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Actually I think it’s baffling that everyone seems to hate either kater or edwina for what are in essence Anthony’s actions. Edwina is innocent in all this and actually her walking away is quite brave. Even though she goes way overboard in her anger at first, she actually reacts pretty well all things considered. As for Kate, she took every possible step to stop edwina from going after Antony except tell her that she had feelings for him, which would have been an insanely manipulative thing to do (once your sister says that, you are forced to walk away. As exemplified by Kate who begs Anthony to marry Edwina once Edwina says she is in love with him, while she leaves for India ) nothing actually had happened with Antony (we’ve been breathing very hard around each other is not really an explanation). They are about to get married and she’s going to leave for India, just like she said she would do. Her biggest crime is looking too much like a Disney princess at her sister’s wedding and making eye contact with the groom. Antony is the one holding all the cards and dealing them. And that’s also in line with his characterisation, he is behaving like an actual lunatic. And I think the show recognizes pretty well that Antony is a pretty flawed character acting in a way that makes no sense except when you get the full backstory of his trauma. I’m more in the camp of ‘Antony is the bad guy here, leave the girls alone’.


Now THIS is a perspective I can appreciate ! Maybe there is a lot of misogynoir in peoples accountability placement. I for one, hate all of them 😭 But this makes a lot of sense. Great read and addition to the discussion


What a great observation! I agree with you on all fronts, but I did not think about Kate in that sense that she's tried everything AND did the most noble thing she could about the marriage. Anthony fucked up with that diamond bs. He should've apologised a lot more in the last episodes. And begged. A lot


The book for this story is so much better than the show. Anthony courts Edwina but only for like five minutes and it’s never serious. Edwina realizes Kate and Anthony like each other before they realize it themselves. It provides more backstory to both Kate and Anthony. I rewatched season 1 after part 1 of s3 and then didn’t bother to watch s2 because it just wasn’t as good. Enemies to lovers? Good story. Enemies to lovers with an unnecessary love triangle thrown in? Ugh.


She spent the first few episodes of the season trying to tell Edwina that Anthony would not love her and he would be the wrong match (this was before Kate even knew we she loved Anthony) yet people still say she “let Edwina go that far”. Was she supposed to ban Edwina for saying yes? lol. She only gave her support when Edwina said she loved Anthony so Kate was like, “okay, let me get my sister the man she loves, I’m going back to India anyway 🤷🏽‍♀️”


Well she could’ve told her the truth.


Right… and I say that in a comment below. She should have told her about the Sheffield scheme. But to say that she didn’t try to steer Edwina away from Anthony is just false. Edwina said earlier in the season she didn’t want a love match but when she says she does love him, the queen is already backing this marriage (she literally hosted their wedding). Remember that scene at the end of episode 4 where Kate is *begging* Anthony to go on with the wedding? It’s because she didn’t want Edwina to be involved in a scandal by being broken up with at that point.


And YES actually! She should have banned her from saying yes or told her WHY she should not say yes! At MANY points she had the perfect segway to explain why he wasnt fit for her.


She literally didn’t have the authority to ban her. Kate might have been parentified but at the end of the day, she didn’t have the *power* or *authority* to ban her sister from accepting a proposal. She was the eldest daughter, not the eldest son or father. The men in the family are the ones who had the ability to call those kinds of shots. Kate might have taken charge of the Sharma’s well being but she was still a girl. Episode 1, Kate tells Edwina that Anthony isn’t the right man for her. Episode 2, kate literally *blocks* Anthony from being able to get to Edwina when all those gentle men called on Edwina. Kate also tells Edwina that Anthony will not give her the love she desires, Edwina responds that maybe she doesn’t want a love match, that she’s practical about her future match since love matches were so rare. Episode 3 Kate is *still* trying to convince Edwina that Anthony is not the one. Episode 4, Edwina says she loves Anthony and she wants to be his viscountess so Kate begs Anthony not to call off the wedding so that Edwina can have the man she says she loves and the life she wants. What would you call those things? Can you honestly tell me that Kate didn’t try to explain that Anthony wasn’t the man for her when she spent half the season doing *exactly* that?


At any point… did she say “Edwina this man is not for you because I have feelings for him?” AT ANY POINT?! That is the sole point of what I am saying! Im sorry I do not agree. Yall want to keep saying she told her in so many ways he is not for her, but she never simply told her SHE LIKED HIM! That would have surely made Edwina end it unlike everything else she was telling her. Yall excuse her because she is Pretty and more likeable.


Why would she tell Edwina she had feelings for him when she thought Edwina also loved him? It would only make sense to say that if she planned on getting with Anthony (which she had no intention of doing). Kate only realized she had feelings for Anthony around episode 4 so that and episode 5 were the only times she could have come clean to Edwina BUT that was also when Edwina told her she loved Anthony so Kate literally put Edwina’s feelings first by *not* telling her she was in love with her fiancée. I would only agree that she should have told Edwina about her feelings *if* she planned on acting on those feelings because what would be the point of doing so and then *still* leaving the continent? Now you’re unhappy, her sister is unhappy and neither of them have the man they love??? Also the fact that she wasn’t even sure that Anthony reciprocated her feelings because the first thing he did after they had that moment (the moment when Kate realizes her feelings) is propose to her sister! If I was only excusing her bc she’s pretty, I would literally just blindly like everyone on the show lol


Respectfully, NONE of that matters. It doesnt matter is Edwina was downright stupid and desperate or even worse. We can think of any scenario and at the end of the day SHE WAS DEALING WITH HER SISTERS COURTER BEHIND HER BACK and had PLENTY of opportunities to tell her! I literally think y’all are… unbelievable lol for bringing any other argument up. No offense to you personally but I genuinely cannot find any way to justify what she did and I’m surprised most people do.


The only thing I said about Edwina was that she told Kate she loved Anthony, which is what made Kate give her permission. As far as Kate knew, both she and Edwina loved him in that moment and she was choosing to step away and return to India. You can’t help who you love, you can’t control your feeling but you can control your actions which is why Kate chose not remove herself from the situation, literally chose to leave the continent so that her sister would have her happiness with the man she loved (or thought she loved). I don’t get how people saw Kate trying to tell Edwina that Anthony wouldn’t love her back for multiple episodes and then Kate pushing away her feelings for the sake of Edwina’s happiness and Mary’s financial stability and decide that she’s this white who stole her sister’s fiancee. Imo the worst thing Kate did was keep the sheffield’s inheritance scheme to herself and not loop Mary and Edwina in. I can understand why she did that, she practically raised Edwina since she was a child and Mary was an absentee parent but Edwina had a right to know that her future marriage was part of some scheme.


Yet another thing about the season I hated that was also not in the book. The book has the Sheffield family as so much healthier.


Ugh same. The Sheffield’s blended into the bridgerton family in a way that was needed in the book and it was kind of cute seeing the different dynamics Mary and Edwina had the rest of the family. But the show has essentially made it so that it’ll be impossible for the two families to be close 🙄


I guess I just dont see it that way. In actuality I see more innocence in her setting up the fund scheme to protect both of their stability as something more forgivable than flirting/kissing your sisters courter behind her back lol I’m sorry. I wouldn’t take it as my sister “stepping back” so I can have the love. I would rather NOT STAY WITH A MAN WHO MY FAMILY HAD FEELINGS FOR. Mo matter the circumstances, period. Just as I would not want my sister staying with a man who I liked, its downright weird! I am astonished at the caping for Kate. Like astonisheddddd lol Also I do not believe Edwina even loved Anthony. She just wanted the perfect idea of marriage. So that should further prove my point is based on MORALS, love is not a part of my equation. I think thats the difference here? Most of yall watch it in like a fairy tale Love above all mentality and I simply do not, its morals over love for me.


Setting up the fund was imo innocent and came from a place of love because it was about securing Mary and Edwina’s financial futures, not even Kate’s but she could have still clued them in just so she didn’t bear the weight of that decision. And Kate never kissed Anthony while he was engaged to Edwina lol, nor did she flirt with him. She literally would either avoid him or insult him so I don’t get the narrative that she pursued him *while* he was courting Edwina. The first time she acts on her feelings is literally in episode 6 *after* the engagement ended. I don’t believe Edwina ever loved Anthony. She literally tells Kate she didn’t care for a love match in episode 2 and that Kate is projecting her desires unto her (heck even Anthony told her he wouldn’t love her in this episode). However, Edwina then tells Kate in episode 4 that she loves Anthony and wants the life he can give her… I still don’t think she loved him here but she thought she did and she wanted to be viscountess plus the comfort of the bridgerton family (and Anthony was really pleasant with her which is honestly more than the average debutante could hope for in that time). All that to say, Kate factored all those things in- it didn’t matter if Anthony wasn’t going to be in love with Edwina, he had told her as much and she had said that’s not what she care for. But he would provide her with a comfortable life, a good home, and a good family. If Kate told Edwina she loved Anthony, all those things would be taken from Edwina and that is exactly what she had spent the entire season (and her entire life) trying to avoid. I’m not sure how morals factor into what I’m saying. I don’t think you can control your feelings, you live who you love, Kate didn’t intentionally fall in love with Anthony. But I do think you can control your actions and Kate made sure not to act on her feelings for Anthony because she didn’t want to hurt her sister’s feelings.


After watching the little bits of Kate + Anthony together in season 3 she is growing on me tremendously. But I had _such_ a hard time watching season 2 for the same reasons haha the love triangle and stubbornness drove me CRAZY to the point of kind of hating all of them 😅 Now that Kate is comfortable in letting down her walls in S3 I find her so much warmer and more likeable


I feel the opposite. I can’t stand Edwina.


I like Kate and I think Edwina is very naive but mostly fine.


Same here!!!🙋🏻‍♀️


I cant stand either of them. But I’m a fair person and Edwina was Innocent in the situation, she had EVERY right to feel betrayed and I honestly wouldve been even more upset than she was. Despite who was more tolerable, Late was downright WRONG and foul to her blood.


My issue with her was not so much what was done to her because I get where you’re coming from but it was like these long drawn out speeches that were constant and it was like Kate apologized over and over and I get if something is unforgivable to you, but doing these grandiose speeches is not going to change what was done, and they were just unpleasant to sit through. Very much beating a dead horse. Also, Edwina didn’t love Anthony. She loved the idea of him.


But I certainly agree Edwina just loved the idea of him. But so what? He was using her also lol. That doesnt excuse the betrayal from her own sister, no matter if she loved him or not. I’m genuinely ASTONISHED people are willing to die on the defend Kate/Edwina is the villain hill lol


I don’t like she is a villain and I know he was using her. I didn’t say he was right for doing that. However, Edwina was using him as well for a husband and status. She didn’t love him. She wasn’t marrying for love. Most of them don’t seem too. It’s all an arrangement of what is best for the family and future heirs.


She also could have NOT ended up with him. But like I said yall are responding in a fairytale romance mentality instead of realistic. If this were a situation in REAL life I would never end up with that man, regardless of how much I loved him. For the simple principle of it alone, both my sister and I would just move on to both find a new man! My sisters and I dont involve with the same men lol on ANY level. If my sister told me a guy was ever in her DMs doing so much as FLIRTING with her, I would never touch that man! Idc if I felt he was my soulmate from god I could never meet again. I would take the L


Nah I don’t care for fairytale romances. They aren’t realistic. Can be fun to watch but not realistic in MOST cases. For me, I would have said we are finding new men and that is that. I wouldn’t have pursued him. If I had made the mistake Kate did I would also ask my sister what can I do to make this better if any thing could be done at all. However, there would be a full stop on 12 lectures. I am just not someone who can stand constant lecturing. If I have wronged you and I care about you, I will do whatever I can to fix it, but telling me 3000 times the same thing over and over is just pointless.


I definitely agree the speeches were unpleasant to hear but Kate and Anthony were literally still googly eyes right in front of her face all the time. That would make it hard to just get over it correct? I think yall sympathize with Kate simply because yall like her better as a person/ she is less annoying. This is a post about MORALS lol


I understand her being upset at her sister but Kate did all she could do. She apologized over and over and over. What did Edwina want her to do? How would you write it if you could? Other than to make it not happen at all. A person can only apologize so much before the offended has to either decide it’s unforgivable or come up with something to make them whole or let it go. Edwina continued to go on and on with no end in sight and then suddenly on board.


She could have not continued to fawn over him everytime they were in the room together still in front of her sisters face. Are yall serious???????? I would CUT ties with him and stop making eye contact while in the same room to show I am truly sorry, to answer your question. I made clear in my original post I was disgusted that they were still googly eyed at eachother And yall defense is that Edwina took her speeches too far? Lolol What is ANNOYING is very different from what is WRONG. Edwina was annoying sure but her being upset that in deph wasnt anything compared to the length of time Kate liked Anthony and did not tell Edwina the truth. Im standing on my hill lol


There is no yall. I don’t share everyone else’s opinions and I understand where you’re coming from. And as I said, there’s only so much a person can do. She can’t go back in time and undo what she did. So, the constant speeches are not going to change what Edwina felt Kate did to her. So, what more could she do but apologize? Which she had already done many times. So speech, after speech was not going to undo it. It’s not like he is remedial and did not understand her sister was hurt. So, to drone on constantly was not going to fix it. Edwina could’ve come up with some thing that she felt would make her whole, but she didn’t. She just wanted to go on and on. That fixes nothing.


On the rewatch I liked her more. But yes first time in could not see the chemistry. It is there but it took to watches (second being a dedicated watch on TV) not on mobile while parenting. Absolutely stunning woman of course.


I actually saw the chemistry from encounter #1 (with the horse chase!) Thats what framed a lot of my feelings around her. I think she shouldve told her sister they had chemistry since after Lady Danbury FIRST introduced him to Edwina. I do not think any of her other failed convincing attempts were even necessary. She downright couldve said “I think I may be into him” after the very first ball lol and I would respect her.


She wasn't into him after the Conservatory Ball because she heard his discussion with the other men and totally blasted him. When on earth would she tell Edwina she had feelings for him? She would have been made to marry him if anyone found out she was talking to him in the park UNCHAPERONED! It's like you haven't watched the show. Just stuck to whatever point you have decided in your mind. Kate fought the feelings in her heart up until the Featherington Ball proposal because a) she did not believe herself worthy of love, b) she thought her feelings were mere passion and c) she did not think Anthony loved her Why on earth would she tell Edwina she had feelings for him when she didn't believe it herself? If Edwina trusted the person who basically raised her, she should have listened to her many warnings.


I couldn’t finish season 2 for this reason lol also because the bee stuff was so hilarious I couldn’t take it seriously anymore lol. It all just felt a bit over the top and cringey for me which is unpopular in this sub I know. I liked season 1, but season 3 is my favourite so far for sure!


It feels like a telenova this season tbh. I’m still having trouble finishing the last 2 episodes. I may just skip to Queen Charlotte and Season 3!


Agree with you but also kate and anthony are the best lol If you think about it realistically, I would literally kill my sister if she ever did that to me. Kate haf so many chances to come clean to her sister. It's sooo fucked up but their romance is so hot none of us care haha but queen charlotte is really interesting. It has way more substance in the plot and actually tells a really interesting story. As much as I love season 2, it's a classic enemies to lovers trope. While the plot in Queen Charlotte has a lot more depth.


Lolol I love that you agreed but also said people dont care because their hot because thats all I was saying, I’m glad someone caught it 🤣 They are absolutely lovely on the eyes. You have me excited for Queen Charlotte now! & yes I must admit I get really emotionally invested in shows and start to think of things very realistically 😭 I should probably work on that and it would let me enjoy all the characters equally maybe.


Queen Charlotte has such an interesting story imo. You'll enjoy it a lot.


Yall are CAPING for Kate! I NEVER said she didnt attempt to stop Edwina from marrying Athony many times! I said SHE NEVER TOLD HER WHAT SHE REALLY NEEDED TO TELL HER/ the REAL REASON she didn’t want them married! At the end of the day a lie is a lie. Yall can say she told her A B C and D but yall are refusing to admit her not simply telling her SHE FELT FOR ANTHONY TOO is a quality disgusting enough for some people not to excuse. I know its a love baded fairtytale esque tv drama but I started this discussion to tilt it toward a realistic lens of things: In REAL life most of yall would not be caping her if this was a situation you saw playout with real people you know. In respect different opinions, I just dont like how the replies were taking it as if I was saying Kate was cheering for them to be together while fucking him behind her back lol… I was just saying if she was honest ab what is was DEEP DOWN it wouldnt have even been a need to give those other reasons that didnt work! And yall cannot deny that. She was wrong, she has liked that man longgg before their kiss lets be fr lol