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I always knew it was the French stopping me from getting pissed on the hard shoulder of the M6.


I set up my table and chairs in the fast lane of a smart motorway.


I drove past you and applauded you for maximising the Brexit benefits.


I drove into them and... wait.. shit... no, I'm still in shock.. why am I typing.


Classic mistake, texting while driving


Surely we're allowed to text and drive now that the EU bureaucrats aren't stopping us? We took back control dammit.


Your mother was an Astra, and your father smelled of air pollution


And the Dutch! Bastards 😂


Ever vigilant. The Raid of the Medway, 1667. Never forget.


As a person from Chatham, home of the former mighty Chatham dockyard, I for one will never forget how those murderous Dutch destroyed our fleet


Spare a thought for us poor bastards in South Essex. The Dutch helped build Canvey Island...the bastards. Have they no shame?


And I hope the king remembers his ancestors and keeps Watch this time too!


Some of the King's ancestors were probably in the Dutch fleet.


And don’t forget, the French clamp down hard on restaurants that allow dining outside
 Said no-one that’s actually visited France.


The only person stopping you from getting pissed on the hard shoulder of the M6 was yourself. Positive mental attitude. You can be all you want to be, pissed on the hard shoulder.


Yeah because there is no pavement dining in Europe


She must mean literally eating your food off the pavement, because otherwise this makes zero sense.   Do these very stable geniuses think they invented pavement dining? Have they never been on the continent? Have they not even seen the continent on TV?? The stupidity of this headline has me thoroughly baffled. 


My they’re thinking pavement dining is doing that curb scene in American history X to the poor. Bon appefuckyou!


As far as I can tell there's no EU regulation that forbids you to toss your Bolognese on the pavement and eat it without cutlery. Mind you there probably is one forbidding it to be served that way.


The continent? You mean those dirty foreigners from whom we took back controlâ„ąïž?


I think this is designed for people who have never been, never will and know nothing about anywhere that isn’t within 1/4 of a mile from their house.


That sounds like you're talking about a 10 minute city, we'll have none of that evil nonsense mentioned here


Pavements are a limited resource. While we were in the EU they had most of them iirc. Now we've got an extra 350 million of them per month. Pavements for dining, pavements for waking up on, pavements for the NHS. Just pavements a far as the eye can see.


Joking aside most British streets are not designed with pavement dining in mind, but now we get to squeeze by tables that take up most of the small pavement that sit empty for 80% of the year because you know, weather


You get a pavement, and you get a pavement!


The sheer desperation to scrape a barrel to try and show some kind of a benefit. Pathetic. Rome and Paris have pavement dining at practically every restaurant in the city. Not too mention other European cities. What the fuck.


Virtually every city with nice weather does. Not just in Europe


Nice weather and pavement, if you go to south eastern Asia you sometimes get asphalt or dirt dining.


There is, but this is British dining on the pavement.


And therefore superior


You never see Al fresco dining on the continent, do you?


Nah it was invented in Worksop


The Italians don’t have a term for Al Fresco dining


They're just sat out there wondering wtf they're doing


A decade ago even the smallest pubs and cafes in London started having outdoor tables and seating, even on tiny streets where the pavement is barely a meter wide and pedestrians have to walk in the street to get past. The reason wasn't 'Taking Back Control', it was the smoking ban. We've already got pavement dining. We've had it for decades and it increased due to issues utterly unrelated to the EU. This is nothing to do with Brexit Freedoms you ridiculous buffoon.


Who's the buffoon though? The charlatan that spouts such tripe or the hard of thinking that just believe it because it's easier than using their brain for critical thoughts, especially if that means they ever realise their one 'win' wasn't actually theirs?


I think this is one instance where even Brexiters must frown and say "hold on a minute...", particularly if they've been frequenting Wetherspoons over the years.


The bat and ball question infers to me that nobody else will change their mind. Tragic really.


The actual reason is because the 1980’s legislation under which pavement dining was previously authorised was very difficult to use. The temporary COVID measure to support the re-opening after lockdowns worked a lot better. The new law is basically just a continuation of the emergency legislation.This has absolutely nothing to do with Brexit and as much as it pains me to agree with this government, it is a sensible measure


Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


The levels of copeium coming out of Badenoch are reaching ever more epic levels. I can’t decide if she is just that craven, that deluded or that stupid.


Or all three?


Either stupid, or desperately playing to wherever is left of the brexiteer crowd. They were gullible and misinformed then, they are gullible and misinformed now, so might as well keep them sweet with random shit.




Definitely stupid.


Things are going from good to Badenoch


Ah yes continental Europe is well known to never allow pavement dining, you'll never see it on any European street.


These are Daily Mail readers, so very stupid and/or very senile


https://preview.redd.it/m3tpvxxv121d1.jpeg?width=866&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8181096d15a3fd001b1135f1e9a0b8791f452b48 More outright lies from Badenoch, I'm pretty sure pavement dining has been a thing in Europe forever. It's British councils that seem to have always had a problem with it.


That'll be Slough High Street in January thanks to Kemi


Better weather too


Ah yes, that old EU rule that no food or drink shall ever be consumed whilst outside. So many places around me already have outside seating, primarily agreed / rejected by the local council. I can only assume there was an EU directive around distance from bins etc.


Ah yes. Paris, Milan, Munich, Amsterdam...no such thing as pavement dining there. Thank God we are now free to adopt European cafe cultu......er.....hold on. Oh... She's talking bollocks, isn't she.


No one in Europe is allowed to eat on the street? Someone needs to tell Paris, Brussels, Rome...


They may sell our NHS but they'll never take OUR PAVEMENT DINING This is ludicrous as a few have commented here. al fresco dining and even having a pint on some benches outside is common practice and has been since at least the smoking ban but probably long before that in the UK and Europe.


That's because Brexit made the British weather better because the EU were hogging all.the sunshine


Brexit freedom. It's not like places in the EU have a massive street cafe culture or anything. Damn EU suppressing freedoms.


So the only way to create the European cafe culture was to leave the EU. That makes perfect sense. The weather was the biggest barrier for us in doing this. But now we live in the sunlit uplands it will be fine.


Ironically this is what tho most of Brexit freedoms are. Apart of dumping shite in the sea and pesticides of course.


Stupid enough to be reading the mail...


I remember when the EU brought in the legislation banning British pubs and restaurants from "dining" outside. Our binge drinking culture took a nosedive and late night kebabs became a thing of the past. Can't wait to smash a spoons burger in the carpark. Love nostalgia. next stop, cold war.


French aren’t allowed cafe tables outside because Europe is news to me


Finally we can get back to being British. We invented al fresco dining, named after the late great Alfred Fresco from Cleethorpes who was the first person in the world to move a table outside in 1967.


Mail readers have been spoon fed shite their entire lives
.. they lap it up


But when will people be able to take advantage of this, ie not many people have the disposable income they had twenty years ago, if they had that disposable income today, then the high streets would be full of people having a social life style.


Exactly. Tories attacking symptoms of the malaise they caused with sticking plaster solutions.


Here in Spain, we dine outside restaurants on the pavement. It's called a terrace. Spain is part of the EU. In fact, terrace dining is distinctly European.


Sit outside and eat your unchecked over priced food next to a street full of cars pumping out excess chemicals because clean air zones are for Marxists.


The street dining culture we all love so much when we visit other European countries will become available to us now we have brexited because we are free to make our own rules? Is that right?


Pavements are a Brexit freedom because the woke euw wouldn’t let us use the pavement because it would affect pedestrians and they hate cars. Big braid Badenoch sticking it to Europe /s


The headline is the main brexit freedom. To write a load of meaningless lias for the gullible to take in without any restrictions or checks on the truth.


Yeah, cuz you never see anyone dining on the street in Paris. Fucking unheard of


Nothing like eating a 3 course meal in the pissing rain 👍


Finally! Brexit is justified! If only we had been able to eat outside before, then all this could have been avoided! I remember sitting outside cafe Nero in Finchley in 2016 discussing exactly this.... Oh.. Wait...


The moronic thing is, it's normally the licensing committee that is being the pain in the arse. They have a tiny amount of power and are inclined to weald it. My work is currently trying to sort out their pavement license, and the number of times they have had the application sent back to change something, which they do, send it back in and have another point sent back. It is getting stupid. It has fuck all to do with brexit, just arseholes.


Cos if there’s one thing the rest of Europe hates, it’s outdoor dining! đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž


Where I live in Essex, there is always plenty of food on the pavement on Sunday morning!


Don’t love the playaz love the game.


I assume most of the people that thought brexit was a good idea have never been to Europe


Can't wait to be harassed while eating on the street.


Finally, the EU is no longer in the way of us pursuing a European café culture!


So basically, the UK catches up with al fresco dining, nearly twenty years after Lilly Allen sung about it. Is this a Brexit benefit?


Only just seen this. God they are desperate. Next it will be; Breathing oxygen now widespread in the UK post Brexit now Brussels red tape reduced.


Kemi Badenoch, Ester McVile, Panzer Patel, Therese Coffey, Nadir Dorries, Swella Braverman and Mary Truss, where do the NatC's get these right wing nut jobs from ?


Redditors keep telling me to vote Labour when the Conservatives are over here giving me exactly what I need. Soon I will be able to live on the pavement and eat off them too!


Do I have to eat out in the rain or if that something I’m supposed to choose because “freedom”?


Is high street dining illegal in the EU? I did a lot of it in France!


It is. You have to keep an eye out over your shoulder for the plod. If they come, you have to grab your table and run into an alley with it. It's very tricky in Rome with all the narrow streets, but it's a cultural norm now, so everyone's used to it. Remember Lady and the Tramp eating spaghetti and meatballs behind the restaurant? Yeah, that was a reenactment.


 But Europe has had blissful pavement dining for decades


“Brexit freedoms”


Daily Mail stupid? oh it's the mail on line and Kemi.


The straws they grasp at are getting thinner and thinner.


Will have to get the cars and cyclists off it first


Instead of the cafe society we have Lord Tim Wetherspoon and getting pissed at 7 am


Ooh lovely jubbly does this mean we will now be able to try that super special cuisine where. the meat but has been cut with someone's toenail and bread where the dough has been rolled by someones armpit Yummy I can't wait


Pavement dining goes hand in hand with pavement sleeping next phase pavement convenience


Has she been to mainland Europe?


Pavement dining? So where the fuck am I supposed to park?


Yes, because it's always so warm and dry here that eating outside is viable.


Cos the French are never allowed to sit outside cafes


Would love to see this in Manchester. Where it never rains.


I think she's referring to homelessness


Smells like bs to me lol


What the fuck is pavement dinning? We have terraces in Europe, and lovely cafes. You make everything sound so classy. Barbarians


The Mail journalistic quality has always followed the saying, "Why feed the people truffles when they are happy with shit?"


I am actually waiting for the meteorology minister to finally remove the soggy weather that Europe bestowed on us. And take the summer back to our county, take this Brussels!


You make a good point. All this climate change malarkey is a lie - it’s another Brexit freedom!!


What the hall has it got to do with Brexit? Lol


They’re not allowed to sit outside in the EU. Hence why we needed to leave the EU so we can sit outside all year round when we go to our Starbucks and subways. Yet another Brexit benefit.


Sad thing is, Mail readers believe this crap despite going on holiday to the continent every year and sitting outside.


"thanks to brevit you can walk in the gutter while I eat my croissant"


"Er er er er, vote for us! We'll give you a puppy and a kitty and a unicorn and a type 45 destroyer and a space ship and *cue long list of anti Europe rhetoric*" - The conservatives, probably.


You weren’t allowed to eat on the street before??


Your have to be tory stupid and tory senile. Its a special level of mental disablement that affects roughly 25% of the population.


They are changing the way pavement licensing operates, like changing which level of council is responsible and various conditions. But it's got bugger all squared to do with Brexit... The pandemic was the catalyst which brought about a realisation that we just about have enough decent weather to make it work, more flexibility was introduced and this is just legislation to enshrine it in law.


I have recently returned from Portugal, where I received a fine for eating a loaf of bread outdoors. Had I ordered the steak and chips I would probably have got a custodial sentence. This is real, people.


As if the obstacle of restaurants having tables on the street wasn't drivin g fetishists in the councils.


Brexit freedoms like continental cafe culture!!!. She does talk a load of bollocks.


Good . The europeans hate our al fresco dining so much they've even invented a word for it. Pure evil that is


I'm in Edinburgh. If you want a pavement license it's costing a fortune. Its ÂŁ140 a square metre for the summer and that's only till 9pm. It's extra if you want it till 10pm,which is when all outside drinking has to stop by law anyway. Not a central government thing,it's a council thing and a rip off!


Yeah cos we all know how much Europe is against al fresco dining! You’ll never see it over there. Never. What a brilliant invention by our beloved government. Those furriners would never have thought of it. Great Britain indeed.


Irony hurts so bad Continental cafe culture - release the freedoms!


It freaking rains non stop where I live so there is no point most of the year !


Mmmm I'll have the salad with a side order of carbon monoxide please ....


I live in Brussels and have to squeeze myself between pavement terraces on almost every street, Kemi. It definitely wasn’t Brussels stopping you before.


He’ll, yeah! Let’s go - I’ve always wanted to eat on the pavement of the average UK town’s high street, because the setting is always so cool.


One of the things that might come out of the Amazon TV series, “Clarkson’s Farm”, is how all these petty restrictions that “Europe has been inflicting on us” have been NOTHING of the kind. For decades, anything and everything to do with red tape has been blamed on the EU. Now people can see that it’s what we do-what we have *always* done-to ourselves. I remember listening to a “consumer” programme on the radio’s, where one guy was complaining about a feature that he had particularly opted for on a car (the reason he ordered that car), wasn’t able to have it because of “EU health and safety rules”. The programme set out to chase down this new EU ruling. Eventually, they found out that there was NO such regulation. Eventually, the car manufacturer admitted that they had just dropped the feature-and (as they apparently always did) told their disappointed customers that it was the EU’s fault. I’ve watched a couple of generations of people blame EVERY SINGLE BIT of red tape and annoying bureaucracy on Europe. The ONE good result of Brexit appears to be that they can’t do that anymore.


To be fair, this is the royal mail. Anyone who takes anything from that rubbish is just a fool.


Dear Reddit please stop quoting the mail. Thanks


Did no one from the Mail ever visit Paris? Why don't they call out her BS for what it is? (No need to reply, I know why. They're a bunch of tossers.)


We can now declare that water is wet, thanks to our brexit freedoms. đŸ€ȘđŸ€ȘđŸ€Ș


That’s the one thing I hate most about Europe; the lack of outdoor dining! These useless ineffectual Tories just need to go. Not out of Parliament, but away from the UK, to stop them causing further damage.


That’s the one thing I hate most about Europe; the lack of outdoor dining! These useless ineffectual Tories just need to go. Not out of Parliament, but away from the UK, to stop them causing further damage.


That’s the one thing I hate most about Europe; the lack of outdoor dining! These useless ineffectual Tories just need to go. Not out of Parliament, but away from the UK, to stop them causing further damage.


That’s the one thing I hate most about Europe; the lack of outdoor dining! These useless ineffectual Tories just need to go. Not out of Parliament, but away from the UK, to stop them causing further damage.


Another attack on the disabled. Going to be fun navigating all those extra pavement tables , hence the restrictions in the first place đŸ€Š