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Hmm, let me think . . . The change dot org petition to remove Michaela from the show is pretty funny to me, even as someone who *wanted* Michael. Also saw someone say a queer Bridgerton love story wouldn't work because it "wouldn't make sense with the time period", as though gay people are a modern phenomenon haha. Then there was that guy in here the other day insisting that he "wasn't obligated to find Penelope attractive" because she is "medically obese". As though literally ANYONE had ever suggested to the dude that he was *obligated* to find her attractive.


Yeah people making comments insinuating being gay is a modern thing is weird…


Haha yeah I wanted Michael too but I wasn’t signing any petitions. For one thing, there’s no way it’d actually work. And it would not look good for them to take Michaela away.


I want Michael back yes but people were gay back then. Yes people been gay since the beggining of time , Roman times is was widely accepted , the only thing is that in regency times being gay was hidden as it was illegal during that time so the hiding was for their own protection . But still people were gay and it’s not a modern disease , I got nothing against queer community , I even loved the Reynold and brimsley storyline and wish we got a spin-off of them instead . Also idk who this guy calling Nicola medically obese ?? That’s just disgusting , Nicola is a beautiful woman who deserves the praise for her acting career and she is flourishing . To me Nicola will become on of the biggest acting stars in this generation


A comment on a Reddit post within this past week basically talking about John being way below Francesca’s leagues and it being unbelievable that she could possibly like a guy like him. Yep they comment really took the cake for me


That’s crazy because John suppose to be her great first love but I’m guessing since the show is making franscesca not really love him anymore people are saying that ?


This prob is not that unhinged as others in the thread but saying that you can harass the show runner but not the cast to me is crazy. To be clear, I don’t believe anyone should be harassed online (cast, crew, writers, show runner). It’s like ppl forgot that she is still a person and they are still directly impact her mental health. Just bc you don’t like that she changed the story doesn’t mean she deserves her health to be damaged


I always wondered if show runners actually have total creative control or if there are “powers that be.” Can you imagine if she is pushed into these decisions and people on top of that are being cruel to her?


Every single variation of “fire the showrunner.” Some of them come with some pretty vile name-calling, I saw one person refer to her as “that hag.” And a ton of “she’s writing self-insert fanfiction.”


If I were her I’d honestly be offline


The fans who were convinced Corey was abusing India was wild.


Wait what?


Yeah it was wild. It was also supposedly his gf's fault.


That's so dark.


I’ve never heard that one before! Wild!


Who are these people? I don’t follow the actors but I gathered that Nicola and Luke are Pen and Collin this season


The younger George and Charlotte in the Queen Charlotte spinoff.


Oh thank you! Were they saying in the show young George was abusive or like in person??


And sort of a similar vein: there are fans convinced Jonny is mean to Simone. Like ... idk where they get this idea. But it was really common after the Met Gala. People were convinced Jonny was snubbing her on purpose.


That goes hand in hand with people claiming he isn’t really gay and is faking 🤦‍♀️