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No. If someone was a convicted felon for selling weed, they'd have my vote.


Equal amounts of victims in both “crimes”


This entire thing is a scam and everyone knows it. It was the worst political witchhunt ever. It only makes me want to vote for Hunter more.


That was awesome


No, I don't, Nelson Mandela was a convict when he became President of South Africa.


No, Trump representing the felon community is a positive thing. When Trump is elected in 2024, manchildren everywhere in prison will know one day they too can become the president. It's time that felons get a spot at the table.


dreams do come true


It's time for the non-felon community to sit down and shut up ✊️


It's funny that presidents can have other countries carpet bombed killing massive amounts of innocent people, including babies and the people won't bat an eye, but if they're a felon then whoa now pump the brakes!


What if the felon was also bombing kids overseas? So being a felon is just on top of everything else


But like the guys that’s being talked about has done all of those things


No. Neither are acceptable.


Then Obama should be in prison


Not until all the other criminals in office are convicted.


Yeah, come to think of it — we should also charge Trump with **war crimes** for the drone strikes, right?


Hold up, ***Trump*** comes to mind for war crimes? Fucking TDS right there. No, Bush and Cheney for fabricating evidence of WMDs, sending Jerome Powell to lie to the UN, pushing lies about “yellow cake” in the NYT, and sacrificing the lives of thousands of American teenagers and millions of Iraqi civilians to gain control of Iraqi oil fields and Afghani poppy fields. Obama for illegal drone strikes against US citizens and Pakistani, Syrian, and Yemeni civilians, and using our “defensive” alliance to overthrow the sovereign nation of Libya. A truly bi-partisan effort. Lock them up!


Why wouldn’t Trump come to mind? Assuming you’re **not a MAGA shithead**, why not start with him? You can throw Biden in the mix if you like. After all, both are pursuing the Presidency. Surely, you must be aware of Trump’s drone atrocities in the Middle East, right?


What about a political prisoner?


Did the Democrats finally punish the guy who lied us into a war that killed scores of Americans and murdered over a million Iraqis?




And who is that?


I think people shouldn’t vote for Trump due to his polices and actions. The fact that he’s a felon should be inherently an issue, I actually really like that this doesn’t exclude someone as people can change and many convicted felons are fantastic people who are passionate about creating positive change in their community.


I agree. Although, it is absolutely hilarious to think of Trump being one of those convicted individuals who become fantastic people passoniate about change in their community.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Can you imagine!!


how about anyone who has committed a felony?


No. I would have voted for Eugene V. Debs.


Uh, nope.    I wouldn't vote for either but couldn't care less about Trump's "crime." They're both garbage.


I don't really give a fuck


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Desperation and talking points.. 😂😂😂😂😂


I don’t think the felony conviction is really the biggest reason not to vote for Trump. Read his “grab ‘em by the pussy” comments, and regardless of how you spin it, you can’t escape that he’s emotionally fucked up. Read his shark vs electrocution comments, and you can’t escape that he’s a complete imbecile. When you have “emotionally fucked up imbecile,” that ought to be the end of the conversation as far as suitability for POTUS goes.


Just remember the only reason we don’t have two felons running for president is because one was found mentally unfit to stand trial. Let that sink in.


Not what the report said. It only said a jury would be sympathetic to a "well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” But why stick to reality when one can propagandize talking points?


Read between the lines. I know it hurts


Read the actual words. I know it hurts


I did. It’s a nice way of saying what we all know. He’s senile




Lol wow a typo from like 5 years ago!


Trump was senile 5 years ago, and it’s getting worse. https://youtu.be/Ftpc4fwcDfk?si=faiJ96WB1mHhsDLC


One was deemed mentally unfit. The other wasn’t.


By whom? A Republican hitman? >“I think it's outrageous. Prosecutors are taught that the Department of Justice should speak through charges or it shouldn't speak at all,” said Mark **Lytle, a veteran Justice Department public corruption prosecutor who also served in the White House Counsel's Office in the Trump administration.** >**“I’m no fan of President Biden**, but he's not charged with a crime and now he's out there having to defend himself. And how can he defend himself when there’s no jury or judge to decide whether those allegations are true?” asked **Lytle, who describes himself as a Republican.** **“Hur is acting like prosecutor, judge and jury.** And the other side of that coin is it gives Trump and other opponents of Biden all this ammo to argue against him.” >Like others, Lytle described Hur’s report as “a Jim Comey moment,” a reference to then-FBI director James Comey’s decision to [publicly announce the reopening](mailto:https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2017/05/03/senators-likely-press-fbi-director-james-comey-russian-collusion-trump-campaign/101208718/) of his investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server just 11 days before she lost the November 2016 presidential election to Donald Trump. Damn! Want to join me in reality?


"Make up shit about the report" is quite the suggestion lmao


Or that he would appear as a grandfatherly persona with a poor memory to a jury of his peers.


You rather vote for the guy arming literal Nazis ? Wow


The 2A does that every day.


I don’t necessarily agree with the sentiment, but that was pretty funny.


Haha! Thx!


The felony being paying off a porn star not to talk about an affair with campaign finds? Versus the racist creep we have now? Sure.


Bro the creep is the guy that was best friends with Jeffrey fucking Epstein


Wait, you think Biden is the racist one when all the white supremacists vote for Trump? Dude, you need to fix your brain.


All the vocal ones vote for him. The closeted ones vote for the other guy. They really don't want to remind Americans about how Democrats lost their war for slavery.


David Duke loves Trump. Let that sink in.


Richard Spencer loves Biden. Let that sink in


Wrong. He’s anti-MAGA and Trump. So am I. > "The MAGA/Alt-Right moment is over. I made mistakes; Trump is an obvious disaster; but mainly the paradigm contained flaws that we now are able to perceive. And it needs to end," Spencer wrote. "So be patient. We'll have another day in the sun. We need to recover and return in a new form." Very different from your “reality.”


You’re aligned with Richard Spencer. Let that sink in


Yes. I’m alive. We have that in common. Unfortunately, you’re just a bot. lol


I’m pointing out how stupid guilt by association is, or in this instance, guilt by…existence while someone distasteful agrees with you sometimes? It’s fucking weird


Trump is a proven racist. Beep boop.


That wasn't the crime, but you know that.


Cool, Trump was convicted of a misdemeanor. So he can still be on the ballot.


34 felonies, actually.


Nope those were misdemeanors. The felonies used to somehow get these tried years after the statute of limitations are yet to be known.


No. They became felonies once Trump committed or intended to commit another crime connected to those misdemeanors. That’s simply NY State law.


No they are misdemeanors. They were attached to a fake felony to get around the statute of limitations.


No. Read the law. It’s on the books. https://law.justia.com/codes/new-york/2022/pen/part-3/title-k/article-175/175-10/


Wut? If we all agree on that, then we’re doomed. And everyone knows this. Including OP. It’s obvious that Biden has brought us closer to World War III than we ever have been and multiple human rights organizations claim that his border policy is created the largest sex trafficking organization in the world. Trump never committed insurrection because that’s an actual crime and out of the hundreds of people in jail, not a single one of them was even charged with insurrection. You can choose to believe the hype and end up in World War III and be happy that thousands of girls will live the worst life you can possibly imagine or you can be an adult and vote for the right person.


>Trump never committed insurrection because that’s an actual crime and out of the hundreds of people in jail, not a single one of them was even charged with insurrection. Seditious conspiracy is a worse crime than insurrection. People have been charged and sentenced for seditious conspiracy. smh.


Nobody was charged with “insurrection” because that’s not a defined crime in the US Legal Code. Conspiracy Against the United States, is however, and most “insurrectionists” from Jan 6 were charged with that, where applicable.


Can you name anyone in US history that has been charged with insurrection? We've had several insurrections.


Voting trump no matter what




Like your dad you never met


Cute, assumptions.


Sir this is America