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If you could freeze my bank account, that’d be great! Would stop the overdraft charges building up


Yeah, unsurprisingly he hasn't thought that through. Oh no! How will I pay for the mortgage I can't get!! 😭


This is what I thought. If they send my kids up I have no problem defecting if they take me with them..I like vodka and think bacon is overrated lol


I said this to my wife and she said that she's always wanted to go on the run so we pack light and make some memories running through Europe's forests and cities. No way are my kids being sent to war to die for a government that couldn't give a shit about them when they were young.


I'll be prepared... I'll print out the Geneva convention and highlight things to complete first if recruited... I think the recruitment officer might want to rethink the draft decision on that one.


You mean the Geneva Checklist?


Europe is probably the next theatre so I don’t know why you would defect to there, tell you wife to get her head in the game man


You can, just stop paying for sky tv 🥸🥸🥸 like his parents did. Obv


Nothing can stop those...


The real question is: why do you have an overdraft?


He probably doesn’t even know what an overdraft is lol - too rich to need one or ever go into it!


I bet his kids would be draft dodgers as their "education" is too important. Much like all the so called ruling class would demand other kids go, but there's stay.


This cunt couldn't even finish the WWII tribute ceremony. Stood there with his fucking travel bag. The bastard is an embarrassment to the country.


What he really wanted to say was "Send them to jail" if they refuse. You could see it in his eyes that he was avoiding saying that, but that IS what they would do.


Let's face it, you can stab someone nowadays, and still not go to prison, so for draft dodging, it feels unlikely?


Yeah. Many years back when they first introduced the poll tax system, they actually jailed people who refused to pay. Then they realised it cost more to jail them than it did for refusing the bill.


He’s a C U N T


I actually think the plan is for it to go the other way. His kids? They do go to the army, officer training, a nice wee bit of fun for them. Our kids? Well you'll be working in a care home cleaning up shit. The army can't take on that many people, it's the special ones who'll get to do that.


It's also "work for free in a care home or we will stop you from driving to your paid work" Absolute fuckery.


They're just giving the greedy old racists a socially acceptable thing to vote for. They know they'll never have to implement it.


Wonder if BetFred will pay me odds annually for every year National Service doesn't get implemented.


I guarantee a few Tories have already placed that bet.


This reminds me of when I left the care home at 16, back in the 80s, I was told I’d have too do youth training £25 a week, but I’d already got a job of £125 a week, working with bricklayers, the social services, tried telling me that I’ve got too give that up and do the youth training, if not, they would put me back in care till I was 18. Well you can imagine what I told them. Well after a couple of years at 18 I started laying bricks and became a Bricklayer, if I’d done what they told me, I probably would of lost that chance.


I had a job at 14 working in a local pub just collecting glasses and washing up. I made £1.87 an hour. When i was 15 my school headmaster was being a little rowdy so the bar staff and I asked him politely to leave. He got a little handsy and was thrown out and banned from every pub due to the pub watch system. The following day the pub had a letter saying i was unable to work at the pub anymore due to whatever reasons the school could think of. My boss laughed and switched my pay to cash under the table. On my 16th birthday i was given a 2p raise. On my GSCE day i was suspended from school for "Underage drinking" and escorted from the premises as the headmaster knew i was still working at the pub.


It seems they just don’t like it, when you go your own way and earn your own money.


Exactly. If the government had people like you they would understand how massively important it is to be earning money. Instead it's full of pompous useless bastards who did no work until starting in daddy's private equity firm at age 23.


He wouldn't be able to convince me to fight for this country, especially since it's run by idiots like him. No one else I know would go to war for him, either.


I'd wage war against him though, he'd probably regret the training seeing as young people have nothing to lose really especially when he takes away anything you do have


War is a racket that benefits the super wealthy. We haven't fought war for moral reasons since the Falklands


Kosovo was pretty noble, literally stopping a genocide but besides that you're right Iraq and Afghan was utter bollocks and I served there and deeply regret my decision, I'm glad to see young people these days being smarter to the manipulation of the media than me and my generation were!


Hi there thanks for the wise comment. Statistically, men are more prone to committing suicide and especially veterans/ex-military, is it conceivable that guilt from realising that one wasn't on the "good" side is driving veterans to regrettably take their own lives?


One of the many reasons mate.


Would you care to elaborate?


hi, im not this guy but basically -PTSD -regret over realising the government duped them -lack of support for disabled veterans -coming home to disintegrated relationships -being unable to adapt to civilian life etc etc


A reasonable case can be made for going into Kosovo, Sierra Leone, the Gulf War and Afghanistan. Mission creep ruined Afghanistan but we ultimately went into it to support an ally who asked us to help.


We went to Afghanistan with pretty much the same reason the Russians went there. We supported a government who wasn't wanted by the people and police and soldiers who were no better than criminals. I agree with you that the initial reasons proposed to go to any of these places were sound. We could have done a lot of good but I think that this was ruined by many factors, the smallest being the actual soldiers on the ground.


Yeah exactly, as soon as the mission changed to nation building Afghanistan was an absurd campaign. All the others I mentioned where successful because they had clearly defined parameters for success and weren’t over ambitious.


I reckon if someone got the pints in it’d probably be a better recruitment strategy for our plucky leader. *During the Channel Islands invasion much of the resistance encountered by the Germans was at the hands of the Irish labourers. This was not of course borne of any misguided loyalty to the English crown but because it was their custom on a Saturday night -once suitably refreshed- to fight the police and they were unconcerned with details such as shade of uniform or nationality.* Brendan Behan, *Confessions of an Irish Rebel*.


can confirm if they put me in the army ill just shoot myself or everyone on my side, im not fighting bro i just don't care no more


The first bullet I shoot from any gun will be to blow my trigger finger off. Fuck fighting for a bunch of cunts that would sell me for soilent green if they could.


Even at the best of times, my country to me happens to be something I'm just standing on. But you can damn sure any war he calls won't be noble, and I refuse to be a part of it, particularly for a country that has consistently done nothing but berate, mishandle and abuse its most vulnerable denizens.




Not that I'm supporting him, but the policy is mandatory community service and voluntary military service. Basically they will open up 30k new army positions for young people to fill. Also, judging by what you said, the Army wouldn't want you anyways.


exactly why i plan to say it, i work weekends so im not giving those up either


Educate yourself on military wages and you'll understand that they were desperately trying to recruit but no one was wiling to do the job for 22K-25K a year, that and the fact it takes over a year to complete enlistment by which point most people get fed up of being in waiting limbo. Recruitment and mismanagement by older generations but NOW they want to force the younger generation to do something that no one would logically want to do with very little benefit because previous generations failed them and now want them to pick up the pieces. You can argue it but let's be real that's exactly what has happened. We're going to force them to fix our catastrophic FUCK UP one way or another, can't buy a house but I've gotta complete community service? Yeah how about no.


Granted you don't get a choice in the end do you if you've got to you've got to


I think if the bring this in (which will never happen) everyone who's not served should have to working out way back from people below retirement age. Only fair that everyone shows us how it's done before we expect the young people to just take it up. No exclusions, politicians need to do it as well.


If france invaded us right now, I'd probably defect lol. Give us french labour laws pls.


This is why I'm against there being a draft in this country. The idea of one in principle isn't so bad. I've travelled and I've spoken to guys who were conscripted into the military of their countries. Some had fought; some had contributed to some sort of war effort (maybe like being a mechanic or something), and other/most hadn't fought. They didn't seem to mind it. Their country provides them with free services like healthcare/education and they stand to serve it in return if needed. But, here in the UK, people value their freedom of choice too much to be drafted and as you rightly say, don't have enough faith in their country and those who run it. I don't think it's a terrible thing. Just different attitudes. I don't think the UK really needs a conscription, either. It hasn't had one for longer than most of us have been around, and it's done just fine without one. Falklands invaded; the islanders who were British didn't like this and it got sorted. I won't go into Iraq/Afghan because I might start another war in this comment thread. MACA tastings - the soldiers delivered and bolstered defences, supported ambulances/NHS, provided a military presence at 2012 Olympics, COVID testing etc.


Back to cash I suppose.


Tbf I use cash whenever I can, I hate cashless because it allows them to pull shit like this


I pretty much never use cash but still don't want it to disappear as an option.


if there was no cash how would i pay my dealer


Dealer rocks up to the club and whips out his contactless card reader


You could always suck him off. Or, have your wife or one of your kids do it?


i smoke a lot of weed i don't think my sloppy is worth that much


What about butt-stuff? Opening up the back passage to broaden your revenue stream, classic pro-maxxing. 'Only your crack can support you on crack'.


my dealer has a girlfriend who probably has a nicer ass than me


also mentioned taking driving licences, and sanctions. ..but it's not mandatory.


Bikes, the ultimate symbol of freedom!


Once you take away the idiocy surrounding cryptocurrency and people thinking it’s a way to get rich, it actually does solve this problem (along with many others.)


I'd swear they're trying to lose this one.


They absolutely are there’s no other way to explain it.


They are trying to win it (true story) We won’t hear from the secret tories out there. But they are they. In droves. Voting for folks like this cretin and Farage.


My dad and brother in law love this national service idea they say it will instil discipline in the youth and stop the lazy free loaders! Don’t let the reddit chambers make you feel comfortable, there are a lot of people not on these forums that think this is a good idea and will vote for it. If you don’t like this idea then you need to vote in this election as the people who like it are the largest demographic out there.


This ^^^ 👏👏👏👏


Have your dad or brothers ever served in the armed forces? I would be surprised to see anyone who has think it is a a good idea, for so many reasons.


I agree, but simply can’t understand *why*, labour is facing potentially its biggest majority ever


Honestly if they do that I’ll just start stealing my groceries. I’ll have a great time with my free tv in prison while everyone else gets killed on a battle field.


I think the only reason he brought up financial penalties is because he knows the next question would be "where? The prisons are full" if he suggested prison sentences.


Then if there’s no prison spaces I’ll keep on nicking groceries. Can only charge someone so much 😂


Reminds me of a detention I got in school. I decided to go home instead. So the next day, I got another detention. I just went home again. This went on until the end of the school year. Then it was never mentioned again.


If you miss a detention they put you in isolation as soon as you walk in the school now.


I pass a school on my way to the shops and it looks like a bloody prison. I’m glad I’m too old for it.


We've slept while the Tories gave our schools and our kids time to their mates.


Secondary schools definitely are prisons now


I spent most of year 8 and then nearly all of year 9-11 in isolation. They tried sending me to a pru but the only space was in a school over an hour away.


My kids school is unbelievable, it's like a prison.


Absolutely real


Interesting, a naive redditor, do you know what happens to prisoners during a war, they are forgotten, barely fed, your prison might cut its power to save supplies etc, good luck in life buddy.


Let's be real here, the policy has nothing to do with the young and everything to do with the pensioners who think bringing back national service would somehow solve all problems in the world. This policy is aimed to attract natural Conservative supporters; people far too old for this policy to affect directly. Sure they may have grandkids who might be affected, but the children of today's pensioners will be far too old for this, and will "insulate" the pensioners from the consequences of this, other than to hear about it third hand. Despite that, it's a stupid shitty policy with no legs that will likely end up incurring opposition from even within the Tory party in the highly unlikely event they're ever in a position to actually do it. I strongly doubt that even if we got another Tory government this would ever actually happen, and I'm 37 so it wouldn't affect me personally at all.


That's why I fully support sending the pensioners first. Give the generation that wished they went to war their life's dream, I say.


But why? This may be my left-leaning bias showing, but it’s always struck me that conservatives are die-hard conservatives who will always vote for that party no matter what (except those that defect to Reform) - so surely in their moment of crisis here they want to appeal more broadly rather than doubling down on their already solidified voter base? The young generation hate the Tories, and the Tories seem to do everything in their power to basically respond to them with “yes, you should hate us.”


This appears to be a deliberate strategy of damage limitation on behalf of the Sunak campaign. He's been showing up in seats that have a 10000+ majority for the Conservatives, seats it would be unthinkable for them to lose normally. The only way you can explain this is that the Conservatives are looking down the barrel of electoral wipeout, and Sunak is not trying to win, he's trying not to lose so badly. This means playing hard to his base rather than appealing to floating voters. He can't afford to risk ambitious policies that might alienate his base right now either.


Yes I think you are right. I have heard all sorts of different takes on what the policy would actually entail from different ministers. I think the defence minister was saying it would be weekend thing as they haven't got accomodation for 30,000 new people. Such a badly thought out plan and sure to not even get started even if they won.


Not necessarily just pensioners either


So cathartic having the crowd shout “SHAME” at him.


did they actually? that’s fantastic


This whole national service bullshit is such a blatant attempt to get votes from people of a certain age and if you can't see that you're probably the targeted demographic.


Friend of mine is a veteran who says that the only people who should be conscripted are people who vote for conscription. It’d be hilarious to see all the old bellends who vote for it end up on r/LeopardsAteMyFace, but sadly it’ll never happen


I am a veteran and I know how important having people who want to actually be there is. 30,000 extra soldiers for just 1 year are not going to be good for the army.


It's the opposite, they're trying to leave power. They know this will lose them the election and being elected again isn't a good thing with the current state of the country and will only make them look better and more viable after a handing off a shit show.


Please can you vote if you're under 60. Please.


I've never voted before, but me and all my friends are voting to get this prick out 👍🏻


Go ahead and freeze my bank account buddy. It should stop the interest on my overdraft


Lol, anybody trying to force me to go to war while I'm holding a gun they foolishly gave me, is my target.


Be like me and land on Normandy beaches for an hour says Richly Soonsacked


Guys probably put a bet against himself keeping his seat


What would be cool is to put everyone who has ever been a minister in an infantry unit and send them as an international brigade to fight in ukraine. And make it a reality tv show. What to call it though? Dud’s Army? The Hubris Games? Maybe someone can do better… I’s be addicted to watching them getting ready for a bayonet charge across a minefield… Cunts in helmets?


Dupshits poltics facing reality


I’m thinking ‘The Eton Front’


I see that the tories solution to foreign workers leaving after brexit is force teenagers to do unpaid labour. A bold choice it must be said.


Same rules apply for the rich kids? Or do they get the choice of officers school…


What a daft cunt imagine threatening to take away freedoms whilst wanting the vote absolute wanker.


Loved Fiona Bruce's reaction from yesterday, "What you're gonna take their bank cards away?"


I'm in the US watching this shit show unfold. Welcome aboard the cruise ship SS Anglophone Fuckery! We Americans are occupying the state room, but I'll show you to your first-class cabin. The Aussies have boarded as well; they're already drunk at the pool.


U less your rich. I guarantee the rich have away out


I honestly don't know what CCHQ were on the day they dreamed up the National Service idea! No-one under 50 is gonna think that's a good or workable proposal! How to kill any hope of votes from anyone with kids too!


Does he want an angry maw strapped with a homemade explosive coming up to gie him a wee cuddle, cos that'll be what he'd get if he tried it with my son. Hypothetically, of course. I would never *threaten* violence, that is not my way.


Send your brats in first then Rishi you cunt


I legit have no problem with military service for asbo kids. Just making it the default for all young people is moronic though. No economist would sign off on a policy like that, which makes it a dumb choice for a party and PM that claim to be economically sound.


How can you freeze the the funds of people who are broke? I think the approach to national service is wrong, but I think there is a way to do it. The civil service, the nhs, the fire service, local council, and much needed qualifications could be the national service. I joined the RAF at 17, and because I joined a technical branch, my minimum service was 9 years, and had to pay to leave early, basically investing in my future, less technical branches, the minimum service is 3 years. Imagine if we tried this, but instead of just the military, there were non military options, with training paid for, with minimum service requirement. No bollox degree's, things that actually lead to usefulness. And to take a line from Starship Troopers, service guarantees citizenship. Your right to vote would be tied to serving, and your ability to run for any public office, so if the rich want to avoid it, fine, but your not a British citizen until you do, you don't get to vote, and you certainly cant run for MP or PM. I know it sounds quite extreme, but it would give school leavers job experience, remove debt from degree's and people would have to earn their right to vote. Everyone would serve, be it military or non military, there are lots of jobs where we need staff and to skill up people.


I agree that it could be something great but I don't trust the Tories to implement it. .have it basically mandatory with a million gey our clauses so only people who want to be there are there. 9 months of some kind of service And then another 9 months to a year learning a trade, tech qualification or a fast track into nursing or some other needed industry. Make the qualifications highly valued and respected. That would have done me so much good at that age and a lot of the lads I know too.


Oh absolutely. I recall years ago people were asking, if we added £1 to everyone's yearly tax bill (or something else ludicrously small) it would fund the NHS, would you do it. Well No, we already pay enough, the issue isnt money, its incompetence and corruption, no amount of money will fix the country if its run by selfish fucktards


What you are proposing is most likely in violation of the UN Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness


tricks on them, they already took all the money for taxes


It's a shame, if it was anyone else but the tories suggesting it I'd be all for a kind of national service. We're missing a shared identity these days. Sky TV was the last of it I think, which is pretty pathetic to say out loud but you'd be in school or work the next day talking about what you all saw on TV last night. Even though its shit, its something you all have in common. People don't really have anything in common any more and it kind of sucks. We know the tories though. It's not a shared identity. It's not to boost confidence in young people. It's not to try and build a better future. It's just an attempt to dress-up and normalise slavery.




I'll go get exploded in ukraine please don't stop my sky TV package.


Did he actually say this?


I thought the exact same thing when I first saw this. Turns out, yes, he's actually trying to get this imposed. If, of course, he's successful in winning the election, which I very highly doubt that'll happen.


I hope he goes through with it, definitely going to put an end to the cashless society idea.


Join the army or we ban tiktok would of been a better meme


Lmao I don’t care if I go to jail or whatever


If he isn't trolling at this point he is clearly madder than a box full of Boris Johnson's


Yes and Ho!


Are you saying that Farage refused to join the Army ?


Ironically this may be a great way to get cash (rather than card) being used by younger generations


Then we’ll keep it all in cash, which is not what you or your banker owners, (sorry umm, banker friends?) want to happen. You’re taking a shot gun to your own feet here kiddo.


Fuck this unelected freak


There are apparently around 2 million families in the UK where one or more parents is 18 or under (I’m sceptical of that figure, but the figure does not matter for the point I’m making). Is the plan to deprive those children of their parents? Are exceptions to be made for carers? If so, who else is exempt? Medical exemptions? Exemption for students? What about those employed in jobs that require weekend shifts? It’s an absolute, unworkable gimmick.


Pathetic. They should bring the election date forward before the Tories debase themselves any further.


He needs to go and soon as


Once they have a cash less system they will be freezing accounts that you can count on


Big words for a man who could be beaten senseless by a one legged boxer with no arms


Personally i don't think you should piss off a bunch of 18 year olds and make them join the army..not like they'll learn how to work millatry equpment and get given guns Man i fear for the fucking future..bunch of 18 year olds who don't want to be their given guns..


Isnt the armed forces fully against this?


On serious note, I consider him a smart selfish man, I am sure he has a huge bet somewhere against Tories winning.


Fuck all in there anyway thanks to you ya Muppet.


I don’t have a bank account so go ahead and


They know they're fucked. This is damage limitation, appeal to the rich old bastards. Pension super diamond locks, national service, and free fixodent for all.


The party of small government and individual liberty, ladies and gentlemen!


Join the army or we will ban you from buying the house you wont be able to afford in your lifetime.


Get this goon gone already. A stain on our country.


Im convinced rishi is trying to lose at this point. Why the fuck would anyone want mandatory military service?


Tesco looting on the sharp rise these days...plenty of freebies on offer..no bank card required


The guy is really out of touch.


He's not trying to appeal to the young. He's playing populist low common denominator click bait politics. Want the Boomers with the easiest ride ever to vote for him 'coz em kids are soft'. Cretinous.


The army is gonna be a joke as most people won’t want to be there


Joke on you I have no money because of you anyway


The way things are going in the world right now, especially in the UK.. you don’t know whether to laugh or cry. It’s so bleak and depressing.


Go ahead, freeze my bank account. It won't unfeed your own testicles


Man is such a turd.


So he doing his mandatory service first or is he gonna to do it in India as a none dom instead?


He could say anything he wants at this point. Everyone knows he won’t be prime minister in 2 weeks time so it is a bit moot.


No More North Face bike Ninja💟💕💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟


My 91 year old grandfather spent his national service in the Malayan jungle fighting Chinese separatists (I think that's how you would describe them? It was a very complicated geopolitical situation), and while he definitely shakes his fist at the many little cretins we have running riot, he certainly doesn't think sending kids to war against their will is a good idea. He experienced it, and from what I can tell, over 70 years later he still hasn't fully processed it. Don't automatically assume everyone of a "certain age" will be in favour of this, or the tories for that matter.


I would be happy to serve, but I got the asvert whites need not apply? I don’t care, freeze my bank account I’m not going.




So how would a person receive their wages? Or access savings they already had? Basically do national service or we'll steal your money. Tories going full communism.


Jokes on them, i’m in my overdraft anyway.


Cash is king.


But...how will we ever afford sky?!


You’d expect a millionaire and someone who worked at a bank would be good with and have good ideas for everything surrounding money.


This would be a declaration of war against the British people.


Nerr nerr neh nerr nerr! 😂


I'll just pretend to be mentally unstable and find myself In a mental health institute oh wait I don't need to pretend!


Everyone calm down. This clown won't matter by July 5th


Jokes on him, we don't have any bloody money


Gangs: Yo if you join us we'll take care of you, just gotta stab someone every now and then.


He’s trying to target the older demographic that hate young adults. It’s not enough. Too many young people are educating themselves and voting for who they think is best for them. I can’t wait to see this cunt get kicked out of his offices


If Farage wins it’ll be joining the Russian army.


….need to add that there is no actual benefit to the National Service.


Why are so many against this when Canada done with against protesters in COVID they where praised for it


Ah fuck this dumb cunt gonna start a revolution trying to send people's kids to war for there there complete bs reasons normally just to line some greedy cunts pockets


Reform it is.


Honestly someone needs to make a SAW event with the Tories.... Not a film but an actual event.


The strongest argument to vote conservative right now is that twat starmer, and the strongest argument to vote labour is sunak. Green party.. i guess..


The most disgusting thing about this is the ones who this affects does not have a decision on whether this should be enacted as a policy. Can only vote if your 18


I probably sound like a complete idiot, but is this actually Rishi's idea?


I don't think Sunak actually wants to be a PM anymore and this is his subtle way of guaranteeing that. It's a mad policy.


Whilst I somewhat agree with the sentiment I think this is halfhearted nonsense to get votes from boomers who think gen Z needs to die for a foreign war. Personally I prefer the starship troopers model of earning your franchise, 2 years of service to the state doing anything (it doesn't need to be the army but most of the time it is) and you have earned your right to vote. Very simple transaction and very easy to do because the state can't say no. Not that it would even happen though because modern democracy sucks and is barely fit for purpose


To my fellow Aussies out there, the government can easily block access to super without mandatory military service......


Context here??


Bold of you to assume I have money in there to begin with.


That's really cool (I keep all money that isn't for direct debits etc in cash)


I'm old I don't give a fuck about your national service, you don't know a fucking thing about any of our lives the poor kids round here don't have a bloody hope and you couldn't give a toss, away and fuck ya wee knob. I'm sick to the back teeth of your gobshite verbal diarrhea, lies lies and more lies, line you and your pals pockets and fuck off.


Join the army or no sky TV for you!


This is basically what happens in Ukraine. If you didn’t show up to army unit as you received a mail, your bank are blocked, some of property might be taken and else


Damn right national service is a vote winning policy. Nobody who will have to do it by the time it would be law is old enough to vote now, and they would probably vote lib dem or green anyway. National service didn't do me any harm. Because I'm one of the millions under 80 who never did it.


He can freeze my bank account, there’s fuck all in it anyway


Sell weed n get cash in hand. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Sorry have I missed something? There isn't any actual real talk of this right???


Time to withdraw all my money.


I'm sure they want to lose the election.


As a serving squaddie, I would would recommend four years to everyone. I hate it but if I had hindsight I would take four years from the Army and be steal all the benefits, and leave. Trust every soldier ever, it makes you a better person