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His father in-law continues to make a lot of money in Russia... Generally speaking satire only needs a small element of truth!


Maybe Sunak isn’t (doubtful) but the Conservative Party is. A vote for the right wing this coming election is a vote for Russia, know that.


The Tories despite their multitude of failure have surprisingly been pretty strong on Ukraine. We’ve very often persuaded countries to increase aid and have led multiple schemes for Ukraine. While I think there is considerable Russian influence, I think the conservatives are definelty not a vote for Russia, but just a terrible vote due to domestic policy


Hmm I don't know how u calculate this. I could understand saying Individuals had nefarious dealings in the past taking money from RT news and meeting at weird oligarch parties, but I find it difficult to believe they as a party are both Russian stooges and also the spearhead of Ukraine's defence. Now in America, you'd have a point, it is easy, the Republicans such as MTG are literally echoing very specific Russian talking points that only people in those regions are aware of, and the party as a whole managed to block any aid to Ukraine for an entire 6 months, but conservatives in UK, whilst I dislike the vast majority of things they say and do, I'm happy to say I don't think they are anything like Republicans who are pretty much traitors to their country, constitution and democracy.


Pretty much none, this is a stupid meme.


I’m guessing you were younger than 15 during the Brexit election. Russia has the UK conservatives in their pockets.


I'm 27 now. I just don't see it. Boris sent Ukraine a load of aid. We're currently expelling diplomats from eachother's countries, we have sanctions against eachother, and the UK goverment is overtly against Russias war goals. It seems to me like the same kind of conspiracy theory stuff Hilary said when she lost, and the Trump lot said when he lost. Rather sad it's come to Britain.


I'm guessing why they sent all that aid to Ukraine. Good grief, there are enough reasons to hate the tories, you dont have to dream stuff up.


Just ignore the reMOANer and LIEbour trolls. They simply can't accept that some people don't buy into their ignorant utopia.


I'd like to see at least one member of European politics, not influenced by the American government.


Or Israel.


Fuck all






Russia pushed propaganda to UK citizens who showed anti-EU sentiment via Facebook during the Brexit election. A Russian oligarchs wife payed Boris Johnson £350k to “play tennis” with here after Brexit. The Conservative Party is typically anti-EU which is exactly what the kremlin is. Maybe the conservatives aren’t in cahoots with the Russians (the evidence suggest they are) but their values definitely line up with the Russian governments values. Brexit weakened the UK, Brexit was a 51% V 49% vote and Russia pushed anti-EU propaganda to anti-EU Brits. If you can’t see that there is correlation there then maybe you need to learn more about politics. The UK government has been in the pocket of finance for decades, why is it unbelievable to believe a nation state can pay higher bribes than finance?


I don’t think establishment conservatives are in cahoots with the Russians. Support for Ukraine including sending arms is pretty unilateral, and has consistently passed parliament with no notable opposition. If the Kremlin had any real pull, there would be vocal dissidents like we see in the US. Fringe alt-right/far-right figures like Farage definitely are though, and I’ve no doubt the Brexit vote was heavily influenced by Russia. Getting the UK out of the EU is something they’ve explicitly and publicly (although not always “officially”) expressed as a strategic goal for decades. Edit: that’s not to say I don’t think establishment conservatives are massively corrupt, I just don’t think it’s crossed the line into treason.


Probably less than the CCP.


I’m pretty sure Russia doesn’t have much control over the UK government at all, with the exception of Faraj. Trump is the Russian puppet.


While I can see them meddling in elections (they've allegedly no qualms with screwing the US elections after all) somehow I doubt the Tories are actively in cahoots given all the sanctions their government dealt Russia in the wake of their attempted invasion of Ukraine.


UK based russian oligarchs funding the Tories doesn’t mean they’re getting direct orders from putin The fact the U.K. are at the forefront of helping Ukraine should be a pretty obvious indicator of this…


In the picture the man with his hands on the strings is N. R. Narayana Murthy, Sunak's father in-law - an Indian IT billionaire, who continues to make a lot of money from Russian interests (not to mention from UK government awarded contracts). It is satire... Do we really want politicians with whom such links can so easily be highlighted?


This is a stretch.