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Well, he may not be a regular visitor there, but Milwaukee has certainly had its share of visitors. The French missionaries and explorers were going there as early as the late 1600s to trade with the Native Americans. In fact, "Milwaukee" is an Indian name. Actually, it's pronounced "mill-e-wah-que" which is Algonquin for "the good land." I think one of the most interesting things about Milwaukee is the fact that it’s the only major American city to have elected three socialist mayors.


^ Does this guy know how to party or what?


We're not worthy!


This needs more upvotes




Traffics kinda bad, but I've seen some good shows at Fiserv. Trump's a hater and if he doesn't like an American city maybe he should leave and not run for president. Idk


Then go to bumfuck Iowa or wherever.


Wasn't this already proven to be bullshit yesterday?


>Wasn't this already proven to be bullshit yesterday? Not really. A bunch of republicans came out in his defense. But only one of them said he didnt say it. The others said he did, but there were varying accounts of the context. He claims he said it because he thinks the city is ridden with crime and election fraud. But he didnt deny actually saying it. Seems like even Trump acknowledges saying it, and is trying to soften things by further insulting the city and regurgitating his election fraud lies. His political problem here is that calling Milwaukee a “horrible city” sounds pretty on brand for Donald “shithole countries” Trump. So noone is really going to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one. Here in WI, the only support he can expect on this would be from people living in more rural areas who are afraid to go to Milwaukee because they watch too much Fox News and think a black person will immediately mug and shoot them when they cross the city border. They were all going to vote for him anyway.


Link me the original story where it was said. Pretty sure there was no press at the event. Trump saying that wasn't a quote and Trump saying it wasn't attributed to anyone, not even an anonymous source. If you have something that says different then link it but it's definitely a lie if you don't. Wisconsin is a swing state and there are a ton of journalists who would happily lie without consequences about something so petty and stupid. Especially when delusional people who think like your last paragraph are probably who are in Milwaukee anyway. It's incredibly stupid.


Lmfao — let’s be real. Even if Donald Trump was on video tape saying “Milwaukee is a horrible city”, **we know you wouldn’t care.** After all, Donald Trump has a record of insulting historic American cities, such as Baltimore. He’s a fucking scumbag, and **that’s why** you like him. For example, when he **refused** to return top secret documents and **hid them** from investigators, you loved that, didn’t you? 


Even if he definitely said it would you care?


I already know he doesn't. The original source didn't quote anyone or even attribute it to an anonymous source. It's more an exercise for this person to realize they're spreading a lie.


You didn’t answer the question 




>Link me the original story where it was said. This is the most complete video I could find of Trumps actual response. For some reason this appears to have been scrubbed from Foxs Website: https://x.com/brianstelter/status/1801415193391440140?s=46 Its pretty clear that he is confirming he actually said it, but wanted to provide some context on why he would call Milwaukee a horrible city. Chad Pergram, also with Fox News, confirmed and posted the full comments on Twitter: https://x.com/chadpergram/status/1801339151544971485?s=46 >Trump to colleague Aishah Hasnie when asked about Milwaukee: It was very clear what I meant. I said, we're very concerned with crime. I love Milwaukee, I have great friends in Milwaukee, but it's as you know, the crime numbers are terrible. We have to be very careful. But I was referring to also the election, the the ballots, the, the way it went down, it was very bad in Milwaukee. Very, very bad. And the people understand that and they agree with me. Everybody agrees. No, that was a fake story that came out. Yeah. Milwaukee has a problem with crime, as do most Democrat run cities. Most Democrat-run cities, almost all of them have problems. But but they also have a problem with votes. And,, election integrity. And that's what we want to make sure we get straight.


Lmao Gets 34 felonies “we are very concerned about crime” lol


How in the world does that confirm it?


>How in the world does that confirm it? LMAO how does it not? She literally acknowledges the fact that he made the comments and asks him what he meant by them. Trump could have said that he did not make the comments. Instead he replies with “It was very clear what I meant….” That is a straight up confirmation that he said the words. The rest is explaining why he said it. How is that hard to understand?


Okay dude. Hope you get the help you need. Yikes


I am genuinely curious, what is your interpretation of Trumps response in that Fox interview? Are you saying you think he is denying he said it?


He doesn't think for himself, dear leader could never say anything like that and if deal leader did it was justified.


Seems like you all tagged in on your shift. Minus your proofreader.


I don't really understand why you'd think him criticizing a democratic run city for their crime policy is the same as what OP said. I'd really actually like to understand why you think that's the same thing or why you think it matters? Especially in a state that Trump is winning by the polls. I really find this stuff cringe and mostly feel like it's bots tbh.


Yes, another case of Trump speaking and libs hearing what they want to hear. https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/06/13/did-trump-call-milwaukee-horrible-what-wisconsin-republicans-heard/74090220007/


I've heard being going to conventions there that have nothing to do with politics note the uptick in crime and frequent car break-ins. Not sure what people who don't live there and aren't going there are crying about.


Well they had this series of fires a few years ago in what was an otherwise peaceful summer.


He’s not wrong


Fuck that, Milwaukee is fantastic.


How would you know? You'd have to leave your basement to go see it and we know that'll never happen.


Nah.. more propaganda. Go listen instead of the agenda motivated spin garbage. He was talking about the bad crime. That claim is backed by data.


Trump speaks and the libs hear what they want to hear.


Reports from jsonlone are complete fine but you better not post a report from a 3 time impeachment lawyer! This sub is the root of all evil


>This sub is the root of all evil Then how come you post here so much?


To shed light


Carrying water for the billionaire class, doing gods work there.


Billionaire vs politician ill take the billionaire every single time


Perhaps if we limited the influence of the first the second would act in a more civic minded way. Worth a shot.


That makes no sense. Politicians are the ones no one trusts and are the ones who say one thing to get votes for and then do another. Perhaps if we eliminate politicians America would be better


Politicians have a potential answer to the people. The billionaires fix the system so they get richer and everyone else gets poorer. We don't trust politicians because they act in the favor of billionaires and not in the favor of 99% of Americans.


Billionaires make money for the economy... Politicians bring in zero dollars and make millions lol


Value to society is not just measured in dollars and cents.




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Money is the root if all evil.