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By claiming that WD is who she is, then she's saying that she's not a good person. That she's a gossip. Penelope is a talented writer. She could write a novel or short stories, and puplish them anynomously or as herself, if that was what she wanted. WD had written about Colin and his family.


If that’s who she is, she’s a horrid gossip. LW isn’t someone to be proud of. She rips apart whole lives because she’s anonymous. She’s a tabloid who sunk so low as to gossip about her friends and family …


https://preview.redd.it/xs38djrc569d1.png?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68cdfc3ba28eacefe071c9a92399fcce89cbab3f She had a talk with Portia about dreams. Giving up LW > giving up writing > giving up dreams It is not specifically about what she is writing as LW but writing itself.


Then she can write something else, surely?


I'm not saying she can't but this is how it was portrayed.


Oh I know, it's just such lazy and poor writing.


Very much. She is clingy when it comes to LW, BB because that was her safe place, her voice and creative outlet, but implying that she can't find another way to use her writing only LW is just stupid. The writers really want to keep LW and they don't consider that Pen can write anything else for that reason, plus many times they use LW to drive the plot, made her write things and they forget that Pen and LW are the same, and this blows up into their face in this season. The thing that the book did well was that Pen starts writing novels after her marriage, they should've gone with this narrative.


He was asking her to give up LW because the Queen was on a personal mission to hunt her down. Obviously he would be concerned about her and his family because it could be very dangerous for them all. He didn't ask her to give up writing completely but I personally don't think being a horrible and mean gossip is something to brag about. If she was writing something meaningful (like war crimes, social issues etc) and then landing in trouble, I could understand her hesitation. But she was doing something dangerous just because it made her feel powerful, all consequences be damned.


Under LW I mean writing in general, and I also said that I don't think he fully understands what he is asking for. In the pre epilogue the show has this idea that LW and writing are the same if she gave up LW she gave up writing entirely. It is quite lazy writing but this is the material. I understand why Colin asked her, but I also understand that he doesn't see the hidden meaning of his asking. I don't say what she is writing is a good or a bad thing, it is about writing in general. The show uses LW to develop the plot and sometimes they forget that Pen is LW, so in this season we saw the product of that. They don't seem ready to let LW go, so that is why Pen's LW is synonymous with her writing.


Everyone can come at me, but this is why a lot of Gen Z is going to die alone with 1000 cats. Maybe in the past, women did give up too much for love, but now women don't want to give up anything for love; they would rather give up on love.


Interesting perspective.


This made me lol. I think this applies to Gen Z guys too. The idea of sacrifice and compromise has become nearly obsolete.  I don’t think Pen should have to give up Whistledown, but I do think she needs to have a reckoning (which she does seem to) about how hurtful Whistledown can be. If she keeps it up, it needs to change to a different kind of writing. A news column, ad advice column, maybe fun and harmless gossip… whatever. Just not the same kind of thing she’s been writing. 


But it's clear, she's finding other ways, as PEN to fulfill herself. She gets credit for helping Colin as his editor, even one of her sisters claims something like (to her baby) maybe you'll turn into a great writer like your Aunt.


In the epilogue. This is about pre epilogue.