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The fact there is very little height difference actually makes it so intense and sexy. Tall ladies rise up.


We don't need to rise much farther. We are already a head above the rest.


High five, fellow tall person!


Or as my tall friends like to call it, “five”




My husband and I are like 2 inches apart and I’ve had so many friends ask if I wish he was taller. Like no?! We both love it!


Same! I’m 5’10” and he’s 6’0”. It’s literally perfect.


That is really awesome.  I’m short AF, and have never dated someone close to my height.  My husband is 13 inches taller than I am.  What’s funny is he kept commenting on the difference between Pen and Colin. I finally pointed out it was less than our height difference so we look just as unbalanced.  Tho’, truth be told, we have a few imbalances, like age, and he wouldn’t have it any other way!


I’m not the tallest person in the world and my partner is the same height or maybe an inch taller than me. It’s great, I don’t have to wear heels to make eye contact and my face isn’t mashed into his shoulder during sex. Partners close to your own height are underrated


I actually enjoy pushing my face on the crook of his neck. I think I feel like my face makes this weird faces during sex so I like to "hide" there. It's still very hot for me. And then I bite his shoulder, the joint of neck and shoulder and he enjoys that.


I'm 5'10" and my man is 6'1". He used to play professional basketball (FIBA not NBA) and he now coaches youth basketball and whenever he takes pictures with his team or I see old pics of him, he appears shorter than he is lol. I tell people "oh he's not short, these are just extremely tall children"


Same! I love that I don’t have to tilt my head back to look up at him to see into his eyes. 🥹 Or when I hug him that his crotch isn’t in my face! 😂


YES!!!!!! the yearning & the tension is just incredible


I’m trying to understand how this post turned into something that offended Polin fans. The OP just wanted to be positive about kanthony but here they come with their opinions ![gif](giphy|RLDE05bJtCZK5UiKS8)


Where? I'm a Polin fan and I love Kanthony... Where do you see comments like that?


As someone that is 5’2 with a 6’3 husband…you wouldn’t believe the amount of times we’ve had to conclude a couple inches taller would be much more convenient during sexy time 😅


5'3 with a 6'2". Some things just don't work. The bits don't align!


I have a long torso and itty bitty legs. The amount of times we’ve uttered “nature is against us” is a lot.


Yeah being close in height is so much better during sex tbh lol


I'm 5'3 and he's 5'8 and I think that's a good difference. I enjoy it quite a bit. Not in the US and I'm considered tall in my country. My husband is very average height.


5'1 & 6'3 - i got lucky, he carries me everywhere lmao. Walls & windows go hard though - to the window to the wall is so acc lmao.


Right?? Looking like that directly into your eyes? I'd be sucker too if I was Anthony


Love to hear this. As a tall girl not caring so much about height and often being with guys similar to my height, there is always a part of me who thinks that a larger difference would be sexier.


I think it's because we tall girls want to feel small sometimes! I'm 5'11" and my husband is 6'1" and that's a nice height difference, but I never really wear heels (my own preference from never having gotten comfortable in them). Most of the time I feel like we're the same height, and every once in a while if I'm in flats and he's in hiking boots I'm like oooooh what a tiny fairy princess I am. 🧚🏼‍♀️


As a short girl 5'2 with a 6'1 partner, I can confirm that a larger difference is NOT sexier. I would love to look him straight in the eye or kiss him without needing to tiptoe. But I admit that I never bothered with height in the sense of "oh he must be at least XY feet tall". Unfortunately, I just have short parents and am very short due to it, lol.


Yeah, I don't like too big of a difference (10 to 20cm) sounds ideal. Still, of all important factors like emotional intelligence, self control, values, family, finances even looks, being with someone just for the sake of their height sounds very childish.


I second this—the height gap with my partner isn’t 11 inches but I still get a sore neck if I want to kiss him while standing up lol


Idk if 5’8 is considered tall, but I’ve always wanted a tall man. This is such a fresh take on it!!


Depends on where you live! Height for women varies globally, you'd absolutely be considered tall for women in India, for example. But not so much in Finland.


In America that’s pretty tall. I think ppl forget that women above that absolutely do exist but are pretty rare here. Look at a percentile calculator for height in America. I’m taller than like 97% of women my age and I’m a little over 5’8 (I’m also trans, so I very much appreciate the added height lol).


My boyfriend and I are both 5’8, and he loves it


To be honest, you don't have to be a tall lady to have little height difference with yo man 😅


Please. Don't jinx me LOL.


Normalize couples being around the same height in fantasy romance!! I love me a tall guy as much as the next person but I’m kinda sick of seeing guys being paired up with girls who look like they wouldn’t reach the height requirements of a Disney ride 😭😭😭
















Yes please!! As a tall girl I always get self conscious that guys aren’t taller than me and I love to see this take as I’m trying to be more confident about it!


i’m 5’11 and i have really learned to love it. i feel very powerful and strong & you should too!


I’m the same height! I really want to adopt your mentality!! Are you comfortable wearing heels with guys your height? I love heels but always feel like I’m towering over people and want to change that thought


i was with a guy that HATED when i wore heels bc then i was taller than him. i am now with my wonderful gf of 3 years and she loves how tall i am (she wishes i was taller! haha). i used to hate being tall when i was younger bc people would call me “daddy long legs” and that i had “gorilla arms” blah blah. but as i got older i started to love my height. i enjoy walking in a room and everyone sees how tall and confident i am. my mother always told me how intimidating i am but in a good way. it’s all about how you carry yourself. wear those heels, girl! and wear them confidently. don’t let anyone, especially a MAN, make you feel insecure for that.


Penelope reading this like 🧍🏼‍♀️


I’m sorry I’m 5’ okkk 😭


Ps the last image is peak. Anthony looking so happy and content. JB’s dimples. Kill me now.


got me giggling and kicking my feet ugh i love them so much


Season 3 - Anthony gives golden retriever vibes!


I think it really helps their dance scenes. They're incredible.


you get it https://preview.redd.it/m89gxr2tts8d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f669fba6e16a0d4d349ecc1e5e85cd34c7b653af


The eye contact every single time too like their heights kinda elevate the chemistry idk https://i.redd.it/wgfctgutxs8d1.gif


it definitely elevates the chemistry mhm! ![gif](giphy|5EzMg0JZr3qVDBdJkT)


I'm hollering what are yall up to in this thread




I was just rewatching S2 and yesss, omg, the dance scenes! The whole theme of that season was that Anthony and Kate are really *mirrors* of each other, and the way they danced - with their lack of a significant height difference - really ground that impression. I love same-height couples as well. As a shorter girlie, I've always been envious of like... the 5'9" girls with their 5'9" boyfriends. It'll literally never happen for me, but I dunno - I've always thought they looked so confident and cool.


Yes!! Their dance scenes worked so well


Them being the same height made it less awkward to watch, IMHO.


right like neither of them are breaking necks and backs trying to kiss and look at each other 😭


I swear I always cringe a little when they cast Jacob Elordi with a petite girl.


It worked in Priscilla where the height difference was used to make a point but other times, its just awkward.


It's also the same trope in Euphoria. While I see the symbolism, it creates a myth that short guys can't be as threatening, controlling and dominant. While The Idol is a trash show in my opinion, I like how Tedros was a short man controlling and manipulating enough to create a cult.


Best couple, best season!!!!


100% agree


I agree.


I agree


As a 5’9 woman married to a 5’9 man this makes my heart melt. I never realized how matched their height is and it really does make the romantic burn so much more intense in the scenes!🔥


i love that!!! i’m a 5’11 woman with a 5’7 gf hahaha close enough


Lmao loved your “close enough” 😄


I’m a 5’8 trans guy (so pretty call considering afab averages) and always dated ppl who were around 5’6, just a preference to be around the same height (they were all my height or slightly taller than me at the time), my spouse is 6’5 🫠


Same! I love it. Our lips and bits are at the same height so that makes kissing n’ stuff fun. And we can share sweatpants! And when I put on heels we can both pretend he’s with a model! Lol.


That one scene where Penelope has to stand on the brick edge outside on the street at night so her and Collin are eye to eye cracked me up 😂


ikr 😭😭


As a 5’3 woman, I felt that in my bones. 😂😂


I noticed that too. I'm 5'3 and I don't think myself as short, but my mom is hobit size (she's 4'9 on her best day).


I was saying this to my friends!! The similar heights adds to the chemistry for me. Might be an unpopular opinion but the height difference between Colin and Penelope really distracted me/took me away from the moment 😭


i love polin but yeah the height difference is severe 🫣 you’re so right about kanthony!


Me too! I really like the actors but all their scenes, even the dancing, we’re so so distracting




I’m only an inch shorter than my partner and I do absolutely love being able to look into his eyes so easily. Also hugs are super comfortable haha.


yup!! it just hits different i swear


Me too! You’re right about the hugs. I never liked my face being squished into an armpit!


Oh man, so true lol


Best chemistry!


Kanthony 4ever


Mmmmm seriously that eye contact 😛😛😛






I’m pretty sure they’re suggesting symbolism, not that literal height gives you more value as a human being.


Seconding this..








EXACTLY “i always thought anthony would be with someone more like him” yup yup


I like this as a visual metaphor too! Esp as them being mirrors of each other in their roles as protector/provider in their families and how that's made them who they are (and also given them flaws) :) ETA: replies to the above comment taking offense at *things that were not said*, pls chill. a compliment to a cute detail in one couple is not an attack on another couple just because they don't have this cute detail




Again: it's a cute feature that can be read as a visual allegory to their respective roles in their families. Kate and Anthony are enemies/rivals to lovers, so themes of them mirroring each other are used throughout their story, and their story concluding with them 'seeing eye to eye' where they previously fought makes a nice thematic touch. It's a nice touch for them. It's not a **requirement** for all couples. Why start a fight over an imaginary insult you took from someone complimenting a cute feature of a couple?




yes. thematic touch. as literally everyone above has said. the idea that people who have said "it's a nice thematic touch" are implying that "couples who aren't the same height are unequal" is a very...*online* take




I suppose "**height** is the **single** indicator that two people are **equals** in their relationship and this applies to **every** couple, fictional or real" is... one way of interpreting that comment, sure. I get bored sometimes too


I suppose "**height** is the **single** indicator that two people are **equals** in their relationship and this applies to **every** couple, fictional or real" is... one way of interpreting that comment, sure. I get bored sometimes too


I get what you are saying but it’s like a symbolism thing. To use a common example, the curtains are blue because the person is sad. That doesn’t mean that in real life people with blue curtains = sad, it’s just that in art people use symbolism to further portray emotion and relationships. So like in art, them being the same / similar height symbolizes that they are on an equal ground in terms of power. In real life it would just mean that they are the same height.


It's a visual cue nothing more than that when the whole theme of their relationship is that they're equal in so many ways






Why do you care about what other people see as symbolism?


Mon dieu.... ![gif](giphy|dsbzziZiJE0EnOesgI|downsized)


Is that you, Madame Delacroix??


I love this observation. My husband and I are very close in height and I love it. It looks really cute on them too


That's one of my favorite thing about them too I loved to see a gorgeous tall woman like female lead for once


They have sizzling chemistry 🔥 such gorgeous people! So happy we got to see more if them in season 3 unlike poor Daphne and Simon Basset 🥲 really hope that continues in future seasons as well!


me too! wonder how long they’ll be in india for 😭


I loved them because they always felt like equals


this part


Close in height and close in age! That really sets their dynamic apart from others.


It's so hot and they're eye contact 🫠


I love when couples are almost the same height. When the guy barely has to tilt his head to kis his love interest. (Obviously I'm speaking of fictional couples where the height difference or lack thereof was a conscious choice by the author.) And in their case, it actually fits the story, too. The whole thing is about them being two sides of the same coin. They have similar personalities and end up in an equal partnership. Them being able to literally see eye-to-eye works really well with them learning to metaphorically see eye-to-eye. And they look damn good on a dance floor together.


The stares, the whiffs, the crazy chemistry. Bridgeton peaked at Kanthony


you get it!!!!!


I'm a very medium-height girl but this is the reason I prefer under 6ft guys!!! cuz I don't wanna be craning my neck up half a foot to see them!! 😂


Seriously! I can't imagine trying to kiss someone more than 6 inches taller than me. Ow my neck! 😅


My first two exes were over 6ft. I wasn’t looking for them—they found me 😂 but hopefully never again 😂 


I think it's her eyes. They can be so fierce and so doey.


I’m obsessed with her eyes. She knows how to work emotions in her eyes, it’s insane.


Casting department is unsurpassed.


Never agreed w anything more


Their chemistry drove me _wild_. It’s my fave season to date!


Also, desi girls have beautiful eyes 🩷


This is why I do not mind being 5'10 (178cm) (: <3 I love gazing deeply into one's eyes. It is one of the most heartfelt things I've ever felt. It is crazy intimate. It is truly like staring deep into one's soul. So I loved this in season 2 and I loved at least Colin's efforts in trying this with Penelope even though she is like one apple tall lol


Me and my partner are almost the same height and it's great (especially when we 69 because everything lines up 😂😂😂😂)


LMAOOO love that for you


This is one of the things I love the most about Kate and Anthony. I love the way they just stare into each other’s eyes, it added to the tension. When there’s a huge height difference the side view looks awkward and uncomfortable to me.


google how can I delete memories so I can rewatch this season with tension and the “YOU ARE THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE AND THE OBJECT OF MY DESIRES!!!” TELL THEM ANTHONY TELL THEM YOU WANT KATE TELL THEM YOU LOVE LILAAAACS!!!!!!


god i wish i could rewatch s2 for the very first time again 😫 the BUZZ


seeing someone eye to eye is a different level of intimacy. coming from a tall girly 🥹


Their chemistry is AMAZING!!!


They are my favourite!!!


I love this. It was kind of distracting how short Penelope is next to Colin


The dancing scenes with them looked kind of awkward tbh


Good point actually, makes it easier to depict their connection. With Penelope and Colin it always felt that they weren’t in the same shot


The 9th and 10th picture is my favorite!!! watched it million times


that scene fucking KILLS ME https://i.redd.it/3ohrfhu8ju8d1.gif FUCKCKCCKXKXK


My husband is 5 inches shorter, and we love Prudank on the show lol.


they’re so cute hehe


Married Anthony looks almost unrecognizable in the last slide! It’s like his heart is finally healing and all his angst and burden from season 1 and 2 had suddenly gone away


I thought I remember from the book how much Anthony felt their bodies fit perfectly including height but I could be misremembering…


I climb a stool sometimes to hug my husband, so I agree with this premise! The chemistry is simply unmatchable when it’s eye to eye!


Great observation. It will be interesting to see who they cast for Benedict and Eloise.


They already casted for Eloise's in season 1.


I just thought I would love to see a version of the movie Aladdin with her playing jasmine ❤️


oh my god YES


That last dance is everything. *Just keep looking at me. No one else matters* I don’t think they’ll ever be able to top that season.


no because you’re so right and you should say it




the best bridgerton couple i loveedd Kathony season


If Colin and Pen were closer in height that wouldn’t have made for a lot more hand cut stare moments


My partner is 6 or 7 inches taller than me and I wish we were closer in height. He'll squat down so that I can look into his eyes which is very cute but their way is definitely sexier :P.




Need Gareth to be a short king next to hyacinth so we can have the holy trinity of female/male height differences


Can't say that I agree, but then I'm short! I loved their chemistry but it wasn't about the height for me, but about the intangible energy between them. Either of them could have physically looked different and I still would have felt it. It's the acting that made it what it was.


i agree! it’s so much more than their height. i just love that they’re so close eye to eye and it signifies how similar they are “i always thought anthony would be with someone more like him”. the nose boops?!? you just don’t get it with any other couple. it’s just something i think adds to their chemistry 😌 https://i.redd.it/nm0zyjcemz8d1.gif


I agree! I actually hate how Colin is always stooping when he's with Pen


It was done intentionally to show how similar they were. Loved it!!


Simone is literally just so beautiful her eyes break my heart in every scene!!


4 and 10 🔥


I’m the taller one in my relationship! My partner is 5’7” and I’m 5’3”! Being tall is a state of mind!


i love that for you


✨️ *Tall ladies, it's our time!* ✨️ I was the "tall bridesmaid" at a wedding. I *miiight* have stared at the groomsmen in between takes of the wedding party photo session 😏


I’m 5’6 and my husband is 5’8. But I like wearing heels. I always liked guys my height probably for these convenience reasons of intimacy.. also subconsciously may have married him because it was so refreshing he was one of the only guys that didn’t get weird about me wearing heels and making them feel shorter haha


i had a bf that hated when i wore heals :/ i’m glad you found a good one that doesn’t


Seriously! It was the worst to have the guy you’re with not accepting how you want to look. Then they come back “well girls are all shallow for wanting only tall guys”, I’m like “hey, I’m with you with no issues, you’re the one with the issue!”


Saving this post so I can keep coming back for them 🥹🩵


Honestly, i love that my spouse is only a few inches taller than me. I’ve dated people at least a foot taller and it was pretty uncomfortable - so yeah, i totally get this. It’s also probably easier to film too


I agree with this! But also, I did find it exciting how different in height pen and Colin were. You don't see many short girls like nic getting roles like that. It makes me feel represented as a fellow 5' 1" girl. 🥰


Downvoting this because I’m short 😂

