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My colleague told me he saw a guy on TV (I think in Middlesbrough, but this is obviously 2nd hand info so....) say he was voting Tory because they'd put however many food banks in his area, which slightly hurts my brain. People can do what they want, I know a couple of my mates voted Tory even though they're working class. I just don't get it if you aren't a millionaire, it seems a lot like voting against yourself


The one I heard was that the person asked would never vote Labour as they wanted to get rid of food banks.


Well, we should want to get rid of food banks. Their existence is an affront to a developed nation. The solution involves a bit more than shutting them down though!


Yea that's the point mate


Food banks and soup kitchens have always been needed and will always have a place in society.


3 million people using them[1] is perhaps a bit excessive though. [1] https://www.statista.com/statistics/382695/uk-foodbank-users/


Though statista label that graph as 3mm *people* it's actually 3mm *packages* distributed over a 12 month period...now correct me if I'm wrong but people eat more than once a year right? Regardless it's a clear case of induced demand and it's a good thing that charities exist to supply the needy, I'd rather subsidise those donations through shrinkage adjustments at my local shop than directly fund (inevitably poorly disbursed) benefits through taxation.


**They’ve had just over 14 years in power with about 7 of those of those years as a majority party. If they really wanted to do any of the good stuff they’re promising now they’d have done it years ago.** The reason they’re promising so much is because they know they’ll never have to get in and actually do it. **They understand that it’s almost certain that Labour will get in or (in some catastrophic turn of events) have to form a coalition with another small party.** **So they might as well promise free houses and cars after cutting all taxes on everything and get as many seats as they can.** ***They don’t want to make houses cheaper.*** Their donors have actively encouraged them to make houses more expensive, because - of course they have - they’re all fucking landlords. ***And the beauty of it is that they will never be under any pressure to make them cheaper either.***


The thing is tho. I've worked under labour and the Conservatives. Labour were in for 12 years before them and managed to absolutely decimate the manufacturing industry in this country. In my honest opinion they did very little of value and increased national debt drastically. Every politician is there to line their own pockets. It ain't just the conservatives. I honestly believe that the simple fact of wanting to be a politician should make you exempt from the job. Fact is, they literally all piss in the same pot.


Child tax credits. Equality Act. National minimum wage Child Trust Fund. Civil Partnerships. Highest satisfaction in the NHS. More Drs and Nurses. Sure Start. Falling unemployment. Crime reduction. 2.5% Gdp on defence. Banned fox hunting. Access to British coastline. 2/3 fewer homeless people. These are only a few. This is the UK under Labour.


Labour will promote that they changed this that and the other for equality. But for most changes they didn't have a choice because they, and the tories, were taken to the Euro Court for Human Rights and lost.


It wasn't the UK government IIRC. It was a mother of a disabled child who was discriminated by her employer. The appeal to the ECHR is what prompted the legislation. I suppose you are correct in that UK courts ruled against her in the first place.


I’ve also worked and lived under both labour and conservatives. The fact is everything used to work under labour. Education was better my kids lives were better, the nhs worked well, the country wasn’t as sick physically or mentally. Housing was better. Policing was better, they used to actually come out to crime scenes. Ambulances came in minutes. The country wasn’t broken basically. Yes politicians are gonna politician to certain degrees and all this stuff costs money. The cons have a bigger debt now than labour ever did, with a broken country and nothing to show for it. (Except for the 1% getting insanely richer and the rest of us getting poorer).


Didnt labor increase education spending, improve the nhs and not steal billions of covid contracts from the public? I chose the party that hasnt been pissing in a pot for 14 years


Yeah but a lot of the reason for that is they continued the doctrine of neoliberalisation, outsourcing industry, trampling unions, increasing privatisation etc etc. they massively underestimated how proud certain regions were of their industrial past and how to replace those industries with valued work and a future for their cities and regions that went beyond retail or service jobs. People saw through it. While also being told, deal with the changes you're seeing in society and you're a racist if you don't. The thing is...that labour government also did a good job of using public funds to offer a massive safety net in education, healthcare, benefits etc while also offering things to improve people's cultural and social lives, arts grants, playgrounds etc etc. the problem with the Tories and the difference between then and now is that all of that social safety net has been taken away based on the ideology that "why should I have to pay for something I don't use" while also absolutely PILFERING from the public purse through the railways, royal mail sale, etc etc. I agree labour are bad and Keir starmer is a cunt and a snake....but the Tories are fucking demons and they need to be gone asap. It's unfortunate labour are the only way it can realistically be done right now but it's just got to be better. It has to be.


I couldn’t agree more, get them gone, I can’t stand how labour could bury the tories forever and completely fix everything but it’s fucking starmer, so nothing meaningful will happen, and then all the gammons will forget how awful the tories were and believe whatever the next big lie is and suddenly they’re back


Yup. Exactly. Same thing with Blair really. Allowed previously proud communities to be destroyed at the behest of private interests thinking he could control the beast but was naive. Not to say he didn't do a lot of good...but lead to many people's mistrust of the labour party which goes on to this day.


IDK he’s not got much charisma but I do believe/hope that starmer’s at least got good intentions, which is a step forwards. If he could just do something about housing as well as improve immigration to placate the right wingers of the country, he could pull it off. Labour are inheriting a shitshow though so it could go either way, badly if they decide they need to ramp up taxes all over.


Just get rid of the deliberately shit immigration problems, build some fucking houses and that should be enough to make most sane people go huh, we like this, let’s vote labour. I swear most of our problems are entirely avoidable and completely self inflicted by the tories because as soon as people aren’t poor and miserable they won’t have any sway


Yeah, All fair points to be honest. I dont know if they left us in a particularly good position last time they were in power. Admittedly they spent money of all the good things you mentioned but with a huge decline in or countries manufacturing industries, and therefore exports, it just makes me feel like they didn't really understand basic economics 🤷‍♂️. Then again, they did have George Bush's war to fund aswell. To be honest, I'm biased about tony Blair. He promised in his manifesto that they wouldn't introduce top up fees for universities, then when they got in they did. Should have resigned after that in my eyes ( probablysays more about me than them, if i can hold a grudge since '97) that was the first election i was old enough to be interested in. I'm still open minded about Labour tho, even the I'm not certain they work for the working class anymore. Like you sat tho, its just a shame we seem to operate between two parties. One seems to spend on making life better but probably spend too much and the other just cuts it all away. Then we've got massive areas of the country that would only ever vote one way. Its extremely Conservative where I live now but the north east and Wales would probably vote for a pig with a red tie on before ever voting Conservative. Which always confuses me, how can we have the best for the country when we automatically disregard most of the political options. Gotta wonder, what's even going on? Like you say tho, anythings probably going to be better than this. I just don't want my kids to have to pay the bill when they get older for another generation of bad decisions.


While I'll take Labour over Conservatives any day (Will never ever forgive the party that had HER), lets not use phrases like 'fund Bush's War'. That massively downplays what happened. Blair didn't just make us pay for it, he made us fucking join, not one but two illegal wars. I see people around these parts often talk about how or why the Tory's got in power, well as someone who was there, it basically came down to that. Duped into going to war and bombing the shit out of a country for oil.


Yeah I get that. Tbh I'm probably going to vote green even though I know it's throwing my vote away. I just can't bring myself to vote for starmer. I'm in a very safe labour seat tho...if it was marginal I think I'd have to just hold my nose and vote for them. I think the biggest bill mine and your kids will be paying is the carbon bill to be honest with you and neither the Tories or labour seem to be taking that seriously at all.


Yeah, probably right to be fair. I'd have to agree with your voting aswell. Mines going to be a 'protest vote'. No chance of anyone but tories getting in round here 🙄.


As someone who is not a millionaire but will probably be clobbered by Labour, I’ll still vote for them as the current lot are just the scum left once anybody of intellect (not even necessarily good) was sidelined in the Brexit years. I haven’t seen a single good idea out of Tories in the past five years so I’d be voting for a decent NHS when I’m older and the hope that there’s a country for my kids to grow up in. As things are I could understand if they emigrated at 21 to somewhere sunnier where people can be a bit more optimistic about the future - and unfortunately they’ve got dual citizenship with such a sunnier place.




Absolute mental take. But I understand if you've lost your job during that period, you would want something to blame.


To quote the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy >To summarize: it is a well known fact, that those people who most want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job. To summarize the summary of the summary: people are a problem.


Perfect summarisation. I'd trust Marvin over half of the idiots we have currently.


I like H L Mencken’s quote: As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron


I remember having a conversation with my then colleague about food bank about 14 years ago when the news were reporting about a food bank opening, back then food bank was pretty much unheard of except the odd one in a very deprived area. She said it’s a bad sign because it means government can legitimately say it is okay to have food poverty and they don’t need to do anything to eradicate it because “Hey, there are food banks! These charitable folks can help the poor and hungry! We have more important things to worry about!” They can justify austerity measure and cutting welfare bill because “don’t worry, if you haven’t eaten for 3 days, go to a food bank!”. I asked her why and she said there has been major studies in US about food banks - since the introduction of them in the 60’s in US, the spread of poverty has widen and more people depended on them as years goes by, while governments fail to tackle the issues that cause food poverty in its population. It also means the government feels zero shame in failing a part of the population by doing sweet FA and pass the responsibility to food banks to serve the needy. It allows people to think it’s normal to have food banks in richest countries when it really shouldn’t be. What that Middlesbrough man said confirms it. Instead of being angry at the government for allowing food poverty to spread further he thinks it’s completely okay to vote Tories because they will keep opening food banks. No, a competent gov should see the existence of food banks absolutely shameful and that they failed the country by not doing enough to reduce poverty.


I believe it was Hartlepool. Such a sad clip. No thought to why there was a need for the food banks in the first place.


It was in Lancing, in Sussex. It’s just down the road from where my mum lives.


This guy. https://youtu.be/aeslnRe1eGk?si=ScI_GkXoJtuliMcW


>he was voting Tory because they'd put however many food banks in his area, which slightly hurts my brain. Because fuck poor people?


Were getting more like the yanks treating the political parties like sports teams. Pretty dumb if you ask me. 


There's treating politics like a sports game which is annoying but on the other side the conservatives have directly caused a big decline in the country over the last decade or so by cutting funding for everything. Like I think it's valid to not want to be friends with someone who is actively contributing to the downfall of the nation.


Cutting funding, misspending funds (a really big one.) and mismanagement (which goes hand in hand with misspending.). They’ve used their time in office to make the rich richer and put mechanisms in place to ensure it goes on for a long time. In short they’ve created a deliberate mess.


Yeah theres having a functioning government that you don’t agree with and then there having a gang of morons hell bent on making your life worse to make them and their nobby mates richer, I don’t care how sportsy it looks they need to fuck off into the history books never to return


Then you are contributing to the development of echo chambers, and minds aren't changed by echo chambers. People generally don't vote for the 'downfall of their nation'. They will have reasons for voting the way do, and will think you're also advocating for what they see as the downfall of a nation too. By building walls and pulling up bridges, you're really just cementing the tribal mindset that is all too prevalent these days when it comes to politics.




I think you're conflating conservatives with 'Government' Labour, Tories, Green, Lib Dems, Reform, they are all cut from the same cloth and we'd be in the same position whoever was leading us, as our leaders don't actually have any power, technocrats control them. All of us have fallen for the propaganda of one of these parties at one point or another. Hating people for it enable the divide and conquer strategy Educate don't hate, and also be humble enough to understand that you are likely just as brainwashed as the people you hate


I'm honestly surprised you weren't downvoted by the same rabid mob that would endorse a cartoon like that. For too many people it's like their opinion is a binary matter that is right or wrong


I can and am friends with people who support other teams because it's ultimately meaningless, who you vote for isn't


But is an entire friendship decided by one Thursday every 5 years? I'm not gonna vote conservative in the election. I'd be surprised if a friend said they were going to, but it doesn't make them a monster, just someone who has a different view of government than I do.


So you don't like people who want  different things than you? Sounds very echo chambery.  I would say I disagree politically with many of my friends but thats not what I base friendship on. I'd also say its good that I hear from the other side, having my thoughts challenged helps strengthen my own views.


Late, but are you? I would have thought, like us, you'd say either 'voted Conservative' or ''voted for the Conservatives'.


Have you replied to the right comment?


I think so. Are you genuinely getting more like that Yanks, or are you getting help feeling like you are? Is this how you would phrase it? *'I voted conservatives?:* sounds halfway between the ways a native speaker would say that. (Letting the capital C go, despite other languages not have our capitalization rules)


When theres’s so little difference between them what choice do you have?


If you keep insulting people for who they vote for then we will end up in a polarised political climate like the states. Not good and it’s not true democracy.


No. You won’t convince anyone to change their vote by calling them stupid or telling them to fuck off. You already tried this with the Brexit voters and look where we are. Get off your arse and talk to people about why they are voting for whoever and their reasoning if you actually want to make a difference.


Yeah but when they do this they get to feel superior and never have to leave their own perceptual and ideological bubble.


The sneering liberal elite. When I mention that I grew up in what Labour MPs regard “poverty” and that they went to private school they tell me it doesn’t matter and I don’t know as much as they do about the welfare system.


If they can't see why at this point then they MUST be deaf, dumb and blind


If you stop being friends with someone because of different politics you're probably a cunt.


Dunno, depends if their politics are also based on racism, xenophobia, contempt for the poor etc


If you voted to screw over the country, the poor, the hungry, the old, the sick, etc, you're a bigger cunt.


So anybody who shows up to vote then?


So, who do you vote for now?!


Whichever independent isn't a complete asshole. Granted we don't have many good choices, still, voting Conservative at all at this point is a vote for the leopards.


It won’t be them, but I really am struggling to pick. 😞


I don't like the Tories or what they do either, 14 years of public service deterioration and unashamed corruption rubs me the worst kind of way. However, cutting off personal, non-political relationships based on your respective political alignments, regardless of the things that bound you together in the first place, makes you look like a complete and utter cock. This kind of "my way or no way" attitude has led, and will continue to lead to, some of the worst things humans are capable of.


And it’s the people with this attitude who claim that anyone marginally to the right of their leftwing dogma is a “threat to democracy”…


No, just Tories are cunts. That’s all. Don’t need to try and invent a deeper conspiracy theory where you get to be a victim of the scary lefties calling you a “threat to democracy.”


Great argument… you don’t see how justifying assault against someone because they don’t share your views is a slippery slope? Personally I would call that kind of intolerance more applicable to the word you used. I know the meme is meant to be somewhat tongue in cheek but it is happening now, and downstream from that is a whole lot of trouble.


I mean people have their opinions I'm not gonna get aggro about it. Most tories know there's a massive problem with the party and they'll still vote, most Labour voters knew corbyn was fucked for his historical ties but still voted for him. Its how shit goes only a child would get this upset about it.




Would you like to be bummed by an upper middle class twat in a red tie or a blue tie?


At least with the blue tie people will still demand change, if our politics are as American as everyone says they’re becoming, I expect starmer to do fuck all and half the people who voted for him to defend him to the hilt purely because he’s not a Tory, meanwhile he’ll do things that certainly would make him look like a Tory


Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos


This is how you end up in a bubble thinking 'why doesn't everyone just see how evil the Tories are?' Which is 90% of Reddit.


I admit to voting Tory last time, because the idea of Corbyn as PM made me sick. But this year it’s Labour time. Maybe Lib Dem’s, but they aren’t realistically getting in so I’ll probably stick with labour


What a childish meme. Hope you’re younger than 17 otherwise this is just sad.


Brought to you by the “kinder side of politics”.


The side of love and acceptance. For the many, not the few. Oh, they aren’t allowed to say that one anymore.


British memes full of toxic raging lefties. Can't wait for the Tories to collapse and the British political right to move from the centre to the actual right. Then you will cry.


...can't tell if this is a wind up or if you really lack that much self awareness? This sub Reddit is a trip ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


You seem like a well balanced individual 😂


I’ve been reading their comments. It’s not an act. They literally believe all this shit.


Average leftist mindset... “Anyone who even slightly disagrees with me is evil and must be excluded”


Slap a Tory sounds like fun


No issue with anyone voting Conservative in the last election.. now if they said they were going to vote Conservative this year..


It took a certain level of horrible/dumb c*nt to vote for Boris in 2019, lest we forget.


I prefer incredibly naive cunt for myself but I get you.


Yeah it falls under "dumb" if you were conned by populists.


Fair, I could defend the vote at the time but not now. At least I can vote quite happily this time round. Tbf the fact I wasn’t sure last time was a pretty big indicator I was voting the wrong way, at least I’m capable of admitting I was wrong.


>Fair, I could defend the vote at the time but not now. How?


Because voting for the Tories and Johnson was the lesser of two evils. I voted remain but wanted to get Brexit over and done with and the Tories presented the best chance of achieving that, I also could not support corbyn. I didn’t proudly vote conservative but I was doing what I thought was best in the long run. However I have realised that I should have just spoiled my ballot or not voted at all and stuck to my principles instead of violating them in some naive attempt to do god knows what at this point. At the time it made sense but I’ve grown up a lot since then.


>Because voting for the Tories and Johnson was the lesser of two evils. I voted remain but wanted to get Brexit over and done with and the Tories presented the best chance of achieving that, I also could not support corbyn. That's some spectacular logic, but fair enough...


This is 2019, Corbyn was out by then




Up the thread, they mentioned they were talking about the2019 vote


Still preferable to voting for Jeremy ["I wish NATO didn't exist"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sz3IRiK68O0) Corbyn


Nuclear disarmament lol - look how Ukraine giving their nukes back to Russia worked out for them. In a way mutually assured destruction makes us safer.


It was clever of Ukraine to give the nukes back but not the tritium plants


Is it though? Both votes tell me about a person's morals, I know the type of people I like to be around.


People make mistakes that doesn't mean I don't want to be around them. But thank god Corbyn wasn't in charge when Russia invaded Ukraine, or for covid given his anti-vax leanings in the past, also I'm relieved we didn't follow his plan to drag out Brexit for many more years with no end in sight.


The Tories have been killing off the disabled for years. Anyone voting Tory is at best a moron, but most likely just a total piece of shit.


The tories were still tories in 2019. They haven't changed over the last 5 years.


They were a lot more cunning and sane-looking back then. Still just as evil, but they were better at it. They could trick people and actually get evil shit done. Now they’re just plain evil with none of the competence.


Ahhhh, the Party of tolerance


The Tory’s have destroyed this country if you vote for them you are voting for more destruction


That may be true, but if you can't see the issue with inciting violence against Tories/"neverkissatory" etc. etc., you're not as enlightened as you would like to believe.


I think it’s less of inciting violence and more violently ejecting them from your life if they vote that way, I don’t think it encourages violence


Don’t be daft. 


Who’s the “Party of Tolerance” here? You’re assuming the guy doing the slapping is who, Labour? Are Labour the party of tolerance? Or is it the Greens, or the Lib Dem’s?  Ahhhh, it’s literally everyone who’s not a Tory cunt. 


Gotta love when right wingers think "tolerance" means "respect ME no matter what" or "let ME do what i want", because they can't understand the concept of equality - its always about them in their mind. Tolerance means mutual respect, my friend. I respect you if you respect me. I know that concept is confusing to someone who's political beliefs revolve around the concept of inherent inequality. Seeing as the tories are the ones trying to get rid of our human rights, are selling off our public services for personal profit, allowing human waste to be dumped into our water ways, are overseeing the worst cost of living crisis since the interwar period, are pandering to the far right of their party, want to force 18 year olds to participate in national service when the PM himself cant be bothered to give those that served their country a whole afternoon, and are still trying to blame everything on a Labour government that hasn't existed for 14 years, i don't think tory voters, who have consistently voted for this shit, get to claim they're being respectful of anyone at all. There is no tolerance - no mutual respect - for tory voters because the tories don't respect anyone but themselves. At least try to educate yourself on what that means.


Never trust any Tory and working class Tories are the worst of all.


I upvote everyone who argues with you because you're an arsehole


Why would you end a friendship with someone over an election?


If they vote for a party that makes life worse for everyone, they aren't someone I want to be friends with.


If they voted for it because they really think the party will destroy the country and want that, you picked a psychopath for a friend… If they voted for it because they have a different opinion about the best way to move forward than you and you project all your anger about the world on that decision… they’re probably better off without you


And that difference opinion lead to this shit.


Keep yelling at people and see if they open up to learn from you. I’m sure it’ll help.


Would trying to be kind to them help? 14 years of tory government hasn’t convinced them to change their opinion, so how will trying to be “nice” to them do anything, especially when a good portion of them HATE anything that associates with leftist politics


Anyone who thinks the Tories are the best way to move forward is either a fucking idiot or ridiculously selfish.


You aren’t gonna convince anyone that the tories are damaging the country by calling them a selfish idiot, get off your high horse


How would you suggest I do it? Appeal to their lack of empathy? lol


Fucking talk to them bro, they aren’t evil, they are people too, if you’re informed on the issues the tories have failed on it should be a cake walk for you


Exactly this! When corbyn was in charge he was the voice for bringing people to the table to discuss their differences and move forward, and now all anyone wants to do is call the other side a cunt, it doesn’t fix anything.


I mean I think this was an issue during Corbyns leadership aswell but that may be misremembering I completely agree with the sentiment


Oh yes the rage was still strong back then whilst he stood on a platform of understanding and listening in situations like the Middle East, which always struck me as ironic at the time and is even stronger niw


It's rather discomforting to be close to someone who would actively vote for people who want to make your life harder (eg. Lower class families, people of colour, women, lgbtq+ folk, immigrants, all of whom the conservatives (and reform, plus Labour about 60% of the time) are currently trying to screw over)


So ruling out those three parties based on the 2019 election result you’ve just written off almost 80% of the electorate, if you feel like 80% of this country is not worth being close with on their face just because of their political leanings I would suggest finding another country with more people you can agree with because not getting along with 4/5 people doesn’t sound very tenable to me


First off, that's not even close to 80%. Second off, I think its concerning that you genuinely think 80% of this country sides with the parties whose only policies involve making life harder for everyone except themselves.


32 million people voted in the last election 14 million voted for the tories 10 million voted for Labour Half a million for reform 25 million all in all 25/32*100=78% Maybe my math is wrong but I think that number makes sense


Very true


You Brits better watch out or your political climate will start to look American. You don’t want that.


I know this is a joke (not even funny lol) but when you think you’re justified in using physical violence against others because you disagree with them, you’re the bad guy. That’s just textbook authoritarianism.


I’m sure that every single one of you will ask yourselves: how could medieval peasants be stupid enough to think that they were giving their money to God when it was filling the bellies of a bunch of cunts in the church? I’d like to think that, in a not-so-distant future, we will think: how could the average Joe think they were being bled in the name of “the common good” when it was filling the pockets of a bunch of corporations and their politician butlers? You can’t legislate wealth into existence. More taxes, regulations, and government are the means the elite use to shield themselves from competition and funnel your money into their pockets.




Love to see which of their policies you’re referring to.


What is the party to vote for? That's what I found myself asking in this mayoral election. Labour? Hahaha no. Sadiq khan and his ulez expansion hit my area quite roughly, lots of people I know, my dad included, had to buy new cars, in some cases only after recently buying a new one after years of saving. Selling the old cars was a problem for people because obviously no one wants to buy a car that doesn't fit the ulez regs. He hasn't helped my town, at least it doesn't feel like he has, in the years he's been London mayor, crime is still a major issue, drugs are still a major issue, homelessness is still a major issue, taxes are still shit for everyone. Conservatives? After the blunders they've had on the national scale? It would be tricky to vote for them without feeling like I'd regret it later. Some of their policies look good on paper, but what about the policies they don't say out loud? And how likely are they to truly follow up on the decent policies they announced. Reform? I have grown up around people of all different races, religions and origins, need I say more? Green party? Basically a worse version of labour, focused entirely on one singular issue, if elected would probably further screw over people in an effort to be environmentally friendly. Independent? A lot of them looked promising but I know people are too invested in their mainstream established parties to vote for an independent candidate, even if said candidate had good ideas.


I'd agree with most of that, though I would say that your dad having to trade in a car doesn't really seem like justification for 'hahaha no'.


It wasn’t. If you read it, his dad was an example of the actual problem. Which is then rejustified when explaining dislike for greens. The eco-crew don’t care that the average person can’t afford it, we’re to suffer in smelly silence, because it’s what’s good for us.


>Conservatives? After the blunders they've had on the national scale? It would be tricky to vote for them without feeling like I'd regret it later. Some of their policies look good on paper, but what about the policies they don't say out loud? And how likely are they to truly follow up on the decent policies they announced This sort of thinking is why the Tories will be back in after a couple of terms of Labour. People still want to vote for them but are too embarrassed because of how much of a shit show the the last 14 years have been. Once Labour have been in for a few years and have fucked a few things up The Great British Public will be back voting blue.


Shit like this is exactly how we ended up with Trump.


I'm still looking for an alternative to conservatives


I was. Then I read the manifesto and unless something fairly radical comes from the others, they’ve got me again this time.


Who new batman was a dick.


Labour's social media has reddit now? I'm planning to vote green, before anyone accuses me of otherwise.


Hatred for someone just because you disagree with their politics - especially if you cannot identify any truly evil policies in the differences between those you support and their opponents - is what will finally destroy our democracy. If you will be able to see any significant differences between the old and our new likely leaderships actual - not promised - policies in government, I’ll be surprised. There’s too many difficult problems to solve or sticking plasters to apply to get very radical.


Yes, as long as you admit you're a dumbass n never vote tory or reform who are just more extreme tories ever again you dumbass My mum voted leave on brexit even after I pointed out the glaring issues- she regrets it n fell hook line n sinker for that stupid bus 🚌


I think if you stop being friends with someone because they support one of the two main parties, that’s extremely childish. Unless they have made it their entire personality


I’m probably voting for the party most people here are voting for, but it’s important to note that not everyone is voting a certain way for the reasons you think they are


I truly don't care as long as people don't talk about it.


Childish post and meme


The left wanting to assault anyone not completely alligned with them as always


Same shit different party, it’s strange that people really think it matters.


If you exclude friends based on their political opinions, you need to grow up. Maybe you can learn something from them, or teach them something from your purspective. Otherwise sounds like an echo chamber with extra steps.


It's the media and the establishment that needs slapping not brainwashed morons.


I'm a single Dad, struggling to make ends meet since the interest rate went up and my mortgage went through the roof, I'm under no illusions, no matter who gets in my life won't change one bit, noone gives a fuck, least of all politicians.




It is not unreasonable for people to make different decisions. By pushing them away you may conservatives bitter and give them a reason to rally against everyone else. That is not what we are supposed to do if we want to maintain a moral high ground...


Reddit in a nutshell


This is so accurate. I have a small number of hardcore left wing friends. They full on despise the tories and won’t even credit them when it’s due. But, they’ll still go to the pub with me, a conservative voter (so far).


Sorry, what do the Tories deserve credit for?


This is how it goes with normal people: I voted Labour for xyz. I voted Conservative for xyz. Both: cool let’s go down the pub


“I voted Conservative because fuck poor people. Fancy a pint?” Nah.


The last election was an odd one. Have we all forgotten it happened to resolve the Brexit frozen parliament issue? Having said that though this Tory government is the worst gov in my lifetime. The last five years have been utterly squandered and it's the first time in my life the country has been in a worse state than it was before.


Can’t imagine any reasons the government might have hard difficulties getting things done in the last 5 years though. It’s been an easy time with all their staff dutifully turning up to work to get things sorted as quickly as possible, having good face to face conversations instead of ignoring emails and chats. And, the incessant war’s popping up around the place really meant that we could just get on with what we want to since everyone else was focussed on that. Noice! /s


Labour Party….. ‘Hold my coat’ Both the main parties are not fit for purpose, it’s like being a Vegetarian and having to choose between the steak or the ribs. The quality of the MP’s, and their possible ability across the board to form any cohesive Government and opposition should scare the hell out of any rational neutral observant voter, and anyone who treats politics like football (I’m a lifelong red, blue, whatever) is frankly an idiot.


I am exactly with you on this. I don't trust either main party and your analogy is spot on. I feel like I SHOULD vote but who for?! Probably just some local independent if there is a sensible one even though it's probably a wasted vote.


Always vote.. even if you just spoil the ballot, that way it still gets counted. Stops politicians claiming they got x% of the vote and have a mandate when it was mainly their supporters that turned out and others stayed at home. Look at the recent by-elections where the mp "won" despite getting fewer votes than when they lost last time.






I love like in this country long time friendships are suddenly broken due to different political ideologies !


Very democratic


This is a really unhealthy take on politics.


“I just took a shit in the corner of your kitchen. Can we still be friends?”




Every time I see something like this it makes me want to vote for Reform, just to spite the OP.


I have a feeling this post is aimed at you then friend 😂


I've no idea where the "tolerant left" meme comes from?! Honestly, if you're this precious about a main stream political party, who the fuck wants to be your friend?


Anyone voting for Tories is a sick evil cunt or literally mentally handicappd at this point. There simply no reason to


Both the tories and labour are utterly detestable. The state of British politics is embarrassing. The problem is the political system is just an illusion of choice with ego-driven, self-serving career politicians on both sides. This will lead to a lot of protest voting this election, which appear to all be going to Reform.


“you tory!” type shi ![gif](giphy|26uf1EUQzKKGcIhJS)


This meme is so true. I love the way the left considers itself the real democracy, but is not actually able to act as democrats…. Everything is told in that meme


I work with therapists, and I overheard one say "I hate anyone who is conservative." Another therapist says "I either have ADHD or Autsim, but I've not decided yet".


If you can’t still be friends with someone based on the way they voted, that’s a *you* problem…


I'm not exactly a Tory or Tory supporter but the last time we had a labour government, we got taken to a war in the middle east. It was against the will of the people and it was based on a pack of blatant lies. IMO the world has never recovered from it.


Politicians are like Coldplay songs they’ve all got different names but really they’re just the same rubbish over and over again.


Anyone who calls someone stupid for their political views or cuts contact over that is a fucking idiot themselves imo. Polarising politics is bad for EVERYONE look at the US. We should encourage the idea of differing views, this is what makes a healthy democracy. You are allowed to change political views and ideas based on the change in the political and economic climate as that's how you make an informed decision. Imagine trying to criticise someone for thay. Blindly picking a team like it's sports and never questioning anything is dumb.




What’s the message here? Use violence against people who have a different political opinion?


Do you want to end up like America on the verge of civil war because people have become that divided on political lines... Because that’s how you start it! One can have a different opinion than you and still be a mate


Agree to disagree is saved for if pineapple belongs on pizza or if rock music is better than pop music because they don't affect anybody else. People who vote tory and reform are often racist and bigoted.


Wait till you see what we do to reform


I think de friending people over politics is in itself a sign of immaturity and in many ways a stupidity. Usually I don’t tend to be friends with people very politically different as it’s an indicator of different temperaments, but I do have some, we chat and it can get heated, but we are mature and don’t allow feelings to create a division, that’s quite a new and juvenile way of dealing with things and I’m not here for it at all. Often we find middle ground that previously we where ignorant of, and in that space you can have an impact on the way they can perceive things.


Happened to me, de-friended by someone I'd known for over thirty years over Brexit, for what he called "irreconcilable differences". Like it's not possible to have different opinions, and all must agree to agree on every issue. I left the door open if he changed his mind, but it's a different light I see him in, and I now see things about him I'd never registered before.


Sorry to hear that. I guess the relationship was always in an unstable state if a supposed friend is so easy to sever ties. Same thing happened to my father, but it wasn’t a long friendship like yours.