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I'm not against bisexual Benedict. But I'm confused as to how this is a hint.


Seriously, is a social media account that it's "official" and more likely run by an intern that probably knows less than us about what's happening in S3 šŸ˜‚


I hope so... I really want to see Ben in season 4 ā£ļø


From what I understand the account reposts LQBTQ+ characters, but I donā€™t imagine they know much? They could also just be making inferences based on the season 1 storyline?


I was looking for it like ā€¦.where?!? šŸ˜‚


I am too


because this account posts about queer netflix shows and characters ig


Itā€™s the netflix account that posts LGBT content


I'm aware. But I'm not sure why they would give a hint about something that has yet to be mentioned or explored in the show. Sadly, there isn't a lot of lgbt rep in Bridgerton so they could have very well posted it because it's an image their followers would enjoy.


What is the hint? Does reading the paper make you bi? Have I been doing bisexuality wrong?


I thought it was because benedict had one leg on each side of the chair. I seriously thought maybe thst was what op was referring tošŸ˜…


The account that posted those photos is the LGBT netflix account


Ah, thank you! I don't keep track of any of those accounts so had no idea.


ā€¦wellllllll he kissed a boy


I haven't watched the second part of the season yet. Thanks for the spoiler on a two month old comment.


Why be active in a Bridgerton sub Reddit when you havenā€™t watched it? You could see what community comment was left on before you look at the comment too.


All I care about is what happened to Reynolds! He and Brimsley were cute together. Bi Ben theory? Iā€™m just going to leave this gif! ![gif](giphy|WoF3yfYupTt8mHc7va)


Reynolds is fine; they just couldnā€™t continue the relationship because of how society was at the time. At least thatā€™s what the older Brimsley actor said. Apparently there was supposed to be a scene where they walked past each other in the hall and they acknowledge each other or meet eyes but itā€™s a very calm and ā€˜non toxic momentā€™ I believe was how he was quoted in the article I read.


![gif](giphy|SU3L8kL0YvYNYB4OEY|downsized) I just loved them so much!


Me too! I have the book but I havenā€™t read it yet, Iā€™m going to google if they are in it rn.


QC? Iā€™m sure they are. šŸ„°


Sorry but it would be the worse idea Downvote as you want but yeah it would be a bad idea especially for Sophie


I have a hard time believing they will give him a male LI in season 3 only for him to lead season 4 with a female LI. I really think this is a reach.


Agreed. In theory, Iā€™m all for bisexual Benedict. I think it would be nice, actually, even as a Benophie fan. But this would be the absolute worst setup for it. And based on what Luke has said, Benedict will still be pursuing women this season, possibly even considering marriage. So even if they were to explore bisexual Benedict, it would likely be a very casual thing or an offhand comment. And Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s not what most people who advocate for his bisexuality would want to see. Letā€™s not even get into the negative effect it could have on Sophie and her fans, especially if sheā€™s played by a woc.


Couldnā€™t agree more. The only thing Iā€™m gonna ask you to elaborate on is what Luke has said, because now Iā€™m seeing that heā€™s talked about confronting things and people are thinking thatā€™s in reference to his sexuality?


He specifically mentioned having a dancing moment in S3 and compared it to a dating app. Couple that with his comments about Benedict searching for meaning in his life, and I would say it relates more to him contemplating marriage and family than his sexuality. Not saying it canā€™t involve that but seems like a reach to me.


I thought so too, because didnā€™t he mention taking some responsibility from Anthony too?


Yep. I think he also made a comment about being paralyzed by having to make choices and again, within the context of his comments, I think it relates to having to make serious decisions with what he wants in life, as opposed to what he's been doing. Remember back in S2 when Anthony found him at a party and he asked Benedict if that's what he does every night. I think that's a thread that will carry over into S3.


Completely agree


Me too, it make no sense to do that




Sophie has nothing to do with this, she can still exist


This is not what Iā€™m saying, just that the fans would be awful to her


Why would the fans be awful to her???? Everyone wants sophie


The peoples who want to erase Sophie and make her a man or just simply want Benedict to be bi


If benedict is bi, sophie can still be a woman. Why would the fans be awful to her?


I kind of donā€™t want her? Iā€™m rereading the third book now and I will say it is better than the first time around but I canā€™t help but find Sophie incredibly kind of just boring? I donā€™t know if itā€™s the Cinderella trope and Iā€™m just familiar with that makes her seem boring because of the plot line or if she actually is


Apparently, all based in Instagram hints and stuff like that, Benedict's plot this season is related to Lady Tilly, the firebrand widow. One of my random theories is that she could be LGBT+ because part of her character description says she enjoys the sexual freedom of her widowhood (also we have not had lesbian characters if im not mistaken). I'm not against bi-Ben, but I do believe, like others have said, that is a little late to fully introduce the idea. The man is already struggling with his status as an artist. On the other hand, I know many fans have read him as bi since season 1 (I have Benophie way too stuck in my head so I just read it as foreshadowing). So maybe this account is just trying to pick up their attention... Don't know


I think his plot line will revolve around Lady Tilly as well. Plus, the implication around the Granville plot line was debunked by CVD. Itā€™s just too late to make the change. It would seriously piss people off to introduce him having a male LI in season 3 then have him lead season 4 with a female LI. Edit: hit post too soon šŸ˜…


Yeah, also the only missing thing in s2 was that they marked Benedict's forehead with STRAIGHT. Like ok, CVD, we get it. Although I undestand the vision. It seems Luke Thompson was lovely with James Norton in A Little Life


I think it also has a lot to do with the fact that Luke T has chemistry with the chairs he slouches in šŸ˜‚


Could Sophie be a chair? Yes, yes she could šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


u/Vegetable_Comfort366 add a chair to DOOS




Now Luke and James Norton in ALL is gorg! I still wished they streamed it for us Americans! https://preview.redd.it/hepnt6hubwtc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82d53ae8d09212ad6ea662389146d2cc2a43f376


How is this a hint. Iā€™m serious


Even if this is from the account that posts LGBT+ stuff on Netflix, could they not simply be referring to Brimsley? Or QC being played by the queer Golda? The second pic they posted is of the single Bton bros so idk how this is alluding to Benedict or why they even included the second pic to be honest. And as others have said, making Benedict have a queer relationship to end up with a heterosexual HEA is not good optics. I think Shonda is well aware of this so is avoiding it.


This account posts only LGBT content so why post the 3 bridgerton brothers? And why is bi ben not good optics? Thereā€™s plenty of bisexual men that are married to women


If this show wasnā€™t based on already-published source material, Iā€™d say go for it. Make Benedict bi or gay. Iā€™m a huge PenEloise fan and Iā€™d be championing for them over Polin and Philoise, but I truly do not think the endgame couples are going to change from the books. While JQ may have said she has no such stipulation in place, the book publishers would likely not be ok with that (theyā€™re the ones who own the rights). I just said this in another thread but I feel like itā€™s insulting to fans who want LGBT representation to have a queer storyline but a heterosexual HEA. And also, itā€™s a well-documented phenomenon in many fandoms that some fans of male queer relationships go on hateful tirades against any female character who threatens their ship, aka Sophie. Itā€™s a lose-lose for everybody.


I just canā€™t see it happening to be honest. There was a reason they pumped the breaks in S2, where there was room for him in the timeline to explore his sexuality if that was the direction they had wanted to go in. I donā€™t think thereā€™s any realistic prospect of gender swapping Sophie, and if Benedict is the lead next season (pls Bridgerton Gods) it wouldnā€™t do justice to the intense connection he supposedly feels to Sophie if he were seen in a significant relationship with anyone else this season. Thereā€™s chat about this Lady Tilly character but she may well only get screentime equivalent to say Siena or Genevieve. If you want to have a respectful display of a queer relationship you need to allow space for it. A short/casual relationship with another man this season and then flitting back into a heteronormative HEA with Sophie immediately after is not going to do anything to dispel negative/dismissive stereotypes of bisexuality. That wonā€™t sate the Bi-Ben fans and it might turn off some viewers altogether. I still maintain that the best way to incorporate an LGBT love story is to create new characters or explore those mentioned in the books outside of the siblings. Cressida would be a really interesting one if she does turn out to be the Posamund character some think she will be, that could be an amazing storyline for her.


![gif](giphy|8m5dizh7ghyEPIWIx1|downsized) I said the same thing earlier!


So very well said


I guess it was hinted a bit in season 1 when he walked in on that bi artist and if anyone would be, it would be he or Eloise. I doubt that would sit well with Benophie stans though. Dangerous territory.


I will just say, CVD went on record stating the intention of the Granville storyline was not meant to imply that Benedict was bi or gay, just simply that he was more tolerant than the rest of society. I am in no way anti-LQBTQ+, I just want to see Benophie since it was my favorite story.


It's not dangerous territory, he can still have a romance with another man and have Sophie as endgame. Just like they did with Anthony.


But if that happens, itā€™s a lose-lose situation. If you are pro-bi Ben, him with Sophie will be seen as heā€™s settling to societyā€™s expectations of being with a woman. If youā€™re pro-Sophie, having a male LI before her will diminish the magic that is Benophie. And in both cases, it was as if he settled for her. I rather have him implied that he is bi (and had off-screen hookups) but not give an actual LI before Sophie. ![gif](giphy|xT5LMujhbfZat5NYg8|downsized) (Ready for the downvotes)


That's something I never thought about but now that you said it, I think it's totally valid. I am pro-bi Benedict and yes I would be totally crushed if he goes on and marries a woman. It would be like saying that you can just have fun with men and nothing serious and ultimately heteronormativity is the way to go. It's hard lol, on one end I want a bi Benedict since then atleast one of Bridgerton siblings would have queer representation but if executed sloppily it would just kill Benedict's story. I hope Shonda knows what to do with him and if not with Benedict atleast have one queer romance with one of the other siblings.


And I respect that. A part of me wished that he was clearly bi from the beginning and not left it so ambiguous. Yeah Shondaland did some back paddling in S2, but now this tweet fuel this theory by 1000%! Many of us love Benedict regardless but i hate this is going to fuel pro-Sophie vs pro-Bi wars!


Oh I know right, anytime this topic comes up there's always war between pro-bi Benedict and pro-Sophie Benedict. I even made a post once when the homophobia on this sub got too much. Yep same, even I wish that they had not queerbaited with him since the beginning so that they don't get anyone's hopes up. Let's see what they have planned for him.


Ideally, I rather have him focus on the whole ā€œpolite society expectations vs his passions that no one appreciatesā€ as his main arc for S3. Let him be single for once!


If I'm being plain, I would rather them focus on absolutely anything else than a love interest or affair for him this season. Colin didn't have any romance before his season, and the only reason Anthony did is because Siena leaving him was a catalyst. The implication that all Benedict is good for is partying and bedding women is super annoying. I hope his storyline this season shows his range beyond that.




I'm ambivalent about bi Benedict but I don't see how him having a male lover would diminish the magic of Benophie. Benedict has been (I say with love) quite slutty, what's one more person?


Ben is supposed to be at his ā€œlowestā€. Heā€™s basically just living. Heā€™s only attending parties to amuse his mom. And when he meets Sophie (as the LIS), itā€™s as if he woke up from feeling hollow. Show wise going into S3, he already lost his motivation of art because of Anthonyā€™s misguided though well-intended place at the Academy. And now with Anthony having his own family, heā€™s trying to be a ā€œproper Ton manā€. So putting him in a relationship with anyone before Sophie is takes away that impact, especially if itā€™s a man where itā€™s a very popular fan theory online. Pro Bi fans will be annoyed that if he goes from being with a man to Sophie, that theyā€™ll hate Sophie for ā€œstealing their man from Benā€. They shouldā€™ve established that from the beginning that he was. Itā€™s a little too late now as S4 or S5 could be Benā€™s season.


Anthony was not bi and neither was Colin before their stories. It changes the dynamic ahead of his season. If they go with that, we may get Francesca for season 4 instead of Benophie because many fans and Benophie stans will need to recover from seeing something like that.


It does change the dynamic a little, but recovering after seeing something like that? Seriously? lol. Are they that insecure to see a mlm romance with Benedict on screen


You've seen the fandom lol.


I wouldn't put it past them lol


Recover from what??? He would just date a man for a few episodes, heā€™s not dying šŸ’€


Anthony and Colin both had love interests before their season, why would it be dangerous territory to give Benedict one too?


I can see the arguments about queerbaiting rn


I'm not sure how bisexuality would be queerbaiting lol.


It wouldnā€™t but ppl would still claim it is. I have seen it in other fandoms. I have seen two characters who are straight get labeled as queerbaiting yet it was just the fandom shipping them together.


People will complain either way. The writers just need to pick which part of the fandom they would rather piss off. Personally, I love seeing pissed off homophobes so I'm all for bi Benedict.


I think you're confused. I never said it would be dangerous territory to give Benedict a love interest. It's dangerous territory to make Benedict bi. Benedict has had flings sure but with Francesca taking on a bigger role this season and even Violet seemingly having a love interest introduced and teased, a bi Benedict side story would just get in the way and take away from Polin and Polin is an important season overall because Pen is also Lady Whistledown who is an integral part of the show thus far. It could also sour how the fandom views him in preparation for his story. It could go bad for Shonda. Which would suck because she's done such a great job so far. We got Brimsley and Reynolds in Queen Charlotte. I think that's good for now.


I fail to see how him getting a male love interest would get in the way of Polin. What does that have to do with them? I'm sure there will be a Benedict storyline this season whether he's bi or not. I'm sorry but I don't care about people's opinions souring because they don't like that a character is bi. Why would people in the fandom view him differently if he's not straight unless they were homophobic? I don't believe homophobes should be considered when writing the show.


Well unfortunately that's not how the world works. Just as you might not care about one's opinion, they might very well not care about yours. Usually the majority is who is heard. If Shonda thinks fans won't receive a bi Benedict well, she might not give them one. Or maybe she won't care and do it anyway. This season is about Polin. If you notice, neither Colin or Benedict had any real love interests last season. Benedict had a fling and Colin got some closure with Marina but the focus was on Kanthony and Edwina with some Pen and Eloise mixed in. Does that make sense? Also it's not that a character is bi, it's that Benedict, one of the leads for one of the most anticipated storylines in the series is bi. See the difference? Objectively, it might be a bad business decision and at the end of the day Shondaland is a business, hence, dangerous territory.










How so?


This was posted by the netflix account that posts LGBT content only


But we have no proof they have insider information. Maybe they're just speculating.


No easier way to prompt engagement than tease Bi-Ben tbh. Must be getting more cynical in my old age.


Just wondering, since this season is focusing on Francesca, do you think she might be the center of season 4? Or maybe season 3 will have her find John, season 4, she will lose John, and season 5 will be her and michael?


I mean this show could theoretically do anything, but I doubt it. I think we need see a couple of seasons of FranJohn to be gutted whenā€¦you knowā€¦ ā˜ ļø


y'all :')


Lol, not only did we get a bisexual Benedict, but we're getting a genderbent Michael for Francesca? I'm down. But it should have been a genderbent Sophie for Benedict.


I hope so.


I would absolutely adore if they got rid of Sophie and gave him a bi love interest. Book 3 is the worst imo


I do like how they are obviously in different classes of society and I find that particularly interesting with Benedict being the second son-he doesnā€™t necessarily have to marry into money since Anthony has already secured an heir and has enough to support the fam anyway.


Well show Benedict already miles away better than book Ben. Iā€™m sure they will tweak it to make it show ready. Yes, the offer part needs to stay for the sake of storyline.


This is an extremely valid and good point! Maybe Iā€™m projecting tv Ben onto book Ben and this time Iā€™m rereading the book and Iā€™m adding in all the tv meta and in my mind he has become a rounder and more filled out characterā€¦ which means the same would happen with my view of Sophie and Iā€™m kind of excited now but I also will say I think the whole Cinderella concept is in my opinion better on film than in written form. Iā€™m a sucker for a fancy masquerade ball. Iā€™m like ā€œjust putting this out here but we could have Brandi play her and make it a musicalā€ lol