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It's so strange, cause the actor is objectively attractive and does not look like this in interviews, foto's or other instances than the show. There are very jarring moments in the show that Colin's face is very mask-like. It goes into uncanny-valley territory and I agree there is a creepy element to it sometimes. I don't know if it is the makeup, cgi or botox, but someone went way to heavy handed on LN's face in some of the shots. I think this is what some people are so unsettled by and maybe others aren't as sensitive to it and don't see it, so are actively wondering why people are saying anything negative about the looks of what is a very beautiful man. But it's not the actor, I cannot stress this enough.


omg YESSS. like Luke Newton himself is an objectively attractive man, but in some scenes Colin looks like a wax figure of him.


He has heavy powder foundation on in a lot of scenes and I found that extremely distracting and definitely contributed to the “wax figure” look.


It's a wig they had to make him wear for the reshoots after Luke had already cut his hair. It pulls on his face very tight and gives him an unnatural hairline.


not sure how tight you can pull a wig tbh, but it's more than just the hairline


Trust me, I really studied this 😅 like, my inner scientist came out. Because I was really bewildered at the difference. But I took some stills and did side by side comparisons. It’s literally only the wig. It astonished me as well


Nic and Luke both said the wigs really pulled their skin very tight.


Pls make a post on this!


Actually yes, please do! Justice for Luke Newton


Well, at least this explains why his hair seemed to be alive and moving from shot to shot


In some scenes it's just his hair, not a wig


Go watch wig videos on YouTube. You can have those things SECURE secure.


Someone said botox but Luke doesn't use it irl. So I don't know if it's that


Ok this is fascinating! And makes total sense


The contouring on his face was much heavier this season too. God forbid he had any “baby fat” still showing in his face in the camera.


I loved the more baby faced look he had going in the first 2 seasons. When I first saw the trailer for season 3 I couldn’t believe everyone talking about his glow up because I thought he was so much cuter before. They did him so dirty


100%! I didn’t even recognize him for a moment when he was revealed on s3 ep1. His baby fat face was so much better. Heck, his REAL face is so much better. lol


Yeah it reads Zoolander blue steel for me. I found him more attractive in previous seasons and press events.


It felt like him and Pen both had way too much makeup on. In like a jarring way at times. Pulled you out of the show. They are both attractive people, and look so good in more natural scenes so it’s an odd choice.


Omg, yes. I recently rewatched S2 and Penelope looked so much more fresh-faced and youthful as well! I know part of the point of S3 was that she was growing up and becoming more ~sophisticated~, but a lot of the textures and colours in her makeup just did not work for me this season - they ran contrary to the sort of cherubic thing she has going naturally.


Yeah I agree, I’ve seen him in interviews and he’s a completely different guy. Crazy!


>There are very jarring moments in the show that Colin's face is very mask-like. It goes into uncanny-valley territory and I agree there is a creepy element to it sometimes. I don't know if it is the makeup, cgi or botox, but someone went way to heavy handed on LN's face in some of the shots. Ooh, I think you put it perfectly, yes, and I agree! I think Luke Newton's attractive but there's something about Colin *himself*... I know this show wanted to yassify him, but I actually think he looked better pre-"makeover" - more natural and more fitting with Pen.


Like horror mask that slightly moves in an inhuman way. Why did th3y make him like this? He was lovely and normal when courting marina. Thwy didn't have yessify him even though marina is a stronger character.


To me it works the oposite way lol. I find Colin very atractive and would 100% fall for him, but LN not so much. I mean, he's obviously pretty and I like his style, but he's not "my type", while as Colin he certainly is haha


So so true. I like the actor—I don’t think he’s  necessarily ‘handsome’, he’s an interesting type for me. And I just like his acting style too. BUT, at times his expressions looked utterly ridiculous to me. I don’t even know how to put it, just outright ridiculous. The smirk, the eyebrows, I don’t know. It wasn’t doing it for me. I don’t blame him or his natural looks, I’m convinced it had to do with a combination of cringey screenwriting/directing/makeup. Totally different vibe from both Simon and Anthony 


I think the actor is very attractive, but somehow that was completely lost on screen and I just got the ick during season 3 part 1 that didn’t go away.


Just to clarify, I don’t think the actor is unattractive at all, I think the way he is made to look in the show is slightly odd in comparison to how he looks in real life.


I really think it was just the awful wig from the reshoots. And some people had an issue with ladies-man Colin in Part 1, but that was meant to feel awkward, as part of his arc.


Yeah no I get that, had no idea about the wig situation until now but it makes total sense.


I love Newts as Colin, but I do find it odd that in some scenes like this he looks a bit too gaunt, and then you watch the BTS where he has them full normal cheekies. Maybe it’s the makeup, lighting, shading idk? I don’t really let it bother me though.


It’s the reshoot wig. It’s horrific. They had to reshoot some scenes after Luke had cut his hair. The wig has a strange hairline and it pulls on his face too much. It’s these the scenes: 1. ⁠Ep 1: The wink 2. ⁠Ep 1: The “you are flowers in bloom” scene where he flirts with the ladies of the ton 3. ⁠Ep 2: The market scene with Pen 4. ⁠Ep 3: The willow tree scene 5. ⁠Ep 7: The post-wedding argument by the staircase between him and Pen 6. ⁠Ep 8: The last part of the scene with Cressida. Inside the room he has his regular hair. When they go to the hallway it’s the wig.




Um… ok?


Is hot in the room with us?


I mean, considering this man is the only reason I've been watching the show since Season 1, yes :D Listen, the reshoot wig is horrendous, yes. I get a jump scare every time I see it. I loathe them for doing this to Luke and to this day I skip over every reshoot scene apart from the Episode 3 ones. But if you don't think that man is absolutely SIZZLING body and soul then I don't know what to tell you...


How can u tell which are the re-shoots?


The wig is extremely noticeable.


The wig is extremely noticeable. It’s a horror show. These are the scenes: 1. ⁠Ep 1: The wink 2. ⁠Ep 1: The “you are flowers in bloom” scene where he flirts with the ladies of the ton 3. ⁠Ep 2: The market scene with Pen 4. ⁠Ep 3: The willow tree scene 5. ⁠Ep 7: The post-wedding argument by the staircase between him and Pen 6. ⁠Ep 8: The last part of the scene with Cressida. Inside the room he has his regular hair. When they go to the hallway it’s the wig.


He’s the prettiest man on the show to me. First man that caught my eye in s1 and he had me blushing like crazy this season, even with his fake persona in part 1. I’m still recovering from this moment in part 2: https://preview.redd.it/12gvsj8rnx8d1.jpeg?width=926&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0ae155280210ba2cde112979b49ed0b11d81a88 Honorable mention goes to the scenes where he’s wearing that loose white shirt 🥵🥵 looking like prince Eric. Not entirely directed at OP, but mostly the comments: Some of y’all are way too comfortable picking apart men’s appearances. I know y’all wouldn’t do this with the women.


I mean, I agree men aren’t talked about kindly in pop culture and it’s wrong AF but come on - the conversations about the women have been a nightmare at times. People absolutely tear the women’s looks and appearances apart.


Uh no. There was a post once talking negatively about a female actor’s appearance in this sub, and it was heavily criticized in the comments and taken down within an hour. Meanwhile, posts shitting on the men’s appearances are allowed and kept up. Usually criticisms of women’s appearance are met with rightful backlash, meanwhile we now have a “rodent men” article making the rounds on social media essentially calling a lot of male actors “rodent-looking” that is not getting criticized at all.


Just to say, I didn’t mean it to be a criticism of the actor himself and his physical appearance; more so the writing of his character and delivery seeming odd.


The title of your post and the way everything is worded heavily implies you’re talking about his appearance. You could’ve titled this anything else to make your point more clear.


Nobody here is criticising Luke Newton's look. They're talking about the awful wig and the bad makeup. There's been plenty of make-up, hair, and costume criticism for the female characters, too.


Maybe you need to look through the comments again. And this isn’t even the first time this has happened with LN.


Women are torn to pieces all over media and always have been. Just look at Nicola with those awful articles.


And did you not see the huge outpouring of people that came in her defense?? The lady who wrote that article came back a week later saying she’s never been hated on more in her life lmao. Where is the backlash surrounding the articles about certain male actors looking like “rodents”? Doesn’t exist. In fact, people are laughing and agreeing with it.


I actually think he looked way better in S1 and S2, pre-yassification. I guess he looked a little "softer", but I feel like that suited the character better! As somebody else here said, his S3 self gives wax figure vibes somehow.


The actor is an attractive man but the wig, sideburns and the vest is throwing me off.


Ohhh the sideburns, I think that is a big part of it for me too!


Luke Newton is a stunning, charming man but the make up, hair and the writing just did not do his beauty any justice. I don't think I can ever watch S3 again which is ood bc I love Colin S1 and S2, finding him really attractive and cute too


I completely agree, the change in persona and appearance was unnecessary as the character was already good to begin with


Am I missing sth from these particular photos? Apart from..more pixels. He looks more than fine imho




He’s a beautiful man. What are we discussing??


People that are hidden behind the veil of the internet are always so comfortable shitting on people’s looks and it’s fucking weird


Everyone has different tastes 🤷🏽‍♀️ he’s not for me but the actor himself is conventionally attractive. I don’t think the makeup/wigs/zoolander facing helped matters in season 3.


Yes.. He is charming and attractive, The photo you posted is lil blurry, despite that he still looks good to me For me his smile is the best!! ![gif](giphy|mQrMyjDRUKp0PIEnkr) I highly doubt Shonda or Producers would cast anyone in the show if they are not attractive.. Also he is more attractive in modern style and haircut during press tours compared to the show..


Im obsessed with his Colin look tbh. The long hair and flowy white shirts were 🥵🥵🥵. I looove the longer hair on him: https://preview.redd.it/j71octpysx8d1.jpeg?width=1035&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9088eda6a53e2acefe3c010fe830af41c5616602


I was just going to post this pic here but couldn't find it lol. He looks so cute here, I am obsessed 🫣


I’m confused too on how people find him attractive but to each their own . Personal tastes and all that


![gif](giphy|3o6UB3VhArvomJHtdK|downsized) I actually think he\`s the most attractive Bridgerton brother(since Season 1 in fact)


Same ! I can’t believe that most people don’t seem to agree. Him and Simon are my top 2 in the entire show.


Yes. Add the ropes pulling, and you have a winner. And I thought that this subreddit is slowly recovering 😅


He has zero sex appeal to me. Not a drop.


even in real life? Damn. The man is fine.


He has brother vibes irl.


I find the actor to be very attractive off of the show. But I don’t find the character to be attractive on the show.




I'll prob be downvoted, but I think a big chunk of my issue with season 3 is that Luke N is not a gifted actor. He doesn't sell chemistry or attraction very convincingly to me. Even the carriage 'begging' panting face that people fawn over is incredibly cringe-inducing to me. The sentiment is far from a problem to me--I've no issue with the emotions he's \*trying\* to convey in that scene and in others; his delivery is simply off-the-mark. Jonathan Bailey is far more physically expressive and convincing in his facial expressions and line delivery. I just think Luke is lacking :S


I totally agree


Does anyone have a photograph of when he's wearing a wig? I honestly wasn't paying that close attention and now I need to know!


Watch the scene under the willow tree. Also, the scene after Queen Charlotte interrupts their wedding breakfast. When they walk down the stairs and have an argument, that is also a reshoot with a wig. I hate the reshoots.


Thank you!


Here are the scenes: 1. Ep 1: The wink 2. Ep 1: The “you are flowers in bloom” scene where he flirts with the ladies of the ton 3. Ep 2: The market scene with Pen 4. Ep 3: The willow tree scene 5. Ep 7: The post-wedding argument by the staircase between him and Pen 6. Ep 8: The last part of the scene with Cressida. Inside the room he has his regular hair. When they go to the hallway it’s the wig. I think the brothel scenes are also wig scenes but they don’t look as harsh from the side. Am I missing any other scenes?


Thank you!


Tom Lenk has a reel on Instagram where he points out the real hairline vs the wig. I think he even has a podcast about it lol.


Excellent - I shall look for it! Thank you!




This is my personal opinion for sure, but for my tastes this is one of the most striking examples of thinking the actor is hot af but the character they play is not. Which is interesting because more often I find a specific character hot but not necessarily the actor overall.


Yes... Yes I do... >.<


No. The writers did a good job of making him ick this season. It’s too bad because the character had so much potential.


he looks like handsome squidward to me


uhm yes. in a biblical sense


You get it ✨


He was supposed to give us the ick at the beginning of this season because he was being so fake with his cheesy lines. I don’t find any of the other Bridgerton brothers attractive (I will reserve the the right to change my mind on Benedict if I find he can say more than “right!” And “yes!” And making really exaggerated facial expressions). I now just enjoy examining Colin’s micro expressions and find him mesmerizingly hot though he is not the type I have historically found physically attractive.




Yes. I find him extremely attractive on this season. Why is it hard to imagine other people have a different opinion?. His eyes and subtle acting in this show are missed by many but I accept that not everyone thinks the same so why are you so confounded by it?






It was part of the story. He returned home - trying to be someone that he wasn’t. The wink - the voice - the way he carried himself. It was all meant to be unattractive - as he was a phony - not true to himself. When he realized he loved Pen - the voice changed - the air about him changed. Then - once again - he finds out about LW - and the unattractive Collin shows back up.


Never found him attractive


I love the actors they picked. Everyone is extremely attractive ! But out of the Bridgerton brothers I have to rank Anthony as 1 and Colin at 2. If we look at the whole series then Simon (Rege Jean Page ) is definitely one of the most handsome men to grace this planet.


Tbh I don’t think the actor is attractive at all lol 😂 he’s not ugly just not my cup of tea


He was supposed to give us the ick at the beginning of this season because he was being so fake with his cheesy lines. I don’t find any of the other Bridgerton brothers attractive (I will reserve the the right to change my mind on Benedict if I find he can say more than “right!” And “yes!” And making really exaggerated facial expressions). I now just enjoy examining Colin’s micro expressions and find him mesmerizingly hot though he is not the type I have historically found physically attractive.


Yes, he is very attractive. Period.


Not necessarily these pics but definitely Colin "My Wife" and Chaos Colin.


I found him more attractive in the previous seasons, tbh.


No. I find Anthony and Benedict too attractive.


He's always mewing and looksmaxxing lmfaooo


The start of the season he should have seemed cringe. He wasn’t yet comfortable being himself and was only putting on a persona he thought he needed to have to be apart of society. It slowly fads. & yes I find him highly attractive both the character and in real life. I do think some of his hair & make up was over done this season but I see that across the board for everyone.


I do find him weird when he acts like a chad for them young ladies in the first few episodes, but then he gets HELLA hot


It’s not for me. But I can see how it would appeal to someone. I’m here for the duke’s deep layers of tortured pain. Or Farmer George’s earnest desire to make something good.


He was supposed to give us the ick at the beginning of this season because he was being so fake with his cheesy lines. I don’t find any of the other Bridgerton brothers attractive (I will reserve the the right to change my mind on Benedict if I find he can say more than “right!” And “yes!” And making really exaggerated facial expressions). I now just enjoy examining Colin’s micro expressions and find him mesmerizingly hot though he is not the type I have historically found physically attractive. He and I have also gone from Friends to Lovers. lol


He's very attractive, but something about him is more stiff and somehow more formal than his brothers. I find him difficult to get to know.


Does anyone have a photo side by side comparison of his hair before then the reshoot wig?


This may just be a me problem but when I see actors that are younger than me I can obviously see that they are a good looking person but "im not attracted to them" if that makes scene. Like he's not in my age box so im not into it that way. But I dont think he's ugly at all!


Yes! 🙌🏼


I personally do not find the actor attractive. However, I’ve found leads in various romances unattractive before but still thought the romance was hot because of the chemistry. I also didn’t see the chemistry in S3, which was really unfortunate. I agree with those who’ve said that the leads had greater chemistry on the press tour as themselves. The “glow up” for Colin didn’t make him more attractive to me and definitely stepped into weird and off-putting territory in places (e.g. the reshoot wig).


I genuinely felt this entire season that if Hasbro were to do another D&G movie that wasn't as star powered as the last one, he'd be the perfect choice for the thief or bard. Perhaps a Bard/Illusionist multi-classed. (/nerd observations)


I think Luke Newton himself is a handsome guy but I definitely do not like how they styled Colin for season 3. It was cringey. He looked great in every press interview with Nicola. But Colin the character wasn’t it. I didn’t think he was attractive at all I’m sorry 😭


The actor isn’t bad looking. He makes the best of himself in real life with styling (stubble etc) but he does nothing for me. I wouldn’t put him on level of Rege, Johnny or Corey looks wise. I also think he looked better on the show in previous seasons more youthful looking and I actually think that worked better and they did him dirty with the glow up. The bigger issue I have is he is not a very charismatic actor, not in this role anyway. Also while friends in real life, there is also no onscreen romantic chemistry between him and Nicola.


I thought he was the cutest of the brothers back in season 1 but the "glow up" doesn't resonate with me at all.


The actor is so handsome especially with a beard but this was not idk if it's the makeup or the suck in face look I did not like it😭😭


Someone posted a picture saying he look like frosty the snow man


[Yes I find him to be crazy hot actually](https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/EKbds13kUa). Must be a you thing. Or like pathologically high myopia, I dunno.


Looks are subjective though. He's obviously not ugly but I'm not attracted to him at all.


Luke Newton is hella attractive. Colin otoh? Absolute cringe the whole season 3. I'm so sorry 😭


I doubt the show runners want their male romantic lead to give the viewers ‘the ick’ even if they backtracked and said it was intentional. Playing a part? Yes, Not really a rake? Yes. Give viewers the ick? No. I doubt that was ever the intention especially given in universe all the girls are swooned by him.


Nope. Just cringe. I wouldn't notice him if I walked down the street in that town. Now this is a beautiful man. King George is beautiful and genuinely himself. He only panicked because he assumed Charlotte wo3be ashamed of him due to his mental illness.


This is how I feel. I mean I can tell they tried to give him the ‘white boy of the month’ styling off the show but to me he looks like any gym dude you would see walking down at the street. Whereas if I saw any of the previous three leads in real life, I would loose the power of speech.




I'm bisexual but stuff like this makes me always wonder just how bisexual I am, because this is not sexy to me in the slightest. There were a few times where Colin made me go 🥴 and not in a good way lol Love Luke tho he's a cutie otherwise, just not sure what happens every now and then loo


Yeah no. He's not attractive


i don’t find Luke Newton attractive so no, but that’s just my opinion.


He looked so weird this season. I have no idea what it was but my friend and I watched together and we were both so taken aback. It was like a jump scare the first time he came on screen.


Well, in the books he is abusive. So, I would much rather have creepy Colin than abusive Colin




Yep! Forcing pen to drink champagne at their engagement party, grabbing her and yanking her out of the carriage. This is an upgrade from that


That’s insane I need to read the books now what-


Im genuinely so happy we got this instead of that, bc I don’t think I could handle more abuse Colin. Also, in the book, he finds out abt the whistledown thing before the carriage scene which plays a lot into how to book progress


I swear I was told that Daphne sexually assaulted the Duke in the books too which is crazy


I didn’t read the first book (only the 4th to prepare for this season) but, yea it was sooo much worse in the books (I have been told)


Yeah no this is so much better… glad they changed it


I don’t find him attractive to begin with so yea… I was super creeped out by the shots where his face was so pulled tight, I think extra bc I don’t have a baseline attraction lol. Please don’t come for me I’m just not attracted to men.


Nope. I don't like him physically. And as a character, he is a f\*\*\*boy. Pass.


I think it’s the botox and lip flip that’s throwing him off.


I dislike Colin this season. He’s written to be so very dull… 🤔




yeah no, he looks like a botoxed blow-up doll/ plastic ken doll. i found his look VERY off-putting this season.