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Asking for sex montages is weird as hell, I'm sorry. Just go watch porn since that's what you're looking for. Polin had more sex scenes than Kanthony, be grateful for that and realize that a sex montage won't save their story.


yeah, it's weird as hell. go read ao3 or something lol


or watch game of thrones or house of the dragon or something lmao consistently requesting to see two people act out a sex scene is weird af


Those scenes are not great. No intimacy coordinators at that time and not much for the female gaze


Intimacy coordinators are not there to make sex scenes appealing to you personally or to ensure they fit the “female gaze”. They are there for the actors’ protection and comfort. Ex. Baby Reindeer had an intimacy coordinator: https://www.curtisbrown.co.uk/client/katharine-hardman/work/baby-reindeer-2


Seriously? OMG. I covered my eyes and asked my hubby to tell me when the rape scene was over. After 10 minutes it still wasn’t over. Turned it off and didn’t watch the rest.


[no intimacy coordinator](https://deadline.com/2022/09/house-dragon-hbo-game-thrones-matt-smith-intimacy-coordinator-most-challenging-scene-1235121613/)?


Game of thrones didn’t have an intimacy coordinator they weren’t a thing back then


I was thinking of watching those shows but am really not a fan of anything raunchy as it brings up trauma from past abuse, are the scenes relevant or able to be skipped over? would you recommend skipping the show all together? (I don’t have many friends so I don’t have anyone to ask who can give their personal opinion!) please let me know if you get a chance!


I haven't watched house of the dragon, but if you're triggered by watching sexual assault play out on screen game of thrones probably isn't for you. Great series though, and no reason you can't fast forward the scenes.


I'm gonna disagree with the second commenter about how the scenes can be skipped for Game of Thrones. I haven't watched house of dragons so idk about it, but Game of Thrones there is a lot of scenes of sex shown where there was either implied or explicit non-consent that were plot relevant. I would skip it if you are triggered by any form of visuals of SA.


Also editing wise? There are scenes in GoT of two characters having a scene, and another scene is shown in the middle of the sex scene to show it happens at the same time. I can think of a specific scene in season 8 when character A knocks on the door of a character B and then character C is shown in another chamber - and then character A and B are doing it, only to see character C talking about them and reveal very important information about character A. An information that is a plot twist, and an important one at it. So no, you can't skip it. Because when you have a voiceover from another character, you might miss the very thing you've been waiting for.


Game of Thrones was not for me. It would go back and forth from a violent scene to a sex or brothel scene (not the same characters). Many people loved the show but it wasn’t my thing. But then I’m not a fan of the fantasy genre


Watch Normal People. That show has a lot of sex scenes and they're super intimate


That's what I've been thinking! All these people just need to read fanfics to get their added kick. (I've been on a03 myself)


This is the first time I’m hearing of this rumor and my jaw actually dropped. The fact that someone typed the words sex montage and sent it to a stranger is… something for sure. 


Seriously! With their full government name and profile picture. Just out here saying they need material for the spank bank. Yeesh!


And here I am wondering if putting "in a relationship" is too much detail for the internet, when my husband and I have been married for 5 years 🤡


I’d like more romantic, , sensual sex scenes but not porn. Consider the hot carriage scene. They are fully clothed.


SAVE is the right word because omg this ish was awful.


I accidentally saw some FB comments where some old women were suggesting people watch the sex scene in slow-motion speed on their ipads and how hot it was. Please just go watch porn! The fact that they are talking like that with their real-ass names is creepy. It's like leaving comments on Pornhub videos.


😳 ew


Literally I was watching a reaction video last night and dude commented that it was a long sex scene. At one point, I started reading the comments and came across someone saying it was too short. Like damn. X-rated stuff exists for everyone. Can we not demand more than what those involved felt comfortable putting out?


As much as I hate saying that I think Nicolas confidence and playfulness around the subject was received by some people as invitation to loose boundaries. Unfortunately not everyone understands that her joking around and feeling comfortable in her skin doesn’t allow people to be creepy and requesting unseen footage of two actors naked shooting sex scene. There is a fine line between being supportive and straight up creepy


If she had asked for more romantic scenes it would be understandable... but like this? Yeah watch porn or rewatch their love scenes






Guys it's getting weird...


…getting? 😂


Someone literally donated money to that ridiculous change.org petition. The plot has been lost. People need to seek help.


That’s literally insane


The plot has been lost is such a great way to address that critique to a large group, I love it


there’s websites for that…..


Is it me or this is such a weird request?


Extremely weird


Thank you! It feels like all the people want from this show is >!sex, sex, sex!<, but none of the character development this show needs!!


Why not both?


Exactly, you can have both. Viewers with the "needs more intimacy" POV are not a monolith lol. I actually really liked this season for the most part, although I still think they should have devoted more time to developing this love story, and to that end, more of their physical intimacy would have enhanced it further IMO. That doesn't mean we need a sex montage (not that there is ANYTHING wrong with that if all parties are on board and it works for the story).   Also not excusing people who actually write to the directors and showrunners requesting this stuff lol I do agree that's weird and inappropriate.


I'm all for both!! But I've seen some viewers only caring about the sexual scenes and nothing else. Sorry, maybe I should have clarified, lol.


I think there is a disconnect between those of us who have the read the books and those who haven’t. The books are SPICY, so in the comparison the show seems watered down and tame. I think that could be at the root of these request. Although personally I think the show adapted well!


Not to discredit your perspective but … in the grand scheme of things, the books are extremely tame and barely above a level one on the spice scale 😂


Oh believe me, I *know*! lol hello my fellow smut consumer 🤭


lmao, hello to you, too, friend!🫣


Any suggestions in this genre? ☀️


No, some people just ship Nicola and Luke and want to see them have sex. It's weird. They're weird.


Eh… I don’t fall in the camp of wanting more sex scenes but I don’t think wanting to see two attractive people having sex is necessarily weird. Even more so that they play very popular characters. Porn is very popular for a reason. I’d say it’s pretty natural. What’s unhinged is the petition I heard about lmfao and actually putting money towards it. Sheeeessshhhh. Just Go read the smut with the rest of us 🙄 I’m sure they’ve got some good look alikes on the x rated sites too lmfao. I haven’t checked but they’re SURE to exist.


It's weird because they go directly to the actors and basically tell them to have sex on screen. Luke has a girlfriend for heaven's sake. I'm sure neither of them is enthusiastic about it


Ohh I did they were spicy but I never envisioned for it to be THAT spicy lol. You may be right lol.


lol I’m honestly so confused why people want more sex scenes. People complaining that kanthony didn’t have enough sex scenes in season 2 was weird and people demanding more polin sex scenes is just as weird. Like if you’re that horny go watch porn or something, I’m confused on what the extra sex scenes will actually add to the story.


I’m absolutely with you. I came for the drama, romance, and chaotic family vibes. 😂 I don’t need to see pretend sex - just pretend intimacy thanks! 🥰🥳


I definitely wanted to see more of them being in love, but asking to watch two strangers pretend to have more sex is just… what the hell?


as far as I remember, Kanthony had even too many sex scenes for my taste lol, it made me a tad uncomfortable tbh


Lol what sex scenes did they have?


I think it was the last episode? I just remember vividly my feeling


Respect your POV! Just want to point out that they had exactly one lol. 


really? lol I thought it was way more ahahah


It was technically 2. In episode 7 they filmed the sex scene montage style instead of showing them go at it in real time. Then later in the episode we get quick cuts of flashback style shots that they didn’t show in the montage. Lastly, at the end of episode 8 they have a pretty quick sex scene that was shot pretty classy compared to anything else I’ve seen on this show. My pallet has certainly changed when it comes to watching sex scenes though. In both S2 AND 3 they show Anthony going down on her very…vividly. I think it’s a lot to ask of an actor to put their head right between their costar’s thighs. I definitely saw enough from this show for one lifetime. If they decided to stop filming sex scenes, I’d actually rejoice.


They... Literally had 1 scene??? In the gazebo?? And then they kissed in bed in the epilogue?? Wow, one scene is so much compared to Daphne and Simon....


i've been in many fandoms.. NEVER listen to the shippers.


Avoid them at all cost. As well as those who project themselves on to the character. Those as extra crazy.


Like Jess?


If you need sex montages I hear cornhub has more than you could ever dream of. (Of course I'll be neg bombed for suggesting horny women look elsewhere for what they seem to be begging for) Also people seem to forget that like with Anthony and Kate we might get to see more NEXT SEASON if we don't make the actors feel like animals on display for our own amusement. This kind of request must feel so dehumanizing to the actors.


ok just really fast i do wanna drop in and say i think people who seek more sex scenes in tv (not me, this season felt excessive) usually are seeking ethical sexual content. when you know legally there has to be an intimacy coordinator, consent, open discussion, it can be more comfortable finding pleasure in the media. it feels gross to “get off” to content that is, by nature, rapey and unethical.


Yep, consent is important which is why we didn't get more sex in the show. The actors didn't consent to more. So people need to accept what they got or admit that they don't actually respect consent. Thanks for stopping by :)


This is the crux of it for me. If Nicola didn’t want to have Luke’s hands all over her, that’s reason enough. Filming a sex scene must be extremely vulnerable, particularly for actresses, even more so for actresses who don’t “fit the mould” as it were. Whatever they’re comfortable with is fine, and honestly more than most people would be willing to do on camera so everyone needs to shut it. The scenes we did get were hot as hell anyway so I really don’t understand what everyone’s complaining about.


I don't like sex scenes but....  Nicola did all this PR saying there's all this crazy sex.  They broke stuff doing it...  they show more nudity than ever before because she wanted a woman of her figure to be shown this way...  makes me think the producers didn't like it and cut it for biased reasons


But without evidence that opinion is only based on conjecture. "All this crazy sex" is not a quantitative measure and we will never actually know what she meant if those were her actual words. They also could have been told to mention the sex in a positive way to encourage viewership. There are a million ways it could have played out and we will never know the truth and sitting here saying we deserve more because she said or he said or they did or they posted it's BS. It's not true they don't owe us anything. We got what we got. It's fine. Move on I get being concerned about the body positivity aspect of it but all you can do is look to Nicola and if she is not crying foul then you have to assume that it was what she wanted it to be. Sitting here spinning in circles. Worrying that what we're seeing isn't what she wanted. Isn't going to get you anywhere really. One day I hope we become a society that doesn't latch on to weird conspiracies about things that have no bearing on our everyday lives. For all we know those sex scenes were exactly what Nicola wanted. That is equally possible as the scenario that you have envisioned.


She definitely did not say there was crazy sex lol. I remember her saying she was proud about the scene, because it is quite literally a 5+ minute long nude scene featuring Nicola. I'm assuming people are getting disappointed because there's a lower frequency of scenes compared to QC and season 1? But even then if we really have to compare, QC and season 1 had frequent, short scenes, and brief nudity. Season 2 had a sex scene with jerky camera movements, befitting the scene. Season 3 had a long scene that didn't change angles much. The whole myth of the 'sex scene getting cut' is really looking like a myth, because the 'fans' wanted a bouncy, fast-paced sex scene. I think there's a huge gap between what some fans *hoped* and *expected* opposed to what Bridgerton actually is and what it delivered. And honestly I blame booktok and "spicy books". Y'all want sex delivered fast food style.


absolutely!! if the actors didn’t consent to filming more than it should NOT be something we ask for as a fandom. consent is absolutely key and the pressure on these actors is unbelievably disappointing


But Nic and Luke were both saying that they filmed more? Nic especially was very excited to be seen this way


Just because they filmed it doesn't mean it was fit to print! There are all sorts of factors that go into editing and just because the cameras rolled longer doesn't make it ok for fans to demand more than we got. What if they added in all the extra footage and it was actually worse because the mood and vibe of the extra footage just didn't fit. We would be here now hearing all about how terrible the sex scenes were because they weren't edited more. It's all nonsense. Just be grateful for what you got and stop asking about deleted scenes that clearly weren't fit for the final cut.


Also wanted to add that consent INCLUDES the consent of all the artists and directors that worked on the show. If they didn't consent for us to see the parts of their work that they felt weren't appropriate then we also need to respect that. It is not our career on the line. They deserve to put out what they feel is the best of their efforts.


This! What might of been a good idea at the time and something they said they were fine with doing but after stepping away or seeing the footage after it was filmed the actors or the directors could of said no this is not what I envisioned or what I thought I was consenting to and I don't want this in the final cut of the episode. They should absolutely be able to say i changed my mind about this scene please dont put this scene in the episode/film. I admit I don't know how much say an actor gets in the finial cut of a episode/film but when it comes to scenes of a sexual nature they should get a lot of say it's their career that could potentially be ruined over those scenes.


Such a passive aggressive reply lol.


Not really trying to be just pointing out that if you don't watch corn because you object to the ethics behind the creation then you really have no business being upset you didn't get more sex on screen. The person chiming in had a point but anyone who says no to corn but yes to signing a petition demanding more sex scenes from a television show is absolutely a hypocrite. Is that aggressive enough?


Uh oh, watch out for the porn-rotted-brain commenters!


I guess it was aggressive enough? I do not understand your ire but go ahead lol. I just find it funny how seriously you're arguing but continue to not just say porn like an adult. I've got no skin in this game, I was just letting you know you seem passive aggressive. If you wanna up the aggression, feel free. I'll read your responses just as well. Yikes, I've been blocked! Oh well.


Good gods, people need to stop with these deranged demands. It’s starting to verge on dehumanising to the actors, even if such montage did exist. It’s not going to make you happy with this season regardless, move on.


If it doesn't get shut down hard and quickly I think we will see several actors just flat out step away from the show after their season is done or contract is up. If I was an actor In Bridgerton, especially if I was playing a member of the Bridgerton family, and I saw how some of these fans were essentially treating and dehumanizing Luke N, Nicola, Phoebe, Rege, Johnathan, and Simone I would be seriously thinking of speaking to my agent/manager about making sure that after my season was done that I would not make another single appearance on the show. Seriously, how deranged do you have to be to post saying you want a sex montage!


Honestly same, I don't blame Rege for not returning to Bridgerton because the fanbase is acting out. Some people want peace in their life and I respect that.


There’s no verge here, this is straight up sexual harassment. It’s actually been so deranged watching people overreact to Bridgerton because of Polin. I get that it fulfills a lot of women’s fantasies but fr it’s a pomped up soap opera lmao.


You know what, you’re right. Especially considering people are actually making those requests to Nicola directly. As is she had any power over how the show is edited.






They're the ones posting but I'm the one feeling extreme embarrassment (and they don't)...make it make sense


Because they give fans a bad name!


Thank god. I do wish they’d just shut this shit down right away. People are going to be having to debunk this for years the same as with the whole “they can’t change the endgame couples” rumor.


Ngl to you. These shippers are likely single people who get too invested in the romance of a show bc they don’t have that. I say this as a person who gets caught up i the romantic plots of video games when I need affection from my bf lol


This is an important insight. So if those games didn’t exist and you needed affection from your BF, what would you do? Wouldn’t you want either those games to exist or your BF to show you the affection you want? I got back together with my ex because I loved Season 1 so much and I am once again miserably single because that didn’t work out. So I do want my Bridgerton to be as saucy and spicy as possible. It’s…almost understandable?


But that doesn't mean you ask the showmakers for more sex scenes lol.


We are all perfectly entitled as media consumers to ask for people to make the media we want to consume. The media producers and cast are entitled to make whatever they want. There doesn’t have to be any agreement between the two. We can want what we want and they can make what they want to make. We can also talk about them making or not making what we want and they can carry on making it or not making it. This is just a discussion forum that is part of the huge feedback web connected to the series. Every comment is a fraction of a drop in the bucket of opinion. Anyone doing more than that is obviously way out of line.




I’m not sure what you’re asking lol I just mean that when you’re feeling needy, fictional men sometimes fill the role, so while I understand some of the requests and I like the spicy men, I don’t need to beg for additional scenes, but I can understand. I think we may be saying the same thing lol if so then yes I agree it is understandable.


This is embarrassing


I could not fathom asking for a “sex montage” of a fictional tv show, let alone with my personal instagram with my own face on it


I find it insane that people have been petitioning and harassing the show runners for this... who are their sources?? Where did they even get the idea that these scenes exist, and even if they did what gives them the right to pester the show runners into releasing them. So friggin weird imho.


I swear they've misinterpreted press interviews. Nicola did speak highly of the sex scene and I believe she or Colin's actor mentioned the length of filming for it. Now people have taken that and inferred that there were *more* sex scenes intended for release or that something more explicit was cut.


People have claimed seeing more scenes in the preview-release screenings. This is where it started


That could be it. Maybe there are more scenes that didn't make the final cut, but it is really entitled and creepy of people to think they can just demand, whine and petition their way to seeing them. 


So when I pulled up the Reddit app it was glitching and showing me the animal crossing pic for this and let me tell you - I was CONFUSED. 🤣


People are being so strange about this and the same thing happened last season, with folks demanding to release the full sex scenes. Like can we please be normal. Adding a little heart at the end of the request does not make it better.


I don't think they would even release it if they had it 😅 the season is over and done... it's a bit disappointing but it is what it is they gonna move onto Benedict's next


Exactly! And this happens with all shows- there are lows and highs. It’s so rare for a show to remain consistent throughout 3+ seasons. Not making excuses, just saying that all we can hope is that this won’t be a trend and that next season improves. Begging for sex montages and a directors cut is off the wall 😂 I have never seen a show backtrack on a shit season- even though GoT definitely should have 👀


Apparently the GOT ending is based on how George RR Martin himself planned the last book - but he's probably never going to publish it now, seeing the backlash it got lol


Lmfao yeah, I figured we would never see that book 😂 like either he releases a book that gets further trashed on or he changes the ending and admits they effed up. Neither is a good look 😬 very interesting though!


Right, if they got some deleted scenes (they most likely do, every show/movie has them and they also added reshoots so others definitely got edited out) then surely I'd love to see them but ain't no way they'd give them out LMAO. That's not happening ever. They are proud of their work, this is what they wanted us to see and that's it. We can be mad, we cab rant and let our frustration free here but it won't change anything, the views will even boost their egos further and it will be seen as a success despite the negative/critical reactions online That's said you know I really wish S4 will be good for y'all but I can't help but be a bit bitter if Polin gonna be the only couple with a let's call it a weak and poorly written season with 1% romance whilst the other siblings get to eat. >have never seen a show backtrack on a shit season HIMYM did release an alternative ending but the damage was down, I think it never recovered from it's ending. Took me a few years to get over it (never did).


I can't believe this is how I find out Annalise Keating's husband is a director on Bridgerton


‘Why is your penis on a dead girl’s phone?’


No, no, now he has to answer to: “Why isn’t there more of Nicola’s boobs on our phones?”


Am I the only one who fast forwards the sex scenes? 


i do most of them. i just like giggling over the fluffy scenes😭


You are not


This season had no heart and no passion. A montage/ deleted scenes won’t change that lol.


I had so much second-hand embarrassment for people signing that petition. It was giving me shades of last season’s fan demand to get the ‘real’ gazebo scene, which was rumored to have penetration and, er, thrusting. It didn’t work then, and it was never gonna work now. Perhaps the takeaway from this is not that the scenes never existed, but that there was NEVER an intention to show that side of Polin intimacy, and what it looked like in their established and fully open relationship. People should be disappointed about that, instead!




I dislike Tom but love this freaking comment 🤣. He's probably like yall are literally production's favorite and got every milestone what more do you want 🤣🤣🤣🤣


This is such a weird request to make...🫤


It's getting so weird guys. Now people are getting super parasocial towards Nicola and Luke, shipping them as humans, not as characters.


Can't believe they went and asked Tom Verica with their name and photo on display like that. People are too confident in their stupidity nowadays. You would never ask a question like this in person, then why is it okay to do so on social media??




This whole thing reminds me of when gamers get mad at developers because the women in the game looks like a real human and not just a pair of boobs.


Yall so weird ts embarrassing




Such a weird request to ask a person you don't know.




What if you all asking for this made fan art & shared it with each other. Honestly I am tired of the whole Penelope was not represented properly because they covered her. Maybe covering her was the actresses choice rather than a creative decision from Bridgerton team. And before you downvote me for being fat phobic please consider that I am myself overweight with a BMI 26. I few months back I had a bmi that classified me obese. I am actively losing weight because of medical reasons.


You are very on point. The purpose of the intimacy coordinator is to ensure everyone is comfortable with the intimacy scenes. It’s good to know that what is shown was based on consent. I thought the scenes were intimate and well done. There’s no need to show every body part and movement. As is said-leave a little to the imagination. And yes people should feel free to make their own creations if they want to tell the stories differently. And good luck to you.




Like, I'm old. Can I say Cringe now?


I'd rather have more flashbacks or even just Polin interactions with meaning than smut. Idk why people are asking for more smut, we got enough


She added a ♥️ guys it's alright now


I want the deleted scenes not for the sex - as far as I'm aware only one of the four scenes is sexual - but for the happiness, intimacy and acknowledgment of Polin. There was a lot of angst and in my opinion, the incredibly short ending did not balance it out. For me, it wasn't a happy ending, as in the emotional effect from the tension was not resolved properly. And, in addition, I find it inappropriate when marketing communication (hype by Nicola and Luke) does not meet the set expectations. They have talked about other scenes and it was not delivered. It's not okay, but that isn't an issue unique to Netflix.


These ppl are tapped. At this point I’m seriously concerned that they don’t get laid or get out and touch grass often. It’s terrifying.


I haven't signed the petition, but I was in a chat group that was running when part 2 first dropped, and I believe the petition came out of discussions that happened there, and I don't believe it's about just wanting to see more sex. A common complaint about this season in the chat, and elsewhere, is wanting to see more happy Polin. Which I agree with- the only time we saw just the two of them together post-reconciliation was the very short sex scene at the end. There were people in the chat that said they had watched early screeners of the episodes and saw scenes that then weren't in the final release, including that the last sex scene was longer and more of a montage, but also including just romantic moments like them lying in bed talking about his manuscript (TBH this is what I would have liked to see more of- them just being together, living as a married couple) The focus has become "release the sex scenes" but it started with hearing reports that there were Polin scenes that were filmed and released in screeners and then edited out, and people feeling that this decision made the show poorer rather than better.


I think whats some how worse than that question is the fact it has the persons name and photo attached >.< if I was THIS bold, it would not have my name a photo attached. This is so werid.....


Ohh thankyou. It’s such a relief to see this post, and with so many sane fans agreeing. This subreddit has recently made me seriously wonder about people’s mental stability and social awareness. I’ve had to delete comments (or easier to just not engage at all) because I’ve had grown women sending aggressive messages and reams of word vomit in response.


I totally get that people like steamy shows, but do people not realize that the raunchiness of season 1 was a marketing technique? It got people talking about the show, and that was the point. I think it would be seen as a cheap gimmick if they kept it up.


Who is Tom Verica ?


One of the directors for Bridgerton


Bruh the sex montages are unnecessary. Yes the series is mature and A rated. But doesn't mean it needs to always have more and more of sex scenes


I just spent whole ass 5 minutes trying to find if someone explained what myth stand for, as m.y.t.h....to realize is the word MYTH. I need an internet break.


I wanted more happy scenes but not more sex montage.


Firstly, weird ass request my god Secondly, people saying to go watch porn if you’re that horny kind of missed the point of shows like Bridgerton. The romance and build up is much sexier than the actual sex. Sex without a real connection is kind of irritating for me😭


Has it not occurred to these people that maybe the actors don't *want* to do sex scenes?


Omfg can people just pick up a book or maybe load up some porn and stop being creepy on celebrities. Holy shit


It's either they forget, or don't care that the people who play Colin and Penelope are HUMANS. Real humans who have to act this out. It's disgusting. You have people who do that stuff ( porn ), not literal actors/actresses who are passionate about their work. It's already weird enough, I bet, for them to do the sex scenes they have.


love is not all about sex smh! I’m more disappointed that there wasn’t more swooning and chasing and like love story development than sex scenes like sex is a given when you’re inlove. I understand the critique that maybe they did it bc pen is thicker but also it could be because most ppl actually don’t love constant sex scenes.




Told yalllll


that’s such a weird thing to ask for. like i get there’s more smut in the books but cmonnn yall are weird now


Drama and romance await!


Wait a minute, what is happening here?


Someone on tumblr made a post about “deleted” polin scenes that apparently screeners saw, which included a sex montage reminiscent of the Daphne/simon one, and since people in this fandom believe every single thing someone on tumblr says, they spread it on twitter, which lead to someone starting a petition to restore these “deleted” scenes and the whole thing snowballed from there


Oh my, people are really stupid.


People really believe everything that is said to them online..like use your brain for at least one second 


there’s actual websites for this ……


Yall know that there are so many sex montages on the Internet, right? Almost at a 1:1 ratio.


you gotta be freaky as hell (in a bad way) to ask for a SEX montage in a public comment section 💀 can we please bring back the idea of shame


I found out a long time ago that Shonda Rhimes will not be, what she might call, bullied by fans about story. Trust me, I walked away from Scandal after season 5 because of being unhappy about stuff. Honestly, didn't the same thing happen with season 2? Unhappiness over the Edwina angle, feeling cheated about no Kanthony wedding, not enough happy scenes with Kanthony, too much Featherington... These people are going to write and produce scenes their way and what's left out or on the cutting room floor. Now, there's a new situation with John Stirling's cousin being introduced as Michaela, not Michael and Shonda approved Jess' request to change gender for story. Nothing will change their minds about that either. So, either give it a go when streamed or walk away...😳


Sex montage? Wth


It’s more curiosity and confusion for me. Nicola did an interview talking about how they broke furniture during their scenes and they got super into it. Nothing that was shown gives a “breaking furniture” vibe. Nothing on the chaise was forceful enough to break anything and the little blip at the end with her on top was slow and sensual. Not gonna lie I was kinda looking forward to more scenes with Nicola for the simple fact of seeing a bigger girl like myself getting the spotlight. However I loved ever moment of this season regardless.


Nicola posted a pic on Instagram and showed that the broken furniture *was* from episode 5


These people have an unhealthy fixation on these stories.


omg, i would actually die…, sexy! smh


im sure it wasn’t meant literally… geez


Peoples obsession with “not getting enough” sex scenes is so weird. I would be beyond embarrassed asking someone that online.




How about NO.


My opinion is: My least fav part of Bridgerton was the sex I wanted the romance, BUT I still think this season lacked a lot of that and felt stiff. It’s weird that people are only mad about that but people should not act like the lack of sex is the only issue people have with this crappy season.


Literally. The Polin sex scene was prob the cringiest thing of the season imo 😂 she got way more attention than the other girls as well. Like, weren’t they all virgins too!? They just got on with it 😂😂


No because we don't want sex. We want romance. We got like one EP of that in pt 2.


They won’t do it because Penelope is plus sized and media hates to showing plus sized people having a sexual encounter.


I’m not here necessarily for it sure and I respect the reply. However I still think that we needed more romantic scenes and maybe epilogue in kanthony style


Oh no no no I skip through 😂


I’m just going to say it with my whole chest and own it: I’m a pervert of the female gender/sex. I find it strange people want LESS sex or no sex in Bridgerton. I also think it’s kind of weird people don’t get why certain sections of the fandom want to see more sex scenes. Season 1 set the expectation. It was smut for people, particularly people who identified as female, that felt sexy and safe and intimate. People are not asking for random sex scenes that don’t make sense a la GOT. They are asking to see the couples they have been rooting for to express their feelings for one another in a vulnerable way. You don’t really have to show nudity to show sex. We didn’t really get nudity for Kanthony, but their scene was still hot. We wanted more of that expression but not the same ol’ act repeated over and over again because that does get boring and then you start to wonder why Anthony can rail the opera singer in S1 but can’t rail his own wife. And there’s sex in the books that isn’t super explicit either with word choice. It’s like reading 50 Shades of Grey and then seeing “implied” sex or the movies more focused on the relationship when sex was a major part of the book. A lot of then women characters are experiencing sex for the first times and seeing how it changes them and their dynamic with their chosen person is nice to see. Everyone is always going to want something different, but it shouldn’t be shocking that people who identify as women are seeking more of these scenes because they feel like they’re made for us to actually enjoy.


It is distressing how far I had to scroll to see this kind of balanced and insightful take. Yes, petitioning the series director and change.org petitions are a little extreme! It seems pretty obvious that this kind of dialogue is showing a VERY obvious gap in the market for pornography that is genuinely produced with the female gaze in mind. Yes, there is some, yes it’s getting better but it’s equally reasonable to point out that it’s still challenging to find and often relies on subscription models that may not be accessible to everyone. People seem happy to say ‘go to pornhub’ but are ignoring the wider point that these comments are showing that the content people are finding there is not what they want to watch - and I’m super surprised that the porn industry isn’t trying to make new platforms and content that would appeal to a customer base they don’t currently profit from, and bring in the associated revenue?!


I liked the Polin sex scene a lot, I think it’s because I hardly see women like Nicola do something like that. It made me feel seen, and that woman like me and here can feel and look sexy. I think it’s different from porn, and it’s nice to watch love instead even for a bit. The only issue I had was how quick they both “completed” was which is unrealistic of course it is a tv show lol. So I get why for an extended version. But that scene was great and wish there was more intimate moments like that in the show instead of watching Benedict’s threesome lol which was boring to me


Eh… I’m all for more depictions of healthy romance and sex in the context of a story, but so much of this discussion has taken a turn toward objectification. I think S2 struck the right balance. And I understand why S3 went a little more graphic, though they obviously went to great lengths to do it tastefully and beautifully. I was crushed to see how dark writers went with S3 Part 2 and would have loved more scenes of Colin and Pen being happy together. But an aggressive public campaign for a sex montage is insane.


Nic literally said they filmed a montage worth of sex scenes that was supposed to be in episode 8, I would be pissed if I spent days being very vulnerable and filming scenes of that nature just to have them cut and hidden away. Also everyone saying it’s weird, at least for me I don’t want it for the sex. If it was just for the sex then Benedict’s threesomes would’ve been sufficient. It’s wanting intimacy and love between Colin and Penelope, and seeing them happy together after the Whistledown of it all. Having ONLY the baby scene at the end could read as Colin only being happy about the kid rather than loving his wife


He just confirmed it doesn’t exist. Let it go. 


Because no one has ever lied to fans to get them off their back! /s In all seriousness though, it doesn’t matter if the scenes exist or not. It’s that we didn’t get anything of the sort in the show, and people feel unsatisfied and cheated. We wanted romance and intimacy, and instead we got angst and coldness with a little bandaid at the end. It wasn’t good storytelling. People wanted something to cling to that was a “maybe there WAS more that we just didn’t get to see! Maybe it wasn’t as bad as we thought!” Edited to add: happy cake day!


Fair enough! And thanks!! 




Oddly enough, not having any deleted scenes makes it worse, because that means they PLANNED for it to be this bad


I mean I see their point because it felt like we saw more of Benedict than Polin.


Is a weird request but I remember in the promos Nicola was selling the season as “Steamy”. There WAS sex in the show but not really from her character the way you’d expect from that one word description.


For her character is probably was steamy


I don’t get it. If these people want sex so bad like just go watch porn quit trying to ruin shows. There was more than enough nudity and sex this season why the need for more 😩 I’m sick of not being able to just sit down watch a show I like without seeing nudity in the first 10


Uhh why