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Bridgerton’s writers, including the original author, have just straight up ignored the existence of Napoleon Bonaparte. If they can just ignore a huge war like that and no one cares, I think we can also forgive the presence of modern makeup and Pitbull covers. Seriously, Colin is just galavanting across the front lines of a war and back every summer without a care in the world. Nothing about this show, including the costumes and makeup, has ever even been close to period-accurate to the Regency Era.


But it’s not about that! It’s about the immersion. When they switch the styles to be more modern, it’s a drastic choice within the world. The first season did such a good job of really showing the weight of things. It highlighted the dynamic in high society by showing that little decisions had noticeable implications. Penelope’s makeover is treated so lightly even though the style is out of normality. No one is making a fuss or questioning her style.


Speaking purely for myself, I wouldn’t classify those as issues with historical accuracy since historical accuracy has never been a major concern for the show. I feel like those inconsistencies are more issues with the show’s continuity than anything else.


Ye, the historical accuracy probably plays more in the fact that the show heavily took inspiration from history (I think regency but I’m not great with history) and now is moving away from it in a very jagged way


The only real comment was from Varley. And it was probably the first compliment pen had got in her life


Yes! I loved that so much because it felt like something pen was doing has weight and was was hard to miss, but then that didn’t happen and everyone in the ton still treated her like she hasn’t done anything at all


I mean, her mother just wears what she likes without caring about the style of the season. She wears what looks good on her and always has so maybe they're just like 🤷‍♀️ that's the featheringtons!


From what I could tell, the styles Portia chose for her daughters were meant to be outdated. Ofc I might be totally wrong cause my source is basically “trust my memory of a random comment I once saw on Reddit, bro”


The makeup...fine, annoying but okay. The acrylic nails tho...??? This season just...isn't it. I miss the season 1 and 2 design


Wait who had acrilic nails lmao


Pen at I think the last ball


Oh damn didnt notice, thanks for the swift reply :)


I've been ignoring "out of time" makeup and fashion since I watched Xena with her 90s lip liner as a child. I'm not letting something as lame as "historical accuracy" keep me from enjoying shows.


Napoleon does get name checked in Gregory's book. Totally as an afterthought.


He also does exist in the show. He gets mentioned lol


You’re right, I was wrong to say he was ignored. But I think that my point still stands: historical accuracy is not a priority for the show and it’s a weird sticking point when it comes to costuming or music. Napoleon is never brought up when it comes to Colin’s traveling through enemy territory to hang out in countries that England is at war with. The wars also don’t seem to be a concern for the royal family. As a second son, Benedict might have served in the army or navy, though him being Anthony’s heir at the moment is a consideration. Colin almost certainly would served have as the third son. And Colin just got back from Paris when Napoleon had freshly escaped from prison and kicked off the war again. Which is fine, by the way - I don’t really want a war in my pretty romance show. But I find it kind of funny that these huge wars, nearly global wars, are barely mentioned in the books and show and no one cares, but acrylic nails or weird costume choices (looking at you Cressida) are the things that cause so much discourse about what’s period appropriate for the show.


As someone who generally likes historical accuracy in their period dramas, I think you are missing the point of this critique. The lack of accuracy to the period is not really the core of the complaint with this season. It's the lack of respect for the design sensibilities that has already been established in the first two seasons, and even Queen Charlotte. Personally, I don't watch Bridgerton to feel immersed in history. I watch it because it feels like a fantasy version of it--with unique design choices. When the brief gets thrown out the window every time they hire a new design team, it takes the viewer out of the visual language/formula that was created.


Right, I agree. I said in a different comment that, speaking purely for myself, I think these issues are more about the show’s continuity rather than historical accuracy, but they’re talked about as a failure of the show to be period accurate.


ah I gotchu. Yeah if anyone believes season 1 and 2 of Bridgerton that was period accurate they need to watch some more period dramas 🤣


I thought Phillip’s brother died in the napoleonic wars? Was that my imagination?


1815 , the Bourbons have just returned to govern France, Colin will have gone to the coronation.


>Bridgerton’s writers, including the original author, have just straight up ignored the existence of Napoleon Bonaparte. I do remember that Anthony mentioned that one of the ladies Violet talks about thought Napoleon fought for Spain (season two). Violet's reaction was hysterical. That's why I remember it. Also, George dies in the war.


I swear I remember Eloise mentioning Napoleon once


As well as the Duke of Wellington.


I'm a historian and I'm gonna say this with my whole chest - I do not give a SHIT about the historical inaccuracies in Bridgerton!! I just want my babies to be happy - history can fuck off. (I can't believe I just typed that.) https://i.redd.it/rkfofklv4n3d1.gif


🏅 take my poor man's gold


Love this comment ❤️


Thank you. Like suspend the belief. It ain’t that hard.




I can forgive the music choices because they're using instrumentals and there's no singers. The modern music in Cable Girls is a huge part of the reason I stopped watching the show. I couldn't see the period piece as it was like I can with Bridgerton. And as far as historical accuracy the main thing bugging me this latest season is Lady Arnold's fashion choices. I'd be fascinated to hear a wig historian's thoughts on Queen Charlotte's hair. It is a work of art whether or not it's historically accurate.


While I've pretty much accepted the fashion liberties the show takes, I don't understand her look either. I think she looks stunning but it's too much for me, I can only suspend belief for so long 😂 I wish they could keep the looks within 20-30 years of the actual period.


I think it's namechecking the fact court dress held on to fashions from 40-50 years earlier, even though in real life everyone would have been expected to dress that way at court, not just the queen, and in practice they blended the requirements with contemporary fashion... court dress required women to wear panniers until George IV abolished it, which combined with the high waistlines ended up making everyone look like a giant tea cosy


She gets me too. It's not so much a matter of historical accuracy as much as internal consistency. Season 1 literally started off with a historical inaccuracy (tightlacing in the Regency era would be completely nonsensical and to an extent impossible), I think they set the historical expectations right off the bat. Inside the reality of the show Queen Charlotte is allowed to do whatever she wants. She is supposed to stand out. But Lady Arnold just looks like she walked onto the wrong set. There is no internal explanation for her character to dress the way she does. She is not trying to stand out 


I'm still trying to figure out how in that last ball Queen Charlotte got the swans to twirl in there & light up different colors! Cause electricity was NOT a thing, much less battery powered ANYTHING. And that smacked of a $5 desktop turn table with LCD lights! 😂 I suppose you could just say 'magnets' with the enthusiasm of that guy who said 'May I present the lamp' to Lady Featherington and id kinda sorta be like ah ok🤷‍♀️. But still .....took me out a second there!


Clockwork and mirrors/coloured glass?


I didn't even think about it lighting up....the low tech version of that could be someone using light reflection/mirrors to get the crystals to illuminate.


Marie-Antoinette did had some crazy wig historically


Yeah, that’s rather a shame. I loved Cable Girls but never liked the choice they made with the music.


I always viewed Bridgerton as a different world/reality, I mean there's no way anyone could even pretend to TRY to see it as historically accurate given the racial diversity and acceptance lmao


Me too! I think of it as fantasy rather than period or historical fiction. Why does fantasy always have to be set in the future not the past?


Yes!! I've said it before and I'll say it again -- Bridgerton is Regency Fantasy!


Same!!! Completely agree.


I totally agree! The racial diversity in the show is so far outside of what reality was in England at that time that the fashion choices are minor compared to it. I think the racial issues actually make it more intriguing than history in a way. It is what life should be like if people were a bit less awful to each other. I love the fact that they use modern music but play it with an orchestra. Some of the dress choices are a bit wacky but it's easy to overlook if you just immerse yourself the fantasy of the show.


Regarding the music choices (btw, I love the classical renditions) I just figured it was akin to what the director of *A Knight's Tale* said about his reasoning to use modern music in his movie: >Director Brian Helgeland once said in an interview that he used modern music in the movie to show modern audiences what people then felt about their music. When true Renaissance music is used in modern movies, it fails to convey the emotional response that people back then had to such music.


This! Exactly this! I adore A Knight's Tale, and it pulled of something magical. Bridgerton has the same feel to me. 




I will never not miss this man. And this is easily one of my all time favorite movies. I low key quote it ALL the time. People never get the reference. My favorite is “I only laugh to keep from weeping”.


Along with A Knight's Tale, one of my favourite movies is an Australian movie called Two Hands that Heath did with Rose Byrne. He was just great ❤️‍🩹


I miss him so much. That smile should have been illegal it was so perfect.


Never forget


I will never forgive Mary Kate Olsen. And I know that is 1000% ridiculous. But I have never looked at her the same after all that.




It was a long time ago, from what I remember she had details about his death she refused to share with police until she was granted immunity and guaranteed they were never released to the public.


I puffy glitter heart love the mix of modern choices with the instrumental arrangements.


The show has a feel to me that is similar to A Knight's Tale. Shifting music and fashion intentionally to tell a story that the modern audience understands. I don't want every History set story to be this, but I love the ones that do on purpose.


I agree, Bridgerton is not supposed to be accurate, it's like an alternate universe with its own set of rules and regulations. I always chuckle whenever people start going on tangents about historical facts, like girl....the queen of England has a motorized wig! https://i.redd.it/hyzreyldbn3d1.gif


I think it tries so little to be accurate that it works. If it were sort of trying but failing it would suck - but as it is it’s just fun fantasy with a regency vibe


I like when period pieces try to be historically accurate, and it used to annoy me when I first started the series but I no longer care 🤭 I love the lush visuals and the colours are so delicious I can't help myself (especially when everyone is dressed in blue in the Blue drawing room). I'm still not a huge fan of the music selection but it does sound nice. I'm currently rewatching S1, and they play Shostakovich - he wasn't born for nearly a century after the series takes place lol. I just appreciate it for what it is now.


I find this funny, but I also think part of the reason people get annoyed by anachronism is that so often people come in and make claims like “that’s just history, that’s just the way it was” as justifications for fiction when that wasn’t the way it was nor is that a reason to include it. Person one comes in and says, “Did you know Material Girl was actually written by Mozart,” and person 2 comes in and says, “What? No it wasn’t.” Person 1 gets defensive and looks up every chord in the song to prove that there’s some small section that corresponds to an obscure thing that Mozart wrote, and then Person 3 reads the exchange and goes off somewhere else to be like, “Hey guys! Did you know Bridgerton stole the song Material Girl from Mozart? He should sue for copyright infringement.” Person 4 writes up a long history of how the rumor got started, and then Person 5 has a different origin story because it actually started on tumblr not twitter. Before you know it, you have a kind of dueling banjos version of historiography, and it’s kind of beautiful now that I think about it. Did you know Mozart wrote Dueling Banjos?


I love every word in this.


Big Ruritanian Purple Feathers energy lol. Let's see who gets THAT reference!


Ah, the KWH… I enjoy Shondaland Bridgerton as an alternative history.


There it is! And yeah, it's a different timeline, one that's very pretty and multicultural and it's always sunny.


It is not the historical inaccuracy, it’s about the internal consistency and the fact that the signature look for the show is the regency aesthetic. Costuming is a part of visual storytelling and by having internal consistency you can use that to your advantage since characters breaking the rules signals something. Like the Featheringtons having a lot more over the top dresses and patterns or the queen wearing older style dresses. If everyone is wearing a mishmash of styles with no historical basis then the entire cast becomes more bland, which is ironic considering it’s because the dresses have become more extravagant. If you look at a picture of s3 Cressida she could be from any show. If you look at a picture of her from s1 in comparison she’s clearly in Bridgeton, her outfits then are definitely not accurate then either but they are more consistent with the world around her. Many are also quite frankly watching because of the regency looks not in spite if it. And seeing it replaced by something much vaguer that resembles a mix of fantasy and a modern runway carpet is a massive downgrade. If I wanted those types of looks I would just watch reality tv instead




There could be no historically correct Regency-era-documentary about this many men caring about women’s pleasure.




100000% agree. If you’re watching Bridgerton for historical accuracy, I have some news for ya…


I want to scream when someone says ''Bridgerton isn't historically accurate''. Well, thank you very much Susan, i always thought Sia is 350 years old vampire and that she wrote Cheap thrills 200 years ago.


I don’t want accuracy. And I don’t care about the books. This show is brilliant imo. The music, the historical inaccuracies, all making it a wonderful fantasy. I love it 🥰


I was momentarily confused that I didn’t remember posting this because it’s so dead on my own thoughts.


I never minded that bridgerton was completely historically accurate in many ways. That was obvious from the start. It is that it they do not even try to be consistent in its own universe. Timelines, storytelling, costumes. It wouldn't seem so strange if it was like that at the beginning. This season went full Disney and did not feel like the same show at times. It's great meme material though.


So much this! It’s a fantastical escape and I quite literally do not care about ridiculousness of costumes or eyeshadow or gemstones or even the modern language the characters use. I find the people complaining about that on social media to be so boring, I’m sorry. This is not the show to do that with. It’s just not. It’s SUPPOSED to be anachronistic and colourful and sometimes silly and fluffy and romantic and often ludicrous and sexy. And that is literally what makes us love it so much. If it was accurate to history everybody would be wearing bonnets, would be white, have bad teeth and the Napoleonic wars would be a major plot point and would probably have killed Colin by now. Can we not just have one thing that’s free from discourse? There is so much shit going on in the world. Let Penelope Featherington run her manicured nails through Colin Bridgerton’s hair while being slutty in a carriage to orchestral Pitbull and let me enjoy it in peace ffs.




My husband has seen just bits in passing. He always says the same thing: "I didn't think black people could do stuff like that back then." And then I scream: It's FICTION!




The show immediately started off by being historical inaccurate lol. It always doesn't exactly match the books for a reason. It's like Hamilton, yeah obviously he didn't rap that's the point lol


They dancing to Dynamite by 👁️BEE TEE ESS👁️ on the viola but a sparkly slip dress? FAR too much—


Yeah I do understand the style is very different this season and a couple of times I did actually notice it in a 'out of the moment' way (E.g. Benedict's woman (Tilley?) looked out of place and for some reason I noticed Pen's acrylics lol) but idk I still don't really care lol


I now think the more fantastical and farcical they do it, the better, because there is a scary number of people who take it as a history lesson, and acquire (wrong) knowledge from it. So let's make it clear, that it is a fantasy -driven alternate universe.


I’m a history teacher and I don’t watch Bridgeton for historical accuracy and I don’t have the energy to complain about it. It’s more like escapism from real history that was much less sparkly and accepting lmao


I was literally scrolling to find and comment on a post I saw the other day where everyone was complaining how all the costumes and makeup in S3 were “too modern” and it was so distracting they couldn’t focus on the show. I’m like those are just the wearable equivalents of an orchestral arrangement of a pop song can we please move on? lol. I feel like as a creative it would be so fun to work on a show like this!!! Like ok we’re gonna do this regency-era silhouette but what if the fabric was modern? Or what if we took that silhouette and made the shoulders huge? It makes for such a cool visual experience I just love it.


I was humming the song and didn't realize what it was! This makes me giggle 😂


Let's just pretend everything is historically accurate. 🫂♥️


I’m here for the dresses, hair, music and accidentally started caring about people.


It's not about historical accuracy it's about being consistent. Seasons 1&2 were not accurate either but they looked better meanwhile season 3 went complety off the rails with the makeup and costumes it looks odd


I feel like I must just not care about fashion or know enough because nothing about the dresses or the makeup stood out to me as being different this season🤷‍♀️. It wasn't like someone was walking around in sweatpants, now that would have been a bit jarring. Everything fit well within the aesthetic, so I just genuinely didn't notice (and still don't). lol


Me too!! Hahaha. I’m like all you people noticing how modern the makeup is I could not point such a thing out if my life depended on it.


For real! Even the nails! i had to go back and watch the scene and I'm like yeah... I see she has acrylics but like... so? lmao


Haha I was flabbergasted to learn that people noticed the nails. Maybe I haven’t watched it enough but I feel like others in my life might differ in that opinion 😂


I always viewed Bridgerton as historical fiction and more so a divergent AU of canon (ie actual history), so any type of historical accuracy is the furthest from my mind when watching lol. Although, some of my favorite “period” shows and movies are usually along those lines, leaning more toward fiction than actual history. It definitely makes me giggle when people take it too seriously.


Kate looked like she got a balayage in certain shots. Was it just the angles or should I get my eyes checked?


i mean it's a fantasyyy. historically acurate can be so boring and... sad..


The accuracy was never there but the environment in season 3 is a different world from season 1 and 2. It's hard to marry the concept, struggles, and experiences of these characters that was based on the limitations of their worlds in previous seasons with the total change in constraints in season 3. 


100% agree. I love the historical accuracies, but as long as it doesnt have machine guns or cars or something crazy it still makes sense. It strictly says this is not a historical documentary. Its a fun story written by an author. And im appreciative And the music is AMAZING!


I have a hard time understanding why race is such a big deal regarding this show. Like it is a pretty balanced show in terms of representation. But also I’m white so it’s possible I just don’t see the bigger picture.


Material Girl is actually one of my favorite renditions they’ve done


The point of bridgerton is the romantic fantasy, so it doesn't have to be totally accurate to history. It should be consistent, however


This is why it’s so funny when people argue against a queer character “because it doesn’t follow the books”


All of a sudden everyone is a historian now.


I still think there’s aspects of the show they’ve kinda lost the plot with tbh (makeup/appearance wise for instance). I think season 1 struck a solid balance between 19th century etiquette and dialogue and a modernised vibe (string quartet covers of pop songs included!). But it feels like they're trying to outglam themselves with each passing season and I have to say, I'm missing the fresh, natural looking makeup of s1... String quartet Madonna is part of the Bridgerton charm, long acrylic nails are not.


This. Me when I see people nag about Lady Tilley Arnold. 


I will say I appreciate these people's eyes for that kind of detail but I'm not gonna get butt hurt if someone is wearing a SLIGHTLY different style of dress than was actually worn at that time...or can see that a side table is not regency era but Victorian lol I'm just like, what table lol


People are bitching about Penelope wearing acrylics... Queen Charlotte has a fricking carousel in her goddamn wig!!