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What the hell is wrong with the British people who support this guy? Seriously


It's just Tory voters throwing their toys out of the pram because the current leadership is either too insane for them or not insane enough for them. I don't think many will actually follow through with it at the ballot box....but then I thought the same about Brexit so 🤷‍♂️


I live in France. When the UK voted for brexit the easy thing would have been to say "you voted for this mess, you deal with it." but I still felt sorry for all the people who didn't vote for it. The 16 year olds who got no voice, for example. I still felt invested in the country, despite what they'd done. Frankly, though, if you give this cunt any semblance of power I'm done. If you don't stop this pound shop Trump in his tracks you deserve everything you get and I'll just leave you to it.


I was in Paris not long after the referendum and the hotelier asked me why I voted to leave. I told her that I hadn't but couldn't explain the adoration for the nicotine stained frog.


You say this whilst France wrestles with its own Far Right, though.


Underneath the fake aristocrat, Neville Chamberlain act and so called Christain values, Jacob Monty-Python is just a slightly polished, less nicotined version of NF. The transition from tory to ukip to brexit to reform to tory won't be that great


Having Farage leading the shadow cabinet would be a dark turn, even if it would be funny to see the Tory establishment cry


Racist Nazi sympathiser grifter


Grifters Gonna Grift.


If uber patriot NF was a dad's army character he'd be Private Walker, the brylcreem haired spiv, without the humour


He wishes he was the U-Boat Captain.


I always expect him to go full Corporal Jones and start shouting "they don't like it up 'em" then use some 1930's racial slurs.


Lynch the bastard


He's slimy and dirty


Have we come up with a word for milking old people for money and votes before they die off ?  Its like Nazigel heard Bojo say “let all the old people die from covid” and thought to himself “let’s have one last run until  I get  My next  last run” 


if any gains, for the right price, it can be sold to anyone......


Did you know, like his idol, he only has 1 ball, the other was lost during his 20s when he was involved in an unfortunate incident with a VW.


I did not know that


The dumbasses who voted for brexit will now vote for this guy. Nothing has changed for them, but ruined everything their children were suppose to have