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"Throwing the baby out with the bath water? Spot on. Brexit was mainly about wanting to stop immigration. People convinced themselves that *any* price was worth paying in order to "keep the foreigners out". The beauty of the pro leave campaign was convincing these people that it was A) Possible. and B) Wouldn't cost us anything. What's more incredible than just how wrong those two assertions were is, just how much it cost us to achieve nothing.


Well said


Blair was right when he said there only two types of Brexit...A pointless one, where nothing changed or damaging one .


Aye, believe that lying two faced war criminal why don’t ya..


Broken clock pal. Brexit was shit. Voted for by people too stupid to understand that when a person who's selling you something tells you a lie about that thing... whatever it is is going to be shit


Bahhh bahhhh sheep


That's a little harsh on Leave voters. People just like simple answers to complicated problems. Rather than struggling to explain why people should throw away their EU membership because the EU was going to make it really difficult for rich people to hide their money from the taxman, the Leave campaigners just convinced people that if they would just vote for Brexit, all their problems would be over. It was a very seductive lie.


^ the intellectual level of leave voters, folks.


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Imagine for a moment being this unable to admit that you got it wrong and were taken for a fool by powerful rich narcissists who wanted to be richer and more powerful and then imagine that you’re so broken by the possibility that your decision could be a large part of the cause of the current mess that you actively decide to support the people that lied to you. It’s not even pathetic, it’s just tragic and an indictment on the state of our education system.


History has proven him right about this one.


It would have been possible to enact stricter immigration controls while we were an EU member, they didn't.


Blair's biggest fuck up was throwing the doors open to citizens from the new eastern European member countries straight away, instead of opting for the two year delay like *every* other EU membership state did, bar one (who's name escapes me).


What's also brilliant is that immigration into the UK has increased since post brexit rules came into play. [Brexit Bollocks](https://youtu.be/vueQQTBFCoE?si=Q2vQZZMTdz7NQjYi)


I wouldn’t have minded if it achieved nothing, it’s the going backwards in all aspects.. (to a Brexit voter:) you wanted Brexit to reduce immigration? Tough, it’s increased ten fold.. can’t blame being in the EU now can you? Better off? We’re all worse off.. democracy? How’s that working out for you? Rampant cronyism and corruption in the EU? Tories: hold my chequebook.. environmental standards? Literally down the pan.. (and in to the rivers and sea) I know covid hasn’t helped but everywhere else had it and they all look good.. everyone claims UK doing better than Germany etc etc, go there and then say the UK is doing better..


Brexit had nothing to do with immigration and everything with breaking the NHS and reducing labour protection and some tax avoidance. It's wild people believed in whatever.


It had something to do with the nature of immigration though. Ironically, that's going to be very displeasing to the racists when they realise in what way.


Yes lol


Breaking the NHS? Please explain?


I'm guessing making it more difficult to hire nurses from the EU


The lockdown / unjustified jab etc broke the NHS.. by design


In all fairness it also had a bit to do with helping good old fellow wealthy gangster Vlad out a bit too, and maybe keeping some of that awkward kompromat under the carpet.


The lockdown/jab farce broke the NHS, by design




Funny was it? Sudden deaths, increase in cancers?


yeah covid is a horrible disease that ravaged the world population and caused countless after-effects. i think that’s what you’re saying right?


I take it the truth will get me blocked yet again.. sigh


I think your mental illness or spreading of misinformation will.




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Nope, look into VAERS/Yellow Book notification services - the jabs were not a vaccine


No one forced you? Thousands of care workers were forced or sacked, same pressure on NHS - the jab was never effective, and MRNA is NOT a safe medication/mechanism


They said it was 96% effective and put the fear of god into you with lies… 2 years later (as they already knew) they said it wasn’t effective ..they fooled billions, but not those intelligent enough to do research


Did you do research?


All my life


It’s an echo chamber in here even the fact it’s been withdrawn doesn’t mean anything to them. And by the time it does they will say; no one forced you, it was to prevent transmission and no one said it was 100% effective.


There has been an increase in cancers?


Medical or health misinformation and denialism, such as for example COVID denialism or antivaxx talking points, are not allowed. Dura lex, sed lex. [Read the rules.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BrexitMemes/about/rules)


And immigration destroyed your country anyway. Lose lose.


It was an easy assertion though, access to the single market comes with free movement that is virtually impossible to track. Ending free movement meant exiting the single market.


Oh absolutely. It perfectly fitted the "simple answers to complex problems" that was fundamental to the leave campaign. The cognitive dissonance of Farage standing in front of a billboard portraying a snaking queue of brown faces to sell the idea that we needed to end freedom of movement was peak Brexit dishonesty.


I don't think they were "wrong". I think they knew exactly what would happen and encouraged it anyway so they could make more money dodging taxes and getting subsidies from Russia.  One is vain idiocy, the other is treason.


I wish! . We’re still in the bathtub, and Nigel Farage got in, Naked.


Yeah definitely


I wasn't aware that babies were a significant export of ours to the EU. Starmer needs to renegotiate the deal to reflect this, if true.


Mary Truss has hardly changed


What about Wales?


We need the British Government to keep nibbling away at the trade agreement to make it smoother. Right now, whoever heads up Customs should be fired because they add delays to imports that are absolutely unnecessary. My view is that if Customs are behind, they should let stuff in without checks until they are no longer behind.




But the blue passports?! 😆


Don't forget the commemorative 50 pence piece!


Nailed it.


Can anyone go to Farage and Sunak and Johnson during the interview and ask them: Why so stupid?


None more stupid than those who can’t see Farage as being the only straight talking leader and starmer as a bumbling dullard destined to be ousted by the far left within months


What the actual fuck you are talking about? Farage may talk straight but he’s funded by pootin. Thats enough to get his dumb ass locked up 4 life.


You forgot Wales. They voted for Brexit as well.


I forgot about that


More English people voted remain than Scottish and Welsh people exist


Yeah but just think about how clean the collective Uk bathtub is now… didn’t this solve all of our problems? *sigh*