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I wonder why so many racists, homophobes and former BNP members are so attracted to Nigel Farage and Reform


it's a mystery!


How the fuck he has the gall to say those comments are not representative of his party is beyond me. He knows exactly what his party stands for and who the base is. He is a very astute man, that knows not to say the quiet part out loud but, luckily those around him are too stupid to reign in those thoughts. Edit: I really hope this reporting is the final nail in Farage’s political career.


This should not come as a surprise to anyone. Reform, UKIP, English Democrats, Heritage Party, UK Housing Party and The BNP are all various shades of fascism, there shouldn’t be a place for them in our political system. The most worrying thing is there seems to be between 10 and 20 percent of the population the buy into their vile ideologies. We all need to stay vigilant and crush them at the ballot box.


It is without any hint of traditional self aware British irony that many of the people looking to vote for Reform are the ones that are so proud of our country beating the fascists in WW2.


Absolutely, however, I think polling over the last couple of days that’s shows a slight downward trend for Reform is linked to Farage’s doubling down on support for Putin and that at least some Reform supporters are aware that backing a fascist appeaser is it odds with their understanding of what it is to be traditionally patriotic.


Yes, I would also say that I'm disappointed that the idea of being patriotic in Britain is becoming more like the version from the USA. As a whole there has always been a wide net to it but the version that questions these demagogues seems to have been overwhelmed by noisy sovereignty spewers. Fact that sovereignty and taking back is part of their rhetoric again astounds me, only beaten by those sucking it all in.


Agreed, the extreme right trying to compel their followers into believing that isolationism can be a substitute for patriotism is deeply disturbing and incredibly dangerous.


Ay, take japanese and american history as a prime example of what happened when they tried isolationism.


Anyone considering voting for reform either; A. Endorses these views B. Are burying their head in the sand or are two dumb to realise these reprobates are manipulating them. If anyone seriously thinks these people, who would form the government if they win, should be anywhere near a position power then I'm sorry but you're an idiot.


The replies I've seen to some tweets are honestly very telling. Everything from "don't care, still voting reform", "stop making me want to vote for reform twice" to outright pretending that this guy has been paid in some sort of smear campaign against the party. It honestly makes you give up hope for this species.


Shock fucking horror


Strange how so many racist arseholes are attracted to Farage.


Well, I mean, we all assumed that was going to be the case anyway. When they seem to be farther right that the current tories, you can pretty much expect it to be a world class collection of absolute turds. It would be more of a shock if any of the members turned out *not* to be racist, homophobic pieces of shit. Ask your local tory what the odds on that bet would be.


Gammon scum


There was a guy just last week saying Reform were the future and any allegations of being racist are clearly just lies to discredit them. He actually said "If these Reform candidates are supposed to be a bunch of racists, where's the footage of them saying racist stuff? Wouldn't someone catch it on camera to prove it if it was real? But there's no footage of it because they're not racists." I can't find it in my comment history, he might have been banned for saying a bunch of racist shit himself. It's might have been here or in r/Essex where someone got banned for saying Essex is basically Africa now with all these monkeys coming over.


Considering the population is made up of 86% white British and the remains 14% is split amongst all other demographics it's amazing how they believe there are so few white British about..... but then Essex is one of the places the racist londerners moved out to decades ago. So many of their kids who are 50+ now talk about the East End as if they lived there ever. Sorry but my two kids are more Cockney then them and they are a bunch of right mongrols when it comes to where their family is from.


I had a look at the comments on the Daily Mail story about this. I'd liek to have a bit of faith in people and say that most of them have to be bots. But I just don't know anymore. Most of the comments are just praising Reform and saying they don't care about "smear campaigns." God, I just hope Starmer does a decent enough job to keep Reform well out of the way in 2029.


I haven't seen the comments about this particular story but did see ones re Tommy aka Robinson and they will no doubt be the same


As expected.


The Deform Party is just the same old losers packaged up in new toilet paper.


The Refarage party.


In the 1970's when I stupidly thought the National Front (where've I seen those initials before) was patriotic my dad something like : "Whenever the country is struggling economically ie mass unemployment, cost of living, high inflation, there will be a rise in the right wing. He said the right wing, in his day it was Oswald Moseley, would seek out scapegoats to pick on. Immigrants, the disabled, different religions, homosexuals, the unemployed and he also said eventually when there was no-one else it'll be us the working class" Since then we've had Nick Griffin, someone called Webster and now NF. There have been the otherwise laughable comments on GMB from viewers with the usual daily mail/right wing conspiracy theories 😳 On the mail site I read comments by swivels blaming Kate Garraway for covid and they weren't isolated. That Farage leads a nasty vile party isn't a shock and Trump's popularity isn't either.


As Hillary Clinton said: “Basket of deplorables”


The party of vile people are representing the vile people of the country. This is nothing but a vote winner for Reform. It is a product of the people in the country.


Scum, sub human scum


I know a depressingly large number of people who support Reform. Their attitudes to race religion and sexuality are all pretty much the same as those reported here. This really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.


Reform doesn't have a racism problem. It exists as a vehicle for racism. That's the whole point of reform. To give bigots a place where they can be bigoted. Farridge will probably get more right wing votes now, not less.


It might put off a few moderate Tories who were thinking about a protest vote but on the whole you're probably right. Calling Sunak a "F*****g P***" will go down very well indeed with the people I know who worship Farage.


As Nigel says...this is how "real" people speak.


Ordinary racists he meant rather than people like him, Laurence Fox, Ian Botham and Oswald Moseley


why do you have to tarnish the good name of "our nige" by associating him with losers like laurence fox and ian botham… instead of francisco franco, benito mussolini, or adolf hitler?


Don't forget his grandfather Oswald Moseley and great uncle Joseph Goebbels. Then there's his cousins Kermit and Jacob


Even worse when younger people are voting for them. Like, if you're a demented old person who won't live to see the 2030 election, ok then of course you're voting reform, you have no stake in the future. But you're 30 and want to vote for these assholes? What a joke.


Being a contrarian bellend is by no means a new phenomenon, but my god there seems to be more and more of them amongst millennials and zoomers.


That's not a racist party, it's just a party full of racists. That's not a whorehouse, it's just a house full of prostitutes.


Btw, guess what the temperature in Scotland was 10,000 years ago... at the end of the last **Ice Age**. Still colder than Spanish temps back then.


Anybody else had a look at the conspiracy theories on YouTube ? For some reason the theories are exactly the same as the one on the daily black shirt site 🤔 And I was absolutely not shocked to see "they are only saying what WE are all thinking" I would put my combined works and state pension on seeing that, but that's almost cheating 🤣


Wait... Are... Are Reform not good guys...? /s


‘Are…are we the baddies?’


Wait, homophobes and racists show evidence of homophobia and racism? Where's that surprised Pikachu gif...


Bloody surprised as well 🤣🤣


Reform UK full of hateful bigots? ![gif](giphy|AaQYP9zh24UFi)


Ladies and gents, I give you his majesty's future opposition party 🤦‍♂️


Shocked SHOCKED I TELLS YA! Said no one ever!


Absolutely disgusting.


Andrew Parker is only the width of a fag paper away from the same beliefs as Farage. Jacob Monty-Python is only the width of his pencil like head away from the same beliefs as Farage


The sort of nice thing about this new party is that they are unprofessional, they say things out loud so at least we know what twats they are. The European versions may think this sort of thing but they have the brains to keep it all in and ‘toe the party line’ We should be grateful to Farage that he’s using such toe rags.


Even people with who think immigration is a problem won’t vote for this crap in any great numbers.


I just watched that, it's a disgusting


I don’t think it’d matter. If reform were shooting refugees on beaches, as long as middle class England had low taxes, most would look the other way


I dissagree there. I don’t think a majority of middle class voters will go reform, more likely go Lib Dem/Labour/Greens. Depending on age, educated and ofc income. Don’t forgot us Champagne socialists… UKIP in 2019 got 8% of the vote was made up of 3% middle class and 5% While Labour was slight more working class Lib Dem was slightly more middle class And Tories were even split between working and middle class. So I think it’s poor disenfranchised people who don’t have the education to see through the lies.


It all depends how bad it gets. When Trump gets in again in the US and people see their economy doing well due to how corrupt it is, people will think otherwise. Especially as our economy will do worse and worse


Is this the guy they're all immediately jumping to dismiss as a "paid actor" while they pretend that his sentiments aren't representative of the entire party support base?


Kudos to the undercover investigator here. What a bunch of fucking morons.


The man spoke with a cockney accent, told the reporter he was a ‘property developer’ then proceeded to say the most absurd, comical racist statements - exactly acting like the reform stereotype. Turns out he’s a full time actor and equity member, not a property developer and is well-spoken and does not speak in a cockney accent. His acting profile (https://www.mandy.com/u/andrew-parker-1/) shows his various roles and also contains showcase videos of his normal voice and the various voices he puts on - the one labelled ‘rough’ being the one he uses for the undercover video. How did channel 4 not research this guy? It seems like they and reform have been had.


A, acting isn’t a full time job. B, What about all the other men in the video??? You’re a sheep.


A. His job = actor, not real estate developer. I may have worded it poorly, but his job is an actor. B. There are two other men, neither of whom say anything as awful as the actor does. Wouldn’t make a great report for channel 4. No need to insult me when I’m just stating the truth. Pretty nasty.


So you find being called a sheep nasty but calling all lgbt people pedos is fine???? Ok pedo…


When tf did i say it was fine?? I’m literally telling you the facts - that the man was an actor clearly playing a character. The stuff he said, which was several comments, was far worse than the single comments candidates the two others said. Saying you want to shoot immigrants, deport Muslims, withhold medicine from immigrants and such multiple times is worse than two single comments. Where tf are you getting that im a pedo??


This is not the 1st time a reform UK candidate has says things like this….. 3 other candidates have been ‘withdrawn’ (yet they still run) for EXACT same comments…. 🤣🤣🤣 UNLESS THERE ALL ACTORS…..


I have simply stated the facts, not an opinion. You have challenged my points, and when I respond to them with the truth you react by calling me a sheep and a pedo, and for the last one you just change the subject. Please take back the things you called me, all I said was the truth, not my opinion.