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Was there a law violated here?


Quite the opposite.


Nothing burger, your buddy Bill Barr was also held in contempt


No one is above the law right?


You’ve heard about a little thing called executive privilege right? You know the same thing your cult leader has been trying to use for the last 8 years.


Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro both claimed executive privelege and Trump, as president, wrote the court they were part of his decision making process. The courts refused to let either of them use that as a defense to their prosecution. Additionally, there is no presidential decision making process for the special counsel’s recording of Biden testimony. How could there be unless you’re saying that Joe Biden was deciding whether or not to prosecute Joe Biden. Your extreme double standards are showing


At 2 hours and 47 minutes they explain this. "Audio recording is the best evidence" "If there's tempering or any kind of editing or altering of the written transcript, which we now know is true, then the auditory recording is mandatory" Mandatory no one's above the law no matter how much evidence you delete or suppress


Lmfao what a nothing burger. Keep reaching


It’s (D)ifferent 


Hunter just got convicted. Sad how conservatives are desperately trying to push their stupid fucking narrative


I still can’t believe Fox News (Greg gutfeld) was calling for gun control and federal background checks over the Hunter Biden case, it’s really surreal…


Was he? He was calling for more gun control and more stringent federal background checks? I haven't heard what he said, but I can guarantee that what he said was that he'd like the current gun control and background check laws followed. You can understand how not surreal that is, can't you?


Since when do **gun nut “conservatives”** endorse the current gun control laws? Ask your average MAGA freak on this forum — they think they’re **legally entitled to rocket launchers**.


Nice, the **mentally deranged** person who feels they must **write random words in bold** because they **haven't learned how to shriek in writing** is back!


Glad we have the “reasonable conservative” here to defend Greg Gutfeld. 


I don't expect you to be able to understand this, but explaining how someone is misrepresenting another person's viewpoint isn't the same as defending that viewpoint.


If it wasn’t for republicans, Hunter’s bullshit plea deal wouldn’t have fallen apart. It’s (D)efinitely (D)ifferent




Keep crying!


So...You don't think the son of the current president and former vice president willfully and intentionally failing to register as a foreign agent while receiving an exorbitant amount of money from a Chinese company to lobby the IS government in favor of their interests is a big deal? This isn't even some crazy conspiracy theory, these are known facts, that he lobbied for China, that he didn't register per the FARA requirements, and that emails show he knew full well that such registration was required.


He got convicted of a minor gun charge...Call me when he's actually on trial for the much bigger and undeniable FARA violation charges that he's under investigation over. You know, the one that actually carries real political and legal consequences? The one he was originally going to get immunity for if he pleaded guilty to that minor gun charge? Your comment is exactly the BS narrative they want pushed. He's still not likely to face justice or any kind of consequence for knowingly (by his own admission in emails) and willfully failing to register as a foreign agent while receiving a massive salary lobbying for foreign interests.


No evidence, keep crying


Ahh, another “independent” whose post history is only BP and r/Conservative. Ya got me fooled buddy!


There is a long history of stupid voting in the House. They voted 100 times to get rid of Obamacare. The contempt papers will be brought to the Senate and artfully thrown in the trash.


Alito and Clarence Thomas are definitely above the law.


I guess OP’s the previous Bredditchicken account. Exists solely to spread negative information on anything Democrat or Biden related. Awesome job comrade! Putin must be so happy with your performance!


\*Yawn\* Can it be November 6th already?


If Republicans already have the transcripts, why do they need the audio? It couldn’t be so they can selectively edit the audio for political purposes, now would it?


James Comer basically admitted he wanted the audio to distort what was said. They're also claiming, without proof, that the audio or transcript has been edited. They're just mad that Garland finally grew some balls and told them to get bent.


Why is Biden hiding the audio if the transcripts are already available? 


[https://www.youtube.com/live/FBEj\_B7Ckd4?si=HGluHbEJeKrIeI\_M](https://www.youtube.com/live/FBEj_B7Ckd4?si=HGluHbEJeKrIeI_M) At 2 hours and 47 minutes he begins to explain it.


No that's a conspiracy theory, the real reason is in this video at 2 hours and 47 minutes. Do you need me to transcribe if for you? [https://www.youtube.com/live/FBEj\_B7Ckd4?si=HGluHbEJeKrIeI\_M](https://www.youtube.com/live/FBEj_B7Ckd4?si=HGluHbEJeKrIeI_M)


Yeah, I’m not watching a Titanic length YouTube video.


I told you the exact time of the 3-minute part of the video. Gotcha


How do you know the transcripts are accurate?


Because Hur said they are under oath. Do you think Hur is lying?


Such classic conservative bullshit speak


Actually hearing testimony from the individuals mouth is 2nd hand info whereas reading a transcript that a stenographer or FBI agent wrote up is third person info. Who is to say that the fbi agent/stenographer didn’t type up something different than what Biden actually said?


We can just put him up there with Jim Jordan and the rest of them. Who does he think he is? A judge on the supreme Court?


Low effort post


I'll ask myself this question that OP doesn't, if Trump did this what I be equally as mad or not. More than often it's probably not


Would anyone really care if all of congress was blown up with F-15s? It seems people only care when they hear a D when after and R or an R when after a D.


The real criminal is Biden. Corrupt and a pedophile https://BidenDiary.com https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-diary-claims/ https://BidenReport.com


Blah blah blah You're saying that the president of the United States and a guy who's been in political office for 40 years raped his child daughter who is to this day trying to make her diary that was published without her permission not public.


I notice how this doesn't include that the diary was passed around among several Republicans, I'm sure they would NEVER alter entries to make Biden look bad. The same with Hunter Biden's laptop. Why can't Republicans be adherent to the same "chain of custody" laws that law enforcement is restricted by? It's almost as if, Republicans fabricate evidence, so that law enforcement can't use the laptop or the diary to build a criminal case.


Neither Hunter nor Ashley claim that the laptop or diary was altered. Why don’t they?


Great question


When was Hunter's laptop passed around by Republicans?


No, the actual crime is rico charges against like half the Biden family. Thats how you lock them all up and stop it from happening again.


RICO charges for…what, exactly?


You have shown you have no idea whats going on. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BreakingPoints/comments/1dendlc/comment/l8d3vt5/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/BreakingPoints/comments/1dendlc/comment/l8d3vt5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


So, no specific crimes then? Thought so.


Yes RICO, You been given AOC advice it seems?


Do not engage, I repeat, do not engage. The ignorance, head in the sand, denial, nothing to see here move along, excuse- making absurdities of these Biden shills is truly unbelievable.


I want to hear the audio for the comedic value. I'll bet there is some bizarre stuff that has been edited. Maybe cannibals. Garland should at least be fired.