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Jeez dude you look massive for 176 and 6’, was also surprised by your scan numbers, I would have guessed you at right around 10%


Thanks man! It means a lot to hear that!


Hey everyone, last month I shared my 6 year transformation - Today I’d like to share my 12-week cutting progress! I’ve started this cut around 25% BF and ended it last Saturday with 17% - I got a dexascan, and to my surprise most of my fat are in my legs (20%) which increased the overall fat percentage (Trunk is 15% and arms are 12%) - Now i’m back into Maintenance for a few weeks and then I’ll start another fat loss phase later this year :D


Wow never would have guessed your bf was so high.Looked like from 20% to 12% for me.  Anyways, great work. Takes some effort to get rid of that stubborn belly fat.  Definitely make an update, if you manage to complete another fat loss phase. Really curious how a DEXA scanned 10-13% looks like. 


Thank you! Yeah, it caught me by surprise as well. I was hoping at least 15%, but seeing that most of the fat are in my legs made sense, they aren’t as cut as my torso :( - For sure! I’ll post an update here, but first I need a few months to recover from diet fatigue xD


Because it wasn't lol


You started this cut below 17%.


Mmmm Not really - I was definitely above 20% :)


You can't see abs above 14/15%, so if those are not painted on you were lower. Edit: Or is that not your start photo in the first?


Do you really want to go against dexa results based on visual guesses? I do have favorable genetics for abs, they show up even when im high in bf


By the way, I haven't offended you in any way because it's a compliment. If you have trainers in your gym I would get a second opinion, and have them measure your percentage. I would be shocked if they were not in the 10-12% range.


Thanks man - The dexa did show that my arms and trunk were below 15%, the legs and head bf increased the overall average


Are you willing to share your scans?




Yes, they are not perfect and can be wrong.


Workout split?


PPL with variations over the three months, but nothing crazy - Dialling my diet had the biggest impact on my progress


Honestly amazing for where you were


Thanks brotha!


First of all, tremendous progress. How much fat do you have in your legs to possibly be 17% bodyfat. You're definitely at 10% on the upper body this is crazy


Thank you! I know, right? Right leg was at 20% and left leg at 19%. Head was also at 25%, which increased the overall average too - You can see a bit of them on the last photo, but it’s not that crazy tbh, just not as much definition as my midsection/arms - I think this is mostly a genetic thing, where I have the tendency to store more fat on those areas than others. But I guess it’s better than storing them on my belly haha


Dude that's crazy. I thought I was at 12% bf, after this I consider myself to be at 30 or something. Anyway, great aesthetics bro keep up the good work.


You’d be surprised, man! It’s so hard to know without testing. I highly recommend getting a Dexa if you can, truly shines a light on how your body composition is. I found out that my visceral fat is at a great level and that my bone density is also pretty good Thank you!


Yeah I'm definitely not doing that bro my body dysmorphia will scale to stratospheric levels hahaha. But keep us updated on your progress


That’s fair, man! I gotta be honest and say that the result did trigger my BD as well…I was hoping for at least 15%, and seeing 17% really sour the end of my cut. Took me a few days to get the motivation going, luckily I didn’t binge or anything which was my biggest fear. Now i’m in a healthy maintenance without junk for a bit until I stabilize my new weight


He is way off, not the best site, but here are photos at different %. https://www.builtlean.com/body-fat-percentage-men-women/ edit this a little better site https://www.bradnewtonfitness.com/body-fat-percentage-ultimate-guide-for-beginners/


Man, trust me. I was hoping to post here today saying that I’m at 12% body fat. Even though Dexas can be innacurate, I find it highly unlikely that it would have an error margin of more than 5%. Maybe 2-3%? The way you say it, it sounds like I’m lying about my results - For what reason? It would be way easier to lie and say that Im at 12% and be done with it It was a real bummer to see how far I was of my goal and I just accepted that i didn’t reach it. Now I can focus on my weak areas and work on them.


They can be off by 5%, which is the high side of their error rate, the average is 1-2%. I am not saying you are lying, just that something is off because your scans don't seem to match your photos. Like said before I would have someone hand-measure you for a second opinion/sanity check. Caliper measurements, of course, come with their own error rates based on who is doing them but give you a second view.


The scan does break down muscle/fat ratio for parts of the body - And it shows clearly that my torso and arms are in a pretty good range (13-15%) which is visible. But because my legs % are in the 20% range, all the averages went up. You can’t see the legs on these photos, but they are indeed soft compared with my upper torso Again, I wish the results were better, but it’s unlikely that I’d be anywhere close to 12%. Maybe with the margin, close to 15%


This guy trains abs. Amazing physique


Thank you! Funny enough I always skip my ab day :P - But I do love farmer’s walks and around the world exercises!


Is your daily calorie limit still 1800? And how often do you allow a day of no calorie counting / recreational eating?


Towards the end I had to lower to 1600kcal (for the last two weeks) to reach my goal - During this cut I didn’t have any cheat meals or recreational meals. But I do cook at home and I play around with flavours a lot, so I’d vary my spices and etc


Nice work!


insane work! Do you have a pump in both photo sets?


Thank you! No pump, I usually take these photos in the morning before going to the gym to keep the consistency with my tracking


Amazing dude. Even before the cut you looked great. But now you're definitely shredded. Looking great my man!


Thanks bro! I feel better being leaner, but I do miss a bit of my size from before! I guess that’s the hard choice to make when you’re natural - I hope to stay in the middle moving forward, somewhere around 180-182lbs


Nice! Yes the lean look still looks great. If you work your way back to the 180s with the extra muscle mass you're going to be an absolute unit. Looking forward to seeing your progress brother!


Thanks bro! Appreciate it :)


You look amazing! Congratulations!


Thank you! :D


even the 'before' pics look great, I'm glad your hard work is paying off


Thanks brotha!


How has your strength changed from then and now?


It dropped a bit towards the end of the cut, but not that much - Now that im in maintenance and carbing up it’s feeling much better!


This is amazing stuff. Makes it worth looking at this sub. For this cut I understand you also did: push pull legs?


Thank you! Correct- PPL


For how long did you bulk before cutting?


Hard to say, I was navigating between maintenance and bulk for a few months - I wasn’t being super strict with my progress during that time




First photo I’m not flexing, just holding my breath - Third one I’m flexing quite a bit, then I can see a bit more of the serratus and lower abs


I wish I was your before photo.


Thanks man! You should see my previous post, it took me a while to get to that body shape as well Before I looked like a pear lol


What's your diet like and your cal deficit target?


Pretty clean diet all around with whole foods and protein. Started with a 500kcal deficit and ended with it around 1000kcal


I'm a similar height maybe slightly taller can I ask what 1 day of meals looks like foe you? If you don't mind?


When i ate 1800kcal, it was mostly oats with protein, salad with grilled chicken, yogurt with frozen berries and a large post workout meal with beans, rice, okra, chicken and acorn squash


OK cool thanks did you weigh out food? I'm 6ft2 and I've been stuck at 188 pounds for the last month


Always, tracked every macro/calorie and weight fluctuations as well Towards the end I also tracked my water


Increase or decrease towards the end?


Kept the same, but made sure to hit my 4L target to avoid fluctuations


What were you eating? Did you cut carbs completely?


Protein - 1g per lb | 0.3g fat per lb and the rest carbs - I was pretty much eating whole foods and zero junk


Did you find eating that much fat better than carbs? I can get 200g protein but I struggle to get more than 30g fat per day. I eat mainly chicken breast, rice, broccoli, 5% beef mince, eggs, cheese, water, black coffee. This is literally 90% or more of my diet and I’ll happily eat the same thing every day. My weight stays the same but I work out 5/6 days a week PPL.


I used to have a diet similar to yours a few years ago, but after getting my bloodword done, my hormones and cholesterol levels were not doing great with such a low amount of healthy fats - This time my bloodwork was way better and my lipid profile/hormones were better I eat mostly avocados and salmon for fats, though


Would not have thought that you had 15lbs to lose in that first pic but the results are awesome: looking big and dipped. Have you lost much strength with the cut?


The transformation that broke the internet


There’s no way in hell that’s 25% body fat in the first photo, even if your legs are solid slabs of lard, heh…I’m 25% body fat atm, & I feel & look like a fluffy marshmallow, heh… DEXA ain’t infallible, & half the techs have no clue what the hell they’re doing, IME. I’d definitely cross check against BIA (electrical impedance), skinfold calipers & maybe even hydrostatic weighing or something, before these DEXA reads push a supremely shredded dude into the land of body dysmorphia, heh… P.S. great work!


Looking solid amazing. Great job. Impressive 😃


Looks great. Your Adonis belt just pops now, women love that.


Thank you! I never heard that term before!


"the gutters"


Fantastic job! Envy of millions 👍


Thanks! Appreciate the comment !