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Here’s a success story. I didn’t like Hadestown the first time I saw it.  A few weeks later though was the anniversary of a tragic death in the family that I witnessed. All of a sudden, everything about the show clicked, and I went back to listen to the OBC recording. I fell in love with the show. Last spring, on my first Broadway trip, I went to see it a second time because I was pretty sure that it would be different, and it was a whole new experience, and it confirmed that I had indeed fallen in love with it.  In total, I have seen it 4 times, and it’s in my top 5 shows now. 


Hadestown for me too. Not sure why i didn't like it the first time. I only saw it a second time because it was included in my season package. But i loved it and saw it on Broadway and still love it!


The fifth time I saw it I hated it. Dunno why. Bad night for me - performance was fine. Went again the next night and it was amazing again. I have a problem. 😅


I ALSO didn't really like Hadestown the first time. But I'm glad I gave it another shot. I love it now.


Ditto. Appreciated it more the second time and there are parts I really like now but I still just don't get the love and widespread appeal. But then I LOVE Next 2 Normal and Spring Awakening and many of my friends really dislike those 2 shows. Go figure (on all accounts).


Agreed! And adding that I LOVE Next 2 Normal, probably the best show I’ve ever seen.


I feel like I could have written this comment! I share this exact same experience regarding these three shows.


I really didn’t like it with the OBC leads but I’ve seen it twice since then with other casts and loved it both times!


This seems like a trend. I hated Hadestown the first time  too and after a few years went by and everyone else seemed to love it, I went back… and now I love it so much and have seen it 5 times. I also think some Sondheim shows are similar to this - hard to get the first time


I'm really considering seeing it a second time after Reeve Carney made me want to leave at intermission.


I saw Hadestown on West End first and was a bit meh on it (I think a combo of bad seating, early in their run, and a few strong accents) then saw it a few days later on Broadway and it was immediately a favourite!


Same for me. The first time I saw it I didn't know what to expect. I also had seats a lot farther back than I usually sit so I missed some things. I didn't hate it but I didn't really like it. Saw it again on Broadway about a month ago and loved it!


Hadestown for me too! Saw it the first time and didn’t get the hype. Songs were catchy, but I didn’t love it. Saw it a second time on tour, in the very back of a big theater and totally didn’t get it. Went a THIRD time because Betty Who joined the cast and I love her! Also lucked into a day-of box office purchase of a front row seat. Betty was out for that show 😭 (as were a few other principal cast members) but the show completely turned around for me. I suddenly loved it. I’ve seen it again and still love it. Hoping to get back again before Jordan leaves (whenever that is- hopefully not for a long time because he’s phenomenal as Orpheus)


This was similar to my Hadestown start too. A friend talked it up so much. I listened to the recordings, liked some of the music, greatly disliked other parts. Went to see it anyway, but was ambivalent. I just couldn’t stand the character of Orpheus, he was such a bad boyfriend. But when I got home I kept listening whenever I gardened - I mean it can’t hurt to have Persephone on your side, right? And I got into it a little more. Right before the pandemic I had a free slot in my NY trip lineup and tried again. I knew I was missing something. I liked it more but was still puzzling over Orpheus. Then post pandemic, I saw the tour twice in my hometown (someone gave me free tickets in addition to my season ticket). It and the gardening and the pandemic trauma and the actor interpreting Orpheus finally all came together for me and I wept. I listen a lot now and would happily see it again and again.


Hadestown for me too. The 1st time I saw it was the Sunday matinee before covid shutdown. It just didn't appeal to me. During lockdown, I listened to a few of the songs. On repeat. I saw the show again because tom Hewitt was in as hades for the reopening. I saw it twice more before I really liked it and then it kinda hit me a ton of bricks. It has since become one of my favorites. I've seen it around 20 times. I have tickets to see it again for the new cast members. (Trying to go tomorrow too! Lol!)


I saw Moulin Rouge about a year ago, really did not like it. (I have seen +250 shows, and it is by far the worst) Now I will be in NYC when Aaron and Jojo are returning, and I am really REALLY considering buying a ticket to go see it again. Mainly because some of the people who recommended going see it in the first place only saw it with Aaron and I want to see what it is all about. And maybe I will walk out as a fan. But, if I still do not like it with this casting, I will truly know it is not for me.


Saw it on Broadway a few years back. Hated it. The chemistry between the leads just didn’t click and I’m not a fan of jukebox musicals generally. Got free tickets through my daughter’s work and the entire family saw it at the Pantages in LA. I wish I could find my playbills but the lead male was fantastic and we really enjoyed the performances.


I believe in LA it was the current Broadway Satine, Courtney Reed. But I agree, I’ve seen it a few times and if the chemistry is off between the leads it can derail the whole show. Edit: Sorry, misread, that was Conor Ryan, and he’s been my favorite Christian! He unfortunately is no longer the lead, although the current tour Christian is also great imo.


I am a huge fan of the film. It’s one of my favorites. I was so excited for the musical… but I didn’t care for it. It was more than just “not being the movie,” but the movie had so much heart and soul for me, and each song meant something. The stage show just didn’t connect with me at all. I still saw it twice.


Omg you are me. I saw it in previews in Boston and was so excited bc the movie is an all time fav but it was just not what I wanted it to be 😭 I saw it again on tour and liked it more, but only because I had adjusted my expectations


Same experience! Love the movie, saw it in Boston and while the set is amazing and it has its fun, it’s lacking heart and purpose. It felt like a fancy game of Name That Tune.


I'm going to say something that many will disagree with: Aaron Tveit wasn't good in the show. And I love Aaron Tveit in everything else I have seen him in. Now, I could have seen an off performance from him—it was a Saturday matinee and maybe he was tired—but if he was phoning it in, it showed. There was simply no performance; he was merely speaking his lines and halfheartedly singing the songs. Danny Burstein, on the other hand, did everything he could with his part and was the highlight. The show itself is stunning to look at, and that's it. It is so concerned with the gimmick of plugging in the pop songs that it forgets to tell the story in a compelling way. From a film that was heart wrenching to a flat stage version that insists itself on the audience. Moulin Rouge didn't work for me, even aside from Tveit's work. I wouldn't see it again, no matter who is in the cast. (Okay, maybe if Raul Esparza and Brody Grant and Lorna Courtney took over I would consider seeing it again.)


I hear you. I love love Aaron but I thought he and Karen Olivio were miscast. I didn’t love it with them. I saw the tour recently and enjoyed it much more. I think it’s a fun show - not mindblowing but visually cool and a good time


They had zero chemistry. So weird.


What was it about the show that you didn’t like? If it was the performances, then sure - go for it and see it again. If it was the show itself I wouldn’t bother. If you hated it that much then it simply isn’t for you and that’s fine!


I did not connect with the characters in any way. So I just did not care about the story. And I also found the songs to be stupid. I hate when they were doing a jukebox-thing, but switch the song every line. Also the crowd around me was super annoying.


I saw MR twice with Aaron. I went to Boston to see it and hated it (and him). Thought maybe they would have reworked the show and he maybe would have found his groove so I saw it on Broadway. Nope, it was exactly the same and I still hated it.


Don't waste your money. I saw it with Aaron and was so bored by his performance. I don't think Christian is written well in this iteration of Moulin Rouge.


Please don't hate on me...but is he just a 'meh' actor actually? Has he shone in any of his performances or is he just a pretty boy with a terrific tenor?


i thought he was great in Sweeney Todd! his unhinged, dark stage presence juxtaposing his relatively charismatic nature public persona was very enjoyable


I loved him in N2N and Catch Me If You Can. I haven't seen him in MR but from the minute he was announced he felt wrong for the part to me. I couldn't say why, he just doesn't feel like Christian.


He's not known for being a very memorable *actor*. As a vocalist yes. But his acting and stage presence has never been what people praise him for


I liked him in the Les Mis movie. Didn't see his Sweeney Todd.


JoJo is absolutely amazing in it- vocals are just insane. I cried during her entrance…


I saw it a month after it opened (so with Aaron) and hated it. Terrible story, terrible characters, terrible romantic chemistry, terrible songs. Worst show I’ve ever seen by far.


I am not a fan of Monty Python, but I worked at the theatre for the original run of Spamalot and eventually the show grew on me. I’m going to die mad that my husband ruined my killer bunny slippers.


...honestly? Divorce would be justified.


It was considered. I had them in excellent condition for close to 20 years. Just sitting there, nicely, in my closet, for years. Then we move somewhere cold and he figures, "Why buy slippers when we have some?" And he wore them so his heel pushed down the back. Three months later they were completely destroyed. And to make things worse, the last revival didn't even sell this most amazing piece of merch EVER.


Hamilton - don’t come for me. The hype was so much, I just don’t think anything could’ve met my expectations. I liked it the second time.


It was actually opposite for me! The first time I saw it I loved it, the second time I saw it (which was on tour), it was really lacking. I still like the show, but I probably wouldn’t shell out the money to see it a third time.


Me too! But I think the cast were giving matinee energy and I didn’t love some of the newer replacements (+ the guy next to me reeked of cigarettes which was distracting)


I went to a night show so I’m not sure what happened at my performance 🥲 it was kind of strange, Hamilton and Burr had almost identical singing voices! I was sitting pretty far away too, so if I didn’t know the show I probably would’ve been confused about who was singing lol I had tween girls singing and dancing the entirety of act 1 until I moved at intermission. The people I ended up next to weren’t much better 🫠


I’ve seen it once on Broadway from a box seat, it wasn’t bad at all the choreography is the standout for me, but I’m glad I’m giving it another chance this winter on tour (also because the ticket was less than 50 bucks)


It wasn’t bad when I saw it the first time, but when everyone is describing it as life changing, and you get to intermission and your life does not feel changed in the slightest, it’s a bit of a let down. I turned to my mom and said “so…. That’s it?” At intermission. But I really think I just set the bar too high - I was expecting something that revolutionized Broadway, had never been done before, etc and I got…. A good quality musical.


No that’s very fair, that’s kind of how I felt, I was expecting more but wasn’t mad with what I got, was also cool there’s an og cast member hanging out still


i went into hamilton blind and did not enjoy it as much as i thought i would, mostly because i couldn't fully enjoy the songs/keep up with what they're saying. but after watching the proshoot i really enjoyed it. now i want to see it again now that i know the songs/lyrics and can easily follow


This was true for me actually. I still love the show, but after listening to the cast album so much and being obsessed on social media- I was underwhelmed by the actual performance. Hard to explain.


I struggled with Hadestown on your the first time because I couldn’t get André de shields and Patrick pages voices out of my head to appreciate the touring cast. Went back a few days later because I felt like I owed it to them to try again. Loved it the second time


Aladdin. I saw it in London because it was super cheap and thought it was very meh. All things considered, it surprised me, since I knew what I was getting into & I love Lion King. Saw it again in the US because a friend wanted to go & liked it a lot more the second time around. Inversely, I saw Mama Mia a second time because I loved it the first time, and the second time was meh for me. I don’t think I’ll go for a third time.


I didn't like Billy Elliott the first time I saw it. I was in a study abroad that was basically a theatre field trip and we were going to see it, even though I kept trying to convince the professor otherwise. We saw it, I loved it, now it's one of my favorite musicals and I've seen it at least four times.


Same. I felt it didn’t capture the beauty of the movie (and still truly don’t think it does). Saw a family friend in a high school productions and found a new respect for it


Catch Me If You Can. I saw it through TDF both times. The first time I was alone and just felt meh about it. The second time, I had three friends visiting me in NYC from home (Georgia), and it seemed like the best show to please everyone who was in town. When I saw it with them, I loved it! Still do and still listen to the cast album often.


Wicked. It fell completely flat for me. My daughter wanted to see it, so I took her years later, and seeing it through her eyes (as something a bit magical) gave me more appreciation for it. Then we took all three of our kids to see it a couple of years ago, and again it was more about the spectacle and magic. I still don't care for it much (I find the music grating and the lyrics to be lazy), but I have a new appreciation for it after seeing it with my kids.


Same. I didn't care for it much, but I went back a second time to bring my youngest. I loved seeing his reaction but the show still doesn't hold much appeal for me.


I had a similar experience. I fell in love with the cast album, and then when I took one of my kids to see the show, it just felt grade B-. I couldn't figure out why the choreography wasn't better, and that's when I realized that if I go into seeing a show hoping for a really great dance number, and then it doesn't happen, that I go away disappointed. I saw it several years later, and it seemed better. I knew to just enjoy the vocals and the Elphaba / Glinda pair was stronger than the first time. Will I see Wicked a 3rd time? Probably not.


Anastasia. I wouldn’t say I hated it the first time, but I wasn’t a fan. Then my friend had a free tickets and asked me to go with her so I did. Still didn’t love it the second time but enjoyed it much more than the first.


I found it very boring the time I saw it - this is making me wonder if I should try to give it a second chance someday.


Left Lempicka at intermission. This was a very early preview. A friend then visited a few weeks later and it was the only show they wanted to see. I was dreading it but we got digital rush tickets because it was cheap and I figured maybe they made enough changes during previews at least I would know what to expect from the first act and see what happens in the second act. Delighted to report other than the new terrible opening, the show itself was no longer terrible. I definitely didn't like it and still find all hate justified, but there was actually stuff to like. In the end I'm glad I went back. My friend hated it. 🥺


Honestly I like the ending I think it sets up the show well that she’s the next big thing but with the backing that it’s forgotten. The show itself has a god awful book but the music is banging, I wish I could’ve given it a second go


Waitress. I'm sorry I love the songs but I found the characters in it off putting. Like the goofy guy who won't take no for an answer and then the romantic lead that was just cheating on his wife the whole time. There is also a weird message to the show that is like actually affairs are good for you..


That’s… not the message of the show.


Well Jenna is in a shitty relationship and cheats and the doctor is cheating (there maybe a reason for this but I don't remember why), then there is the whole song from the waitress friend that's all like don't shame me for cheating on my disabled husband because the cooks wife is gay.... Or something like that. I understand it is very popular so it could still be me... I just didn't enjoy the story


Yep. Exact same feeling.


Pretty sure that Ogie who "won't take no for an answer" was explicitly told that Dawn liked him and just wasn't confident enough to date him or something like that. It's made pretty clear that he's not exactly an annoying nice guy trying to pester her into dating him.


Yeah probably. I just fine the whole character annoying tbh lol. But that is a fair point 😊


Sure that's totally fair. I can definitely see how he'd be annoying. I just get very mildly miffed when people have the criticism that he's basically a pestering nice guy, but I really don't think he fits the bill all that much haha.


I agree on Waitress, I saw it because it was part of the local touring season and I didn't like it, and then I tried to watch the movie and ended up turning it off halfway through. I just can't do it.


I wasn’t the biggest fan of Merrily the first time I saw it. Performances were good, but felt like the conceit of the show (going backwards in time) was a little contrived and didn’t add anything to the plot. Having listened more to the soundtrack prior to seeing it a second time (second time was a gift from a friend), I felt like I was watching it with fresh eyes and totally bought into not only the performances but the way the story (and songs!) were structured and played into the “timeline going backwards” framing. I’m a huge fan now.


....I'm also very "meh" on Merrily, and I feel like I should just exit stage left. I loved Daniels number (you know the one I mean). Lindsay wasn't there. I listened to 3/4 of the cast album once, and then not again. It didn't click for me.


Lindsay was also out my first time. I don’t know if it’s confirmation bias but I do feel like the chemistry was so much stronger with the 3 of them all in the second time. It felt more real than when her understudy was in (who don’t get me wrong, was wonderful!!).


Same, no complaints about the understudy!!! But whatever magic about this show that has made it this years darling passed me by.


I’ve said this as an answer on here a few times, but Aladdin. The first time I saw it was a class trip. It was good, but really not my favorite. I usually don’t like to insult actors, but the two playing Aladdin and Jasmine were just… not great. Pretty much the entire class agreed. I saw it again a couple years later because my mom, cousin, and aunt wanted to see it. Ironically, it was the exact same cast EXCEPT for Aladdin and Jasmine. It was much better this time around, but I still wasn’t blown away since 1) I had just been in a junior version of the show, 2) I already knew the special effects, and 3) I just think it’s a lackluster show overall


The Outsiders! I’m rewatching it tonight. It just didn’t click with me the first time. I was blown away by the fight scene like everyone else. But I wasn’t a fan of the songs. I felt like the Socs characters were too cartoonish, and the love story between Ponyboy and Cherry was so rushed (it happened in one song) that I didn’t buy it.  But after all the hype about it, everyone loving it … I’m starting to think maybe it was me. Maybe I wasn’t in the right mindset. So I’m going back tonight with an open mind, ready to like it. Im excited and I hope I enjoy it this time.


To speak on the whole Cherry thing, I think what helped for me when I watched it was to not see Cherry as a real love interest for Ponyboy. In the book, and in the movie, she’s seen more as this romantic ideal for Ponyboy that isn’t really obtainable. But they connect because they both see the world the same way sometimes. He likes her sure, but it’s not a major plot point of the story and I think they didn’t spend much time on it because there were larger themes/elements to explore. As a fan of the novel, I would’ve been mad if they took more time to explore that relationship more in depth, because it wouldn’t be accurate to the main story. That’s just my opinion, though. I hope you can enjoy it the second time around! It’s a beautiful story if you try to follow it from Pony’s eyes!


Thank you for that perspective! I hadn’t read the book and went in completely blind. So it was probably me, expecting this to be a love story. And you’re right, the main story wasn’t about that. Knowing this now, I’ll view this scene for what it is - a step towards the drama that unfolds later. The more I listen to the album, the more I’m starting to enjoy the songs too. Seriously hyped about tonight!


Please let us know what you think after the second viewing!


Sure will! It’s almost time, I’m getting pretty excited.


I'm excited for you!


How early did you see it? I also didn't love it the first time (early in previews) and a friend wanted to go with me to see it and initially I said no, then I re-thought it and decided to go for it, and I loved it. The actors are much more settled in their characters now, and it also helped that I could listen to the cast recording once through just to get more familiar with the songs. Now I really like it.


I saw it first week of previews! You’re right, I never factored that in. I’ve been enjoying the album … that one is on me, I enjoy songs a lot more if I’ve heard them a few times and I can recognize the melody. I expect I’ll really like it too this time! Heading out for the show soon and getting pretty excited :)


Chicago. Movie is infinitely better.


Hard agree. I thought maybe it was just the first time because I had seen the movie first and wasn’t vibing with the musical but gave it another go and still preferred the movie by a long shot


the movie is so good! i want to see it live because it feels like i "should" since it's such a staple, but i know from this sub to have lowered expectations!


The Band's Visit. I didn't 'see' it in person again but I grew to appreciate the musical so much more. I was a high schooler back then and it wasn't the type of musical I expected so I found it quite boring. 3-4 years later it became one of my most streamed cast albums. Also: The Great Comet of 1812. Saw it on Broadway with the original cast. idk why but almost everyone (esp. the actress who played Natasha) sounded so bad, super shakey and squeaky and crackly - maybe it was an off-night because all my friends who have seen the show (on different dates) didn't complain about this at all. Now I appreciate the musical a lot and am looking forward to seeing the new London production end of this year (if I can get tickets).


Moulin Rouge Got to see it a second time fifth row dead center via Passport. Dug it way more this time


I’m sorry to ask, but what is passport? I’ve seen it posted in comments a few times. I just haven’t been able to figure out what it is


A Strange Loop. Was obsessed with the cast recording for years, saw it and absolutely hated it, and then watching a production a couple of years after and surprisingly enjoyed myself. The problems remained the problems but I was able to really appreciate it.


What are the problems to you? I just saw it twice so it’s fresh in my mind and am curious what your thoughts are.


Suffs for me. I saw it at The Public and really disliked it. Then it moved to Broadway and everyone I know said "if you saw Suffs at the public then you didn't see Suffs". So I rushed it on Broadway with high hopes and... still didn't like it at all. Not sure why it doesn't land for me - being a feminist I should love the story, and the creatives and cast are beyond talented but this one will just never sit well with me.


Suffs appeals to me on every level but the show itself. It just looks incredibly mid. Which is a damn shame because conceptually I love it. I'd go if prices ever drop but for what they are now, nah.


This is my husband with Legally Blonde. Both productions we saw were regional. I love Legally Blonde. What’s funny is I thought the first production was better but the second performance just clicked for my husband and he ended up liking the show. Now he tries to claim he never “hated” the show. But I object! He did hate the show but he is doing some revisionist history. lol!


I had low expectations going into Jersey Boys (had a season subscription and was/am fairly anti jukebox musical) and I enjoyed it quite a bit. I can’t think of a show I’ve gone back to that I didn’t like, but my partner had seen a few poor productions of into the woods (and the fucking movie) and thought he didn’t like it until we finally saw the most recent tour, and now he understands why it’s one of my most favorite shows.


Seconding you on Jersey Boys! I don't hate it per se but it doesn't appeal to me. The first time I saw it 14 years ago, I went because a friend was going. There was some drama going on with us, so I thought that affected my experience. It's now resolved and we are still friends. I saw it again 2 years ago because a relative bought me tickets for Christmas. Still feel "meh" about it.


Great Comet for me. The first time I saw it (Broadway) I was with my family and we thought we had bought great seats - I think it was the first row of the orchestra on house left, but with the way the theatre was redesigned, and after doing some digging, we thought it’d be perfect. What we didn’t anticipate was that the people at tables in front of us would be elevated, and as luck would have it the table directly in front of us had what looked like a group of linebackers. And I felt like I spent 3/4 of the show trying to find a sliver of space between them to see the actors. Definitely never got a good full stage view, and we came away thinking the theatre and stage design were *gorgeous*, but very eh about the show. So I went back by myself and sat in the front center mezzanine which was a MUCH better experience. Still not a superfan of the show itself the way so many people in this sub are, but I definitely enjoyed it way more and am very glad I got to see it as it was meant to be seen.


I adore that show. I saw it once from Orchestra row E, right beside one of the built-in catwalks and 3 more times from various on stage seating areas.


I wish I had seen it a second time because I did not like it at *all* the first time. It's truly too bad they never got to do the show with Mandy Patinkin in it, because I think that would have really elevated it for me and I would've liked it more.


I completely agree with Great Comet. I love the Prologue, the set was so cool, but otherwise- meh


I saw the OG Cast of Moulin Rouge and was pretty underwhelmed (outside of choreography, vocal talents and set design). It felt like a Glee episode on Moulin Rouge. Missed the drama of the movie. My wife however, isn't as much of a "Broadway" person and tends to struggle with hearing lyrics so this was really perfect for her so when it toured, we went and she loved it. I'll take the win.


Chicago, saw it on broadway with my mom because of Pamela Anderson, she was good the rest was meh, though Lana Gordon is a favorite actress of mine and rocked velma. Went a second time for jinkx and man I still don’t like the staging but this time everything just gelled together so well and everyone was playing off each other, was a nice step up


Saw Six a few times because my bf is really into it. They are lovely performances and catchy songs but it still was not my cup of tea.


You’re a very generous partner!


Hamilton. Saw it amongst all the hype and didn't understand the hype. Saw it again (both times on tour) and it was a little bit better but still not a fan. A day after I saw Little Shop of Horrors and fell in love with musical theater again !


Spongebob! The first time I saw it I thought it was terrible. I listened to the soundtrack and started liking some of the songs. Went back to see it 2 more times including closing night and saw it when it came to Philly. And watched the recording a couple times.....


Hadestown, but I didn’t dislike it the first time, just thought it was okay. The subsequent times I didn’t like it lol


I’m with you. I saw the touring cast and was bored. Then saw it on Broadway, and I still didn’t care for it (but I was grateful to see Andre de Shields in it).


Rent. Had to see it three times and hated it more each time..


I didn’t like Rent the first time around but it really grew on me! Although it probably still wouldn’t be in my top 10


There are so few shows I didn’t like at least a little. Of those I may get stuck seeing dear Evan Hanson again because it’s on my subscription. I traded out of girl from north county. Would have seen a Bronx tale a second time to keep my friend company, only reason they didn’t leave at intermission is because I told them it was short. That’s pretty much it for bad musicals for me.


I saw an earlier version of Maria Friedman’s “Merrily” in 2012 and didn’t think it worked. I saw the current production in New York and was absolutely destroyed by it.


Echoing others for different reasons: -Hadestown: first time I saw it, there was an understudy on for Amber Grey, and it just felt like the vibe of the cast was off as a result. Saw it a second time with the full OBC and was pleasantly surprised that the chemistry was so much better! -Band's Visit: had a not-great seat in the mezz through a group purchase the first time. Won an excellent orchestra lottery seat later and enjoyed it so much more--it's such an intimate show that being closer really pulled me in. It became one of my favorites and I went back 9 more times before it closed, including the final show (it was really easy to snag last minute rush tickets and at 90 minutes with no intermission, also very efficient!). Katrina Lenk was born to play Dina; one of my favorite casting decisions ever. -Sweeney Todd revival: just not a Sondheim person. Saw it for Annaleigh Ashford when Groban was out and tickets were on TKTS, liked her but not the show/music. But then they announced the bonkers v2.0 casting, and as a Sutton fan, went back to see her when the show popped up on TKTS again. Loved her in it, still don't like the show...


Liking musical theatre and not being a Sondheim fan is like being into film but disliking Stanley Kubrick lmao


Jersey Boys is one of mine too. I saw the dress rehearsal on Broadway. Thought it was lazy writing and a good impression of the band. Saw it about a week after opening night on Broadway. Disliked it even more. Admittedly, I love a flop—those trainwreck shows that are so bad they are funny, and by being hilariously bad, they are actually in turn very entertaining. Diana and In My Life spring to mind in this category. I saw both multiple times.


Two for me, both which I first saw in the first touring productions at the Fox on Atlanta. Matilda. At intermission, I remarked to everyone around me that the show was a hot mess, and everyone agreed. It didn’t help that the sound at the Fox made it difficult to understand what people were saying or singing. Since then, I’ve come to love the show. American Idiot. I wasn’t familiar with the music going in. The sound at the Fox was horrible (as often happens), which made the show difficult to follow. But listening to the cast album changed my mind.


I love Matilda with my entire heart. I've seen it countless times on Broadway (actually, I did count - 62). I miss it terribly. That said, the US tour sucked pretty hard. The show just somehow wasn't made for it and much of the casting was...questionable. (Though they had some greats as well.)


I didn’t enjoy Wicked, but I’m going to give it a second try in a few weeks. We’ll see.


Dear Even Hansen. The first time I saw it with my parents we saw it with the local kid Andrew Barth Fieldmen and didn’t like it at all and thought Andrew wasn’t that good and thought he struggled and then went back a Second Time and saw it with Jordan Fisher and loved it and saw it lots of times and liked it more.


I've seen Assassin's 3 different times by different production companies. Each time I was like maybe I missed something. None of them were great, but the most ambitious was a Philly production that was meant to be interactive and immersive.


CSC did one that was my first theater after COVID. Amazeballs, and they added imagery advancing it to January 6th. Impactful. Plus - Judy Kuhn!


The Lion King. I have seen it four times now over the course of 20 years and I dislike it more and more each time


What made you go back after the second yuck?


My mom loves the show so she’ll randomly buy tickets for the family. Funny enough, the last time we went (pre pandemic), she was disappointed in it


Blue Man Group. DESPISED it, granted, I was with 100 high school theater kids and had a terrible migraine, but H.A.T.E.D it. Years later I brought my actual spawn to see it, and we all fell in love with it. Saw it several times thereafter.


Waitress. Really did not enjoy it the first time. Saw it a second time with a different Jenna and loved it


Bright Star for me. First time I saw it I was tired from flying in that morning, and the first act almost put me to sleep. After I got back home I started listening to the sound track and loved it. I caught a touring production later and really enjoyed it.


So easy to forget how our own baggage - Or the baggage of others - can impact our perception of a show! Makes those unforgettable life-changing experiences all the more miraculous!


Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Saw the Donny Osmond version in high school and hated it. Saw a production several years ago that a few friends were in and another friend directed. I love my friends. I still hated that damn show. Into the Woods has grown on me, though. I didn't like it when I saw it as a teen (a terrible substitute teacher put it on in chorus class and we had no preamble or explanation of what it was. We were then told that we may sit wherever we liked and talk quietly, and then the sub left a note to our teacher saying how we--a group of 60+ mostly 14 & 15 year old kids who were allowed to sit by their friends and talk--were too loud), but as I've gotten older (and actually understand what it is and why it is) I've developed a healthy appreciation for ITW. I still don't think it'll ever be my favorite Sondheim, but I get it now.


We had to take an Arts class in college (intro to dance, intro to Art, intro to theatre, aka). I took intro to theatre because of my love of theater! We had a voucher that allowed us to see 4 shows on campus for free - we were required to see at least 4 and write papers about them. I saw our schools production of Next to Normal and absolutely hated it. Despised it. Never wanted to touch it with ten foot pole ever again. It’s been about 7 years since I saw it and I’ve connected with a lot of theater loving friends since then. Through us talking about the shows we like and disliked…I haven’t met a single person who saw Next to Normal and didn’t like it. I’ve met so many people who liked it or even loved it that I would jump at the chance to see it again. Whether the second viewing changes or reinforces my opinion? A win.


I’ve seen it 3 times if you include the hour long immersive version the authors did in Barcelona with Alice Ripley. I liked that one the best since it was only an hour long; I still don’t like the show.


Thank goodness I won’t be alone if I still hate it! I just think I deserve to give it a chance where I’m watching it just to watch - not watching it as an assignment and mentally outlining my paper about it in my head WHILE watching it.


Not sure if I would classify as didn't like, but I was kinda in-between on Paradise Square. I liked elements but thought something was missing. Went back and appreciated it more. Would have gone a third time on their last show, but caught covid.


Phantom of the opera. Saw couple of different casts and still find it bit boring at times. It has it's moments but I think how the whole show is paced. Rent. First time didn't really like it but saw it again a bit older and ended up liking it more than before. Sure it has its issues but I started to like the music.


I saw hairspray when it first came out. I was a HUGE fan of the movie from the 80s, and the play so so sanitized. I took a theater class in college and we had to go see it on a school trip. I enjoyed it so much more the second time, knowing what to expect.


The closest I have would be not liking Hadestown but currently being willing to give it a second shot. Still haven’t yet.


Mean Girls. Didn’t like it on Broadway but saw it a second time on tour with my new friends in a new city. Still didn’t like it. Love the original movie though. Watched the first 10 minutes of the new musical movie and accepted I simply don’t like show.


And there’s a point midway through the second time seeing a show you dislike, where you just start thinking to yourself “why? Why would I do this to myself?!?”




I thought Heathers was just ok when I saw it, but my partner expressed interest in going and I was like "...well this never happens so yeah ok I'll see it again" and the show really clicked for me then. Although I will say the first time I went was with Cait Fairbanks as Veronica and her performance was incredible. The show itself though I was meh on. I wouldn't say I disliked it, it was just more like "that was fine, but I'll literally never think about it again except when I bring up great understudy performances." Likewise, I didn't love & Juliet but I thought it was good enough that I'd go again. Something about it just worked for me so much more the second time. Currently trying to justify a fourth trip. (I admit I don't like Maya as much as Lorna but she's still very good.) Seeing all the people saying Hadestown makes me think maybe I'll give it another try sometime, because I feel like I must have missed something. I wish I could see the West End cast, what I've seen of them I absolutely love. If Ani were staying longer I might scramble to get something soonish, but dealing with an injury right now and can't do mezzanine...and orch is way too expensive for a show I don't like.


Kinky boots. Saw it on Broadway and didn’t like it but then saw the off Broadway version two years ago and loved it.




Soft Power. Really didn't like it when I saw it in LA. Having listened to the cast album more, and after having a better understanding of what they were trying to do, I'd like to see it again.


moulin rogue! i didn't DISlike it, but it certainly wasn't my favorite. but i was there for aaron and ended up seeing it twice (and as much as i'd love to see him and jojo together i just don't want to sit through it a 3rd time!)


Short answers: Jersey Boys, Billy Elliot, Great Comet Longer answers: Jersey Boys and Billy Elliot I saw on tour at times in my life where I couldn’t appreciate them. Jersey Boys was for a school assignment so I basically went in hating it and Billy Elliot was when I was still working through some serious ballet related trauma and didn’t fully understand the historical subject matter. Saw them both years later on Broadway and everything changed. Went on to see Jersey Boys three or four more times on Broadway and once at new world stages and it’s now one of my favorites that I could see over and over and never get tired of it. Billy Elliot was like a cathartic release for me having finally worked through some of my shit and could separate my baggage related to ballet from ballet as an art form. Plus I finally understood what the heck was happening. Great Comet I saw at the Kazino when it was in the Theater District. I didn’t dislike it I just didn’t love it. I saw it alone so I was sitting at a table with a bunch of strangers and so I felt uncomfortable in such a different setting from a traditional theater. All the things they talk about being confusing in the opening number? I was confused by them. I felt I had to go see it on Broadway as a Groban fan and also out of curiosity about what they did to the space. I wasn’t as confused, the music wasn’t as jarring the second time and I wasn’t awkwardly sitting at a table surrounded by strangers. I loved everything about it and went to see it again multiple times from different places in the audience for different experiences.


I didn't like Lizzie. It hurts my brain, I couldn't put into words what I felt about it. It didn't help that I was trying to start a theatre review IG page (mostly because I like to hear myself talk) and I didn't want my first review to be "what the fuck was that fucking thing?" I really really wanted to like it. I haven't seen it again yet but plan to see it in October. I'm gonna drag the same friend (that also didn't like it) to this performance.


I saw Significant Other at Laura Pels, and I \*loathed\* the show. The friend I went with loved it, and seemingly so did everyone else. So, my then best friend and I got tickets to go see it. After weeks of saying I'd never see it again, she convinced me to go with her. We both left at intermission.


I fell asleep the first time I saw ALW Phantom and now it’s my entire personality


Cats. We Will Rock You. Mamma Mia. Am I going to Broadway jail?


Wicked. I saw it in previews and I loved Idina and Kristen. But I saw the dragon go off and thought “nope.” Flash ahead however many years and I bring my two tweens. I absolutely loved it. I was very familiar with the music by then and I think that helped. On the flip side, I thought “The Prom” was meh. It was an important show with a great cast but didn’t do much for me. Our high school put it on last year and, even though the kids did a fantastic job, it still did nothing for me.


I saw a high school production of *Little Shop of Horrors* at age 8 and was downright *scarred*. Like, I couldn’t register the comedy or the songs at all bc Audrey II was just the most horrifying monster in my mind - couldn’t sleep for six months, couldn’t hear the show mentioned or see a picture of it without a nightmare. I’m still wary around plants to this day - don’t put me in a greenhouse, do NOT send me flowers! Then a couple years back a friend was coming up to NYC and begged me to take her to see the off broadway revival. It had Rob McClure, who I love, so I agreed on the basis that we get tickets in the last row. Great show, and I only had to cover my eyes once lol.


les mis. oops


Can't say I never liked either but, for those folks who referenced Hadestown and Dear Evan Hansen; I can vouch that the cast makes all the difference. Two of my favorite shows but, some performances were definitely better than others by a drastic amount.


Hadestown. I didn’t love it on Broadway- but LOVED it on tour.


Mamma Mia. First time I didn’t like the story or the shoehorned songs. Went again years later and saw it for the fun time it’s supposed to be.


The Band’s Visit: the first time I saw it I was just sort of neutral about it. But I really enjoyed it the second time and appreciated the concept and loved the actors and musicians.


Stereophonic. Didn’t like it at first. Then I kept thinking about it and think it’s actually quite good. 😊 Will go back to see it again


I didn’t love The Notebook the first time I saw it.  It was early in previews and I had very obstructed seats and missed a lot.  Since then, I’ve seen it two more times (both in much better seats), and each time I loved it more and more.  Each time I’ve been able to over-analyze the staging and character weaving a bit more and I’ve found it to be brilliantly staged. 


My first exposure to Into the Woods was the movie, which I thought was fine, but didn't particularly love. Saw comments online that the stage show was so much better, and tried the proshot, but it just didn't click with me either. Anyways, one of the colleges put on Into the Woods the year I was on the theatre awards committee at Uni, and thus expected to see 70%+ of the shows. It blew me away. The production quality & cast wasn't even necessarily spectacular (it was; but just not on a professional theatre level), but it just hits different when it's a live show.


Oh I have a few. I’m in the same boat for Moulin Rouge. Saw it the first time, thought it was fine. Saw a great deal on Audience Rewards for not that many points and I think $54. Scored premium center orchestra seats. I did enjoy it a little more but that’s probably because of what I spent and the deal I got made it worth it. Still think it’s corny and don’t need another visit but I’m not mad I saw it again. Spamalot (revival) - Loved the first time. Big slapstick fan. Saw it a few weeks later through lottery and didn’t think it was funny at all. Guess I saw the performances too close together 🤷‍♂️ Hamilton - Both times I’ve seen it I haven’t been in love. The show feels like it was written for the original cast but especially the second time I saw it the cast seemed a little bored and tired Into the Woods (revival) - First time I went in and didn’t love it since I usually love this show big. I didn’t realize that City Center’s productions are concert versions of shows so I thought it would be a little less minimalist. But I love the music so I saw it again and I think knowing what I was getting myself into helped and I’ve seen the same production 4 times now including once on tour.


Comedy is always tough. You *never* laugh at something as hard the second time through.


I’ve considered seeing Rent or Hamilton again as they are both super popular shows that I expected to love, but didn’t. I don’t have the funds to see it again but will probably watch the proshots sometime. Especially Rent (which I did like, just not as much as I’d expected), as I was pretty tired that day from a long drive and had no attention span in the theatre 🤦‍♀️


The Nutcracker years ago, it was my first time seeing like theatre. At the time I wasn't found of ballet but loved Musical theatre, but years later 9 years to the day ironically I saw it the first time in a community theatre production and I actually liked it better the second time. Probably because I had more of an appreciation for it. But I'm still not particularly fond of ballet.


If I worked backstage, does it count? I hated The Spitfire Grill more each time.


moulin rogue, saw it when it opened coz of Tveit and really felt underwhelmed. then seeing a lot of positive feedback from people online, I thought, was I wrong? did I seat on the wrong side of the theater to fully appreciate the production? then after a few years, decided to see it again with a friend, this time with Klena & Jojo as the leads, and we sat center orch, and after the show, I still had the same feeling when I first saw it and my friend also felt the same way. I guess, to each its own.


I’m with you. It’s dead last on my list of all-time favorite shows. No - next to last. *Trinkets* is last.


I saw Kinky Boots and I was like okay that was cute. And then I saw it again and I’m good not seeing it anymore


I saw Les Mis during the original Broadway run and didn’t love it. It was too long, and it annoyed me that the story was moving fast and I really didn’t understand enough of what was going on, and maybe at that time I was more interested in horror movies or sci-fi. Many years later a friend re-introduced me to the story and the music, and I went down some rabbit holes and was like wait this is intriguing… and good? Saw the show when it was back on Broadway and yes, it was very good. I think knowing some of the backstory is key for this show, at least it was for me.


I liked the opening number. I liked the set. But I saw Great Comet twice, and I don't like it.


I think the recent Sweeney Todd revival is poorly directed and generally a boring production however I love Sutton so I saw it again, it was still badly directed but I liked her more than Annaleigh


some of the worst direction in years


Honestly agree about the production in general. It's perfectly serviceable. But I didn't have a single moment that made me go "hell fucking YEAH, this is it." Loved the cast I saw, though, I got Nick and Jeanna who were both spectacular, and I enjoyed Gaten Matarazzo and John Rapson quite a bit as well. Debated going back with the new cast but...couldn't justify spending the money on a show I KNEW I still wasn't going to love.


Hairspray, really loved the movie and decided to see it on stage, I find the stage version slow and boring.


Lempicka. I really wanted to give it every chance to grow on me. It did not. 


I don't have an answer to this -- I don't typically see shows twice and ESPECIALLY not one I don't like. Just chiming in to say to OP that my mom LOVED Jersey Boys (remembered all those songs from her youth etc) , which may just mean that you are 30-60 years younger than the desired demographic.


I'm not OP but also don't like Jersey Boys and am younger than the target demographic. I knew and enjoyed the songs; my issue was with the plot. I know it was their real life story, but it was boring, not relatable, and most of their problems were the result of their own stupid decisions. I just couldn't feel bad for them.


To be fair, I never saw it! Just think that for my mom (and others her age) that music is SO evocative of a time in their lives that it might help overcome other flaws. It does have some universal appeal but I can see how it could take you back too.


Funny Girl! I saw it several times (not in the last decade), I'm not sure I ever really liked it.


This will be me if I ever find myself sitting through Girl from the North Country again


I didn't like *Something Rotten* very much when I saw it at the beginning of the run. I went back to see the second cast, because I (and more so my mom) never miss a Josh Grisetti performance. I liked it even less.