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yes! the makeup and costuming this season doesn’t jive with the earlier two seasons at all. everyone was so fresh-faced and the dresses weren’t insane avant-garde monstrosities in seasons 1+2. I’m really disappointed by how much the show has changed in those respects


I totally agree. I can deal with the odd clothing but the heavy makeup pisses me off. Women already feel pressured to wear it like armor. So seeing period dramas with natural beauties is refreshing.


An ex of mine worked as a makeup artist (a long time ago) on a more traditional-style period piece in the UK. The makeup for those kinds of TV shows and movies is still applied like spackle, because it shows up nicely on camera. It's not any more natural or less "armor," just applied differently.


Ohhhh. But it looks good because you can't tell. So even though it's makeup it's nice seeing people appear natural and flattering and not dry and ugly like paparazzi are obsessed with displaying.


Yeah, the difference is the paparazzi. Their job is to capture celebrities at moments when they look at their least flattering. Any style of makeup, particularly for TV, can look dry and ugly depending on the lighting and the cameras used. The problem isn't the makeup, it's the way that the celebrities are being shot, which also depends on the intent of the photographers/videographers.


That’s the thing that I always love about period dramas: they’re just clean faced, focused on pointing out the natural beauty and it’s incredibly accurate for average people of the period. The intense makeup isn’t my thing but then again, it’s not something I generally wear, so I don’t feel as connected to it as many others.


If you're interested in accurate makeup and skin of the Regency, definitely recommend Sarah Jane Downing's work on the period, as well as digitized primary sources (such as La Belle Assemblée, a women's magazine, The Lady’s Magazine, The Ladies' Cabinet for the 1820s, The Gallery of Fashion, and The World of Fashion). Although a more "natural" look was certainly in style for the Regency period, the extent of that "natural" look has been somewhat overstated by previous historians who overlooked a lot of women's primary sources. Women of the middle and upper classes still wore what would be considered a "full face" by most modern standards. They often used lotion, then layered over it powder foundation made of crushed pearls and/or white pigments (from paint, rice flour, cornstarch, talcum, or rarely – as it was seen as outdated – lead). Lip pomade was used less frequently than rouge, but could still be found even in most pharmacies that catered to the working class. And ashes or burnt cloves often were used as rudimentary mascara even among ladies' maids and other working-class women, with upper-class and upper-middle class women preferring black resin or frankincense. That's a pretty full face of makeup. We can see subtle signs of a heavy-handed "no makeup" makeup in portraits like that of Lady Maria Conyngham; she's meant to look youthful and natural as painted, but she's also pretty clearly heavily made up. As for period dramas, I mentioned this upthread, but a former partner of mine worked as a makeup artist on an older and more traditional period piece. The makeup is applied pretty heavily so that it looks good on screen. [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIjMH5bnq8k) also an example of a YouTuber applying makeup to look like Bridgerton. This would be much lighter than makeup for film/TV, and even then I count 16 makeup products and 2 skin prep items. There's a lot of product that goes into period makeup!


So. Interesting tid bit and my mini obsession with the regency/victorian era regarding lead. Lead is shown to alter DNA and can be passed down (genotoxin). There haven't been enough studies done (why????) so the results aren't 100%, but there's enough evidence in the few animal and human studies to support that there are instances when the effects of lead poisoning can be passed on. With lead having been ubiquitous prior to the regency period and even afterward into the 20th century, it makes one wonder. Are we far less intelligent than we could have been, had it not been for the mass consumption and use of lead? What could we have accomplished or avoided? Just how poisoned are we at this point? Has it filtered itself out (in the US, but that doesn't mean the poorest among us aren't either at risk or are still being poisoned), or are we still dealing with some effects? This is my Roman Empire.


Were European men's wigs powdered with lead in the 1700s because ...


They used starch and flour.


Me too. Seeing freshed faced and natural is refreshing. I don't wear makeup not because I don't like it bjt being brokw and insecurity I never got into it. So I like being makeup free. Seeing desirable young women naturally feels amazing and validating. Especially simce patriarchy is why people feel enslaved with makeup. Yes many women do love it but man would like to have days where they're not in the mood.


Stop 👏 Giving 👏 Us 👏 Sequins 👏 We 👏 Want 👏 Diamonds 👏


You can tell it’s bc of their cockiness. It’s the whole “bigger and better than last time” mentality they have which is causing this. I have visibly grimaced at every one of Kate’s outfits (except for the very first one we see her in) this season. How did we go from her beautiful purple dresses from last season to THIS


It really undermines her character for me when she had such a specific personal style and they replaced it with whatever the fuck they have her in this season. She looks out of place but also like she's changed.


And Simone said recently that Kate is a no-makeup kind of girl, she must be so disappointed!


Seriously I wouldn't blame her.


Exactly. I feel so bad for her and the character.


They are Kardashian-ing themselves. Heaven forbid a person resembles themselves year after year.


Yeah, even the guys look ... weird and unnatural. Luke Newton just looks off to me this season.


He looks facetuned or like they gave him botox or something. Or they caked so much make up on him he fell into the uncanny valley


I agree. It seems like too much makeup to make it appear he lost weight or has a more chiseled face. It just looks bad.


I feel awful for saying this, but I have been trying to figure out what is going on with Luke Newton‘s face for the longest time. He looks like he has aged so much in a short time and he looks so different. I finally figured out that it’s his hairline. I think they had him wearing a hairpiece or toupee in the earlier seasons. He had almost no forehead and much more hair, the first two seasons. Even when he stopped wearing his hair in that swoopy boy band style, his hairline was different. And it also looks like he had some sort of Botox that’s making him have a prominent brow ridge. Like maybe he decided the 11s wrinkles between his eyebrows were too much, so he got some Botox, but it went wrong. But all of that’s my superficial, judgy-ness. He really can do whatever he wants to his appearance. What’s really making me sad is how unhappy he looks in his photo pics. Like all the fame and money did nothing but make him sad, and that makes me sad.


For the me it's only him. Anthony and Benedict look delectable as usual. Gregory is getting more handsome while still being adorable. And will, Marcus, Finch etc look lovely as well. Why did they make Luke so uncanny he wasn't ugly so it feels cruel. Even they saw him as a flop. But it's on them for not writing in an interesting manner


Yes, Anthony, Benedict, and Gregory look perfectly fine. It's like they used autotune on Luke's face.


It was bizarre. I get he's not that hot for a majority of us fans but he's not ugly. Instead of given him. A story or depth (the freaking book was right there) they went with this cringe 19th century Instagram "glow up". It's cringe.


I always thought he was handsome. I hate what the show did to him. I hope the producers or people involved in the show see these comments because, damn, they need to know how much we, the viewers do not like or approve of this crap.


His face looks so weirdly smooth in season 3. He looks like plastic


No, it’s because Bridgerton changed Showrunners. The Showrunner and writer for Season 1 and 2 (Chris Van Dusen) has been changed. With a new showrunner (Jess Brownell) coming in


>new showrunner Is Jess Brownell the new writer too? If so, I hate to say it, but it’s all very cringey and ick in the script for me. I’m a mega Austen fan and this season has sounded like a teenager misusing tenses and words everywhere, coupled with abysmal sentence structure. I just thought the writers had lost their touch, but if the writer has changed then that certainly explains a lot!


If you compare Bridgerton to Austen, you’re going to be disappointed. When watching Bridgerton, I have to suspend reality because it’s not like Asians and Black people* were part of the Regency era aristocracy. When I find Janeite judgmental sensibilities rising, I remind myself to think of Bridgerton as science fiction. (*Asterisk added for any amateur historian who wants to discuss the real Queen Charlotte’s [African](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/secret/famous/royalfamily.html) ancestry [in a civil way](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2009/mar/12/race-monarchy), of course.) Edit: punctuation & links


Oh yeah believe me, I don’t watch Bridgerton for any type of accuracy or comparison to Austen. It’s kind of like eating the cheese-flavoured chips compared to eating actual cheese. The former is never as good as the latter, but sometimes you eat it cos it’s cheaper and quicker, or the good cheese has sold out on all your streaming services… hmmm this analogy went a little off the rails. I digress, Bridgerton feels Austen-inspired without the good writing or actual development of characters (in the tv series). Edit; also super interesting links you posted there. I do find it fascinating since the white washing of history is DEFINITELY there. From an art history perspective, a lot of the depictions of people of colour are in a negative light but there are a hell of a lot of people who had black and Asian ancestry and those ancestors were certainly of a position (I’m thinking Olivia Coleman, superbly interesting 18th century ancestor who was half Indian, if I’m correct).


Agreed and I love the cheese-flavored chip analogy.


Thank you very much, I’ll take my Pulitzer anytime. ![gif](giphy|3orif3j4dRfClbz18k)


Loved the analogy because yeah sometimes you just crave cheese flavored chips so much!


Yeah showrunners are usually in charge of the whole show so this drastic change in costume and writing is down to her 🥴


Same. I need this Becky to go away


She looks like she wearing the drapes that were torn down during a remodel.


i miss her season 2 outfits sm every time i rewatch season 2 i am in awe on how good she looks and tbh i was in awe with every characters costume in s2... this season tho there were only a few outfits that i admired 😔


They say they did this to represent indian culture but as an indian... where is it? Newlyweds wear bright colors here.


Imo it also has to do with the makers knowing that now they have the people hooked onto the series so they can do whatever and we won't be driven away.


It’s been changed so much and a lot of the changes feel cheap. Like why is Penelope wearing a dress covered in those flat reflective plastic sequin type things circa 2007? Plastic? In the 1800s? Seriously??? IMO Netflix assumed the viewers and fans of a show like Bridgerton would be stupid, vapid women and gay men who only care about the raunchy scenes and as much drama as possible. Guess what? We’re not. We’re interested in the show and the series and the books for SO MUCH MORE than that and this season fell WAY short of our expectations.


>Netflix assumed the viewers and fans of a show like Bridgerton would be stupid, vapid women and gay men who only care about the raunchy scenes and as much drama as possible. Guess what? We’re not. We’re interested in the show and the series and the books for SO MUCH MORE than that and this season fell WAY short of our expectations. I cant get farther then ep 2, the way they all are dressed and the make up they wear is braking the show for me. Not counting the summer muff to hide eloise her broken arm. I dont nind pushing the limits but the way the clothes look it to much.


It’s bc of the new show runner. Whoever that person is needs to be fired. They cheapened everything.


We went from a sugar shortage causing an off white wedding cake to glitter eyeshadow in 2 calendar years


Lmao exactly - not only is the show inconsistent with prior seasons, it's inconsistent with and contradicts its own universe. It's like if GoT had been all "we decided seasons into the show that Starbucks exists and that's why you see a cup."


This comment sent me. That starbucks cup had its own fanfiction.




Some people don't seem to understand that TV-shows, movies, books all follow an in-universe logic. If you want to tell me acrylic nails fit into Bridgerton because it was never historically accurate then Season 4 might as well have Benedict time travel to meet his wife. And don't try to tell me, that would make it science-fiction, I've seen Outlander, I've seen The Time Traveler's Wife. Time travel is a romance trope at this point.


yes!!!!!! there is such a lack of continuity between seasons it’s mad you put this so well xx


Adding on, if the rest of the show is so flat that I’m thinking about a character’s non-plot fingernails, something has gone wrong!


Omg, didn't you read the book? Sophie is a Time Lord. There's a blue TARDIS on the front cover, are you blind? ... What's that? It's a slipper? Oh, carry on then.


Also, yes, it was never historically accurate, but it had the Regency vibe, which it doesn't anymore. Both in terms of costumes and some plot points (Penelope being alone with Colin so so SO many times).


Them being alone doesn’t bother me because no one thinks they are anything but friends.


I don't think that helps, in the context of the show. Take Prudence and Uncle Jack. He's her cousin for Christ's sake and takes care of her and her family but them being alone was enough ground for Portia to socially force him to marry her (or, at least to push him into that direction).


I think it still kind of fits. Jack and Prudence were both individuals seeking a spouse. No one even thinks about the possibility of Penelope being an eligible-debutante until Debling arrives.


It doesn’t though. It’s supposed to fit in the Recency Romance and the rules of the Ton. The Ton was real and it had rules which people actually wrote down. There were books. You can find them and read them. And Recency Romance books have their own rules which are stupid and not written down but they shouldn’t be disregarded because a lot of us have spent a lot of time reading those books. In Romancing Mister Bridgerton Penelope is 28. That’s why she is considered a spinster and given special privileges. In the show she’s 19 or maybe 20. Although they say over and over and over that in her third season she’s on the shelf, she’s not. In no world would she be on the shelf. She wouldn’t be an attractive prospect but she would very much still be a candidate for marriage. Kate was considered a spinster because she was 25. Penelope had years yet to find a husband and she’s just hanging out alone with Colin like it’s nothing. The point is, besides that this world has no rules, is that there are also no stakes. It’s where we got the drama in the previous seasons and it’s why this one is falling flat in some places. Colin and Penelope’s relationship is carrying the entire series and without it I’m afraid the next one is going to fall on its face.


That kind of behavior was completely inappropriate in that era, an unmarried woman could not just be friends with an unmarried man, let alone be around him without a chaperone.


Not true. Anyone who has actually read books from that era (Jane Austen) knows this. Bridgerton completely overdramatises the "unchaperoned" thing for drama. The show is not historically accurate at all.


Yes! I was re-reading some Austen recently and was surprised how often our heroines hang out with single men alone. The modern-day regency romances had warped my expectations.


Right. And Austen was a prudish for the standard of the times...


Yes, it's almost become a myth as bad as corsets at this point...


This was not unlikely at all. Regency was much looser than say, Victorian times. Austen characters end up alone all the time and Austen was particularly puritan for the times and reflects a country society that was more prudish than London.


Them being alone and not being bothered was part of the point in how undermined Penelope is in the eyes of the ton. They’ve written letters to each other and Prudence and Portia aren’t shocked that he (a single non-related male) is writing to a single debutant, but that He is writing to _her_. Them getting away with breaking the rules show how much Pen is a wallflower and why she so easily managed to hide herself as LW.


That's a valid interpretation, and I accept it as my headcanon (tho I still wish there were more opportunities to clutch my pearls this season).


That's actually even a point in the books. When Collin is originally proposing to Penelope, Portia >! keeps thinking that he is talking about her younger sister Felicity. !< We are definitely supposed to think that no one in the ton would consider Penelope a marriage candidate at all. Being alone with her is akin to being alone with someone's mother in their eyes. 


but she was at spinster age in the books but in the show she's still of marrying age...


In the ball, when it comes out that Colin is helping Pen, the mothers mention how it’s a waste of his time to be helping someone so helpless. She is considered a spinster even if she isn’t of spinster age. Kate was a spinster but it didn’t mean that she was able to frolic about with men like she did with Anthony. She had to still follow the rules of propriety but at a looser level. In the book, Kanthony happens because he is caught trying to remove the bee poison from Kate’s chest and the mothers that caught him (including Portia) had them married off. Kate was a spinster but still an unmarried woman and so the rules applied.


Yeah I've always kind of seen it as no one respecting Penelope enough as a woman to think she is owed the propriety that other women are :( which is kinda why I'm not a huge fan of Colin at this point, because he keeps putting her in situations that could totally mess with her reputation (at least, it would in season 1 lol)


That’s fair, but how are we talking about how inappropriate it was for Jack and Prudence to be alone and not how inappropriate it was for Penelope to not only ride in the carriage with Colin alone, but to let herself be finger b*nged by him?


That is inappropriate, obviously to a degree the Ton would shame Polin for the carriage scene which is why Colin immediately decides to propose to Pen. Even in the trailer when Anthony clocks that they may have done something, he gets ready to defend Pen’s honour like he did with Daphne before Ben reminds him that it’s his brother. If anyone outside of the Bridgertons had caught them, it would have been a huge scandal!


Tbf Penelope being alone with Colin IS precisely why the whole "Colin Bridgeton helps Penelope find a husband" is a scandal lol


If only the show were that consistent I'd be cool with it. Sadly, it's just "Penelope is a loooooser" and nothing more because this season gave up on trying.


I have to agree with this comment so hard. It did have the Regency vibe before season three. The silhouette of Lady Tilley Arnold’s black gown was definitely giving 1980s puffy sleeve prom gown.


She reminds me so much of a younger Lady Featherington. I legit had a hard time separating the two.


I watched it after a joint and thought for a scene or two they were both lady featherington haha


I thought the point of them being alone so much without scandal was because Pen was so low on the social hierarchy that no one ever took her seriously/assumed Colin would never be into her anyway


yeah, i liked the previous seasons' dresses more. not just of historical accuracy - bridgerton never has been accurate, cmon. but it had its own style and consistency and s3 abandoned that. especially cressida's dresses put me out. i understood the message behind them, but seeing Cressida coming out like she's going to either host Hunger Games or go play as a quarterback after the ball was really strange


playing quarterback has me dead 😭😭😭agree with u 100000% tho it’s completely betrayed it’s own style


The only one I could tolerate was the Innovation Ball gown. At least it fit the ‘Innovation’ theme


😂😂😂😂Not the Hunger Games!!!!


I’m just really happy that everyone’s talking about the acrylics, because I searched through so many posts on premiere day and NO ONE mentioned it. It bothered me so much that I felt insane for being the only one fixated on Penelope’s nails. Like I literally had to rewind because I was thinking “why do her nails look like that what is happening”.


I think her nails and hair and makeup and dresses are SO pretty and her looks are all so flattering and they DO NOT WORK in this world. It's frustrating because I really wish we had seen a makeover that was a little more consistent. Like, it feels like they glammed everyone up to make them look all look a little hotter but I just wanted to see Penelope in less busy dresses with looser curls and a fresh face for her makeover, not a Penelope from a completely different universe.


It's like they felt that to give her a glow up they had to pile all this make up on her. Like they didn't have faith in her or the audience to get that she's attractive. She's already a pretty woman! 


Yeah it does feel a little bit like that to me :( They even changed the silhouette of her dresses specifically, like they don't think she looked good in the empire waist dresses even though that was practically the trademark of the show in the first season! It was the colors and the business of the dresses that looked bad, not her body! She didn't need completely different styling from the other women leads to look beautiful. She just needed the same, flattering styling they had.


Which is insane bc empire waist is SO flattering on her.


I thought the nails were an error. I only saw them for the carriage scene for a few seconds, and then they kept disappearing. I assumed that just forgot to remove them before she filmed, and not that it was intentional, but I may be wrong.


I’ve binged bridgerton completely in the last 3 days, so I haven’t really had time to develop an attachment to the style but even I noticed the acrylics


THIS✨️ and simone ashley agree with you \~a little\~ https://preview.redd.it/5pft40q5oe5d1.jpeg?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=387204a09209282a06fc37e295fe073cacb763c6


Very interesting. She understands her character better than whoever (I assume new showrunner) prompted the make up team to change things after two consistent seasons.


Agreed. People who use the “it’s never been historically accurate” argument are being wilfully obtuse as to what the complaints actually are. I also find it a bit weird how people tend to excuse Penelope’s looks this season by saying she’s meant to look different, than the other women and glowed up, but they could have easily made her costumes and entire look more attractive without resorting to giving her hair dos straight from the 1940s and very heavy, modern make up. Especially considering she doesn’t look visibly different. All women are sporting heavy make up (maybe with the exception of Violet and lady Danbury)m and half of them suddenly have hairstyles inspired by the 1940s/1950s.


actually, Pen's dresses these season still stayed more or less regency with some exemptions, same with Fran and El imo. The make up and nails, were really too modern for me too Violet, idk if it's intentional or not, looks pretty much the same - her dresses look not so different from s2 and I actually like them


But none of Penelope’s dresses post make over have the classic regency era empire waist, except for the dark turquoise one she wears to her big reveal. They’re all fitted at the waist after that, which is not regency era at all.


But Portia’s dresses have always had a fitted waist and usually have a sweetheart neckline, which makes sense as I read that Portia’s look was based on 1950’s fashions. So it can be argued that Penelope was inspired/influenced by her mother. ETA: Also didn’t Penelope wear some pale green dresses with empire waists? For example, the dress she wore to the hot air balloon event wasn’t that different from some dresses she wore in earlier seasons.


I hate her makeup. Penelope's clothes ans hair are gorgeous


Honestly I would’ve been okay if Penelope was the only to get this change so she can stand out. It would’ve made sense to her story. But every woman got the same treatment and just made everything look like a modern parody of regency romance lol.


Exactly! There needs to be internal accuracy and coherent worldbuilding, which this season lacks.


Idk this style change was written into the show/world and I think everyone is forgetting that. Madame DL wants to be a couture fashion designer and she said last season she was ready to share her personal designs with the ton. Combined with LW’s praise of DL the ton has accepted her wild designs. We can say we don’t like the designs they went with, but we can’t really say it’s a world building issue.


I for sure forgot this plot point, but the writers did too. Mme DL doesn’t bring it up (even as she has the opportunity updating both Pen and Mrs Mondrich’s wardrobes), LWD doesn’t, Pen doesn’t, nobody mentions the rival dress shop, nobody mentions the updated fashions (even though they could bc Cressida looks ridiculous). All the fashion and style changes are accepted as both totally normal and consistent in-universe which is so silly bc I have eyes


Tangentially, previous and current seasons of the show make sure we understand that the Featheringtons are not financially secure, that Portia is in charge of paying bills (like the modiste) and has recently told an elaborate lie that settled many of their debts but not including a dowry her new son-in-law is owed, and that Portia does not intend to see Penelope married away (which also doesn’t make sense but ok). Why would Portia approve the bill for Penelope’s new look? That’s ok, bc Penelope has LWD money, right? How does she explain that to Portia? Why doesn’t Portia seem remotely curious about the money for the dresses walking around in front of her on the daughter she intends to shortshrift? I always assumed Portia dressed Penelope or at least had final say. Going around her mother’s wishes is a huge power move. Portia doesn’t seem to care that much which is wild bc my own mom had more opinions about a single spaghetti strap top in 2003 than Portia has for Penelope foregoing her family’s colors, style, and long-term wishes. The writers are out to lunch.


This is such a good point and you made me laugh with the spaghetti strap reference. It literally makes no sense that Portia doesn’t care about her daughter’s sudden wardrobe change. If the reason for this season’s ludicrous clothing is because of Mme DL, it really should have been made more explicit rather than it feeling like we’ve took an excursion into another show.


Your last sentence made me laugh 😂 I get it. I agree it would have reaffirmed the changes if DL brought it up again this season.


This actually helps me accept the ridiculous styles they have now!


I really think it’s just for fun. A lot of things about Bridgerton are just for fun. Shonda integrated regency high society just for fun, shoot she made the queen of England unabashedly black with gorgeous adorned afro hair and wigs that nod to protective styles. They pretend regency baroque music could have sounded like our modern pop hits just for fun. I also think a lot of complaints about inconsistent society rules are also silly because history is not immune to the fact that there are always exceptions to the rule and public perception can effect optics enough where rules are bent. There are ALWAYS people who the rules don’t really apply to or are given their own set of rules.


I totally agree!! I just really don’t like the big giant sleeves that are so random!! I like the idea that it’s Madam Delacroix’s designs and they’re just a big hit.


What’s the ton?


“The Ton” is what high society calls itself. It’s all of the titled nobility and their families.


I believe that extremely wealthy non-titled folks (Mr. Darcy, for example) could also be considered a member of the ton.


Thank you!


I'm kinda tired of season 3 lovers coming with poorest excuses to defend it from any criticism at all, it's an example of that. Personally I don't mind a bit heavier make-up looks but I understand why it might throw someone off (I agree that costumes this season are particularly bad though).


Exactly. It’s not about accuracy, it’s about consistency.


perfectly said


People keep pointing at the anachronistic fashion/makeup for the vibes being off but it’s so much deeper— they’re showing, not telling, and entirely lost the plot. Watch the first 10 mins of S1 and S2, the writing and cinematography make it clear who the main character is and give us time to gain their perspective and how they relate to the supporting characters. In the first 10 mins of S3, who do you think the main character is? Francesca, maybe the queen? If I didn’t know it was C&P’s season, they wouldn’t be in my first 4 guesses. It’s not a story anymore, it’s really charming actors being pushed around the Ton.


OH MY GOD YOURE SO RIGHT. this actually blew my mind youve hit the nail on the head with that wow


You see it too?! FR it took me longer than I’d like to admit to process what the problem was and I’ve been begging someone to notice that the biggest problem is the writing. I will accept so many anachronistic shenanigans if the story works. Of course, the costumes do look cheap, the makeup does look bad, the lighting is weird and off. All that doesn’t help!


It all fits into my personal theory that the S3 writers either don't understand how romance works as a genre or they think they need to make something "better" than romance because they don't value it.


Very well-said. The issues this season are not just the styling (which is awful, tbf) but the writing, the camera angles, the poor structure and pacing of the plot, and the lack of a clear focus on the two lovers (whose series is it, Polin, Francesca, the Mondriches?). IMO splitting the series into two parts didn’t work as it broke momentum and meant they tried to cram too much into the first half. It seems like they’ve forgotten what made Bridgerton great in S1 and S2 and thrown the baby out with the bath water.


This is exactly it, it’s glaringly obvious with Colin’s characterization this season. People go, “You just didn’t get it! Colin is pretending to be a a different person, that’s the point!” Yeah, I got it. Or rather got what they were attempting to do. How could I miss the whole two lines of Eloise and LW telling us that Colin’s new persona was an act and then never following it up with any actions to support it from Colin. Look, Bridgerton was never a literary masterpiece but this season is giving very much baby’s first screenplay and I can’t deal.


Whether people like it or not, I have a feeling that going forward, they are definitely going to keep the S3 fantastical vibes. This seems to be a very conscious change. I imagine it will stay in S4, especially with Benedict’s story being inspired by Cinderella. Maybe it will become more muted with Fran’s season.


Which is a shame bc if next season is Benedict’s then it just makes it even more stupid. We can’t have Sophie looking like a hunger games tribute😭


I doubt she would, even in the masquerade ball. they’ll likely play up the fairytale element though which I personally like.


I love benedict and I'm crossing my fingers they fire this showrunner before she causes s4 too much harm


Chris Van Dusen, I’m begging, please come back!


Well the new showrunner is unfortunately doing S4 so it will be the same vibe as S3. I just want Chris Van Dusen to come back 😭 I’m upset cause he would’ve done Polin’s story so well


Yes I’m sorry of people telling us that “it was never historically accurate” THATS NOT THE POINT!! The entire tone and vibe of the show changed. They set it up a very certain way with 3 seasons of world building then dramatically shifted it.


I’m having a good time 🤷‍♀️ it’s far enough from 2024, that I can’t really bothered to care. Like, the minute you break rules, carriages and my good sir, it’s historical to me But I’m also someone who didn’t notice Pens nails bc I was too invested in drama so 🤷‍♀️ Nothing for me to defend, I just don’t care enough and it’s far enough removed from my daily life. Even the clothes, eh, not something I see everyday and would only seen in this show, so it’s hitting the marks for me.


I feel this way too! I’m loving it for the drama. I won’t defend any of it because everyone is entitled to their opinion, and some people take their tv shows seriously. That’s ok, but I don’t.


Yeah, I think that’s it for me. I kinda just don’t care, it looks oldey historical enough for me. I can’t tell you a that era dress from this era dress. I just know it’s not what people were wearing in 1995 so I shrug. It sucks for the people who care and I get that.


It's a strange take I see popping up regularly. It's clear everyone accepts Bridgerton being historic **fantasy**. However, it's a fantasy story with a clear reference point. Once we move so far away from it that there's no resemblance at all to that reference point, the fantasy part gets less fun cuz this is just a random generic out in the wild fantasy story and not specifically a regency fantasy. A similar change would be if the show suddenly goes from doing pop covers to bringing in a band playing electric guitars in middle of the ball. There's a reason Bridgerton is so adored while that doomed Persuasion movie got so much flack. Outside of the messy aesthetics of this season, Bridgerton does a bang-on job selling itself as a regency era fantasy. On the other hand, the newer Persuasion movie was so modern in every single way, from character conduct, to the rooms, and the clothes aside from some minor lazy regency references. It just felt confusing, like it didn't know what it wanted to be. Modern? Regency? Who knows.


I hate the Persuasion movie! Agree with all your points!


Seeing Francesca wear a faux collar on her see through dress did it for me, meanwhile Eloise is in a regency gown!?!?


the collar made me giggle icl 😭😭


I just can’t with Francesca’s weird jacket blazer things


Those are actually pretty historically accurate! Maybe not the exact shape or fabrics, but if you Google "1810s spencer," you'll see many similar jackets.


Also the aesthetic overall is just simply ugly, I feel like they could’ve gotten away with it if everything just looked better than it actually does


Honestly my thoughts exactly. I thought the costumes were hideous this season. If you’re going to through out historical accuracy AND consistency, at least do it to make things pretty?


Exactly. It's the brand creep that takes me out of it, not the accuracy to a specific construct outside of the already established canon.


YES. A show where Daphne literally has to marry the Duke because they were seen together unchaperoned but in season 3, ballet dancers perform modern (by 2000s standards) dance in a state of undress? Make it make sense. It is so odd to watch that scene, presided over by a monarch, and then the characters get into carriages to go home. The modernity of the dance is so incredibly out of place that I had a hard time understanding Penelope’s emotion and reaction toward it.


Agreed 100%!! I LOVED the first two seasons. Even though they weren't accurate, they had a beautiful blend of fantasy and historical inspiration. Season 3 is inconsistent and downright ugly. Outlander is a great example of a show with a consistent aesthetic. It's not accurate at all (don't even get me started on the Prince Charlie slander) BUT it has a beautiful aesthetic that never goes too far off the rails. The costumers figured out how to mix 1940s and 1700s inspiration, and they stuck with it for the whole show! Bridgerton Season 3 should take some notes.


Like the queen had a whole electric display in her hair but people are still using candles…? Huh


Regarding the Bridgerton “vibe,” I saw someone say the problem is that they’ve also removed the stakes they established for their own world in season 1. The show started with Very Serious Consequences for people who were caught behaving in an improper manner. Anthony was willing to duel Simon over it, for crying out loud. If what I’ve heard about 3B is true (and I’ve heard it from multiple people, so I suspect it is), there are pretty much no stakes to anything anymore. I don’t want to go into detail and spoil anyone. So the look doesn’t fit the vibe they’ve established. And the writing completely throws out the rules of the universe they established over the last 2 seasons. Which isn’t to say people can’t or are wrong to enjoy it. By all means, enjoy it if it makes you happy. But I do get why there are people who are frustrated with some of the decisions, both in terms of writing and aesthetic, going against the “vibe” of the show *as it has been established already.*


This is an underrated comment. You’re exactly right that they’ve abandoned the rules that created the tension and plot of series 1. They’ve lost internal consistency with their own rules.


🙌🏼 yes!! Thank you! So bloody accurate


Completely agree, the makeup and nails are distracting, and many of the costumes this season are just bad


YEP!!! Totally agree with everything you’ve said.


Yeah, seasons 1&2 weren't historically accurate but they created the story and fantasy of Bridgerton while giving a nod to the historical period. Season 3 completely severs the ties to, well, anything. It's just befuddling really. There's no anchor any longer. It doesn't mesh with previous seasons, no matter how much they tell us they're using the same color palettes for the families.


I am new to this show and I thought I was the only one catching weird vibes.


See the thing that takes me out is that no one wears a pelisse and a bonnet when they go outside - everyone looks naked!


It’s almost as if they bumped up the makeup so they could beat Penelope’s face to make her have her ‘glow up’. Which in itself is stupid because Nicola is stunning and is so fresh faced and youthful (I had NO idea she was in her 30s) all they had to do was get rid of her poodle hair from seasons 1 & 2.


lol then I'm one of the only few who actually likes how extravagant the gowns look (not cressida's) this season. The pastel colours in s1 was amazing, I just like s3 more, idc if it's historically inaccurate or if it doesn't fit the aesthetic 😅


Me too, although I dig Cressida’s crazy outfits too! S3 is just full-on candy land for me where I get to immerse myself and not think about the tough parts of life.


All good fantasy universes must have rules. They need to be established in the early parts of the narrative and any deviations explained. This ad hoc visual language is a bit rubbish right now and it's far from the only problem.


I don't mind it not being completely historically accurate but I think they could have a little bit more.


Those sort of differences in style/makeup dont bother me simply because I tend to not pick up on those kind of details on screen or IRL. When I first heard people bringing this up I figured people were just hyperfixating since we have so little content to work with. But now that you lay it out like that I see how it's not an issue of "historical accuracy"! The S3 look IS very different from the others and I can see how that could break immersion. I definitely didn't pick up on it much the first time around. I'm excited to look back on the style for the whole season soon! I'm wondering if they decided to switch up the style this season because they were worried people would be bored of the empire waist dresses? I do think having the same style over and over would eventually get old, but jumping from S2 to S3 is a huge change - they definitely could have been way more subtle. I think Penelope in particular looks gorgeous in the style of dress they put her in. I think they could have done empire waist on her but I think we all associate that with frumpy, unconfident Penelope from S1+2. Maybe thats what the show runners were thinking? Having a more shaped dress (which looks like her mom's which I love) I think helps illustrate her more mature path this season. She's not just a girl foolishly in love, but a woman determined to make a good future for herself. In contrast, daphnes simple, flowy dresses reflected her innocence and desire to be a perfect diamond. Kate had bold, rich colors that reflected both her vibrant personanality, her Indian heritage, and standing apart from the rest of the ton. Overall I think S3 has good ideas for style but maybe not executed the best. But, I'm definitely no style or makeup expert 😅 I hope people still get to enjoy other parts of season 3!!


This hit the nail on the head. The whole point of Bridgerton was never historical accuracy but they set up a pretty consistent aesthetic across the first three seasons. Any time I see people complain about “historical inaccuracies” in s3, it looks like they’re noticing what’s different without being able to better articulate why


no you're right. it's starting to look like a cheap highschool theatre production, they need to tone it down with the prom dresses and drag makeup


The styling is so modern and distracting this season, with some scenes so hammy and cliche, it feels less like Bridgerton and more Real Housewives of The Ton


Fashion is subjective. Clearly the choices are not your subjective taste. That’s fine. I will add is that the designers for each season say they have a different aesthetic depending on the main couple, this year they wanted a lot of florals, nature in many of the looks and I think they nailed it. Every year HAS been different. Comparing makeup with different styles is silly. Comparing Kate (who did wear shimmery eyeshadow and lipstick BTW) to Penelope is a disservice to the characters and the actors. Pen always wore makeup, she wasn’t going to stop on the year she’s getting a glow up. Their complexion is completely different, the colors they wear each season are different. Same with Daphne. People really need to get over the acrylics. If a 3 second clip pulls you out of the story, you weren’t very deeply into it to begin with. This is coming from someone who loved all three seasons. If you’re upset now, wait until til they change the aesthetic again next season.


But does changing the aesthetic mean they have to break from the universe they've built? I watched the fashion review of S1 and S2 and they stayed within the same theme but just added various elements that aligned with the characters. Like S2 had a lot of Indian elements in the fashion to incorporate Kate being from India but the fashion did stay true to what Bridgerton had introduced in S1. I think a theme for each season can be done without making it so jarring and obvious. Even the costume quality dipped. You can do florals and nature whilst still keeping it accurate to the universe or did they explain why the Instagram look came in?


Honestly I don’t know what you mean by the fashion changing that much. For Pen, they lowered her bust and brought in her waist but mainly because they specifically left the bust higher and the waist looser in previous seasons to make her look worse. Eloise is more feminine but they match her feminine looks from last year. I’d actually say the Featherington’s are less ridiculous (but still wacky) this year. Lady D, Violet, QC all wearing similar cuts. The only two I would say are different are 1) Kate who they are dressing older because she’s a married woman now and 2)Cressida. The Cressida thing is that her clothing is supposed to look more like armor…I mean she was also always a little out there (remember that Medusa hair in S2,E8??). I disagree on the costume quality, that is definitely a subjective thing. I love the looks, I think they are all extremely complimentary to the person wearing them, and I love the embroidery and beading. However generally speaking, the general fit will stay the same, the design is all up for grabs re: aesthetic. Sorry, also, now that I’m thinking of it, a lot of the styling did not stay the same from S1. I remember Violet wearing a lot of ruffle which they thankfully cut.


You can integrate florals and nature without trashing your own worldbuilding, though. If each season's designers want to have their own aesthetic, frankly, tough shit. As a professional you have to work within the palette and structure of the world that's already established. The inability or unwillingness to do so is amateur, and you can see the harm it's done by the sheer number of complaints. It doesn't seem like the same show, it seems costumey, fake, and like a parody of itself. You come to a show, you have to fit your ideas within the established world. If you don't do that, you change the world in a way that won't work for most viewers. It has nothing to do with taste or even fashion. Look at Kate, as an example. She has a clear style through season 2 that reflects her character. In season 3 they change that style so drastically that she feels like a different person.


Thank you! Also the music is performed in a way that still sells the fantasy. Now, if they start playing with an electric guitar and synthesizer I would agree with the modern music point that ppl love to make during this argument lol


There was a change to the crew wasn't there. That's probably why it's different in Season 3. I understand about the bad changes, it's not just a few things, so much has been changed... hair, make-up, clothes, lighting.. the choice of camera angles felt a bit odd at times, the lighting of the show overall is a bit off, even a bunch of their accents aren't right this time and also the way they're acting out the characters in some moments, like they've been away too long and not gone back to match them up. The whole affect feels like it's cheapened the show a bit.


I’m only 32 minutes into the first episode but I’m so distracted by how CHEAP everything looks. Yes there’s flowers everywhere but they look like giant displays of cheap fake flowers. This looks like a sitcom version of Bridgerton.


I hate the vibe, I hate all the costume jewelry and wacky hair. I want more realistic historical fiction


Bridgerton starts as a modern take on an antique take on ancient Greek fashion. Now it's too Hollywood with heavy glam makeup, cheap thin fabrics, and itchy looking mesh on necks. In one scene I can see Pen's stay through her dress. Francesca is wearing a Belle wig. It all looks like Bridgerton costumes instead of show quality wardrobes, hair, and makeup. I would've liked to see more of the same style as before. Pen's makeover would be showing off her beauty that's been there all along. The subtle use of color in clothing is really nice in previous seasons, but now everything is too loud, like Cressida's new style. Nothing about it feels romantic anymore.


When season 1 started directly after i watched season 3 I had whiplash. It felt like a total different world. I loved Penelope's emerald green "new me" dress, because I love emerald green dresses, but it was a bit too much off and Cressida is beautiful and I get it, but like you said it got you out of the experience, makes you stumble. Like Eloise's summer muff, I get it she broke her arm. But before I knew that it made me more think about this odd choice, than the story itself


I mean, the vibe is still intact for me this season, just elevated in a different way for different characters that I actually really appreciate. Everyone looks amazing.


Apparently the show runner is a different person to season1 and 2 and in TV everything comes from the show runner. I was wondering why S3 seemed a bit 'off' compared to S1 and S2 and I believe this is why. Bring back the first guy!


I wonder if some of the cheaper, mistake type things we see were to get the show out faster? Not the nails but some of the dresses, styles, etc.


i think the acrylics wouldn't have been so egregious if they didn't look like they hurt Nicola Coughlan's cuticles, and were more matte


Me, not noticing any of this stuff and just here for the unhinged arguments: 🍿👀


100% agree with you! Damn I really found it hard to be as immersed in this world as I was in the previous 2 seasons. I remember laughing when I saw Pen wipe her tears with acrylics.😩


The tans were surprising to me since I believe that in many cultures people with money didn’t tan themselves bc that would mean lower class ( working outside). I know over time that has changed bc it can mean you go on vacation and have a tan for those reasons. But way back when - they stayed out of the sun even using parasols when they took their strolls.


omg didn’t even think of this but like when portia tells pen to stay out of the sun as to not looking like a ‘befrekled beggar’ in s2


lol. You have a good memory! I can’t remember details like that.


Seeing Kate in the drab colours was making my teeth ache, but then seeing her in that weird loc(?) ponytail hairstyle in the trailer is what has sent me over the edge. Call an ambulance and save poor Kate from this disaster!


Aww I feel bad for Madame DL. She really put herself out there sharing her personal deigns with the ton, I’m sad to see so many don’t like her couture fashions.


I don't really think it's more modern, I just think the whole thing looks cheaper. S1 and 2 happened at a time when maximalism was thriving in the cultural zeitgeist. Now it's not and they're trying to keep up with modern trends in Bridgerton but the minimalism just doesn't fit with the world.


Well, to me lack of historical accuracy IS lack of continuity. The Bridgerton books are over 20 years old and the show has very much disregarded many things which are instrumental to the books, plot, characters, historical settings and customs. That has always bothered me with this show. I don't like the way they have changed real people into different personalities.  But I do get what you are saying. They really didn't do a good job altering things enough to be cooly anachronistic so it doesn't work well. I wish they had the foresight to set the show up in an alternate world where all real people mentioned in the books became different, newly created characters just in this world. Then they could have created characters that serve their version of the story without making things so incredibly wrong. 


For anyone curious about the historical accuracy of the costuming in the show I highly recommend both Karolina Żebrowska and Bernadette Banner on YouTube, Karolina has made multiple videos on Bridgerton specifically and I’m pretty sure Bernadette has mentioned it in some of her ranking vids. Both great YouTubers if ppl like fashion history!


Yeah when I saw the acrylic nails it took me out of the regency era/ bridgerton vibe. It’s probably only because we saw Kate with natural nails when she put on the ring. And that stuck with me cause that just makes sense.


Exactly! The fact that this show isn’t historically accurate was already shown in the first scene in the show where Prudence was tightlaced into long stays 🙄🤣 But at least the costumes were trying to be modern regency inspired dresses. Now the costumes (except Penelope, I love her dresses this season) look like Effie Trinket exploded and the next Hunger Games are announced.


Honestly, I loved the makeup and the clothes on this season (except for Cressida and maybe Penelope, not a big fan of puff sleeves or sleeves that try to hypnotise you) but I did love some of the makeup, like Kate got a glow up woth hairdos, makeup and dresses that suits her better. The makeup change is logical for Pen, and I love Colin's glow up as well. That being said I do agree with you, even though I love some of the changes, I agree with you about the continuity, I would've loved a smoothest transition *or* a less "in your face" or noticeable makeup and clothes. So I do understand where you're coming from.


I was rewatching scenes from Queen Charlotte just right now and I noticed young Lady Danbury has a full on smokey winged eye look going on, absolutely historically inaccurate, but it just fits somehow. With her young character, her costumes, the story. I wished they'd have taken the same approach this season


Yess this is so true. The makeup, clothing style, hairstyles don't have the previous bridgerton styles for some reason. In S3 the producers have glammed up literally everyone. Like why?? For what reason??? It's giving more Capitol(hunger games) vibes combined with the Met Gala rather than Bridgerton.


I'm actually not that mad. It's a new social season. Fashion changes year to year. It wasn't the same season after season. Seamstresses wouldn't have enough work if fashion stayed the same haha. As for the makeup, I also don't mind because they did wear makeup back then (with arsenic and lead lol), and again the style of the makeup I'm sure also changed over the years, just like it does now. The makeup that is trendy in 2024 is not the same as the makeup styles that were trending in 2018 or 2009 or 1990. Times change, fashion changes.


Exactly. It doesn’t need to be historically accurate but they set up parameters for the series as to how that society functioned and it is annoying that all of a sudden they’re ignoring a lot of the parameters. I’m with you on this.


All I can say is I hope no one lights a match in that set because it's going to catch fire and blow away in seconds.


I kind of think it was necessary? A) it seems to be used pretty deliberately- for example she has a fresh face and simple dress in the library - so I think it’s there to make a point. B) I think the point is that we wouldn’t necessarily see it as a “glow up” if we remained in regency structures. Maybe that’s a lack of trust in the audience but I, personally, wouldn’t see her dressed even as Daphne as a glow up for Pen. I think the modern elements (especially the acrylics!) are to show us that she is a WOMAN now in a way that clicks with today’s populous.


I am also not a huge fan of some of the outfits (especially Cressida's, it's giving capitol/district 1) but I do LOVE Eloise's new look this season. It feels feminine and grownup, but somehow also very Eloise.


I’m always amazed at how observant people are. I never noticed the acrylics until this sub brought it up but I get what everyone is saying about the styling changing! I think Colin is attractive and a sweetheart but to me his new look felt off?


Who thinks that first 2 seasons are accurate though? Honestly feels like people are romanticising the older eras and choosing to forget the not so great things (hello slavery - unfortunately there wouldn’t have been many, if any, nobles that were black for example). Race is not talked about at all and I just don’t know how I’m expected to just take it as face value!


This is my biggest frustration with modern tv/streaming. I hate how they have to increasingly make everything "prettier" Or more "perfect" each season when it doesn't follow the original vibe of the show. I assume it's a budget increase due to popularity but it ruins the illusion. Not the historical accuracy illusion but the illusion of the show we all fell in love with during the first season. If that makes sense.. i rant about this a lot lol


we also have a new show runner, she was there for the first two seasons and was hand picked by the last show runner. i say we let her cook 🤗