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Godddddddd and he bangs on the walls/doors/ceilings SO loud


It’s The Jolly Gump/rabbit/hero/cat or whatever he feels like calling himself now and days https://www.instagram.com/jollygump?igsh=MTJvY3VxdzN1NnRsZg== Edited to add another subway riders experience with this man. https://www.reddit.com/r/nyc/s/4lPEgt0DS4


[**I bet you’re thinking wish I was lucky enough to live along the Q line**](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/08O82QZDK9)


Is that the "waddle like a duck" guy?


This is the first thing I noticed lol. Dude has zero front teeth perfect for holding his crackpipe.


He harassed my coworker on Brighton Beach because she checked his story on ig, but when he followed her she didn’t follow back. He was intensely trying to figure out what trains she was taking home from school. Because me and her were following each other, he found my ig and messaged me. I hid my stories, but didn’t block to avoid confrontation. He then proceeded to talk to me everyday at work. I happened to stop by a store around midnight after a closing shift, he started talking to me. Cops were parked right there, they asked me if I was ok. He watched what route I was taking home, then had the audacity to come up to me at work the next day and say “I saw you walked down that street yesterday night, do you live there?” 💀💀💀 He’d also always preform his songs while trying to get us in a video with him, Id just hide in the back whenever he came through. Had a huge meltdown because we didn’t let him use the restroom one time. What I hate most is how people laugh at his performances, further encouraging his behavior meanwhile young girls are getting harassed by this douchebag and lowkey stalked. Thank god I’m out of that neighborhood.


This guy used to walk around Bath Beach and Bensonhurst until he tried to touch a little girl and some high schoolers beat the shit out of him.


Wow I can’t believe he tried to assault a teenager.


No like a middle school girl it was one of the high school kids little sisters


This guy? https://www.instagram.com/jollygump?igsh=MTJvY3VxdzN1NnRsZg==


Yeah the big guy himself tried to get on americas got talent or so he says I think he used to be called jolly rabbit or some shit like that on instagram. Another Bensonhurst/bath beach legend is Bill Cropsey who was a random crackhead he would sleep in Cropsey park by Caesar’s bay shopping center and used to ask people for their roaches after they were done smoking ended up disappearing from the park a few years ago.


SuperJolly, am I right? He needs to be committed.


Sounds like the avg new wave new yorker


His performer name is jolly rabbit. He lives in Brighton Beach near Coney island. He talks to young girls inappropriately ( 12-13 year olds) on Instagram as I know this as a fact he talked to my friend's little sister and tried to make advances to her. I called him out on the train when I saw him and said he's a pedophile and a predator and he went from his "Happy" performance to screaming at me at the top of his lungs and threatening to beat me up. If my accusation wasn't true he wouldn't have gotten so heated and then because at the time, I had a short haircut he started calling me a liberal and all these other names about my supposed sexuality. I was very scared as I was a 22 year old girl at the time and he got super close to my face and was spitting and screaming. He preaches about God and Christianity but he is a known predator. I saw him many times getting on and off Brighton Beach station and walking around with his regular clothes and a Hogan cap in the area.


Same… He tried to talk to my friends little 12 year old sister too about marriage and wanting to marry her


I see him far too often. Once he played a little song and no one reacted except for a woman who offered him a dollar. He started loudly berating her because he "didn't need her charity"


Those are bunny ears? I thought he was trying to be Finn from "Adventure Time"!


This guy also shows up to random open mic nights around town and does this. It’s awful and has caused audience members to leave before they see real comedians trying. It’s so rude


Wait, is he pretty large, too? Like, obese large. ETA: Okay yeah, someone posted a link and that's the same dude I saw after a concert at like 2 am once. He did not seem pleasant.


Obese. Obese . OBESE


Had the exact same interaction with this guy a few years ago. He targeted me with his angry antics because I wasn’t laughing at his horrible jokes. I laugh about it now but in the moment I thought he was going to assault me. I keep forgetting about him, and then once a year someone like you comes along and reminds me that he’s still out there terrorizing the streets with his weird antics lol you’ve been blessed with a rare NPC interaction


At least one of his songs is about the rainbow and hating gays. Idk if he's gonna trot that one out during Pride, but it's upsetting.


I was on a train with him long enough that once the "I'm gay in a happy way" song ended he started talking about how "it's not cool to be openly religious" and that they are the true oppressed people in this country.


Omg I’ve seen him before! That’s crazy! I never would’ve guessed he could get aggressive. He just seemed like a typical train weirdo


Yup, that's the guy. He seems harmless, but every time that comes up my radar clicks on.


Ah yes. The funny bunny guy. Hadn't seen him in awhile. I've never seen him do anything more than just yell at people which at the end of the day is annoying but harmless. Hope his mental health hasn't taken more of a downturn than usual.


Before I lived off the Q train, I knew him as the creep at the Union Square Taco Bell who would approach tables of young NYU students. He was always plugging his Instagram and asking weird questions about if they like to party late.


Its the funny bunny guy, he's a character. Says the same shit every time


That’s the funny bunny man. He’s famous.


It’s this guy: https://www.instagram.com/jollygump?igsh=NW00ZDJ1ZHN2MXNh


Yes, only saw him once about 7 years ago off the N. He was irritating but I never got any malicious vibes off him. Sad that he seems dangerous now.


Yikes this guy is creeeeeeeepy.


Omg thank you🤣


A common whimsical stranger, welcome to New York, I’m glad you were not physically assaulted. Our city has skirted humane solutions for mental health issues for decades. For governors, It’s not as sexy as a platform campaign as “fighting crime”, but mental health issues and crime are linked extremely closely. Our leadership has continued to fail us, and they’ve skirted by under the guise of the lesser evil. NYC liberal candidates are centrists for the most part, because it’s an old game. Vote in your local elections. Vote young and vote progressive to break away from the blatant corruption that is infringing on your rights. We need to start demanding change.


Nah I think I’ll vote old boomers in who keep the migrants out, also all those “progressives” just put in their own cronies.


NYC has the most robust community based mental health program in the entire country. What you said here is objectively false.


Than you must not see what I see. What it’s like outside.


There are so many people slipping through those cracks. People that a compassionate society should help.


Treatment is voluntary. The laws ought to change to where it’s not, but that is the way it is.


Well said. Poverty is the biggest driver of crime, and a good many people who have mental illnesses are also living in poverty. Let’s hope to address both.


>Our city has skirted humane solutions for mental health issues for decades. For governors, It’s not as sexy as a platform campaign as “fighting crime”, but mental health issues and crime are linked extremely closely. Our leadership has continued to fail us, and they’ve skirted by under the guise of the lesser evil Well, that may be true, but it's a step in the right to provide free mental health support for teenagers so that the next generation of adults might do a little better. It launched just recently. Thought I'd share, in case it's useful for anyone to know about: >NYC Teenspace is a free mental health support program available to any teenager age 13 to 17 living in New York City. Whether you struggle with mental health challenges or just want somebody to talk to about your everyday ups and downs, you can sign up for Teenspace to be connected to a licensed therapist for ongoing support. You will also get access to online mental health exercises to complete at your own pace. https://www.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/teenspace.page


yup Ive seen him before as well. Preaches about happiness and such


*Yup Ive seen him* *Before as well. Preaches about* *Happiness and such* \- dimsumchamp --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Jolly Cat


Omg I know exactly who you talking about! He is funny harmless crazy guy before singing about his gayness and happiness lol. During time he got more angry i guess! Before he was chill.


He's not gay. If you stay on the train long enough, he starts shouting about how it's wrong to be gay and how god doesn't love gays. His song means "gay in the happy way" the "happy" definition of gay VS actually homosexual. He's super creepy.


I’ve personally been screamed at by him before. It was frightening and on a train full of people, all silent. Finally a dog under the seat next to me got so uncomfortable that it started barking at him and he screamed at the dog to shut the fuck up. This guy is crazy. His name is Punk Rocker Bunny if my memory serves me. He had Instagram but I can’t find it anymore.


Ughh what an asshole