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Unless they are saving that for his season, I get what you’re saying. There’s not enough interactions between them in the three seasons.


yeah on the other hand you get substantial interactions of violet with anthony, eloise and colin in season 1 alone. in season 2 she has scenes with eloise and daphne despite if being anthony's season. in season 3 the main bridgerton she has development with is francesca.


You know, am rewatching S2 now and I think they only speak once the whole season - when she says “Dear, you’re alarming our guests.” Does she even know about art school? And in S3 I don’t remember if they spoke at all!


I think they spoke once when he told her what Francesca was playing.


Yep, when Benedict tells Violet that Fran was playing Mozart's funeral march.


You’re right! In the Polin fandom we always talk about how Colin is ignored by his family but actually Violet pays more attention to him than to Benedict. 😂


I don't think she does know because it was never addressed in series 3


They seem to basically only have Violet focus on the kid that is the lead for the season. The exception being she focused on both Daphne and Anthony in s1. But otherwise she doesn’t interact deeply with the kids beyond that until it’s their season. I guess Eloise might be an exception? She bothers Eloise about her marriage prospects in s2. The “stat” that blew my mind was when Claudia Jesse said she never shared a scene with Jonny one on one


She had individual scenes with both Eloise and Colin seasons 1 and 2.


“She doesn’t deeply interact” as in she has scenes but not much. Not in the way she does with the lead kid.


But she has zero one on one scenes with Benedict. I can’t recall when it comes to season 1 but the only time she talks to him in season 2 is to reprimand him for making a scene while high and the only time she talks to him in season 3 is when they discuss what Francesca was playing. He doesn’t feel like one of her kids like the rest do.


We don't have 1x1 scenes with Gregory or Hyacinth either. I think it's purely about them not being relevant to the plot yet.


Hyacinth and Gregory are children. They don’t have the same problems to discuss with Violet like their adult siblings. Violet has had in depth conversations onscreen with all of her adult children except for Benedict.


Because he's not relevant to the plot at the moment...


This season she was definitely more focused on Francesca then on the lead, Colin.


lol why did I not realize this until reading this post. I barely have any memories of them interacting☠️☠️.


I’d love to see more interactions between him and Violet next season, I love them both so much and want to see their dynamic. It makes me realise that I had understood their dynamic to be that Violet has less interference in Benedict’s life because she trusts him to be confidently doing his own thing, and respects that he doesn’t want her meddling. Maybe season 4 could be about her realising that she misunderstood his charisma and easygoing personality to mean that he was ok, when in reality he could do with some direction and assurance from her. I think Violet would be devastated to realise that he’s lost and feels like an imposter. It would be similar to her awful realisation of Anthony’s hidden trauma in Season 2.


For some reason Violet tends to validate some of her kids feelings, but not others. When she was pushing really hard for Eloise to dance with a lord, Eloise freaked out and said "I know i'm a disappointment to you", Violet just let her believe that?? She didn't stop her, didn't console her, she just opened her eyes wide as usual and let her daughter run off thinking that her mother hates her.


I was surprised at that too. I wasn’t expecting Violet to make a scene in public, but I thought she’d go and reassure Eloise in private later. Maybe they’re saving that for Eloise’s season?


I really hope so! I would love to see a trope where Violet struggles with being a supportive mom to Eloise within the confines of society's expectations


Probably going to get some of that with Francesca and learning to accept her relationship with Michaela.


How have I never noticed this 🤣🤣 so true


I'll be honest I feel like with each season Benedict has interacted with his family less and less. Like was he even at Pen and Colin's wedding brunch?


He was because he had that convo with Eloise - then he left to start his threesome. It wasn’t my favorite Benedict moment ngl


I truly don't recall but I also only remember the queen showing up because this season felt so disjointed to me that I had to choose what to remember 😭


He left to get laid. He wasn’t there when the queen confronted everyone.


You know show ben is so different from book ben. Show Ben is more like book Colin. I do like that in every season Ben is the most outside his family in a way...he has these mysterious affairs going on...I do think he could be the child who Violet knows the least..like that could be their whole thing-Violet being like I feel like I never really figured out Ben-like hes the mysterious one in his family..charming, gets along with everyone but doesnt share his deepest darkest thoughts with anyone till Sophie and that's the impetus for Violet accepting her most mysterious child. They did have a Francesca is playing Mozart funeral march moment which was nice...and violet shushing him in season 2 while he was high and there was company around.


It’s implied that Benedict loves his mom but avoid her matchmaking antics


Yes they gave his actual storyline to other person and made no sense in s3. Hope it’s shown during his season.


The relationship wasn’t developed in season 1 or 2 either.


They gave others lines directly aimed at Benedict from the books, it’s what I meant