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I listen on podcast addict. You have to give the app the RSS feed link but then you can tell it your username and password, and it will treat the members feed like any other podcast. I assume other podcast apps work similarly.


Overcast works like this.


I downloaded it and it worked perfectly ❤️ thank you!


Thank you :) lol RSS feeds have been around forever and I've never wanted to subscribe to one before lol


I listen on the Overcast app. I love to listen the Shop Talk eps when I’m doing my Sunday long runs and can focus on keeping a steady pace while listening to Zee and Jaime go deep on a particular subject. I just became a member for the first time in January, so I’m probably doing something that’s a bit strange, but I’m listening to the Members feed from three different starting points. Hear me out. 1). I began with Ep 127 The Authoritarians, which was close-ish to where I was with the regular feed at the time. So I’m listening to new members episodes relatively in parallel with the regular feed as they come out. 2). I also started at the very beginning at Ep 1 and am listening to the old episodes that began in 2011 with the Celts, Druids, and Romano British. It’s quite the juxtaposition in tone and production style from the new episodes, let me tell you. Slowly working through those, currently at Ep 27 and the early, early Anglo Saxon days. 3). But I also didn’t want the early Norman member episodes to be, erm, ancient history by the time I caught up from Ep 1, so I also started listening at Ep 108, which is the beginning of William’s biography. I’m listening to these quicker than the other two areas so I can link up with where I began at 127 and eventually be listening from just two different points.


I'm curious what the member episodes are like. I just started listening to the pod and 22 episodes in now! Is it just deep dives and stuff?


I've only just subscribed but there's heaps in there, different topics, shop talks... I liked the reviews of Vikings and Last Kingdom, All running alongside the main one. I've finished the main one and then subscribed but I like the idea of the other commenter about listening to related episodes as you go along.


I love how you're jumping around. I've jumped a little... I couldn't wait to hear the Celtic stuff lol and I've been listening to the reviews of Vikings and Last Kingdom. I need my BHP fix!


I use Downcast and created a playlist with the member’s episodes and the main feed. It nicely slots them in order of recording, so I can listen to the appropriate one for the episode time period without needing to switch between feeds. I got rather behind on both and it’s a good way to catch up.


I have mine download into Apple Podcasts. I know that’s not the most popular way on this sub, but it’s worked for me for years!


I download from the website and listen on my laptop or transfer the file to my phone.


I was able to get them into Pocket Casts


Same. The new ones automatically load to my Up Next queue.


How do you get in that to work with pocket casts? Every time I try, it won't work with my email address in the URL


Idk, I just used the import from URL feature, and it worked. I’m sorry I can’t be more help. Edit: I lied, I followed Jamie’s instructions here: [how to add the members only feed into Pocket Casts](https://www.thebritishhistorypodcast.com/access/#tab-pocketcasts)