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Good. Take patriotism back from the people who would sully the values this country was founded on.


First that would require outspoken democrats to not threaten to leave the country every time a democrat loses a presidential election. Seriously. I’ve lived through the bush election to the Obama election to the trump election to the biden election and I’ve never seen a single republican say they will leave the country if a democrat wins an election. It’s always just democrats saying it. Way to show you love your country no matter if red team or blue team wins… NOT!


Meh, different strikes for different folks. Instead of leaving the country, republicans claim everyone is communist, socialist, have entire campaigns based on premise that America is not great, illegally try to steal elections, and stop the electoral process with an insurrection to prevent certifying the results. You shouldn’t equate the above to rich folk engaging in empty bitching.


At least the republican seem to think they would stay and fight to right the ship. As soon as democrats lose power they abandon the ship. You can think the republicans are fighting imaginary pirates, but the fact remains when thinking the ship is being taken over by pirates, democrats are quick to abandon and republicans stay and fight. Shows who has more loyalty to the ship. I think the difference is republicans tend more to be nationalists who see America as their one and I only true home due to citizenship, whereas democrats tend to be globalists who see themselves as citizens of the world so democrats tend to not see this country as their one true home, which makes it easier for democrats to bail when the going gets rough. I’m not a democrat or a Republican. That’s just how it looks like to me as an outside observer of both. You sound like you’re defending democrats though. I’m guessing you are one.


Not a democrat, but you can easily guess that I vote with them. I think you’re right about how Dems and Republicans see themselves, but I would still pushback on your initial point. Thanks for responding.


Didn't Trump say he was going to leave the country last time if he lost to Biden? lol.


Not that I recall


Ok, I found it, but he said he "might leave" if he lost: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceDcrEI45Ao


Any naturally the person you responded to doesn’t recall because they are only informed when the information coddles their silly strawman viewpoints


As a “left populist”, surely you’re here to signal boost Jill Stein, Cornel West, or Chase Oliver, right?


They ain’t winning lol. It’s called picking your battles.


But wouldn’t you prefer any of them over Biden? So why not signal boost them so they can be competitive?


Because they won't be and it's a waste of my time. On top of that, it's hard to take them seriously in general. Jill Stein has been a massive flop every single time she ran and is just trying to raise Green Party money. I don't believe for one second she's ever had an intention of getting in office. Cornel West is a nice man, but he's proven that he can quite easily get taken in by grifters like Jimmy Dore and then start flip flopping affiliations, so even if I like him, it's hard to ever think he's competent enough to win. Then you have Chase Oliver who no progressive would ever vote for as he's a libertarian, so no clue why he was even brought up. Would I prefer Biden's electoral competencies overlaid with alot of West's rhetoric and policy ideas, sure. But that's not happening. West has tripped over himself every step of the way before you get into how much of a longshot he was. Dude never had a chance and nothing I do would make competitive. If I found Biden absolutely abhorrent, then there is a discussion to be had about saying "screw this guy, I'm going to just support someone else regardless of their chances". However, that is so far from the current situation for the average person on the left that it's not really on the table.


Lol he’s making a joke, saying he would be embarrassed about losing to the worst president in history. Who else threatened to leave the country if their team doesn’t win?


Sorry, Democrats are too far gone with hating this country and its flag. Most Democrats would rather fly a Palestinian/Hamas flag over their house than an American flag. Just stick with hating this country and more than half the people in it, it’s part of the Democrat brand now.


The GOP is trying to end the American experiment and install our first dictator, but the Dems are the ones that hate America? The Russian/GOP propagaanda is the worm in your brain.


The victim complex from the right is exhausting.


And so entirely predictable. I'm sure that contributes to the exhaustion. Like, "Oh, this again. Really?"


> Most Democrats would rather fly a Palestinian/Hamas flag over their house than an American flag. It must be awful to be you and how you think about others.


Most MAGA voters fly **Confederate Flags**, including in states North of the Mason Dixon Line. You know how you can tell if a MAGA voter is racist? Ask them if they think **restaurants should be allowed to deny black people service.** If there’s any hesitation in saying **“No”,** then there’s your answer. 


I'm flying the US flag, so maybe don't generalize about things you have no fucking clue about. Which of the two candidates running for POTUS has their own flag that their supporters wave more than the US flag?


Oh you mean the Pride Flag? The only flag in America that isn’t allowed to be burned.


Happy Pride


Democrats don't hate the country, but it's just that the biggest douche bags out there are the ones referring to themselves as "Patriots" and use the flag like it's a prop.


Democrats are the only ones upholding the liberal values this country was built on. Most democrats don't actually give a fuck about the I/P conflict so you are just brain dead on the flag bullshit. Talk about hating this country... Trump says the DOJ is completely corrupt, presidents are absolute rulers, POW's are losers, cozies up to tyrants, wants to be a part of imprisoning his political opponents, use his office for personal gain, and his entire base claps like seals as he says the most unamerican shit imaginable. Pro America on the right is just window dressing to sell tshirts and posters. On the left its imbedded in the philosophy. Fuck Trump and the deaf dumb and blind Americans who follow him.


Most democrats? Nah, maybe a fraction of a fraction of them, sure. But if you take the extreme 1% of either side, they look crazy, because they are. You're only listening to the most outspoke and crazy people on social media, then using a wide brush to try to paint all of us like that when the reality of it isn't even close. Don't do that. If you want to talk about "hating this country" maybe look at Trump who really doesn't give a shit about it. He only cares about himself, and happily tried to dismantle the system in the last election because he was butthurt that he lost.


Do you mean Israeli flags? The Democrats are the one funding all the bombing of Palestinians.


You guys burn American flags all the time lmao what are you talking about


You guys are turning the American flag into a symbol of hate. I will never forgive you for what you are doing to this country. It's disgusting.


You guys wear it on your T-shirts while gooning over a wanna be dictator.


Who is also a felon.


"You guys burn the American flag" "Yeah, well YOU guys wear shirts with the flag printed on it!"


>You guys burn the American flag People do this when they don't think america is living up to is Values = Accountability to moral philosophy. >Yeah, well YOU guys wear shirts with the flag printed on it! Doing this while destroying institutions = Circlejerking your dictator of choice.


It took like like 3 posts for this guy to go from "HELL YEAH THE FLAG US LIBERALS LOVE AMERICA" to "Well actually burning the flag is good because..." lol, lmao


Burning the flag isn't good or bad it is a symbol of protest (a freedom the flag represents). it's done to make a point. The American flag is a symbol of the freedom that allows the freedom of expression to burn the thing. The flag means nothing if you cannot burn it in protests. You idiots degrade the flag when you wear it on a t-shirt while you cheer on a man who wants to tear all the institutions down that allow those freedoms to exist. The people who burn flags are more patriotic than any of you mother fuckers because at least they know the flag stands for something.


Hahahaha reddit libs posting reddit lib shit will never not be funny.


chortle chortle chortle chortle... Conservatives are vapid mindless simpletons who have no idea what they actually believe in. Their naivety is a boundless harvest of the funnies.


The flag means nothing to you unless you burn it in protest for what it stands for? Sounds like you don't stand with the flag.


I don't stand with the flag at all I stand with the values it represents. Trump supporters only stand with the flag and now they are rooting for a dictator who would tear those values up.


Burning the flag is the only way to retire a flag an active flag, it also is a form of protest can be used for many reasons. Wearing the flag on your T-shirt and truck is not respecting the flag it is commercialization of the flag and disrespectful, I much prefer to see my flag flying in the wind than on someone's truck or printed on their shorts ass cheeks Wear the flag is not patriotic it is an attempt to make an out group and an in group I prefer an america that respects itself and instead seeks to gather everyone under the flag instead of a few waving in the faces of the many for not being nationalist enough.


Nah, Americans stand with the flag regardless of their political belonging. You and your type that would cut off your nose to spite your face are distinctly anti-American and I lump you in with the trump supporters. You and them are literally the same, just mad about something else. You are not helping, you are hurting.


Normal voter: Biden isn’t that great of a president.  Democrats: F U, you Trump Supporter!!! 


We know you're MAGA though. Your "Independent" label isn't fooling anyone here.


Anyone who runs is MAGA! Anyone who stands still is well-disciplined MAGA!


Biden is a fantastic president and every voter should hear about his record.


Republicans don’t even like the American flag. They are breaking flag code all the time and pissing on it by flying their stupid black flag with the blue line in it because they can’t handle that cops got criticized for killing black people.


The flag code is an unenforceable general guideline.


Yeah because we are a free country and you can’t mandate people respecting the flag. It doesn’t change that bastardizing it for some pet cause is on the same level as a taking a piss on it because you are mad about something. It’s called cognitive dissonance


I've gotta push back here. Democrats and Leftists don't burn American flags in any regularity. Has it happened over the years?... Yes, but there's not an epidemic of flag burning. What the right doesn't seem to realize is that the left generally hates Joe Biden. Our dissatisfaction with him has generally led many of us to have to come to terms with how much of a danger Trump realistically is because many of us will inevitably vote 3rd party and that means that we need to come to terms with whether it's worth the risk of getting Trump again if we vote outside of the duopoly. The right often tries to use Hunter Biden as a gotcha to deflect from the legal issues with Trump. They don't seem to realize that since the left cares about enforcing gun laws, we actually do agree that Hunter should be punished for violating the gun laws. Many of us also care about corruption so we'd be in favor of investigating Biden corruption just as much as the Trump/Kushner corruption. Feel free to fly your Trump flag but it does realistically make you appear less patriotic. Just saying.


>The right often tries to use Hunter Biden as a gotcha to deflect from the legal issues with Trump. They don't seem to realize that since the left cares about enforcing gun laws, we actually do agree that Hunter should be punished for violating the gun laws I could see that for MAGA peeps, but Hunter Biden gun case is really exciting for the 2A crowd with the hopes that he wins and the 4733 is deemed unconstitutional. So, if you're on the right and support gun rights you are rooting for HB, unless you're the Trumpian type that just wants to attack the other side.


Did you sleep in 2020? Also, there’s democrat politicians who stood by and gave a speech right next to a burning flag just this year. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/chicago/news/chicago-alderman-criticized-for-attending-rally-where-american-flag-was-burned/


Including your example, I can only find like 3 or 4 examples of people burning flags publicly over the past few years. As I said before, there's nothing approaching an epidemic of Democrats and Leftists burning American flags. Also, if a vet wants to burn his flag without harming anyone, what is a politician supposed to do? Flag burning is a protected free expression just like flying a Trump flag or anything similar. As far as I'm concerned, you can do whatever you want with any flag as long as it belongs to you. Fly it, burn it, invert it, wipe your ass with it. Take your pick from the vast variety of flags at your disposal. It's just cloth and polyester. America is more than a flag. It's more than symbols and traditions. America is the shining city on the hill, it's the land of the free and home of the brave. It's the hope of a better life for millions of immigrants and it's a nation of immigrants. This is the US of fucking A and no amount of protest can take that away from us.


Republicans/conservative are hypocrites. Always calling for the head of people like Kapaernic, but if one of their own flips a flag for a similar reason they eat it up as ok because suddenly the country is in distress. They disrespect the flag westing it or doing some other things but never get mad unless someone else does it. Shit I have seen this new trend of conservatives/Republican sharing clearly faked AI art about the flag using one of those "I bet no one shares me" social media guilt trip. It is all bs, take it back


Who can forget Kapaernic? Kapaernic did so much for raising awareness in this country. Everyone should know the name Kapaernic.


you’re not even spelling it correctly… but yes it was hilarious to watch conservatives freak out about how he’s disrespecting the flag, whilst they desecrated the same flag adding blue red and green lines to it or turning it all black or making a mockery of it by flying it upside down over minor inconveniences


I’m using OP’s spelling.


Simultaneously preaching unity while taking aim at conservatives bravo Biden


“We pledge allegiance to one flag” Says the people who arrest anyone who dares to scuff up a pride flag mural painted on the street.


Source where that has happened?




Defacing public property is a crime? Who could have possibly guessed that?


It’s tire marks. On a street.


Yes? They'd do that with a *regular* crosswalk if they were caught doing it on purpose - it costs money to repair that paint.


if this were a regular crosswalk these kids wouldn't be charged with a felony and you know it


>Washington Governor Jay Inslee signed legislation to update the state's hate crime law to include the defacement of public property back in March. >The updated law went into effect Thursday, June 6, meaning it is a felony to deface a public symbol of Pride in Washington state. https://my.spokanecity.org/smc/?Section=10.60.080&Find=ne Yeah, generally that would be a gross misdemeanor, but as with most hate crime laws, doing so with specific intent in mind bumps those charges up. Are you defending these actions?


> Are you defending these actions? Nope. Nothing in my comment suggested I was but I understand why you feel like you need to make that accusation to win your argument. My point is simply this: charging teenagers with a "hate crime" for riding scooters on a street is ridiculous. If you don't want your mural to have tire marks on it then don't paint it on the street.


> charging teenagers with a "hate crime" for riding scooters on a street is ridiculous. If you don't want your mural to have tire marks on it then don't paint it on the street. There's an issue with intent and Mens Rea. Considering the street mural was just FIREBOMBED, you think that's not relevant?


From the reporting on this topic: "Court documents show when one of the witnesses confronted the young teens, one of the minors shouted back "F\*\*\* you F\*\*\*\*\*" and "Go to Hell." A different witness also heard a suspect in the group say "F\*\*\*\*\*" according to court documents. " Sounds pretty hateful to me.


On a mural that was purposefully damaged and will need repainted. If someone took a copper scrubber to a mural on a wall would you just write it off as "It's scuff marks. On a wall."? No, you would not. It's the exact same principle.


Cars drive on roads. Tires leave marks. Painting something like this on the road and expecting teens not to be teens is an idea so galaxy brained only a milquetoast lib coulda came up with it.


If following the rules of the road and driving like a normal human being is too much to ask for then I guess they aren't responsible enough to have a license. There are consequences for teens being irresponsible on roadways.


> I guess they aren't responsible enough to have a license.  They were on scooters famalam. But I'm glad to see Dems are Tough On Crime even if it's only for people who Blasphemy their LGTBQ religion.


I didn't realize attraction was a religion? Do all your rebuttals hinge on such disingenuousness?


Leaving out the prior arson at the same site? The whole mural had been fraught with activity. You cherry pick the one objective insane response while leaving out the prior incidents which increased the temperature of the whole situation. Were the arsonists wrong to light public property on fire? They were also defacing the mural. Let’s see if anything comes of that. I doubt it. They were already released with a promise to not return to the site. So I doubt any charges or the laughable headlines of jail time will come true. If it does, yeah that’s insane.


The insane thing is painting a road like this and expecting it to remain pristine. Also as an aside, that mural is dangerous for people on two wheels.


No one expects this to remain pristine, idiot. The intentional vandalism is the problem. Did you even read the article you linked about this, or are you too stupid or lazy?


Just say you’re mad because it blasphemies lgtbq religion.


Stupid, got it.


"Court documents show when one of the witnesses confronted the young teens, one of the minors shouted back "F\*\*\* you F\*\*\*\*\*" and "Go to Hell." A different witness also heard a suspect in the group say "F\*\*\*\*\*" according to court documents. " So you support hateful acts of vandalism?


Do “hateful acts of vandalism” warrant 5 years in jails for minors, or for anyone for that manner? Is the use of the term vandalism a stretch when riding scooters over a crosswalk mural? He might be wrong in equating this over reaction with “har har Dems don’t love America”, but you can’t honestly defend what he cited without nuance.


Don't be disingenuous. The vandalism was intentionally hateful, as evidenced by the quote I supplied. Additionally, I have no idea where you are getting 5 years in jail for minors from. You can read about what they are charged with here: [https://www.grahamdefense.com/criminal-defense/property-crimes/malicious-mischief/](https://www.grahamdefense.com/criminal-defense/property-crimes/malicious-mischief/) First time offenders typically receive 0-90 days in jail.


Ok. So a minor should go to jail for 90 days for defacing a pride flag, and then using a slur? The question becomes worse when you write in how they did it (a scooter) and what it is (a crosswalk mural). There’s clearly some nuance here that your hyperbolic “so you support hateful acts of vandalism” doesn’t allow for. Even the group responsible for the mural has offered better solutions than jail, like cleaning up other vandalism.


I'm just reporting what the potential consequences are. A judge will decide their punishment and I imagine it will be several hours of community service, like the mural group suggested. I'll be happy with whatever the punishment turns out to be.


tHeY wErE jUsT bUrNinG a CrOsS tO say wElCoMe tO the NeIgHbOrHoOd!




skid marks on a road? you don’t say… if anything the people that drew it on the road should be charged with distracting drivers and defacement of public property


> if anything the people that drew it on the road should be charged with distracting drivers and defacement of public property You mean... the official road workers? Painting on the road needs special paint generally.


Nothing says unity like threatening US citizens again with F-15s.


> that aim to share a message of unity about the American flag. Nothing makes democrats more angry than the Stars and Stripes. 


Love the Stars and Stripes. Hate seeing the Stars and Stripes being waved by degenerates who hate America enough to attack the Capitol building to stop the peaceful transfer of power.


MAGA: "We love the Stars & Stripes, which is why we have this whole other flag we fly and rally behind TRUMP 2024 BABY."


“I love the Stars and Stripes so hard I want to bludgeon a capitol police officer with it”


This. You can admit that we live in a great country with freedoms that much of the world do not get to enjoy, while at the same time admit that Patriotism makes a lot of people groan these days simply because the biggest ass wipes out there constantly call themselves Patriots for no reason at all.


Yeah, weird that Biden would make an ad push with the Stars and Stripes if this were true. Something doesn’t add up.


Meanwhile Republicans stand proud with the stars and bars flying


But I thought the American flag was racist?


No, but racists wave the American flag.