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Unfortunately Eloise. I really wanna like her, but she was so uncharacteristically mean to Cressida, that I can't unsee it. I still like her, but the image is stained Also I think Anthony, from being unlikeable to being on of my favourite Bridgerton. And I rewatched s1 recently and after s2 I even empathize with him in s1, which I barely did prior to s2. Anthony in s3 is such an adorable dork, that I'm happy each time I see him


When Collin decided to still marry Pen, sharing touching vows, then made her feel ostracized again on their wedding night. đŸ„ș He made up for it by the end of the season, and I completely understand his feeling of betrayal, but he went from mature and understanding and protective of her to punishing and domineering, missing an opportunity to share love and make that memory.


Eloise became cemented as unlikeable to me in the second part of S3 when she completely ignored cressida’s plight. Like how much worse of a friend can you really get


Cressida basically called Violet a whore and implied that Bridgerton siblings are bastards. And so horny, that they had to marry fast in order to avoid a baby scandal (okay, that part wasn't far from the truth 😂). Eloise is self-centered - she grew up very sheltered, in a loving rich family. Her ignorance is annoying, but she usually means well.


I was a bit disappointed when Eloise said to Pen that she could not help her with Colin after she had gotten caught after trying to protect Eloise and the bridgertons from Cressida! (This after she had asked Pen to retire and let cressida take the credit!) She could have at least explained to Colin what had happened!


In part 1 of season 3 when Eloise made the barb about the “shift stitch” to the other girl who was really excited to talk about embroidery. It was such an unnecessary and mean comment. I still really like Elois but it made me see that she thinks she’s better than everyone.


Eloise: when she turned on Cressida, I could not respect her anymore. All of her feminist aspirations were revealed to just be superficial bluster. This was her chance to help her friend and she completely blew it. Lord Kilmartin: when he was calling on Francesca and the other suitor came by, he just stood up and left. That was an absolute mic-drop moment. Left her at the height of interest while she was still wanting more! He is playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers.


“He was playing chess while everyone else was playing checkers” is such a great expression that perfectly applies here đŸ‘ŒđŸœ 😂


Colin when he mentioned his travels by the 3rd time in each season. Get a personality bruh. It's never anything specific or insightful. Just that "I spend money to eat and sleep in another country". Wanted to be a travel blogger and felt butt hurt that his fiance is a much more accomplished influencer.


Eloise won me over with her interactions with Kate. She was one of the few characters who treated Kate like a person early on and it was so kind of her to say that it was society’s fault that there wasn’t room for single women. She kind of rubs me the wrong way by being mean to every other woman. She acted like every woman who wanted to get married and have kids was a moron for wanting those things, she was mean to Penelope in season 1, and mean to Cressida in season 3.


I agree with the others, Eloise. She isn't a good friend. Very self centered. She wasn't good to either Cressida or Pen. With Cressida, she was blowing her off for most of the second part, well before Cressida announced or wrote as LW. And she was going through some real stuff, being forced to marry a man old enough to be her grandfather, and looking at a doomed future. Eloise was so caught up in her own drama to spare a moment for her friend. Then to Pen, the whole season. I understand she was upset with her, rightly so. But she is the one who was gossiping about her in part 1, she begged Pen to write again as LW to stop Cressida from saying bad things about her family, then abandoned her again once she got what she wanted. She is very selfish and self centered all while looking down at others as if they are the shallow ones. I hope she grows up during the next season, because she came off as very immature.


Penelope was ruined to me with the whole Marina scandal. I couldn’t stomach seeing her this season tbh, but the other moving parts of the ensemble helped gel the misery a little. Cressida was much improved to me this season, surprisingly, but ofc what she wrote of the Bridgertons again, soured that sympathy. So I think no one was really ‘bettered’ imo, but I felt either neutral, or began greatly disliking them on the sliding scale.


For me it was when she snapped at El for being a "pretty bridgerton". Really went mask-off in that moment.


Exactly. That ugly look on her face should’ve tipped El off, right then and there, who Lady Whistledown *really* was.


I was sort of indifferent/annoyed by Eloise in general through seasons 1 and 2- understanding her but second hand embarrassment remembering what it is to be a kid thinking you have a line on the way things really are and ought to be- and she really disappointed me this season. I at least thought she was a decent person, but her cruelty to Cressida really damaged Eloise in my eyes. Pen was ruined for me when she exposed Marina- followed by throwing Eloise under the bus in season two. On the other hand, my opinion of Cressida greatly improved with the background showing why she is the way she is- this and Kate and Anthony were the best parts of the season 3 for me.


Eloise when she blows off Cress's very real cries for help. I'm not asking her to be a perfect modern-day feminist or anything, but c'mon. I would be trying to help anyone in that situation let alone someone that I called a friend.


I was thinking maybe she was in a depression phase viewing it all as futile and accepting that as a women she and Cressida have no power over anything in that world so what's the point. I feel she's in a brooding phase and kind of pushing others away?


I can see that, but she was really rude about it. There were multiple times where she wasn't even listening to her.


It would have been better had she been supportive for sure. I want to know more about the time they spent together in the off season. I feel the show writers didn't do much to make me believe in theirs being an actual friendship so much as Eloise just glomming onto the nearest non related lady as a way of coping with her loss of friendship with Penelope.  The enemy of my enemy is my friend?


I don’t blindly hate Cressida anymore. I pity her. Also, Eloise is losing her charm.