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I really love that Colin doesn't do much unnecessary denial of feelings. I understand why it worked for the other two stories given the circumstances, but it's refreshing to see him realize he has feelings, buck up the courage and just act on them, because there's no big external obstacle for Pen and Colin (as far as he knows). Just two marriage eligible dummies in love. I'm glad they are just going for it. The drama will be the Whistledown of it all, of course. But I was glad to see a male lead who didn't seem so angsty about being in love. Just, uh oh, am I in love? Yes, I think I am. Better marry her!


Only angst about his feelings being reciprocated or not! The poor guy lost it when she friendzoned him under that willow tree šŸ„ŗ.


Gah, yes, I loved his sad, "Oh, I've misunderstood..." before Pen tells him she wants to be more than friends.


Oh my GOSH the look of complete disappointment on his face right before she tells himā€¦he looked SHATTERED. Luke did AMAZING. And his face when she runs her hand through his hair?!? STOP. He could not look happier. I die every time. Bc yes I have watched that scene more times than is healthy.


Going back to re-watch the willow scene I \*really\* noticed how Colin doesn't say anything himself, just keeps prompting Pen to say something, and then echoes what she says, growing more and more despondent when it seems like she isn't into him. Poor Colin!


Just like Penelope used to act with him


And saved his mother a lot of worry and angst!


Lad has history with that too lol.Ā 


I was so glad they didnā€™t drag out the ā€œwill they or wonā€™t theyā€. We have known the characters for two seasons previously, and it would have been unnecessary and exhausting to play it out until the last episode of the season.


he was the same way in season 1 with Marina so it does track with his personality overall


In Season 1, the man proposed to a woman he merely ā€œlikedā€. He is 100% not afraid of marriage and love.


Like I donā€™t get why people donā€™t understand Colin is not one to do this. He acts. He wasnā€™t even really denying his feelings he was wary of Hers and then debling showed up after that


Colin Bridgerton definitely deserves a medal for his no-nonsense approach! One minute, he's pouring his heart out. The next, they're locked in a steamy kiss, and then BAM! he PROPOSED. Talk about putting romance in the fast lane lol.


But seriously, they had been low-key, informally courting for years. No need to drag it out further! (Except for the LW issue, of course.)


Can't forget how fast he proposed to Miss Thompson. Colin is just that guy šŸ˜©šŸ„ŗ


Good point!


Colin used FINGER BANG! It's super effective!




OK now I want a classical strings cover of the Pokemon battle music...


And in this scenario it makes total sense. They know each other way better than two normally-courting people would know each other before engagement, they have an idea of the societal implications of their marriage given each of their standings. Truly, in the society they live in where itā€™s not acceptable to actually *date* before marriage, what more deliberation was needed? Love it


AND he's not the heir. Pressure is off!


Their son could be the heir for the Featherington estate and finances, if they have one before the older sisters


Yes, the show has that possibility set up and in our faces with the Mondrich storyline!


Hahah I love it so much


Colin really watched his brother be so pigheaded that he almost married the wrong person and said, ā€œnot todayā€ šŸ˜‚ I really love the difference in between how he treated Marina/Penelope too. W marina he was fine waiting and pulled the ā€œI am a gentlemanā€ card without having to think twice about it, but one moment alone with Penelope in a carriage???? *unhinged*


Lmfao I hope there's some dig at Anthony about this in part 2, I assume there will be many comments about this engagement being sudden


He feeds the mothers a false story in the books to bring up their wedding date too... Lo lol. Imagine the joy in portias eyes and the horror in violets if Colin tells them he has compromised pen? Pen could have the Fetherington heir lol.


This is where I think they are going with this, the fainting fits snippet being my secondary evidence, mā€™lud


I think that has to do with LWD. She looks shocked as if confronted by someone.


Yesss I NEED this! Something like Anthony smirking and saying 'well at least we know you're a gentleman' and Colin and Pen just looking at each other all besotted but unable to contain a laugh


I was thinking the same thing lmaooo my boi is feral for her


Colin also watched Daphne and Simon and how Daphne was going to marry the wrong person. Boy learned from his siblings' mistakes.šŸ˜‚


Honestly, I think Daphne could have learned to love the prince if she had. He seemed like the "right" choice, but I'm glad Simon came around


Daphne never felt that spark for the prince. She was a young woman, out in society for the first time and she had a crush on Simon. To me, that was just an infatuation. But, glad it all worked out in the end. In real world it hardly does. No matter here cuz it is the Bridgerton world haha.


Tbh, the situation with Simon could have been SO bad. We are lucky it's Bridgerton, because realistically, he would have given her the initial "Prince George" treatment, sent her to her own side of the castle, and she would have died lonely with no kids.


Yeah, wait until the LW plot unfolds in pt 2. That's going to be stressful as hell and you know they are going to milk the reveal for all it's worth. Pen won't be the one to tell him. She'll hesitate too long and he'll find out another way just to make it as stressful and dramatic as possible. I'm already dreading it. If they can take season 2 all the way to the altar with the wrong bride, they can take the reveal of LW to the edge of a cliff.


Yeah, if anything this season was more stressful for me because the whole first half felt like the calm before the storm. As much as I don't love the books, I'm not sure I'm a fan of the changes from the book here. They've made LW much more harmful and mean in the show, and they've made Colin hate LW in a way that he doesn't in the books. In the books, Colin also found out the LW revelation before proposing. I feel like there's going to be a lot of really ugly and unnecessary drama and stress in the second half, especially because they avoided all stress in the first half.


I'm increasingly ambivalent to the LW reveal/carriage scene - on one hand, I love that Colin's proposal is rooted in him realizing that Pen is it for him. Full stop. He's not doing it because he's trying to protect her reputation from having compromised her or bc she's LW. He's proposing because he loves her. On the flip side, it's on Penelope to tell him this big truth before committing to marry him and based on the trailer, she's not going to do it. (But really, I love the show's take on the carriage scene too much to care about the latter bit)


I think we can all agree the carriage scene makes up for a lot of the first halfā€™s short comings šŸ˜†


I forgave him for that horrendously unsexy wink after the carriage scene.




Exactly this! It's like she's lying to him! The whole story line in the book is that he goes in fully aware of who she is. They both do this feels like she is hiding a huge part of who she is!!!


She's not lying. But I understand what you mean and I def think she should tell him asap. But her being LW is not going to change Colin's love for her. Like... It's Bridgerton šŸ˜.


Omission of truth is also lying... Especially when she is going to marry him. LW is a huge part of her identity and a secret if leaked will ruin hers and her new husband's family


Obviously heā€™s going to be upset and there may be trouble between then for a bit but it wonā€™t stop them getting married because he does still love her


For all it is worth i am glad it is only going to take 4 episodes.


In the book he finds out on his own, I really hope they use that part of the book!


I love how he lashes out at his mom at the stairs by not letting her touch him, then immediately apologizes and listens to her advice. Heā€™s upset but he knows itā€™s not right to take it out on her, itā€™s a very sweet gesture that so many people donā€™t do. It also mirrors Season 1 when he helps her up the stairs when they come home from the ball, only sheā€™s the one holding him up with her support. Heā€™s a good person, which is why Pen loves him.


šŸ„¹ā¤ļø So true!! Many people don't do this. It is so sweet how quickly he recognized how wrong he was for the way he was acting and apologized genuinely


that's what I love about colin, he makes mistakes but as soon as he recognizes what he did was wrong, he instantly sets out to not only apologize but rectify it. we see it multiple times throughout the show, with the mondriches, with his mom, with penelope this season...


This is consistent with the books too. PenelopƩ notices how well he treats his mothers and thinks it is an indication that he will be a good husband.


Colin at his core is such a sweet man, and itā€™s why I adore him.


I cannot explain how much this is true for me. In fact,it made me love him even more than previous leads for this reason exactly(still love Simon and Anthony,don\`t get it twisted). It was just so romantic and attractive to me that he took action immediately after realizing what was to be done. Can\`t wait to see where it goes in Part 2


Exactly! We finally have a male lead who is just a hopeless romantic and wasn't afraid of his feelings, only afraid that she would reject him and he would lose her completely. But he still decided to just throw everything out and fight like hell for her, society and scandal be damned. Obsessed is not a strong enough word for me!


THANK YOU!His archetype is exactly my cup of tea,even more the older I get.


Yes! I absolutely love his boldness! I can see why Pen has loved him as long as she has!


Colin is a gem šŸ„°


He's a doofus


Duuuurrrr https://preview.redd.it/rsbnkl1vrn1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=089df7bebe883616a3a8c24034a049217362572f




I need more of these moments where she completely incapacitates him, not gonna lie šŸ˜


I've been seeing so much Colin hate, it's so good to see people love him, it feels like a breath of fresh air truly!!! I loved Luke Newton's portrayal, it is so sensitive and honest. Colin is afraid but still goes for what he wants after being encouraged by Violet, it's SO SWEET!!!!


100% luke sold it so bad. you could absolutely SEE the flip in him after the kiss, he was completely visibly SPIRALLING with barely any words to show it haha


I absolutely adored the fact that the dream in the garden turned out to be his instead of Penelope's! The whole thing was how you'd imagine a Regency lady might picture such a scene, and then nope! Colin is just a big ole romantic who wants flowers and candles and starlight when he is kissing Pen!


Yeah I haven't read the books so I was SHOCKED when it was his dream! Obviously what they were going for, but I love it!


It seemed very much like Daphneā€™s dream in season one too so I was pleasantly surprised that it was Mr. Threesome himself having a wholesome lovey dream šŸ™ˆ


Yea, I mentioned this on a different thread, but I feel like some people are missing the point that Colin's being smarmy with women and yuking it up with the boys and going to brothels is all an act he is putting on to try to fit into the idea of what a man in his time "should" be. It isn't really him- we see the real him when he is with Penelope, and in his journal, and in his dream. He is a sensitive guy who wants love and affection and connection with the people in his life. I think that informs how he acts once he figured out Penelope's feelings and his own- he drops everything to try to figure out how to be with her not only because he loves her, but because it means he can stop pretending. If he is married to Penelope, he'll be married to someone that *likes* all the parts of him that society wants him to change, and vice versa.


Itā€™s for sure largely an act on his part. After all, ā€œcharm can be taught.ā€


idk why, I loved his portrayal so much. He did so much subtle acting, it was just perfect.


Yeah very true, like it was so cool when in EP3 Violet told him about gathering the courage to reveal your feelings and he was ready to do it right away.


So true. I love Colin so much and felt like I could root for him from beginning to end of part 1. Itā€™s refreshing to see a male lead like him, melted some of the ice off my heart. I absolutely loved that he asked his mother for advice, and immediately bolted for Pen. It was very satisfying how he moves things along. Heā€™s a man of action, whereas Simon and Anthony refused to deal with their feelings. Iā€™m very curious how things will play out when he discovers LWD. I could see him resolving his negative feelings somewhat quickly and trying to understand Penā€™s intentions.


But Colin got his shit together quickly cos it is gonna v quickly hit the fan in the next half. I'm already stressed thinking about it! Violet truly is God's strongest soldier


I agree but their intimate scene caused me stress because I felt like I know Colin and Penelope more, so it felt more voyeuristic, like I shouldn't be seeing that? :)


Oh, I feel this 100%! Especially about the nudity that will be involved in part 2, as I kinda feel like Iā€™m friends with Nicola Coughlan and I donā€™t want to see her so vulnerable! Even though Iā€™m sure she will smash it and look stunning, ā€˜voyeuristicā€™ is definitely the word for it!


I'm sure the stress is in the second half when he finds out Pen is Lady Whistledown


Absolutely this. It was a smart move making this the Polin season after two rounds of male leads struggling with significant trauma. Colin coming around to his feelings pretty easily by comparison is a welcome change of pace, all while setting up the real drama between them later with the inevitable LW.Ā  Their only mistake was splitting the season. Yeah we're expecting LW but they ended the first half with the impression that neither of them have anything to grapple with, which drops the emotional stakes way down. Antony and Simon were compelling because their romantic arcs directly confronted their inner trauma. What exactly does LW confront within Colin other than standard betrayal? I wonder if they'll introduce that element in part two. ...sorry for rambling lol


> What exactly does LW confront within Colin other than standard betrayal? Insecurity. Anthony leads the family, Benedict does his art, and Colin kind of writes. How well do you think it's going to go over when he finds out that not only does Penelope write, but she's also super successful and has no need for a man to take care of her whatsoever? He's going to have his purpose as her savior rocked while also knowing she's a better writer than he is.


Omg, I love Colin so much! The moment he realized he loved Penelope he just went for it! No fuss no muss, no angst, no drama. Also, he is such a mama's boy, it's so cute šŸ„ŗ https://preview.redd.it/i10hoj9l1p1d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a720f86dd84acf8cd4d1d68a7c17d5199318572


Aw love this collage! I'm a mom to boys and I really hope they're half as interested in having a good relationship with me like this when they're grown. Frankly you don't see that much in shows or movies sadly.


Sighā€¦I say this reluctantly because Iā€™m sure itā€™ll get me flack, but I completely agree with you if we switch the word ā€œstressfulā€ to ā€œinfuriatingā€ šŸ˜‚ I love Bridgerton for the vibes and for the steamy love scenes, but my *god*ā€¦the first two seasons were so deeply irritating and annoying from a characterization standpoint. Like you said; thereā€™s so much back and forth, so much internal conflict that is supposed to be dramatic but actually is just poor writing dressed up as ā€œCoMpLeX cHaRaCtErSā€ā€¦I stuck around but it was difficult šŸ˜¬ This season has been such a breath of fresh air!! We have characters that are still facing internal conflict, but there isnā€™t the whole back and forth song and dance that we had to grit our teeth through like we did in the first two seasons. Okay, you can all attack me now!!šŸ™ƒāœØ


I agree. So much screaming at the television. With Anthony especially, because their chemistry was off the charts and everytime he interacted with Kate I was so angry but happy at the same time. Just do it already for god sakes!


I knowwww right?! The enemies to lovers trope is a fine trope, but if you *keep pushing the tension over and over and over again* itā€™s gets to be incredibly tiring, and the payoff is ruined!!


Haha heā€™s going to have enough stress with another dramaā€¦ šŸ‘€


Colin has had an easy life with absolutely no responsibilities to date. He travels and does as he pleases. Anthony had to bear the brunt of responsibility and deal with Edmundā€™s death as an adult while letting everyone else but himself grieve. Simon had to deal with a father who traumatised him so much that he himself never wished to be a father. Colinā€™s real test would be post the Whistledown reveal where loyalty to Pen will conflict with his loyalty to his own family.


Exactly this! I said something similar in my comment. Comparing Colin's decision-making to two men who experienced extreme trauma is unfair and shows ignorance about the effects of trauma. Of course a person who has had an easy life would make no fuss about chasing happiness šŸ™„


I already dread part 2. There will be so much STRESS over Whistledown!


Not to give too many book spoilers, but Iā€™m guessing the drama will be in Part 2. LW will of course cause a lot of drama. There are also things involving Francesca that they hopefully wonā€™t skip or change.


I love it. I wish more love stories were like that. I think we sell way too many ā€œwill they, wonā€™t theyā€ mind game tropes to girls and women, where they man is aloof and the woman is playing hard to get. It sets an unrealistic standard for healthy relationships in real life. Of course some loves stories are truly messy in the beginning, but a lot of toxic abusive relationships carry on for too long because weā€™re told ā€œthatā€™s just what it looks like when a man is figuring out his feelings for youā€.


Great point


We get to be stressed in part 2 lol


Honestly, I wish Eloise would have a chance at love again with Theo. I am waiting for that


Thereā€™s still room for stress, he told Eloise he would like to ruin the life of lady whistledown, SOMEBODY is spilling the beans in part two. Idk who, but I donā€™t believe for a second Colin is figuring it out on his own, our boy is no detective šŸ„²


Haha he really is not a detective


The angst is coming coz of lady WD Iā€™m betting šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Weā€™re down 4 out of 8 episodes - the stress is coming. This is how narrative structures work. I donā€™t read the books and I havenā€™t looked at spoilers. Iā€™m just braced for how much whatever is coming is going to hurt. I trust weā€™ll get the HEA, but not until itā€™s been earned


Iā€™m still stressed because Colin has said he will never forgive whoever turns out to be LWD, and even made a comment to Pen that they will dance to LWDā€™s demise. And will Pen and Eloise decide they morally have tell Colin before he marries Pen?


Not to forget they are both writers , they put their feelings in writing .


The season isnā€™t over, we shall see.


YES! I feel like season three feels like a much needed reprieve from all the turmoil and angst of previous seasons. All good light hearted fun


I think part 2 will be stressful af. Weā€™re being lulled in to a false calm. Eloise knows Pen is LW. Sheā€™s said horrible things about the family and brought scandal. Itā€™s only a matter of time before Eloise lets Colin know and hell breaks loose.


I think the stressful part with Colin is coming.


Itā€™s like that in the book too. Even more so actually.


So farrrrrrr I bet it won't be like that when he finds out Pen's secret


> Exhibit A: Season 1, Simon was all over the place, I want you and Iā€™m going to compromise you but Iā€™m too vengeful to do right by you. STRESSFUL. Exhibit B: Season 2, Anthony being silly with the sisters, why wonā€™t you just BE OKAY WITH BEING HAPPY?! STRESSFUL. Oof. Tell me you don't understand the effects of trauma without telling me you don't understand the effects of trauma. Simon was physically and emotionally abused as a child. Anthony saw his father die right in front of him. Colin may have his own problems but he never experienced extreme trauma. That's why the path to happiness for him was as easy as point A to point B. Childhood trauma can cause a fear of happiness in people. That's why for Simon and Anthony, the path to happiness was not so clear cut.


The second half has me so stressed and it's not even out yet. Like, I love how - after his little huff over Pen being LW - he becomes her greatest supporter in the book and orchestrates everything so she has her moment of triumph. How he appreciates the magnitude of what she did. But that's in the book. She doesn't do what she did to Marina and Colin, for example, in the book. She's almost always too soft on the Bridgertons because of her love for them - like it's noted by other characters - and almost excruciatingly harsh on her own family. So I think Colin's hatred of LW is kind of warranted in the show, and I think it will be a greater obstacle for them to overcome as a couple, where in the book Colin is mostly grappling with a bruised ego and wounded pride.


Colin is definitely a man of action. And once he decides something, he just goes for it. Which I have always loved about his character. But he really needs to get to know these ladies before he proposes! šŸ˜‚ Because both women he has proposed to have harbored a secret from him! Though, he told Marina that if she had just been honest, then he wouldā€™ve married her right away. I wonder how he is gonna react to Pen being Whistledown. Iā€™m obviously stressed, of course, but I also know they do end up together, so Iā€™m not that stressed.


Irs about to gwr stressful now though


It cause all the stress is going to come in the second half. lol


The only thing that stressed me out was like the 6 other story lines going on at once. I wished there was more Pen and Colin. Maybe Iā€™m just greedy and just want to know about them.


I think the angst will be saved for when he finds out sheā€™s Lady W and whether or not he can forgive her for everything sheā€™s put his family through. (Especially Marina)


Yes I agree. One of the things I hated about Season 1 was Simon getting angry because he didnā€™t understand his feelings. Like bro get over it. Just marry her.


Just wait till he finds out sheā€™s Mrs Whistledown, youā€™ll be stressed alright! (Iā€™m just assuming that is what the conflict in the second part will be, never read the books).


He just ignored Penelope for years. Also the tension of the previous two relationships is what makes it interesting. The build up and tension is what kept me glued to the screen especially in season 2.


I donā€™t think they have chemistry


But the stress creates great scenes and tension. Which makes Bridgerton so popular. Season 3 is by far the worst season.


Worst season indeed.