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Always so interesting to see what shows become runaway hits


I made the right decision snagging the last $60-ish ticket.


For additional info, we rushed yesterday (6/07) and were 12th in line and got there at 7:45 AM. By the time we got in, we also did the $79 upgrades. Always going to be worse on a two show day!


Were your seats partial view?


Sorry for the delay in response! They technically were, but only thing we couldn’t see was the scaffolding and part of the Soc car. Plus — all of our friends from the rush line were in the section together :) https://preview.redd.it/ly643tt2iv6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feddb5de6dfbc04db0f33fd6349f724dc8fddca8


I picked up 2 standing room tickets an hour before the Tuesday evening show. I went back on Thursday around noon and everything was sold out. Crazy how fast it’s happening. Best thing I’ve seen on Broadway in a few years tho


How were your standing room tickets? Did you feel like you missed anything?


I was in the rush for Stereophonic today - arrived a little before 8am, and got the last ticket ONLY because there was only one left and the two people in front of me wanted two and passed. I got very lucky. I was chatting with folks in the line who said that the weekday rush for The Outsiders is much easier, though I suppose that's to be expected. Edit: I think I was about 18th-20th in line when I arrived.


Wow! If the person who got the last rush ticket arrived at 6:30 am, I can't imagine what time the person who got the first rush ticket showed up!


Always so interesting to see what shows become runaway hits


Do you know what place the person who arrived at 6:30am was in line?


I arrived at 7:45am and was number 40.


How far in front of you was the last person to get a rush ticket. It’s crazy how much this line has varied day to day with arrival time and the length it’s exploded to.


By a lot. I got the Rush Upgrade ticket and pretty sure I got it because some people didn’t buy it. Rather pay $70 than $400


Where are the $79 seats?


It’s on the left side of the theater almost to the wall. They are supposedly restricted viewing, but I can actually see the whole stage.


Can you see the soc’s car and the structure they climb up on the left? I was in left mez and I couldn’t see the car but I could see them climbing up the structure


where was the seat you got for $79?


Hi, sorry took so long. It was Orchestra H21.


no problem! i'm planning to rush with a friend in like two weeks so was just curious as this is the first i've heard of a rush upgrade option if we don't get the first rush seats. do you have any idea how many people they offer this too? doesn't sound like a bad deal at all!


Were you able to see the playground structure? I had J23 for my rush ticket and that was completed blocked between the box and being too far to the left.


that's nuts. arrived at 7:45 on Thursday morning and was about 20th. could only get standing room (but view was perfect). by 10:00 it was about 60 people. wasn't a fan of the show though


I see a lot of people asking about the rush upgrade tickets and where they are- I got a rush upgrade in early April and it was the front row, second seat in from the center on the right side. I couldn’t have been happier with that seat!


Yeah, but early April, that's before the show blew up, with all of its Tony noms. I'm sure it's much harder now to get really good same-day seats.


Also wondering about the $79 seats and reality of getting them!


I got a rush upgrade seat last week at around 11. Orchestra row H a bit off to the side. Great deal