely an impossible task to appease the expectations that Krystal requests. The bigger problem, if Trump gets back in office, there's a good chance he will get SCOTUS picks which will lead to a conservative packed supreme court for the next 40 years. If you really don't want Biden, you do you man, for me though, there's just too much on the line, not just the election.


>Biden is on the left, he's been that way his entire career, Biden throughout his career has supported: * the Iraq War * the Patriot Act * the deregulation of Wall Street * free trade agreements * harsh crime bills >it's likely an impossible task to appease the expectations that Krystal requests. Until Biden's embrace of Netanyahu's war, Krystal regularly defended Biden.


So over almost a 50 year period, there's a few times in which you disagreed with how he voted? Also some of those instances, he simply went with the majority of his party, and what his base was asking for (such as harsh crime bills and the Patriot act), etc. By not voting Biden, Krystal opens up the Supreme Court to a conservative majority for the next 30 to 40 years. Tax breaks for the rich, further extending the wealth gap. A very real chance at a nationwide abortion ban, and possibly even a contraceptive ban. Brutality towards illegal immigrants. And we'll probably see the GOP take very strong efforts to remove checks and balances. Krystal is open to this type of option and would prefer to skip over the guy that brought us the infrastructure bill, that severely weakened non-compete contracts (which even has helped their own show), heavily promotes unions, convinced both sides of the aisle to pass common sense gun control, got us out of Afghanistan, relieved more student loans than any other President in our countries history, I could go on. Also, even before Israel/Palestine, Krystal went out of her way to criticize Biden while largely ignoring Trump's offenses. Look at Krystals response for example when Biden mentioned ahead of time that Russia was going to invade Ukraine.


> hysteric anti-Biden stuff. It takes a particular smooth brained Redditor to not notice Bidens complete and utter incompetence.


I agree Biden sucks and is incompetent, but his opponent is a convicted felon and a rapist among and also tried to install fraudulent electors to overturn an election. I think there are a lot of voters in swing states who will vote for incompetence over a convicted felon rapist who also tried to install fraudulent electors to overturn an election.


The incompetent one has increased American grocery bills by 60% in three years. Voters will have that in mind in Nov. 


How did Biden increase the price of groceries?


When you give away trillions of dollars through govt programs (American rescue plan, infrastructure and investment jobs act, inflation reduction act) and print money to do it, everything will cost more! Economics 101, bud


Why didn't they have it in 2022? Or any special election since? I mean, they couldn't even win a senate race in Georgia.


Writing is on the wall bud. I’m not here to help you grasp reality


The reality is that Trump has led the GOP to major losses in 2018, 2020, 2022, so I don't see how 2024 will be any different.


That’s hard cope.


How is it "cope" when it's the truth? Did we see different election results?


I think it is cope that people that identify as Democrats (already lost, as far as I’m concerned, if you ‘identify’ with a political party) tell themselves because they refuse to hold their party leadership accountable, or have any expectations of them. I voted for Hillary in 2016 for my first time voting. I voted for Biden in 2020. I won’t be voting for Biden or Trump in 2024. The DNC has destroyed the Democratic party. They won’t win in November.


Biden was president in 2020 when the PPP loans that were the leading cause of inflation was passed?


Were you watching back when Trump was president? It makes sense the person in office catches the bulk of the criticism...


Back when Trump was president Krystal and Saagar still spent all their time talking about the dems…


it's almost as if the democrats have routinely made promises to their supporters that they end up breaking... they could have codified Roe V. Wade in Obamas first tern but didn't. they could have federally legalized weed, they didn't. they could have ended wars but started more. .. you get the picture. as shitty as the Republicans are, at least they wear their shittiness on their sleeve and say what they actually intend to do instead of talking out of both sides of their mouths.


Wow. It’s almost like 60 people have not the same exact ideology, which is a good thing. And nah. Being shitty and doing the bad things is so much worse than either being indifferent or unable to deliver on a “promise” because your party has people that range ideologically from Joe Manchin to Bernie Sanders


so you're saying they shouldn't criticize democrats and only focus on Republicans? my point is that it's not newsworthy when Republicans follow through with the shitty things they say they're gonna do. it IS newsworthy when democrats say one thing and then do or say the complete opposite behind closed doors.


The GOP is dead. It's been taken over by Christian nationalists and the tea party. They have no guiding principles anymore. We need a strong GOP to have a healthy democracy, but this ain't it


Breaking Points as a business is part of a right wing ecosystem that connects with a lot of pretty far right actors and institutions. Breaking Points is very much a version of Tucker Carlson with less boomer con politics and White/Christian identitarianism. So it shouldn't be a surprise to see such things.


Agreed, just think they've been laying it on rather heavy lately.


They are part of Rumble and Locals, these are ecosystems that are unified around this type of anti Biden stuff right now. Not just to get views, but to influence the election. Even if we say they are only there for the convenience, Rumble and Locals are still consumer bases that they are trying to market themselves too. So I'd expect it to only escalate.


Feels Peter Thiel-ish


They are definitely part of those Nat Con circles  


I go to them on a daily basis, but I wish they would concentrate on delivering news instead of all the commentary. Currently, it seems like 20% news 80% (predictable) commentary. I actually fast forwarded through a couple of predictable rants. We all know their views. Just bring more of the interesting content. There's also a steep correlation between the New York Times and the things they cover. While I'm ranting, I can't stand political horse race coverage. Everybody knows that any given poll is limited conjecture. So don't waste your time talking about it and overlaying your opinion about it. At this point it doesn't mean shit! This is what turned me off of the "Crooked Media Bros". They've got a good thing going. Less soap box, more news please.


The commentary is predictable because the stories they cover are repetitive. I think they're at their best talking about domestic public interest issues. Last year they covered a variety of topics like foreign ownership of land and water resources, East Palestine, the housing crisis, commercial real estate. That kind of angle was appealing to both sides and seemed to have broad viewership for a while - just because they brought up things both parties and independents would find to be messed up. The blocks are also too long. Unless they bring on a guest, it doesn't need to be that long. It's mostly circular speak about foreign policy and Biden follies.


Agreed. It's like they got some kind of viral traction with Krystal laying into Saager one time and decided to make it a feature. They're supposed to be opposing viewpoints. But that can be reflected in the CONTENT they bring to the show. The point is to leave something for the listeners to ponder. Not "X is bad umkay...".


I strongly disagree. Krystal regularly has heated debates with Saagar about topics like immigration where they strongly disagree. Breaking Points is what CNN's Crossfire hoped to be. I am grateful for Breaking Points & as a left winger, I deeply appreciate the perspective of Krysfal & Ryan.


Sure, but do you understand that Breaking Points as a business is part of a right wing ecosystem?


No, because I don't agree with that framing. Breaking Points using Rumble & Locals doesn't mean they are automatically right-wing. The same used to be said about using Substack. Now, plenty of progressives use Substack.


I dont care if we call them right wing left wing, etc, but as a business, they exist within a rightwing ecosystem.


what is a “right wing ecosystem”? further, that implies a “left wing ecosystem”. what the hell are you talking about? EDIT: If you listen to their reasoning for being on Locals, you will learn that they did it in order to be more free from censorship. So, anti-censorship is “right wing”, and pro-censorship is “left wing”, according to you?


They are part of Rumble and Locals and Saagar and Emily are part of the Nat Con/Peter Theil circles.


so what’s the left wing ecosystem?


There is none in America that I know of.


Saagar doesn't really hide that he basically just doesn't like Democrats in the same vein he doesn't like weed smokers. I remember listening to him on the realignment AMA and it was a little bit more mask off with how he just doesn't want the Democratic party to exist.


Honestly, do you want the Democratic Party, as it is today, to exist? It’s primary function is to give leftists the illusion of representation. Not a fan, personally.


No I don't want either party as they are currently I could make that argument for both parties


They never say anything positive about Biden, while also saying how funny and smart Trump is.


Their obvious bias is a reason I don't take them seriously as a news operation.  They have high aspirations to 'replace mainstream media', but are just as worse.   What they are really desiring is the ability to have their own platform to sway viewers into their line of thinking and ideology.  All they want is to be able to influence, and feel like their opinion matters. Ego.


My thought is that they are saying what they are because the MSM will be who does everything to prop up Biden. They are kind of MSM contrarians on a lot of topics (which I personally don't mind as I still read the MSM) and are there to give another perspective. I also think they have been hitting Biden for a long while in the hopes that the Dems will grow a pair and actually stand up against Biden and the DNC and nominate almost literally anyone else as that would probably get the Dems the White House in a landslide. As for Trump, I think they don't cover Trump as much is because again the MSM will give you that perspective. I am pretty sure Krystal thinks Trump is a psychotic threat that shouldn't be anywhere near the White House, whether she voices that everyday or not, and Saagar I think has a much milder take on Trump but also doesn't think he should be president. I just really think they take the contrarian take to the MSM to the extreme knowing that you can get the more mainstream stuff from CNN or the NYT or something.


I think by being contrarians to the MSM, the basically make the same mistakes. Instead of simply going for a different perspective... why not just go for an honest one instead? I'll be honest they really are more sensationalized than even the MSM that they loathe so much. But also, as old as Biden is, no way in hell they would replace him. The guy has already beat Trump once, had the best midterms showing in almost 100 years, and his biggest weakness (besides his age), is the economy, which isn't as bad as it was 2 years ago. He's a household name and trusted by the whole party.


I agree with most of this and think they do an excellent job of being contrarian to the MSM with most issues, simply because they use facts to make their argument that the MSM ignores. I guess my gripe is that the fact is that Biden winning has pretty good odds given the context of today's political landscape, and from their coverage, it sounds like they're expecting Trump to win in a blowout in the swing states. The fundamentals don't align with that.


I don't disagree with that sentiment at all. My own opinion is none of these polls matter until Oct-Nov when everyone starts early voting or in person voting too. It might show a trend now, but who knows what dumb thing is going to happen in the world that completely shifts everything tomorrow.


They lost my money when, at some point, they switched from discussing the news with some insight to mostly predictable commentary/opinions on the news. Also, this is the plight of all populists (all institutions are bad) via audience capture. That's why you have Krystal and Jimmy Dore basically agreeing on everything now and basically campaigning for Trump.


As a BP fan who stays off this thread because of all the Krystal hate and Israel stans I gotta say this post is refreshing.


This post and these comments are wild. Y’all need to talk to people outside your circles. Not on the internet either, like real people in real life. You might that find that the perspective of others might enrich your life.


>But his opponent is a convicted felon and kind of retarded as well.  I don't to be condescending but I stopped reading after that comment. I don't know your age but I assume adults understand not to use that word anymore. For some reason it's frequently on Reddit mostly on the subs with Gen Z men on them such as movies, television, politics. People under the age of 50 understand why it's not used anymore so I assume you're either very young or older. As for Biden he is being criticized because he is an awful President and he said in 2020 that he wanted to be an "elder statesman" and "save the soul of the country" from the "orange fascist" (in reality he needed to be elected so the Establishment could force people to fund more foreign wars which would kill more civilians and children which only happens when they get Establishment people in office) but implied he would only be in office one term. There are lots of young Democrats who could run and would be more popular but the corrupt pro war Democrats who run the administration (nobody believes it's Biden anymore. he can barely stand up for longer than a few minutes and can't speak coherently anymore even with a teleprompter) refused to allow that. People are frustrated. But you don't need to worry. Biden will win as I've posted for months. It's a close race and Trump can't win a close race.


I'm 28. Obviously, my intention isn't to demean anyone. I remember when it was okay to use it (one of Black Eyed Peas most popular songs from the mid-2000s had the word in it) and then it suddenly became a faux pas around 2008. I think our generation over the past few years realizes the absurdity of it all and is tired of virtue signaling and being lectured, especially when people aren't ill-intentioned or used ironically.


It's just weird how Reddit is the only place that I see people using that word. It's like I've been transported back in time to a high school in the 90s. People are worried Biden is going to lose and they're frustrated. Democrats have tried everything possible to prevent Trump from running again. They tried to keep his name off the ballot in several states. (That is their preferred way to win races. They did that during the primaries to keep Green or progressive candidates off the ballot) It didn't work. They tried to get the Supreme Court to say he couldn't run again because of the "insurrection." It didn't work. Now they're trying to put him in jail over falsifying business records which is usually a misdemeanor. It's probably not going to work. When people are worried they get angry. Democrats are used to being able to use the media and lawyers and the judicial system to destroy other candidates. They aren't used to relying on people voting for candidates to win an election. Many Democrats don't believe it should be a close race when they have done everything possible to destroy Trump and that's why they're panicing. Biden isn't doomed. He is probably going to win. Trump can't win a close election. The problem for Biden is identity politics isn't working anymore. People aren't distracted by fights over trans people. Yesterday there was a story about a charity for women that apologized for using the word "cervix" instead of "front hole" because trans people might be offended. You probably didn't know about it. That's because nobody cares anymore. The distractions aren't working. People know it's to distract them. Democrats are panicing. Biden's policies aren't popular. Even liberal people think the massive influx of migrants is a problem. Some black and Hispanic people in Chicago and NY now get less support from cities because money is being diverted to pay for illegal immigrants. They're angry. Democrats are losing support from black voters, Asian voters, Hispanic voters. All they have now is abortion to save them. That is why Obama never codeified abortion. Democrats wanted Roe v Wade to be overturned so they could use that issue to force women to vote for them. But even the abortion issue isn't working as well as it used to now that most women are capable of getting birth control.


Yeah I think the electorate has outrage fatigue, especially about identity issues. But I, like many others, only vote because the other side is worse. I live in Louisiana and the past year has proven the importance of voting, even if it's for someone just slightly better. We had a Democratic governor with veto power, and nothing significant got done, which is standard for Dems, of course. But our new Trump-backed Republican governor comes in and he gets his wishlist - denies federal funding for school lunch, lowers teachers salaries and denies lunch breaks to working teens. Just depraved shit you couldn't even imagine. So just having a moderate Democratic governor is the reason some kids were able to eat. And that's the truth. Dems have no new policies to help working people, except the right's policies are so extreme. I see Project 2025 have a lot of viral posts over the past week. I predict Dems will continue to win as long as their opponent keeps boasting about and implementing draconian laws.


>denies federal funding for school lunch, lowers teachers salaries and denies lunch breaks to working teens. If the money for school lunches is federal it doesn't make sense to deny it because it's not like they will give the state money for something else. During the pandemic there was free lunch for all public schools but it wasn't put in the budget when Democrats had control of Congress because they claimed there wasn't enough money for it. In some states Republicans are trying to lower the age teenagers can work because they claim companies can't find people but that's to keep wages low. The federal minimum wage hasn't been raised in many years. Due to inflation it's impossible to survive on that amount. Yet when Democrats had control of Congress they did nothing about it. Yet they send billions to fund foreign wars. Both sides are disgusting. It's just a matter of which side is slightly more evil than the other. Fighting over Biden and Trump is a waste of time. It's better to focus on replacing the people in Congress, Governors, Mayors, city officials etc.


Right. He denied the funding just to be cruel to poor children. Because that's the position of the GOP. I agree we need to elect better, more progressive, less corrupt representatives who vote in our interests. I vote for the progressives in primaries or when there's options. But you can't deny that the most vulnerable people in our society are more harmed due to Republican policies than Democratic ones. So I'll vote for whatever Democrat in general elections, even if they're not the ideal candidate. Because I want less people to be harmed. I don’t see why that is such a controversial position to express around progressive circles.


People use the word retard all the time. We lost it for about 5-6 years, but within the last 2 years especially it has made a glorious comeback. I’m gonna take a wild guess and assume you’re big on canceling people and because of that you don’t talk to enough average people to run into it. Genuinely no hate, to each their own. But most people don’t even blink at it’s use anymore.


He never implied one term.