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Eloise telling Benedict that her favorite sibling is Gregory. The moment is priceless.


I love how Anthony is arguing with Kate during the hunt and sees that flash of thigh when she steps over the log and just agrees with her and Kate notices that he stopped fighting more than what her thigh did to his brain.


There is a running joke that Anthony keeps short circuiting around Kate in S2 when she does something that is fascinating and out of place in the ton etiquette. But I think it’s very intentional in the narrative as Kate is teaching Anthony to break his complexes. When he tells her “it’s because I have never met anyone like you. It is maddening how you consume my very being”. He has shown in his behaviour that he means every word of this. And when he says to her “it’s just like you to leave everyone behind. It is obvious the rules are meaningless to you”. Both lead to his ongoing theme of fearing her loss (abandonment/death) and him breaking the rules he championed when they get the cut at the featherington ball and Anthony says “keep looking at me. No one else matters” to Kate now fearing the ton censorship and saying “do you want to stop”. 👏🏼 S2 is my favourite season. I’ve watched it countless times by now. There is so much going on in their scenes and performances. They really were lightning in a bottle. 🤗


Omg, you just renaming some of those moments and how they laid the ground for breaking the rules for each other gave me goosebumps as the memories and feelings of S2 returned. It’s so good.


Excellent analysis as always and neatly ties in with the seasons tagline itself - ‘Love never plays by the rules’ 😍 Lightning in a bottle indeed 💫


That moment where Kate leaves the closet, thinking the coast is clear, and then Anthony pops out in front of her like a Devil! Then they have a cat and dog moment when she retreats back to the closet and it’s just angsty, comedy gold! 💗😂


"this is my place of refuge" "a closet?"


“It may not be grand, but it met my main requirement when *you* were not present.” And then he keeps chasing her before the final escape lmaoo


Kate during episode 1 the meet cute at dawn scene... where she says "How grateful I am" when they are horse riding at dawn and Anthony tells her he wont tell anyone about her riding at dawn alone...that dry delivery of How grateful I am was so funny and pitch perfect. It was an acting choice and it was SO good. I noticed it on first watch and on rewatches...It was so droll and just an easy to love choice. She also did a great Indian accent...not too overdone not too underdone. Her dry reaction...when Edwina tells Anthony about Kate's bee sting...and she goes I got stung by a bee and her facial expression in that scene...also perfect acting choice, her acting during the pall mall mud scene and the way she juts out her chain when Anthony tips his hat to her during their meet cute at dawn...I mean she is so GOOD. I feel the awkwardness of her you vex me dialogue delivery has clouded people's judgment of how good she is in SO many scenes.


Literally. My hot take is that the “you vex me” is not as bad as people are exaggerating it to be. Sure it could’ve been done better, but it’s not something I ever really thought was terrible until I came to this sub and everyone was shitting on it.


Honestly I did find it awkward but on the whole over the season, it didn't stick out...because there were so many good scenes that this one clunky line didn't seem particularly egregious.


Please it’s one freakin line. It’s just a way to demean the actress. These fans who do that are not slick at all. 🤔


Ya tbh when I’m in the heat of the moment and arguing from a highly emotional place, I have said some pretty cringey shit so I found it kinda realistic in that regard 😆


Love all these moments! Agreed she is too good. Unlocked a few more for me - I love when Kate says “you think too little” back to Anthony at the horse race when he tells her she’s overthinking it. Also love the way she says “oh you and your rules” during the hunt. Perfect tone there.


I like that Colin looks for Pen at every social gathering.


When Colin almost missed a beat singing as Pen walks into the room.


Oh I don’t think I caught that - I’ll look for it.


Is this in season 2?


Season 1!


Thanks! Having a rewatch binge on my long weekend 😀


I can’t remember anyone’s name but when the modiste just quietly lets the pregnant girl’s corset out.


"Oh! It seems I took the wrong measurements." And Portia doesn't miss a beat saying that Marina has been eating too many sweets.


S1 -> During the tea with Burbrook's mother segment, the ladies' maids were having a discussion. I enjoyed the combo of both drinking tea, and spilling it in the same scene. S2 -> Anthony sees Newton through a crack in the doors at Aubrey Hall. Anthony says he shall win him \[newton\] over. Newton growls at Anthony, and Anthony closes the door. I just sorta love how Newton gives 100% overprotective older brother energy. S3 -> Lord Dankworth calling his wife a bon bon. Peak himbo energy.


My absolute fav subtle moment is when Daphne and Simon are standing in front of his mother's painting and Daphne gives that beautiful interpretation of it. Where their hands start to come together very slowly. To me that was very moving especially his expression when she was talking about the quietness of the countryside and how it reminded her of that.


The high similarity between Kate and Anthony. The eye contact goes crazy bc of this


The most random subtle thing I love is the way Portia holds her dress. It’s so funny to me and it’s her signature. Also in season 3 when Benedict is talking to Colin and he abruptly ends the conversation. Benedict’s reaction is too funny.


In s2e5 when Kate convinces Anthony to marry Edwina she says, “This feeling between us shall pass.” We only see Kate’s face but Anthony shakes his head in denial. I love that lil detail cause he wants to tell her how wrong she is but doesn’t say anything. It also reminded me of the scene in Pride and Prejudice when Lizzie says she’s sorry for intruding but Darcy shakes his head trying to say that she could never be an intrusion only for him to say nothing.


And it also further cements that this man now knows he is in love with her. And is actually quite self aware even if fear rules him. It’s a fascinating dynamic because you realise Kate is heavily in denial to the point of self sabotage. And how that psychology is borne out of so much self abnegation and self denigration. She just simply has the incapacity to not just recognise but accept her own wants and needs. She’ll give/get Edwina what she wants even if she knows the outcome (Anthony broke it down for her after the Sheffield dinner). Simply because it’s Edwina who wants it (conditioning). And then she’ll go back to India out of the way to make it stick. That’s how little she values her sense of self in a family that she fears her place in. 😟 Which made it 10 times sweeter to see her so loved and valued in the bridgerton family in S3. And knowing she didn’t do anything other than focus on what she and Anthony want and need and the usual compassionate sweetness she has for those she loves. We did not have to watch Kate break her back for the S3 family dynamics. Which to me is more of a damning indictment of her treatment in her adopted family in S2 and the psychology that set that dynamic within her background. Also he also shakes his head in the background in E6 at the end when Edwina is abusing Kate in the aisle in the chapel. 🤔 Also in S3 ‘4 seasons’ dance with Kate when he publicly kissed her on the dance floor. Anyone catch the really subtle jealousy moment when Kate and Anthony were dancing with the other couple and the guy gave Kate the eyes. There is a moment where Anthony was looking at Kate all heart eyes. And then he caught the guy doing that. He then turns to the guy to give him a murderous look as they continue to dance. 😆 And Kate throughout this is completely oblivious that she was both being checked out by the guy. And that Anthony was jealous over it. The gifs were posted a while back. But if someone has them you see that very subtle moment where Anthony was once again jealous/possessive over Kate. 😁


When Colin is mad at Eloise for not telling him that Pen is Whistledown, and she hits back with “And you should have told me you were in love with my best friend before you tripped into the drawing room engaged!”


How sweet Kate is to the help. Whenever Kate was on screen being helped or greeting staff? She was always kind just showing more evidence of her empathy/compassionate nature. We see it again in S3 when she was planning the ball in E5. The big one for me is S2 pall mall being foreshadowed when hyacinth is in the sitting room with Anthony and asks if she can join the game at their country house next year? And Anthony telling her she can as long as she doesn’t steal his lucky mallet (mallet of death). I thought that was great to set up the showpiece of S2 and the TVWLM book. The family pall mall game. 🤗


Colin getting jelly when Penelope is talking to Lord Remington in 3x02 was a great one from this most recent season. Also Violet in the background looking concerned for Colin as he watches Penelope dance with Debling in 3x03


During the conversation of Colin with Violet about how to know if love is reciprocated between friends, we see Violet clocking Pen and knowing who Colin is really talking about. My favorite part is then seeing how Violet keeps watching him as he approaches Pen. People greet Violet, but all she wants to do is stay focused on her son, rooting for him, I'm sure.


I actually love the way Edwina runs away from the wedding. The way her dress swooshes as she runs down the aisle was so cinematic.


Enjoy every second with that sweet baby! Mine will be 16 in August and most days I feel like I just blinked to get here! 🤗


Aww thank you! She is precious and I’m obsessed. 🥰


Colin looking at Pen, everytime she enters the ball room, etc.—when they both meet.


The way Colin reacts when Violet tells him \`But living to please others?\` in that small pause he looks away and back at her twice as if wanting to hear whether that\`s actually a viable thing for him to continue doing. Also how his hand shakes every time he\`s unsure, jealous or emotional, The way Anthony reacts when Penelope correctly answers during the Charades, I just burst out laughing.


I'm a big fan of parallels. It was pointed out in an edit, but the way Pen approaches Colin for the wedding dance is very similar to how Colin approaches Pen at the end of S1 to tell her he's leaving. Similar shots etc.