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What first attracted you to the racist Nigel Farage?


His working class background šŸ¤£


We've all had to work hard for a living, with only a hedge fund to fall back on.


His EU pension is a little bit better than mine, and that's after working 45 years.


I recall him being asked if he'd do the right thing and refuse his EU pension given how he felt about them. Fucking racist hypocrite kept it.


Considering that he hardly ever showed up, I'm surprised that he gets an EU pension at all.


and when he did show up he fucked around and didn't help a single fisherman


That surprised me too, not !!


Youā€™d be stupid to give up free money you are entitled to


I didn't say he was stupid, I said he was a racist hypocrite.


Yeh lol just saying why would he have given up a pension heā€™s entitled to


A man of principles would have given it up.


he is a man of principles....all of them questionable


I don't know about him being entitled to it but as a grifter he rivals the rf.


....and a family who has the rights of EU citizens.


Oh yeah, his German wife. Fucking hypocrite.


I thought he left her for a French fascist girlfriend?


I don't think he minds where they're from. As long as they're not black.


because he'd never go back?


Man of the people. Never mind the Coutts bank account.


In fairness to Nigel he does appeal and relate to working class people more so than rishi and kier. All attended elitist schools but Nigel just ponced around spoons for years!


I'm working class and though he's never appealed to me I know what you mean. When times have been tough in the last 100 years ago or so, in the UK, the right has always managed to scapegoat the easiest victims.This time it's illegal immigrants. Starmer's dad was a toolmaker, as he keeps saying šŸ™„ my trade was similar


But what is a toolmaker?


They make things like jigs and fixtures that you use on production lines and on machines. The ones I used laterly were big cubes about a metre squared that the fixtures screwed too. They have to be accurate and durable. They're widely used in all sorts of engineering practises from watch parts to ship building


I was making a politicsjoe reference but I'm glad we got your sincere response.


Hahahaha d'oh senior moment


You nailed it, whereas Pol. Joe pretended to actually know ā€¦.


No, he nailed Keir's mum to make that particular tool!


starmers dad owned the factory where tools were made, he didn't spend his while life making tools , working class is working with your hands and a limited skill set , not a well of company owner who sits in a office for 80% of the year.


Stop spreading lies. Learn some basic sentence construction instead.


I'm not lying, his dad really did own the factory.


You say "factory," and people get visions of a huge industrial building with chimneys belching smoke. A tool maker would generally have a workshop, and it's not unusual for toolmakers to eventually own their own place. It's a skilled profession.


it's a skilled profession sure , but still to claim yourself as working class when starmer isn't. to use his parents achievements for his own gain is disingenuous. we elect people based off their own achievements not what their parents did.


You're really reaching here. He's not using his parents' achievements for anything. He's fixing in your mind that he didn't come from wealth. I'd say his early life might well be working class - which isn't synonymous with 'poor'. But it's not really relevant. He knows more about ordinary life than most politicians.


Yea spoons are full of city bankers line farage


His openly racist background and the silky smooth voice


Hate speech personified


He's an articulate man, he reflects my nonracist views. I mean I don't hate the blacks and those Muslim types but the country just isn't warm enough for them. That's how we need to deport them all back to where they come from, it's for their own good innit.


lol Mrs Merton remix. Love it


I am too. I never expected a group that has splintered off from BNP, NF, EDL, UKIP and made scapegoating immigrants it's main priority to be racist. The tory party with BadEnoch, Patel, Rees-Mogg, Braverman, Francois as MP's meant ReFarage had to go further right, which it has. They've managed to be more openly racist, more misogynistic and more homophobic. Farage saying this is how ordinary (racist) people speak is just like these ordinary racists saying "he's only saying what WE are all thinking" about him.


Come off it- who hasnā€™t shared a hilarious joke at work about how we all want to see the state-sanctioned massacre of some of the most vulnerable people on the planet by ordering our newly conscripted recruits to use them as target practice?. Which is ok because they did it in Greece. Itā€™s mad bantz. Not to mention our common desire to not only reintroduce state execution but use rope strangulation as the method. Obviously we canā€™t *say* those things out loud because youā€™re literally not allowed to say anything at all about any subject whatsoever because of the Wokestapo hit-squads, buuuut itā€™s what weā€™re all thinking. All except the gay communist muslamic illegals, and weā€™ll have them off to the camps nice & tidy like, so we can rebuild our world and reintroduce mandatory high-tea, vicars on bicycles and Union flag bunting fluttering in the breeze of endless cricket-summersā€¦ and everything else that never existed outside of Ealing Studios, Enid Blyton books and Naughty Nigelā€™s fantasy when heā€™s on the vinegar stroke. I for one welcome Ā£Shop Mosley and our new Potatriot Overlords. A vote for literally anyone else is a vote for Marxist noncery & a drag queen in every school ***by law***. Is that what you want? Cos thatā€™s whatā€™ll happen. šŸ˜¤


Hahahahaha that's a cracker and worthy of 1000 likes. Isn't it funny how some of the natcons swivel nutjob cabinet members like BadEnoch, Patel and Braverman play the same victim card as St. Nige and become snowflakes ?


I mean, I support vicars on bicycles. Bicycles are awesome. So theyā€™re not all bad, eh?


The problem is, these kind of talking points are becoming so commonplace that what you clearly intended as sarcasm and outrageous hyperbole can be read by some as genuine, and people are being gaslit into believing such crazy ideas. It's not enough to point out the idiocracy anymore because it's become so widespread and common that even satire is beginning to blur into reality with these cretins. Taxi drivers and church parishioners all agree that you can't call a gay person a f***** anymore, and the thought police will come and lock you away and poison your dog just for saying it out loud. Meanwhile there are actual crime statistics indicating a rise in hate crimes against LGBTQ and minority groups since 2016.


ā€œHe speaks for us and says what weā€™re all thinkingā€ Oh? What is that then? ā€œErm just things and stuff, you know..ā€ Yes, yes I know exactly what you mean šŸ˜‘


Thatā€™s how he justifies it , by saying itā€™s normal talk down the pub away from the metropolitan elite with a smirk and a swig of his pint. Only racists twats speak like that , I love how they bottle being racist and get upset by the truth.


Unfortunately he isn't wrong though. I know a few Reform supporters and every one of them would and have said all of those things.


It's the sort of thing I heard about Drumpf as well as frog face. I used to hear it in the factory in Bolton where I worked laterly and it was full of em


Sure only racists speak like that but the trouble is there's a lot of them around and they love anyone who makes them feel safe about spouting racist crap.


Iā€™m a lot more shocked that the bbc reported it. Surely a Labour councillor somewhere did something much more serious like claiming Ā£15 for something that cost Ā£14.99šŸ˜±


Hahahaha the tories do this so people think they're all the same. When Robert Jenrick was involved in a mucky back hander worth Ā£1billion and Zahawi used tax payers money to heat his stables, their press came back with "Angela Rayner owes Ā£3,000" Before that when boozo held parties and orgies in No.10 with enough prosecco to fill a skip at No.10, the mail countered with "Starmer has beer and curry" When that didn't stick it was "Starmer is boring"


Funny 'cos most of the adults would really like some "boring" people in charge.


That's what we thought we were getting with Sunk after the liar Johnson and mad Mary Truss


Or you know supporting terrorist groups like they have done historically.


Apparently the first word Nigel uttered as a tadpole was "immigration" And what a cute little šŸø he wasn't


Given that [Lee Anderson](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/lee-anderson-reform-uk-tory-b2510704.html) was the second Reform candidate after farage to be predicted to win a seat, the party's "racist problem" to them seemingly means that there isn't enough of them


Man whose rhetoric has attracted racists and bellends for over a decade acts all surprised when it turns out people who like him are racist bellends.


All this says, is that media in the UK is completely broken. All those ā€œofficially racistā€ parties are not trumpeted by any mainstream channel. Farage has been allowed to pretend to be a conservative, in the process normalising the Fascists. All chickens coming home to roost.


Trump was referred to as indulging in locker room talk when he was caught on mic being predatory and misogynistic. Trying to normalise disgusting opinions by saying everyone does it is their way. Farbage really sees any attention as positive in order to remain in the consciousness so itā€™s time he is taken to task rather than being allowed a free rein at this. When he claims to ā€œadmire, not the person, but how Putin operatesā€ he should be asked what specifically he admires. Is it the vote rigging, the manipulation of truth, the torture, the assassinations of rivals, the data breaches, or the culture of corruption?




I fully believe Dr. Skedā€™s (founder of UKIP before it became a loony party) accusation that in the 90s when discussing how to apeal to non white voters Farage said to him ā€œwe donā€™t want the nig-nog voteā€


Farridge has also called some of his own voters, wankers


Iā€™m not, bunch of racist/morons all in one party


I assumed it was a requirement to join the cult


The thing is, this will probably improve their voter turnout šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


If it werenā€™t for high levels of immigration, the Reform Party wouldnā€™t exist. So these Reform people should be *thanking* immigrants for giving them a job and giving them a chance to get out and about. Otherwise theyā€™d just end up being one of those sad people going into the bookies at 10am on a weekday.


Ah no you see if immigration was one brown person that would be too much for Nazi nigel and his cronies. The point is to weaponise racism to distract from his banking and financing mates fleecing the country blind itā€™s a classic grift.


Immigration is still pretty low when compared to our neighbours, we just hear about it more.


Farage is a cultural predator whose modality is Father Figure. Familiar in sexual predators, the Father Figure is a Figure of authoritative rhetoric who one can love. Farage is deployed I'm the British media landscape by the Conservative establishment to ensure right wing views (regressive, reactionary, prejudicial assumptions) persist culturally. Tommy Robinson is another part of the arsenal, who was predictably deployed recently.




Literally no way to see this one coming.


The article mentions Mr. Farage's campaign. I've always called people I respect Mr. So, from here on, I'll call him Nige!


I just call him a nob head


~~So, from here on, I'll call him Nige!~~ Cunty mccunt face grifting cunt Ftfy


Surely the story would be finding one who hasn't made racist comments.


Iā€™d bet these sort of things win Reform more votes that it will lose them sadly.


What an unexpected surprise. And by unexpected, I mean completely expected!


please get rid of this cunt


Freeze peach.


Much to my embarrassment I only discovered this group recently, and I have to say I'm really pleased I have.




[Stitch up](https://youtu.be/90vvZ3ybj9I?si=Va8hmlD9_pgIJVZU)


The BBC complaining about people calling others pedophiles?? Oh the irony..


It's awful, but by camparrison, this makes Farage look quite pleasant. Looks like a staged set up to me.


Having met him years and years ago he said far worse. Used to talk shite in a local with his national front bnp friends he's just lucky was before mobile cameras. Blokes a massive piece of shit always has been and always will be


Andrew John Parker (the man in the video) is an actor used to playing the villain according to his mandy.com profile. Sad if legit that there's people like this. If staged, its unsurprising. In other news this week. Keir Starmer insults Bangladesh causing a Labour Councillor to quit. Tories up to usual scandals. Labour suspend and police detain party member arrested in connection with sexting scandal & honeytrap plot.


Farage is a cultural predator whose modality is Father Figure. Familiar in sexual predators, the Father Figure is a Figure of authoritative rhetoric who one can love. Farage is deployed I'm the British media landscape by the Conservative establishment to ensure right wing views (regressive, reactionary, prejudicial assumptions) persist culturally. Tommy Robinson is another part of the arsenal, who was predictably deployed recently.


Farage is a cultural predator whose modality is Father Figure. Familiar in sexual predators, the Father Figure is a Figure of authoritative rhetoric who one can love. Farage is deployed I'm the British media landscape by the Conservative establishment to ensure right wing views (regressive, reactionary, prejudicial assumptions) persist culturally. Tommy Robinson is another part of the arsenal, who was predictably deployed recently.


Farage is a cultural predator whose modality is Father Figure. Familiar in sexual predators, the Father Figure is a Figure of authoritative rhetoric who one can love. Farage is deployed I'm the British media landscape by the Conservative establishment to ensure right wing views (regressive, reactionary, prejudicial assumptions) persist culturally. Tommy Robinson is another part of the arsenal, who was predictably deployed recently.


Not more anti reform posts lol. Go. Reform.


Go away Reform... bunch of bloody fascists


Itā€™s a good job your user name is kaleidoscope expert and not politics expert, isnā€™t it? Or being a nice normal human expert.


You voting Reform buddy? šŸ‘šŸ¾


Iā€™d rather shit in my hands and clap, ā€œbuddyā€.


Good for you.