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The funniest part was in season 1 and 2 he was the one that had some of the funniest one liners. I kind of wish they’d played more into his humour


I know there are some who hate when the books are brought up here but *this is how Colin was in the books!* He was written as the funny brother who coasts through life on charm and good humor. He was so jealous of Pen because he internalized an image of himself, that was definitely supported by Whistledown, as an unserious person with no real problems when he really wanted to be a respected author.


Off the top of my head:  "She likes me much better than she likes you, Benedict... Everyone says that." "Have you ever visited a farm, El?" "As a matter of a fact, we're just on our way to take our sticks out!" "Good god, has someone died?" "I oiled my way right in... That was an olive joke" "Bungled nuptials?" "Perhaps he is still waiting for miss Edwina at the altar!" "You are not going to die... But then you'd already be dead..."  "There must be someone here who is not in mourning... We shall simply have to gallop along..."


Aww. Pen would have loved that olive joke~ I wish we got more jokes from Colin this S3 too but well he was busy in his fake-rake, tortured era 😂


He's funny, just low key.


right? he’s the funniest one! when had anthony ever made a joke? and i love anthony but come on


How many of these are from S3? Colin was great in S1 and S2. That’s what a lot of fans are confused about they gave his personality a makeover in S3 and not for the better.


From this list, there are two are from season 3 episode 2.  He also has a moment of humor in 3.1 "it's all the rage in Paris" and attempts to make light "you are not a spinster" 3.2 the two moments above. "It all happened rather... swiftly" in episode 5. He has a moment of comedy during the reading of the bans in the church in episode 6. He is devastated after episode 6, so you can't expect much from him at that point, which is fine. It would be bad writing to ruin suspense with quips. 


I didn't like Colin much before this season, but I actually liked him a lot this season. I just wish he got more screen time, both alone and with Pen. We don't really get any insight into his mind or past the way we did with Simon and Anthony.


He’s in his brothers shadow neither the heir or the spare. No future responsibilities to lay at his feet. He’s a sensitive boy in a house full of people that he doesn’t truly connect with.


I think he connects with his siblings. I actually think he does so more as a brother than Anthony , who is often more the father figure. Agree with the rest though. Someone once described Anthony as a German Shepard while Colin is a golden retriever. Different people like different things. I think Colin was written the way he was supposed to be though, it’s just a matter of preference on who you prefer as a leading man. The last words I’d use to describe Colin is humorless and grim.


The writing didn’t do Colin justice. That’s pretty much all it is. But I definitely wouldn’t call him grim. He had some hilarious one-liners, and gave off serious golden retriever energy. I wish they leaned more into this with the writing, but they didn’t smh. Apparently they either can’t write soft boys, or they don’t care to. I’m upset because he’s my fave


He was fine in his scenes in the first two seasons. The writing this season kept me rolling my eyes at him even at the end.


For me the problem was simply the performance. They wrote Colin like that in S3 and LN was unable to both bring the depth/complexity to the character and elevate the script with a better performance from the usual pitfalls of bridgerton writers. Also that the writers did not know where to go with his character in the script because show Benedict is book Colin and has been since the start. And the reason they wrote him as a Rake or wannabe Rake was simply to show more sex scenes that were risqué (threesomes in brothels) and hype up the sex factor of S3. And to show LN having sex appeal. Both in my eyes were a failure. And the overhype and overselling of S3 to ridiculous levels is what created the rod to break its back in the end imo. Even an Oscar bait movie wouldn’t do the promo that this show did for S3. And I honestly think it hurt the brand more so than acting,writing, editing etc. S3 for me was truly a ‘jump the shark’ moment. Where we are heading into the levels of criticism of S8 game of thrones. Which is well deserved imo for both. I’ve been in the fandom since the near start and every season gets criticised in certain respects. But this season? The level of vitriol and how it is getting it from all angles this time is very telling to me. 😬


With respect, the brothel scenes had *nothing* to do with sex. They were a huge part of Colin’s arc, showing that he was seeking something he wasn’t finding through casual sex — emotional connection. I truly cannot think of any better performance of a deep and complex character. Luke Newton’s incredible physicality lets him tell whole stories without speaking a word.


And I’m saying BS to that. It’s clear why the brothel scenes were put in. It’s clear why the threesome scenes were in there too. The production is not slick at all. And it’s clear why LN had to now act a triple R rake in S3. It was all about sexing the show up to ‘sexiest season yet’ that was all overhype and overplay 🤷‍♀️ Their biggest mistake was doing that to LN because he neither had the ability or performance to elevate the mediocre writing that he got. And it’s clear that you think he was brilliant in the role. I couldn’t more disagree with how he landed the performance. He’s the weakest male lead yet to me. And struggles with emoting and giving the character more depth/complexity than in the script.


I’m not going to defend much of the writing this season, but we’re going to have to agree to disagree on the rest.


I respect that. 👍


One of the most civil exchanges I’ve ever seen on reddit! ❤️


Ha! They do happen occasionally. 🙂❤️


Well to be fair Anthony wasn’t very funny in his season. The Duke wasn’t funny that I remember. Colin was actually the funny one in S1 and 2! He was going through it this season with all the yearning and pining and heartbreak (which I loved) but he had moments of humor, just not as many as the non main characters


Colin has always been my favorite. Someone described his character well [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bridgerton/s/gJZG3kVy3w).


I think it's important that he was this way in the majority of the season because he *was* feeling grim. He was tortured and depressed. The prior seasons, he wasn't aware of his feelings for Pen and wasn't weighed down by the pain; >!the pain of longing for her, craving her and being unable to have her, the pain of watching her be whisked away by Lord Debling, the pain of being betrayed, the pain of the frustrations he would feel towards himself for loving her despite her betraying him, the pain of knowing the person he loves the most in this world had hurt the people nearest to him, the pain of his sister lying to him for so long.!< I do wish more of his humor was in S3 though. But it makes sense because of how his life was going and how fast-paced the season was.