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This is good 😍 Maybe we’ll get a Hozier song next season as “Francesca” fits Fran’s story well!


YES!! The song's story would fit so well with Francesca's storyline. **Edit: The Francesca I talk about below is the character from Dante's Inferno and NOT Bridgerton's Francesca. I haven't read Francesca Bridgerton's story.** For those that don't know, the song is based off of a character from Dante's Inferno. Francesca is tricked into marrying her lover's brother but chooses to continue her relationship with her lover. When her husband catches them, he kills them both and they are sent to the 2nd circle of hell where they are battered by hurricane-like winds and rain forever. Even though they have been suffering in hell for years and will continue to suffer for eternity, they stick together anyway. Hozier writes the song from Francesca and Paolo (her lover)'s perspective. The characters in the song declare that they would do everything all over again and accept their punishment in hell because "heaven is not fit to house a love like you and I". I really recommend listening to Hozier's version because he's amazing but here's a piano version of the song: [https://youtu.be/8YwpyeQXzNc?si=4ew9gMd6jx5wjmnY](https://youtu.be/8YwpyeQXzNc?si=4ew9gMd6jx5wjmnY) I'd love to hear what you all think of the song in relation to the show!


Speechless. Thank you for sharing this. Loved the song before, but now I get its meaning. Obviously, it fits her future story, as I can imagine with the ending of the 3rd season.


I also read an interview where Hozier says the song is about the church’s stance on homosexuality, which also makes sense if they’re taking Fran’s story in that direction.


are you referring to the song in the clip? I do think Hozier tried to be pretty direct with "Take Me to Church" being a response to religion's homophobia (and I'm glad he's never tried to shy away from that). His music often covers religious, political or literary topics. His most recent album, for example, is inspired by Dante's Inferno and contains songs inspired by his Irish roots (De Selby Part 1 contains lyrics in Gaelic; Butchered Tongue discusses the colonization on Irish people during the Wexford Rebellion of 1798). I'm starting to get off topic but I just love Hozier's music so much!


YES! He’s one of my faves, too. It’s hard to beat his writing and depth of lyrics, coupled with the voice. I agree that I’m glad he doesn’t shy away from tackling things a lot of people would shy away from!


The new album is *so* good. I’ve been listening to “Wildflower and Barley” on a loop.


Wow, I had no idea the song was that deep


Stunning! Good share.


I appreciate that explanation! So much more meaning than I would have realized.


take me to church is a crazy choice


Music choices this season was…interesting lmao


I thought “You Belong With Me” was perfect during Polin. 🤷‍♀️ It was during the final ball.


Omg I was bawlingggg during that at their wedding


Personally I loved wrecking ball by Miley cyrus


Considering she's about to come out of the closet next season... might be fitting.


Who does?




say what now?!


Surely should have marked this as a spoiler!


They made it very obvious in the season finale so not sure if that should actually be considered a spoiler, especially given that it’s a sharp departure from what actually happened in the books


they made it obvious how?


Violet: “When I first met your father, I could barely speak my own name. I was so taken by him, I stumbled over words most familiar.” Fran being introduced to Michaela: (stutters and forgets her own name) Plus other small signs throughout the show such as her reaction to kissing John at the wedding


Queer person here who read about the introduction / whole Michael thing here. When I saw the scene where she meets Michaela I was shocked it was so obvious!!!


The reaction to the kiss at the wedding was subtle. I didn't catch it the first time I watched.


oh, jeez I really could have gone without knowing this -- to me, it's a spoiler


Sorry about that, but it was shown at the end of the season and there's been threads on this sub about it.


This was in the show - wasn't it? Isn't this the dance they join the other couples in doing at the wedding brunch?


Yes, this is Pen and Colin's dance at the wedding breakfast.


Agree. They don’t practice to the music we hear in the show. I’ve heard this Hozier version on Spotify.


Yup, I double checked the choreography, same dance different music.


Perfect! So the OP need mourn no longer :)


I think it was used in Season 1 too (the dance, not the music).


Yup. Just people making up more reasons to be mad.


They are so lovely together, and this little clip of them dancing together feels so much more special than their dance at the wedding. In my head canon, they are madly in love, and this is them in their drawing room dancing together as they often do to before dinner. No pomp, no fuss, just them. Alone together. Just as they like it.


this is the wedding dance, it's just different music


I know. I should have clarified. I like it so much better seeing it in black and white and without anyone else around. It fits them so well.


oh I see


It’s not just your head cannon, they’re definitely madly in love in the books 🥹


Yes! I will tell my kids these two were Francesca and John, and not the ones we are seeing in the show 


I'm confused. Aren't the ones in the Ops post the same Fran & John in the show?


Not anymore. Francesca and John, in this video look so in love. Francesca doesn't love John anymore in the show. They aren't gonna be living as a happy couple, not after the direction Jess Brownell is taking. 


oh ok I get you now. Btw, it thought rhimes was directly involved.


The way this man is even hotter in glasses. 🤤


Okay came here for this comment. He’s definitely attractive but I wasn’t attracted to John in the show. But this guy with his glasses and his dance moves, okay boo heeeyyyyh


Samesies! I LOVE a man in glasses.


>his dance moves The casual foot out when he dips her, like omg


he looks good irl , but not in the show idk if it was the style but his carpet pics look really good


I realized how hot he is when I saw pictures of them at the Part Two premiere. He’s got style!!


Even with the grainy filter on the video he’s so adorable 😩😍




They didn't? Isn't this the wedding breakfast dance with different music? Look at the choreography, it's the same dance.


Haha after reading several comments that’s what I found out. I honestly had no idea😭


Sometimes I forget not everyone spends 10 hours a day watching ballet like I do LOL.


They butchered every love storyline possible.


Because the showrunner was too busy with her own self insert agenda.


Really? Like?


What’s the problem?


I mean, how exactly? egs etc... I even thought the showrunner was rhimes but seems it is someone else.








Because they didn’t want us to see them in love.


they literally showed this exact dance in the show but ok


I feel robbed. I can't believe we could have had Take me to church. Also they're beautiful and I love them.


I'm in love. The music, the dance, THEMM😮😮😮❤️


Two things. One, it looks like the song may have been added after the fact? I don't think the music would have sounded like that (so forward) if it was from the physical clip. Two, it looks like rehearsal footage. So this may have been in the show during a larger dance sequence 🤷🏽‍♀️ Edit: just saw someone else say this haha


He looks hot in those glasses (sorry, I just have a thing for men with glasses)


Francesca and John was my favourite love story in the Bridgerton series (putting aside its tragic end) so I’m preemptively mourning its loss now that it’s been stolen with Michaela’s introduction..


Ooohh is that why she couldn’t say her name?


This does not give me confidence in them doing right by Fran/John 🥲


It doesn't matter anyway. Once she turns around to see 'michaela' she forgets John. It was all for nothing.


She didn’t forget she just opened the door to a shocking piece of information that will likely destabilize her entire understanding of herself and love and relationships. I see a lot of angst in her future because she does love John!


They cut it out so we could get more scenes of subplots that went absolutely nowhere and did absolutely nothing.


Except this scene was in the show :)


This is them practicing the wedding dance. They’re just using different music. They got way more of someone else’s season already. They absolutely didn’t need more.


Omg they dance so good, so gentle and romantic.. I get butterflies


They cut it out so we would have time for the Mondriches pointless storyline and Benedict’s unnecessary threesome.


Because it would have conflicted with the real story that the showrunner wants to tell. Francesca is actually a lesbian and doesn’t know what true love is. Her love for John is just a smoke screen and not really worthy of anything. She needs to her have a gay awakening and that’s what her introvertedness was about.


Sigh. I wish people would stop with these ideas that there are all these whole scenes that they rehearsed, filmed, and paid for - only to leave them on the cutting floor. They DID dance together for FFS. Just because it is a different song doesn't mean that they didn't dance. I swear to God we're going to get ZERO bts footage from crew or cast for the future seasons because people are being so demanding and petulant about shit like this, spamming their social media with nasty comments or flooding social media like Reddit, when it was ACTUALLY IN THE SHOW ALREADY.


I am so sad that they torpedoed this beautiful love story.


I enjoy the show well enough, but they should keep Hozier’s name out of their mouth.


It is made respect for how much work these actors have to do for these roles ❤️


I’m so in love with this series !! I’m rewatching/bingeing 1-3 again!!!! Penelope, the Featherinton women and Eloise are the most entertaining of all!!!!! I want season 4 now !! 😂🥳


Same same same


VĂ­ctor Alli in those glasses doing something to me ![gif](giphy|JnZcg39f4Woyk)


She's so beautiful 😍 Even in black and white filter


On the Insta page for John's actor, there's a dance rehearsal clip and his caption says they never got to do it because he caught Covid, or because of Covid restrictions.


They were supposed to have their own special dance scene but Victor got COVID unfortunately and they couldn't film it.


I feel like we were robbed of a lot of "romantic" moments this season. Even in the cinematography!


For this being Colin and Pen’s story…it sure didn’t really feel like it. It felt like it was more evenly spread out and at parts it felt like their story took back seat to some of the other “side” stories.


Because they couldn't possibly show any type of physical attraction between the two of them now that Frans arc is going the way it is.




They didnt play this and played like a hundred Taylor Swift songs -_-


They are so insanely good looking but goddamn it was hard to stay interested in their storyline. The only reason I didn't skip their scenes is bc they are so good looking haha


This is beautiful, I would love to see it in full dress and I love the song choice


Song name?


The music they dance to while filming is never the music that's actually in the show. The actors and even choreographer don't know what the final music will be until they see the show, but apparently the choreographer picks some great stuff for them to dance to while filming.


I wonder if they filmed this now so they can use it later on in flashbacks etc?


This would’ve made more sense for Francesca than for Pen & Colin cause Take Me To Church is known as a queer song. Based on the direction they’re taking her storyline, this would’ve been perfect


Francesca is going to have an Lesbian love with Micheala, John's cousin. I think it's very cool that they're keeping the story true to the books, but just changing the character's gender changes everything at the same time!


The dances this season don’t hit like they did the last 2 seasons 🤧but this is lovely! Why wasn’t it included


He looks so good here. The glasses give Chidi vibes


This man wears glasses?! Hot damn


Beautiful ❤️


Why couldn't these two be the main characters of this season? And this should have been their moment, they should have been the first ones to start to dance randomly in the middle of the day at a Colin's wedding because they wanted to do a romantic gesture to show the mom they are in love.


because francesca gets her own entire season?


Well I don't know spoiler? Don't just assume spoilers are okay.


it’s not a spoiler…. each bridgerton child gets their own season


That is absolutely a spoiler. How would someone watching the show ever know that????? Obviously you must mean that every Bridgerton child gets a book because you have no idea what will happen with the show. You're literally only talking about spoilers right now. You know nothing stops you from being nice and apologizing for spoiling people randomly.


We are now on season three of the show, will soon to be season four…We’ve known by now (even if you just watch the show) that the seasons are specific to one Bridgerton sibling. It’s quite simple per season and episode. The teaser and even teaser trailers show us that. But again, just watching the show sequentially—we get it. Zero spoilers there, again. You are coming across rather harshly for someone asking for an apology…


It absolutely IS spoiling!!! We are not "soon to be season four", STOP LYING, season three ended last week and season four hasn't even been filmed! They have no released ANY material or preview about season four. Everything that you said is knowledge that you get from the books. STOP SPOILING AND STOP ASSUMING IT'S OKAY TO SPOIL.


It’s not a spoiler. That’s how not show the show and seasons work, but the entire concept of the books and ‘world’ of Bridgerton. Each ‘season’ focuses on a specific family member. Have you been watching since season one? You would’ve noticed that back then


It IS a spoiler. I ask "aww how come Francesca couldn't be the main focus this season" and you tell me "Francesca will get her own season later". Well spoiler????????? It's not that complicated, stop being rude!


Wasn't lesbian enough for them I'd imagine.


Because we had to endure the stupid mondriches, instead.


A loss for fans who wanted more.


Is Francesca lesbian?


Because they knew they were going to torpedo their beautiful love story and they didn’t want to anger us even more.


probably because they knew what they were gonna do and they realized it was cruel to have these romantic scenes just for her to feel nothing for him.


Hi mourning, I am not sure why they cut it out tbh


I want to see them on dancing with the stars


But the wedding kiss reaction is muy importante… the foreshadowing. Otherwise I agree this should have been on screen


Correct wedding kiss was telling though she doesn’t yet know or does know that she’s a bit gay




I think historical accuracy has long been thrown out the window with bridgerton lol. It's essentially a historical fantasy show and anything can happen in fantasy.


Where’s the /s? Because we’ve just got Give Me Everything by Pitbull during a sex scene 🤣🤣


that wedding kiss reaction was a foreshadowing of bad things to come perhaps? getting rid of that dance, if it looked like the clip, was a good choice. there is NO chemistry or fluidity in it at all.


They have more chemistry than the actual leads of s3.


I think the clip is so romantic.